Stem Cell Transplant Cures HIV In 'Berlin Patient'

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Jul 14, 2008
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"On the heels of World AIDS Day comes a stunning medical breakthrough: Doctors believe an HIV-positive man who underwent a stem cell transplant has been cured as a result of the procedure.

Timothy Ray Brown, also known as the "Berlin Patient," received the transplant in 2007 as part of a lengthy treatment course for leukemia. His doctors recently published a report in the journal Blood affirming that the results of extensive testing "strongly suggest that cure of HIV infection has been achieved."

Brown's case paves a path for constructing a permanent cure for HIV through genetically-engineered stem cells."

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Another article:
Would that not be one of the most amazing bits of news? How wonderful that would be! I'll be watching this...thanks for posting.

Herding Cats
anything genetically-engineered scares me but I guess it's better than certain death
Thanks for the post. Brings hope to many people suffering w/ various diseases. I'm scared too of stem cell cures but it is a great world we need to explore. I just read an article regarding child diabetics and stem cells too.
Don't have the link anymore.

All the best to this pt. and person. Cheers
Prayers for more research /cures.


Science News
Doctors examine AIDS 'cure' case
Published: May 17, 2011 at 11:44 AM

SAN FRANCISCO, May 17 (UPI) -- Doctors say a 45-year-old man in California may be the first person ever cured of AIDS as a result of the discovery of an apparent HIV immunity gene.

Timothy Ray Brown tested positive for the human immunodeficiency virus in 1995, but has entered scientific journals as the first person to have that HIV virus completely eliminated from his body in what doctors have termed a "functional cure," KCBS-TV, San Francisco, reported Monday....

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This is even more cool!
That would be something the very thing that a lot of activist thought was unethical is the very thing that saves lives. If it does work I can see a never ending use for these cells.
This is amazing and made my heart soar with possibilites and life saved. I am fervently hoping that this proves to be an answer for AIDS.

I lost a cousin to AIDS. It was back when it wasn't even called AIDS, I want to say it might have been called GRID back then but it's been so many years that I can't remember exactly what it was called at the time of his death. He died before the mid 1980's.

If only, if only. But he's gone and has been gone for many years. I hope and pray that this will spare other's lives and spare the pain of the family members and friends of those that suffer from AIDS.

Thanks for posting this, what a ray of sunshine that this possibility is!
Back in the 70's they used to save the placenta's and umbilical cords from newborns. I understand that stem cells are found in umbilical cords. Does anyone know if they still do that?

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