Statement from Cindy about TM and LP

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I can't really afford it right now but I donated $20.00 to TES. It's not much but if they are still there next week (God forbid) I will donate $100.00 on my payday.
Tim responds to Cindy's statement, also Beary responds to her request for an apology.

Miller responded to the statement.
"This is about Caylee, period, the end," Miller said. "And I would hope, if something has happened to Caylee, I would hope Cindy would want us out here finding her body too. If Cindy wants us to stop looking for her body, guess what -- we are not going to."
Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary also sent a message to Cindy on Wednesday.
"Cindy Anthony was on national TV demanding an apology from the sheriff's office," Local 6's Louis Bolden said at the news conference.
"(It) won't happen," Beary said after a chuckle. "It won't happen. We are doing our job. What we need is credible information, especially from her daughter and that is a message I send back to her."
I can't believe LP is actually offering to bail her butt out again! She should just rot where she is. Does anyone know if she's still in gen pop?

As far as TES goes, she should be ashamed of herself. I feel so bad for Tim who is just trying to help. The marjority of the world believes that poor Caylee is no longer with us and the evidence points to just that. Tim is doing the right thing by trying to bring Caylee home for a proper burial.

I can't believe at one point I actually felt sympathy for this woman!

Leonard knows there's no way Casey is going to tell where Caylee's remains are (and that's the only way he and Tony will bond her out). And if she should comply, then I'd say that it's worth his having made the offer.

I think LP is offering the bond simply to further point up how totally unwilling Casey is to help and what a crock it is that Cindy keeps insisting she's innocent of wrongdoing and that Caylee is alive.
How dare she!?!? Of all the comments she's made, this one angers me the most. I don't know TM personally, but I have so much respect for him and what his organation does. I don't care what she's going through--anyone with half a brain knows he's an outstanding man with an outstanding organization.


:clap: Well said; my thoughts exactly.
Tim responds to Cindy's statement, also Beary responds to her request for an apology.

Miller responded to the statement.
"This is about Caylee, period, the end," Miller said. "And I would hope, if something has happened to Caylee, I would hope Cindy would want us out here finding her body too. If Cindy wants us to stop looking for her body, guess what -- we are not going to."
Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary also sent a message to Cindy on Wednesday.
"Cindy Anthony was on national TV demanding an apology from the sheriff's office," Local 6's Louis Bolden said at the news conference.
"(It) won't happen," Beary said after a chuckle. "It won't happen. We are doing our job. What we need is credible information, especially from her daughter and that is a message I send back to her."

Nice. I am rooting for TES and LE.
I doubtt he can control her either. He will try, but she'll turn on him too when he doesn't "obey" her

I would not want to be her attorney dodging Florida Bar complaints when she doesn't like what you've done or the outcome of the case.

What in the world will Cindy say...

If TES finds Caylee's remains?

The make-believe Zanny killed her. And I BET she killed her at Casey's make-believe job.... so her make-believe boss would fire her! Casey's a wonderful mother, after all.
She never did & never will.

Frankly, I wonder why she even bothered to call 911 & report Caylee missing.... she might as well as gone out to the clubs with Casey & just waited patiently for the make-believe Nanny to send Caylee back home.

THIS WOMAN IS EVIL. Enough excuses have been made for her and her family. They are evil.
Tim responds to Cindy's statement, also Beary responds to her request for an apology.

Miller responded to the statement.
"This is about Caylee, period, the end," Miller said. "And I would hope, if something has happened to Caylee, I would hope Cindy would want us out here finding her body too. If Cindy wants us to stop looking for her body, guess what -- we are not going to."
Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary also sent a message to Cindy on Wednesday.
"Cindy Anthony was on national TV demanding an apology from the sheriff's office," Local 6's Louis Bolden said at the news conference.
"(It) won't happen," Beary said after a chuckle. "It won't happen. We are doing our job. What we need is credible information, especially from her daughter and that is a message I send back to her."

WTG Tim! :bow: :applause::highfive:
and when Caylee's body is found she will lay blame on the general public....

They have already begun that process. I can't remember exactly when Cindy said that Casey wasn't talking because it could put Caylee in danger, but I do know that Cindy said on the 9/02/08 NG show that, "You guys are going to put the coffin -- Caylee in a coffin because eventually something is going to happen to her if we don`t find her."

Unbelievable. My head hurts!! :banghead:
Just donated to TES...I am so angry at that woman, it was the least I could do. Hope many others follow me to that place.

I'm on my way to do the same! I hope they report on the local news there that TES has received the most donations ever and speculate that it is due to Sindy Anthony's actions!
That had me floored.

Even if they couldn't bother to donate them to some group, it was rather early to be tossing them. He was boldly tossing them away. Not carring if folks knew he was doing it.

IT kinda said alot about this family.
Okay this is something that I missed...can someone fill me in on the dumped toys/gifts????
Make it easy for me, guys. Somone post a link.....I'm ready to donate to TES.
OK, agree this was terrible and I am mad as heck!

Let's do something postive about. Let's write all the local Orlando TV stations and the Orlando Sentinel and urge them to do a story about all the good TES has done and what a stand up organization they are. Give the the link to TES site. Maybe if enough people do contact them they will do the a story on TES.

We can also show our support of Tim and TES by making more donations, that will give them a sign of how many of us stand behind them. There is a paypal donation link in TES thread at the top of this page.

Note: You do not need a paypal account to sent money thru paypal, anyone that has an email account can send money and can pay with either a credit card or from your bank account
The law firm of NeJame, LaFay, Jancha, Ahmed, Barker & Joshi, P.A. - Attorneys at Law, located in downtown Orlando Central Florida, is proud of its reputation. We provide legal services and representation to individuals who have been investigated, arrested or charged for all types of criminal offenses.

We handle matters from drug possession charges, DUI, juvenile and theft offenses to the most serious of offenses, including drug delivery and trafficking cases, homicide, Rico, sexual offenses and crimes of violence. Our clients have included people from all walks of life. From first-time offenders to those accused of being career offenders.

Hmmmmmm? So what DO C & GA need him for???
I couldn't believe he did that! That showed a lack of caring. I think it shows the family's true feelings. They don't want people focusing upon them or caring about Caylee.

Actions speak louder than words!

Good points. What ever they disagree with or doesn't fit what they want, they toss out. And get t'icked if it's mentioned again. No one is suppose to bring it up or talking about it after they toss it out.

Many folks have brought up that this is a control issue. WE are suppose to want to be on her 'good side' so we are suppose to ignore what she says to ignore.

Family and friends will play such games in life. If they have to, to 'get along." Even co-workers.

IT only works if everyone has to deal with the displeasure.

So it's rather shocking, when folks stop playing the game. Or they met folks who will not play the game. LE tend to not play the game very well.

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