Status Hearings Nov 14, 2017, Jan 22, 2018- Jason Autry and Dylan Adams

If I remember correctly Jason was in protective custody at Riverbend because he had turned on or left the AN gang of the prison and therefor targeted for retribution. He probably gave state's evidence against them the same way as Zach, only earlier. If the prosecution would have only given him some blank maps and crayons he would have testified for weeks, and never implicated himself for anything bad. Anyone who could be so cavalier about gutting a human being has been involved in more than hearing gunshots, IMO. Don't know how they do it but he should spend the rest of his miserable life locked away from the rest of society.

If I remember correctly Jason was in protective custody at Riverbend because he had turned on or left the AN gang of the prison and therefor targeted for retribution. He probably gave state's evidence against them the same way as Zach, only earlier. If the prosecution would have only given him some blank maps and crayons he would have testified for weeks, and never implicated himself for anything bad. Anyone who could be so cavalier about gutting a human being has been involved in more than hearing gunshots, IMO. Don't know how they do it but he should spend the rest of his miserable life locked away from the rest of society.

IMO, the cavalier attitude is the same as people who witness violent deaths....soldies, police officers, EMS, video game users, etc. We have become a de-sensitized society. After you talk about alot, see it over and over again, it's just factual data. The posecution had him very prepared. He had a job to do and he did it. IMO, he was an exceptionally credible witness.
If giving states witness on a variety cases is his way of restitution, I'll take it. I may be one of few that actually believe that he wasn't involved in the murder. But he has extended the time for justice to be served by not talking for such a long time. He contributed to even further suffering to Holly's family.

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I think it is so obvious who told SA, and Dylan that Zach was the one who had shot, and murdered Holly. Imo, it was ZA, himself. He couldn't wait to boast about the horrific things he had done to this innocent young woman.

I feel there were many more witnesses on the state witness list that weren't called to testify who would have testified about how ZA also bragged to them concerning what all he had done to Holly.

In every case like this the state never calls everyone on their witness list for it would make the trial too long. So, imo, there are other witnesses out there that ZA bragged to about his hideous acts against Holly.

In the end, ZA sunk himself. I am so thankful this cruel deviant monster is now off the streets forever.

#Hollybobo Judge Creed McGinley tells both sides we are near doomsday.

The judge tells both sides that they will reach an agreement today or he will set a date for a plea.

He tells the family, agents and defense this has gone on long enough.

We are in in adjournment until 2 pm.

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Thanks it is at 1:30pm Central and I will be posting tweets, if you guys don't see them please let me know

I read coverage started at 10 a.m. Central - but I can’t be online much today so just saw the post about times

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For those who can not "see" the tweets and just the links:

Emi said:

In Hardin County this morning for Dylan Adams' status hearing. He's accused of kidnapping, raping and murdering #HollyBobo. His brother Zach was convicted of the crimes earlier this year and sentenced to life in prison.

Keep in mind the #HollyBobo case is over six years old & Dylan Adams’ indictment is over three years old, so the judge wants to keep this moving.

Judge in #HollyBobo case: Plea agreement for Dylan Adams needs to be reached today

Emi said:

Judge McGinley says this has gone on for too long for everyone involved. If both parties don’t come to an agreement he says he will set a deadline.

The status hearing of Dylan Adams has begun. Judge McGinley says both parties have until 2 pm today to come up with a plea agreement. #HollyBobo

BREAKING: Judge in #HollyBobo case: this has gone on long enough, plea agreement must be reached today.
Thanks it is at 1:30pm Central and I will be posting tweets, if you guys don't see them please let me know

re bold - can't see them....

So hopefully, I'm being helpful.... :)
don't "see" Emi... so

Omer Yusuf‏ @OmerAYusuf

Judge McGinley said both sides made substantial progress even though no agreement was made today and he will reset the deadline for Monday morning #HollyBobo

Bridget Chapman‏Verified account @bchapman_WREG3

Judge says next Monday will now be the deadline for both parties to come up with a plea deal. #HollyBobo

Judge says this can’t be resolved today, but there has been substantial progress. Hearing is being reset for next Monday. #HollyBobo

So - next Monday! :waiting:

Maranda Faris‏ @WBBJ7Maranda
17m17 minutes ago

Hearing is over. We’ll be back in court Monday at 10 am to discuss the possibility of negotiated pleas. @WBBJ7News #HollyBobo

If there’s not a plea by Monday, then scheduling dates will be set. #HollyBobo

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