Steven Avery & Brendan Dassey get new representation

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Is sounds to me like Zellner is talking about Scott Bloedorn or Ryan Hillages... Anyone else get that impression?
Is sounds to me like Zellner is talking about Scott Bloedorn or Ryan Hillages... Anyone else get that impression?

Along with a few others ;-) Sounded like she had some sort of relationship with a Brad Czech (can be found in the trial transcripts), and basically like KZ said... there was a lot not investigated.

JMO but I have always leaned towards RH.
So if the cell data shows she left the property, I get why Kratz didn't bring it in... what I don't understand is why didn't the defense bring it up? Would it have cost them money to get an expert? or could they have called a representative from one of the cell phone companies to testify to that?

I don't understand either. Both Strang and Buting seem like competent and conscientious attorneys, so why didn't they use such a strong (per KZ) piece of evidence?

I do remember you mentioning the phone pings not being used before, and I thought that was a good point. (I mostly lurk in this forum.) And Kathleen Zellner just confirmed it in writing! :)
Nice to see you peeking out mayqueen :)


Maybe it came down to money, time, resources for Strang/Buting. I'm not sure, but it sure has bothered me, and up until this article, we didn't know they had the information. So now we know they had it... and just didn't use it *sigh*

Zelner on why she took n the Avery case:

“When I watched the Avery case, I felt that the attitude toward him by the prosecutors and the state was that he was disposable. It was almost like a class thing. [His family] didn’t matter, they had no power,” Zellner says. “The longer I watched it, the more angry I got.”

I just knew the phone records were the key! Darn why don't we have her records from 2 days before!
Ok--I have always wondered about this...

There is a truck stop/rest area up in Denmark. Back in the 90's I met my parents there when I was having car trouble coming from my grandparents house further north. Ironically the rest area is 12 miles from Avery's. Some routes show 11.2 miles, others 12.9 and 12.6. I think this is what Zellner is referring to.
[FONT=playfair_displayregular]Halbach made two days before she was killed to [/FONT][FONT=playfair_displayregular]a man recently arrested for sex crimes.
[FONT=playfair_displayregular][/FONT][FONT=playfair_displayregular]Missy---your not all over this yet???? Your slipping girl! [/FONT][FONT=playfair_displayregular][/FONT][FONT=playfair_displayregular][/FONT]:fainted:
[FONT=playfair_displayregular]Halbach made two days before she was killed to [/FONT][FONT=playfair_displayregular]a man recently arrested for sex crimes.
[FONT=playfair_displayregular][/FONT][FONT=playfair_displayregular]Missy---your not all over this yet???? Your slipping girl! [/FONT][FONT=playfair_displayregular][/FONT][FONT=playfair_displayregular][/FONT]:fainted:

If I get the go ahead, I will post it. The guy was charged in Arizona, he went to the same high school as TH (2 years ahead I think). It also looks like their brothers were friends (TH's, and this guys brothers). He lived in WI at the time.

shadowraiths.... or any other mod? can I post a MSM link that shows the story and charges? (I have looked at the Arizona court records and can link that too if necessary)
If I get the go ahead, I will post it. The guy was charged in Arizona, he went to the same high school as TH (2 years ahead I think). It also looks like their brothers were friends (TH's, and this guys brothers). He lived in WI at the time.

shadowraiths.... or any other mod? can I post a MSM link that shows the story and charges? (I have looked at the Arizona court records and can link that too if necessary)

If you can't post can you PM me?
Ok back to Geometry class, kids : )

To Calculate the diameter of a circle fro its area.
1. Divide the area (in square units) by Pi (approximately 3.14159) (12*12 = 144 square miles) * 3.14159 = 45.83666233
2. Take the square root of the result. Square Root of 45.83666233 = 6.770277862
3. Double the radius to get the diameter 6.770277862 *2 = 13.54055572

...and the result...


  • 12 miles.jpg
    12 miles.jpg
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BCA ~ KZ also said 'back the way she came'. So that should help narrow it down too, no?

I still think that she was back where ever she was at 1:52, or in the same area.
BCA ~ KZ also said 'back the way she came'. So that should help narrow it down too, no?

I still think that she was back where ever she was at 1:52, or in the same area.

So, do we assume that the way she came was up County Road B, then traveled back down B toward GZ's. If that is the case, 12 miles would put her 1 street east of I-43 and 310.
So, do we assume that the way she came was up County Road B, then traveled back down B toward GZ's. If that is the case, 12 miles would put her 1 street east of I-43 and 310.

I'm not sure, maybe KZ is just assuming she backtracked the same way she went to Avery's because of all the pings, not just that one.

I saw a picture earlier today (and now I can't find it LOL) it was a zoomed in pic from the video of KZ that was posted with that article... it showed some of the things on her floor that she was investigating, it sure looked like she had photo's of the area, with a bunch of white dots (maybe the towers?) and then other pics that looked like maps with circles (as if showing the towers ranges, kinda like the map you posted)
mayqueen ~ I have said before that I thought it was strange that one side or the other didn't bring in the cell "ping" data.... and then to see the 'document' that was used in the trial that Kratz made, was just silly.

So if the cell data shows she left the property, I get why Kratz didn't bring it in... what I don't understand is why didn't the defense bring it up? Would it have cost them money to get an expert? or could they have called a representative from one of the cell phone companies to testify to that?

I do remember reading in the transcripts that when Buting brought up the last call having a tower number... Kratz objected right away, and then was more than willing to stipulate that it was the "last call she received before the phone was turned off/destroyed", which isn't the same thing as her last ping. IMO Kratz knew about her last ping, and knew what it could mean (that she had left the property)

So, really what we are talking about is someone she had talked to that day--because how would anyone else know she had an appointment with SA(BJ) that day. They had to know she was going there that day in order to plant the car right?
This is why I think it was someone close to her, or maybe her "stalker". I don't really have a solid 'theory', but I do believe that it might be someone close to her. If that is the case, I can see it happening a few different ways. Say she did make it back home.... maybe 'someone' was there, she mentions she just came from Avery's... something happens, she dies, that person would know where her last stop was because they talked before whatever happened.... maybe he takes his chances and hopes no one seen her afterwards. What if her "stalker" was following her that day? He would know where she was because he was following her. I would also like to know what her papers would have said.... her work papers, that were not found. Would they have indicated where she was that day? what time?

If I am to believe that the planting of the RAV4 was done by the "real killer" and that person isn't someone on the Avery property..... if they didn't know before November 3rd, by the time she was reported missing, they had a clue she was at Avery's (especially if it is someone that was 'close' to her), and remember Wiegert's report.... that she went to see STEVEN AVERY, when SA wasn't the one listed that called AutoTrader.... and really, at that time, no one should have known who she seen on that property that day if she didn't speak to anyone after being there, right?


Whoever did it would have had her records from that day because she would have had them with her--so how convenient for them that she happened to be at SA's that day and if that is true--what horrible luck SA has.

I guess I'm back on the fence now....for now anyway...LOL

Whoever did it would have had her records from that day because she would have had them with her--so how convenient for them that she happened to be at SA's that day and if that is true--what horrible luck SA has.

I guess I'm back on the fence now....for now anyway...LOL

I am not sure it's about SA having bad luck.... I think it's about someone taking advantage of an opportunity. If it is someone else other than anyone on that Avery property.... I think it was their "good luck" that she was there that day ;-)

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