State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-9-12

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She had a hostile confrontation with a male...who may or may not have been Jason Young. Nobody knows, and she even admits that her memory is not good. Not to mention when she was looking at the picture of Jason, she was already angry because of problems with her ex. Then she sees a picture and maybe the picture looks similar to what we saw.

I doubt the jury saw her as credible given the memory problems.

IMO, JLY has an unforgettable appearance. Go back and look at the photos of him *before* the defense 'cleaned him up.' He's not your typical type guy appearance-wise. On another board he's been described as looking like Quentin Tarrantino. That big skeletal, angular face of his, with his stringy hair, his profile always reminds me of the wicked witch of the west IMO. I have lots of non-descript looking male friends, but nobody who could be mistaken for JLY. You can pick him out of a crowd easily. He's definitely not *average* looking. IMO
IMO LE should have been careful when canvassing to avoid just such an occurance. Show her a lineup of pictures, or two or three of different guys to make sure. I also can't believe another establishment in the area didn't have video in the same time period he was supposed to be in the area. Of course just a video of his vehicle wouldn't be to good either unless there was a clear pic of him or his license tag.
She had a hostile confrontation with a male...who may or may not have been Jason Young. Nobody knows, and she even admits that her memory is not good. Not to mention when she was looking at the picture of Jason, she was already angry because of problems with her ex. Then she sees a picture and maybe the picture looks similar to what she saw that night.

I doubt the jury saw her as credible given the memory problems.

ITA. <modsnip> so while I'm sure the jury doesn't doubt she is sincere, I don't know how they could possibly find her credible.

IMO, JLY has an unforgettable appearance. Go back and look at the photos of him *before* the defense 'cleaned him up.' He's not your typical type guy appearance-wise. On another board he's been described as looking like Quentin Tarrantino. That big skeletal, angular face of his, with his stringy hair, his profile always reminds me of the wicked witch of the west IMO. I have lots of non-descript looking male friends, but nobody who could be mistaken for JLY. You can pick him out of a crowd easily. He's definitely not *average* looking. IMO

He was Michelle's choice and he's not on trial for his looks.

IMO, JLY has an unforgettable appearance. Go back and look at the photos of him *before* the defense 'cleaned him up.' He's not your typical type guy appearance-wise. On another board he's been described as looking like Quentin Tarrantino. That big skeletal, angular face of his, with his stringy hair, his profile always reminds me of the wicked witch of the west IMO. I have lots of non-descript looking male friends, but nobody who could be mistaken for JLY. You can pick him out of a crowd easily. He's definitely not *average* looking. IMO

More like Freddie, Nightmare on Elm St (Sub with Birchleaf)
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We're all adults and watching a REAL trial. While we enjoy discussing the different aspects of the case, legal process, etc., that goes along with this, let's not start off the day on a sour note. We don't all agree on the evidence, culpability of the defendant, etc., that's why there's a trial. To see if 12 responsible people can get together, see the evidence presented and to the best of their ability, agree on a verdict. The hung jury shows it's not always that easy. Now both sides have another chance to see if they can convince another 12 jurors of the defendant's innocence or guilt. Let's hope and pray this time they get it right, whatever that may be.

This post lands at random and thank you for your cooperation.

I think we can all agree there is a third perspective to the not-guilty, guilty aspects of a trial. It's not a popular perspective, but it basically is a "not-proven" perspective. Meaning, the prosecutors failed to prove what we suspect (either way on guilt).

I tend to take that perspective in North Carolina, specifically with the three metro-ish areas. (Raleigh/Cary and Durham being one, Charlotte being the other, with the minor metro Triad following up).

These areas are relatively different and interesting to watch. My trials of choice usually involve domestic violence and a husband/wife situation.

I chose this one and basically think he did it, but I am curious to see what they can do to prove it or not prove it.

Just something to think about because I post things that seem contrary to my belief in guilt, but point towards more technical, legal aspects. It's the pros and defense's pool. I just play in it.
Eeesshhh. Didn't know she was beat so bad her teeth were broken. Poor Michelle. Poor baby who never had a chance.
Eeesshhh. Didn't know she was beat so bad her teeth were broken. Poor Michelle. Poor baby who never had a chance.

She was beaten savagely, an over-kill. Basically her brains were beaten out of her head. :( Probably beaten numerous times after she was already dead. Those on the scene had described it as the worst they'd ever seen in their LE careers. It was a horrible scene, made all the more poignant by the fact that her child was there, alone in the house, with her mommy, like that.
Oh good grief! The teeth were not only knocked out of her, from the gum. Not all of them broken off, but they were able to fit them back into the appropriate socket. :mad:

Poor Michelle,
This was overkill. It was personal. And it was done by someone who hated MY and yet took care of CY afterwards.
This was overkill. It was personal. And it was done by someone who hated MY and yet took care of CY afterwards.

That exact paragraph should be part of the prosecution's closing argument.
At least 30 distinct blows and likely more. On top of attempted strangulation. If that isn't hatred I don't know what is. She was hit all about the mouth as well as her skull. The person beating her to death really wanted to shut her up but good. The circumstances of this murder combined with MY's slayer tending to the child afterwards is probably the most compelling evidence for me. Not a random murder, not a burglary gone wrong. The intent was one thing: to murder Michelle.

Then the killer left bloody shoe prints in the exact size of JY, make of JY's HP that JY conveniently claimed had been donated to charity, yet the shoes were still relatively new and likely in good condition.
But he is memorable for his looks. That's the point.

That's subjective. What's memorable to one person might be average to another. Gracie remembers the customer because he was rude, not because of his appearance. It may or may not have been Jason Young.
My two cents is I hope they get a verdict this time around. I think hes guilty, not sure it can be proven in court though.
We recall jerks, I believe the clerk 100%. Not sure how I feel about her injury and testifying. On the defense side or even as a juror it would but tough for me.

Not in the court room, I would most def convict him.

all JMO and all that good stuff.
Good morning :)

I saw Gracie's testimony and while I believe she did in fact see JY, I could not convict on her words alone. JMO

I missed everything else after she stepped down. Was out of coffee. And I need coffee for this trial ;) So I will have to catch it later online.

Again I know nothing about this case. So far I think the best witnesses were MF and SS.

Good to see so many people here.
You haven't heard from me lately as I have been pondering the significance, as asserted by some, of the testimony relating to the color of "things" and the relevance of what was coming out of the printer, as offered yesterday by the HI manager. I'm sure the reason for those questions will be forthcoming. Surely HC did not ask them just to anger the jury with what appeared to me to be completely senseless questions. Along the lines of asking the sheriff LT if he had ever been to a particular hospital in Va. Gosh, that it was his first time is clearly going to pay a huge role in closing arguments.
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