Steven Avery & Brendan Dassey get new representation

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Steven Avery from 'Making a Murderer' Gets New Representation
Jan 9, 2016, 1:25 PM ET

A high-profile attorney is now representing Steven Avery, the subject of a popular Netflix series "Making a Murderer."

Kathleen Zellner of The Law Firm of Kathleen Zellner and Associates, P.C. in Downers Grove, Illinois, announced in a press release Friday that the firm "will be assuming the full and complete representation of Steven Avery in all criminal matters."
Statement from SA's new lawyer today.

Ms. Zellner will not be doing any interviews about the Steven A very case at this time.
We are continuing to examine every aspect of Mr. Avery's case and all of his legal options. We
are confident Mr. Avery's conviction will be vacated when we present the new evidence and
results of our work to the appropriate court.

Not sure if this is the right place for this... feel free to move it if it needs to be :)
I'm a big fan of Kathleen Zellner so I look forward to seeing how her work on this case turns out.
This is a really long article with an interview with SA's gf, well ex-gf apparently lol I found this part about Zellner interesting since it seemed like she jumped on this quick. If this is true, she had the files already, and who knows with the hype around this series, maybe she started looking.

Four years ago, Sandy contacted Kathleen Zellner, a high-profile Chicago attorney with a long list of post-conviction victories under her belt, begging her to take Avery's case.
Sandy said: 'I kept emailing and I wrote, 'It's me again, I'm sorry, I'm stalking you but I feel so strongly - you're the one that's going to get him out.'
'Initially, she could not take the case because she was too busy. But she kept Steve's files and said some day she might be able to look at it again.'
Interesting to say the least.

This ONE sided, BIAS, PROPAGANDA filled documentary with defense themed music wasn't created on accident...

May Theresa FINALLY get the Justice she deserves, her family receive factual closure ( Pray none of them are in on this, for HER sake) and the guys get a FAIR & JUST trial along with an IMPARTIAL JURY.
Keeping in mind they are PRESUMED INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty, in a court of law.

If this is true, looks like Kathrine Zellner will be representing BD, as well as SA. Interesting.
All defense lawyers should make potential jurors sign up and post on Websleuths for a week.

Just so they can see these people thinking patterns. Jmo.

Because some people don't understand Beyond A Reasonable Doubt. Jmo.

Which somewhat means. If the glove don't fit; You must acquit. Lol

Which in this case is that they all say she was raped and slashed and shot in the house and garage, etc. But the dna or blood spatter in either places doesn't support that gory scenario . Which simply means that in that scenario; The glove doesn't fit.

Now if she was shot 10 times.

Then wheres the missing 8 bullets. Especially since they should have been recovered from the pit or barrels or something. Jmo.

There was definitely reasonable doubt in how the prosecution said it played out in both cases.

So this means that Beyond A Reasonable Doubt for the sake of innocence ; totally went over the jurors heads. Jmo.

Because I would have some doubt with how the prosecution said it played out. I would have rather that they didn't try to make up things and simply stated the facts with a side order of circumstantial.

Which in this case is that they all say she was raped and slashed and shot in the house and garage, etc. But the dna or blood spatter in either places doesn't support that gory scenario . Which simply means that in that scenario; The glove doesn't fit.

First of all, the 'glove' did fit, OJ Simpson play acted and had a pair of latex gloves on and he made sure that glove wouldn't fit. A few of the jurors in their book said they didn't believe that spectacle by Simpson or Cochran and didn't give any weight to it. So you can put that to rest. That glove *did* fit. And he did own those "ugly *advertiser censored* shoes," the ones he said he would never own or wear. Pictures taken 10 months before the murder prove that very fact.

The only way LE found out what happened to Teresa was through their interviews with Branden Dassey. Until he told them, they had no idea what all went down that day. All they knew was TH showed up, took her pictures, gave SA the receipt and was never seen alive again. Her charred remains were found in the burn pit in SA's yard. What were they to think?

Now we can say Brendan made it all up under pressure and none of it can be believed, but without hearing what Brendan had to say, the investigators wouldn't all be saying anything about what happened during her visit as they wouldn't have known those details.
Hope Zellner takes a hard look at why the garage was the State's murder scene in the Avery trial and Avery's bedroom the State's murder scene in the Dassey trial. Which is it ?

She also needs to take a hard look @ both Bobby Dassey and Scott Tadych - something is up with those two. My theory is that these two took Teresa at gunpoint out to the back of the property by the quarry, raped and killed her, and then dismembered and burned her out there. Would have been no issue for them to move some bone fragments up to the burn pit behind Avery's house, move the Rav4, and plant the key in Avery's bedroom. From the sounds of it, Tadych and Steve Avery didn't get along too well anyways. And the fact that both of them used each other as an alibi ? Did anyone else see them on the afternoon/early evening of the murder out hunting ?

If this is true, looks like Kathrine Zellner will be representing BD, as well as SA. Interesting.

That would be somewhat unusual given his confession which implicates Steven. At some point, Steven or Brendan may for their own self-interest, need to implicate the other which would put an attorney representing both of them in an impossible situation.

Brendan has very good appellate attorneys and his federal habeas petition is pending so it would be odd for him to change counsel now.
Except of course that he's a convicted felon rightfully serving time for being a felon in possession of a firearm.
I thought the firearm charge was odd. Esp since his "felony conviction" was overturned due to the fact that he was innocent.
The only way LE found out what happened to Teresa was through their interviews with Branden Dassey. Until he told them, they had no idea what all went down that day. All they knew was TH showed up, took her pictures, gave SA the receipt and was never seen alive again. Her charred remains were found in the burn pit in SA's yard. What were they to think?

Now we can say Brendan made it all up under pressure and none of it can be believed, but without hearing what Brendan had to say, the investigators wouldn't all be saying anything about what happened during her visit as they wouldn't have known those details.

I'm confused - I thought we've already established that most of what Brendan said was fed to him by the police? I have gotten lost in all the threads about this.
I thought the firearm charge was odd. Esp since his "felony conviction" was overturned due to the fact that he was innocent.

The felony of lighting his cat afire and pointing a gun at his cousin after he ran her off the road...didn't he get convicted of those crimes???? (not sure if the cat thing is a felony but I am guessing the cousin thing was)
The felony of lighting his cat afire and pointing a gun at his cousin after he ran her off the road...didn't he get convicted of those crimes???? (not sure if the cat thing is a felony but I am guessing the cousin thing was)

Yes, he was a convicted felon and what the state of Wisconsin considers a habitual criminal PRIOR to being wrongfully convicted of rape. In fact, six of the 18 years he served in prison after the rape conviction were rightfully served as his six year sentence for assaulting his cousin was running concurrently with the rape sentence.
Fact check. They have information on his current case listed on their website.

Ok, I stand corrected....but when did they start, after all the sensation about this case? Where were they on appeal? As I understand, there was no line of attorney waiting to take up Avery's case? Where was Kathleen Zellner then? Isn't this case right up her alley?

Correction. Innocence Project is not currently involved in the Avery case.

As the film depicts, WIP did respond to a post-conviction request for assistance from Avery by telling him we could not help him at that time. Attorney-client confidentiality rules prohibit us from revealing the reasons for that decision, or the nature of our communications with him. In general, the criteria we use in selecting cases include factors such as the very limited nature of our resources, the high demand for our assistance from many individuals with compelling claims of actual innocence, the long waiting list that we have for our services, the availability of other counsel for the individual, and the potential to develop new evidence of actual innocence that was not previously available or not previously considered by any court. For a fuller list of our case-selection criteria, see the Information Sheet posted on our website at Because new evidence is a primary factor in our case selection process, we are always open to reconsidering any case if it appears new evidence has become available. In Avery’s case, we have consulted with his trial lawyers and other innocence advocates to determine how best to address the issues raised in the film. Although no decision has been made yet, Avery will have his choice now of several excellent teams of attorneys to represent him.
Ok, I stand corrected....but when did they start, after all the sensation about this case? Where were they on appeal? As I understand, there was no line of attorney waiting to take up Avery's case? Where was Kathleen Zellner then? Isn't this case right up her alley?

The Innocence Project doesn't represent people in current convictions. They don't represent people during the appeal process either. They take on cases when no appeals are left and physical evidence suggesting innocence is the only alternative to free the person. (modsnip)

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