Statement from Cindy about TM and LP

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I'm still against since in stooping to their level. Although, I understand the frustration.

Me too, I wish all the protesters would go and join Tim in the search for Caylee instead of camping out in front of the Anthony house.
I could only feel sorry she's lost her grandaughter, if she felt sorry she lost her grandaughter. She doesn't care if that baby rots god knows where. In fact she hopes she continues to stay where she is...rotting away.

Truer words were never spoken SuziQ.......
Once the body/bones are found Cindy won't admit it. She needs some sense knocked into her honestly
Originally Posted by memorylane01
i also find it interesting that it is only GA and CA that are being "represented". nothing was said about LA being included in that?

There is our CLUE that this lawyer was not hired just to protect the Anthony's from the media and to sue anyone that says something about them, otherwise Lee would be represented as well.

NOPE charges are coming, trust me....
Might I suggest you use a semi truck to store those! We could probably build a house with those when this is over! We could call it "Habitat for Insanity". :p

LOL, I would have preferred a better venue to meet you all finally..:innocent:
"When people show you who they are, believe them."


That is one of my all time favorite quotes. Oprah likes to follow it up with....the first time they show you.
She is the most ungrateful nasty person I have ever seen.

I would like to know just how much money, gift cards, etc. have been donated to her. Is that money really in a trust fund? Did she contribute in any way to TM and the search, other than run her mouth about Caylee being alive? All she has done is to try and undermine the search, almost to the point that I feel she doesn't want
Caylee to be found.

TM and all the caring people care more about bringing this child home than her own GM. She should be ashamed of herself.

I think all her defensive tactics are indications of being involved in some way with this whole mess, and the fear that people will find out what really happened.

To be fair, I saw George bringing Caylee t-shirts to the command center and purple Caylee bracelets.
Didn't SHE contact TM and ask for his help?? She's a piece of work!!!
The most AMAZING thing about this case, and the biggest mystery, is why Cindy did call 911. It's a mind-blower!

She called 911 to control Casey and get the answer she wanted. Unfortunately for her, she never thought about the repurcussions that once LE is involved they are not going to stop until this is solved. And no, you cannot control or manipulate Law Enforcement.
Those remarks Cindy made were completely uncalled for. I would be thankful for any help I received! If someone spent 50 thousand dollars to bail out a loved one or if someone else spent hours and hours searching for a missing loved one, I would be so grateful, even if we disagreed on certain things. Cindy doesn't understand how lucky she is to have so much help from these people!

I am sorry she lost her granddaughter, but she has really crossed a line. There's being blind with grief and then there's aggressively attacking people who are trying to help you.

She's like a rabid dog who has turned on her owners.
CA better be careful as they could slap 'Slander" charges against her. She should be glad that others care and are forking over alot of money to find her Granddaughter.
Maybe she should see what they are going through in the searches. Gale St John and her team along with TM and TES have to have donations of Food, Water, Gas and etc. in order to do the searching -- until Cindy starts Paying for it then she doesn't have a right to blow off steam.
Those searching are putting up with bad weather, alligators, Snakes, Ticks, Mosquitos and more - while she is shooting her mouth off ..
She should be down on her knees and Thanking them for the help ..
COME ON ALREADY!!!!! Who does this woman think she is??? I have NEVER EVER EVER Heard one bad thing about Tim Miller!!! Not one!!

More importantly..Why do Cindy and George need an attorney?? Especially a high profile one???

Let's see . . . lawyering up and discouraging a search for the body. Things that make ya go, "Hmmmmm."
To be fair, I saw George bringing Caylee t-shirts to the command center and purple Caylee bracelets.

I read someplace that the missing kids network donated the t-shirts.
Exactly what words will get us banned???

Giovanni Gonzalez, 5yo, is missing in a very similiar situation as Caylees. It's been over 3 weeks now and his mother, Daisy,was pleased to have her son's case on national TV this week as he was featured on AMW.

And this whatever (CA) is complaining about rescue teams, bounty hunters and having incredible media coverage at her whim.

Tricia & Mods, please, don't you think one bleepty bleep post per person should be allowed with forgiveness at this point???
Well, atleast this proves, without a shadow of a doubt, where Casey inherited her mental illness. Somebody, puhleeze give that woman a prozac or better yet, some lithium!!!

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