Support for George Anthony, in Case He Reads Here

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RN from Dixie

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Oct 12, 2004
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I've only started one other thread in all these years as a member (and that was about the Olympics) so i may get blasted for this. But I was so touched by George's interview. I know there are a lot of supportive comments on the actual interview thread. So maybe i posted this in the wrong place.

But he seems like a man that is torn between two women and a little girl. And while he is trying to keep the peace with his wife (he did take an oath before God), I can tell that Caylee is first and foremost with him.

If i had to guess, unfortunately their marraige won't survive this terrible tragedy. And I think it will be Cindy's doing, not his. I understand this is quite common. As Sharon Rocha states, a tragedy of this magnitude either draws you together of splits you apart forever.

I can't fathom what he is going through. And i feel for him. And pray for him. His adamance that Caylee is alive, imho, is not in defense of Casey. It's his last hope of getting his much loved grandbaby back.

Just my opinion and feelings from my heart and soul.
When problems are swept under the rug, it is never a good outcome. I feel GA let CA run the show and now it is time to pay the piper. KA was allowed to run the family without any consequences and now the worst of the worst has happened.

GA-feel safe & strong & do a REAL search with TES to find your beloved grandaughter. You CAN choose to do the right thing. I support you & implore you to move out of the fantasy world CA has created. Calyee NEEDS YOU NOW.

May your beautiful little Caylee come home soon and may you find comfort and peace in your faith, family and friends.

I am soooo sorry for what George and Cindy are going through. I think the hurt and fear have been visible in their words and their eyes from the beginning.

I hope they find a way to face the truth of what happened to Caylee and find some peace between each other.

I think the way they have been defending Casey and saying they believe Caylee is still alive, is just a defense mecanisim for survival. Facing the truth was just too hard for them. But it will come.... when they are ready....

I hope they find peace in their heart. They need it, soon....

First I would like to say to you that my heart is truly broken for you. I feel your sorrow and your anguish and I understand that you are a completely broken man. I pray for you, and I have prayed for your family many times. But George, I have read all of the statements that you have made, at least the ones that have been made public, and I can tell from your statements that what you know and what you are allowing the public to believe that you know are two entirely different things.

I know that losing Caylee is the rock bottom moment of your life and ever will remain thus, and I know that you worry for your only daughter and what is to become of her. But in all of this, George, Caylee has been lost in the shuffle. Sweet little Caylee IS somewhere and that somewhere is not where she belongs. She can no longer BE where she truly belongs, which is back in your loving embrace and with you in your life, but she deserves to be honored and reverenced and given a proper burial that is befitting the little princess that she was to you and to your wife. Fighting against those who are struggling to bring her home for just this cause is useless George, and it dishonors Caylee's memory.

Step up to the plate and go to bat for Caylee, George, and be the knight in shining armor that rescues her from the cold and dark place where she now lies. There is nothing that is going to make this any easier George. You must stand up and be Caylee's voice, because she is being drowned out by Cindy's cover-ups and Casey's lies and Lee's denials. YOU must be the head of your household and lead your family in the direction that is good and right and true. You must stand George, and in all honesty, at first, you will probably stand alone as far as your own family goes, but there are a multitude of people just waiting to support you George if you will step out in faith and BE TRUE TO CAYLEE.
Ive said from the beginning I did not think that GA and CA had anything to do with this precious Childs disappearence. I breaks my heart to have to watch them go through this. On one shoulder is the weight of not knowing where and what has happened to Caylee, on the other shoulder they still love there daughter very much. I know as a parent and as a Christian we lend a hand of comfort to these people.

May God Bless them!
Only my second I'm getting brave :)

I've believed from the beginning that George and Cindy really didn't know what happened to Caylee. They didn't know their daughter had killed her. Either accidently or pre-meditated. How could you believe that? Of your own daughter? Even if you knew she was not right in the head? You still wouldn't believe she would kill your granddaughter, the love and spark of all of your lives. Not even a chance. If there WAS a fight on Father's day and Casey left w/Caylee....can you imagine the pain and denial Cindy must feel? Knowing she may have provoked her sick daughter into this?

You just simply cannot wrap your brain around it. I know I can't. How could you drive around in your car with your baby girl in there dead and decaying? For days? And then find a place to discard her? And blame it on dead squirrels? They simply won't and cannot believe it, or won't ACCEPT it.

I feel so sorry for them, because I can't and wouldn't believe it either. It's so beyond comprehension. They are in total denial, all of them. To not believe it is easier than the truth.

Casey is nuts. A bone-a-fide full blown Sociopath, and I can't even imagine the depths of depravity in her black soul.

This is so unreal and heartbreaking and bizarre. And as far as George saying to LE over and over, this is me, GA, the Grandfather and husband....he's simply saying it's not me the GA who has to pretend like I believe she is alive for my wifes sake. That's all it is.

Cindy will defend her daughter to the end, because it's all she has left. And she knows it. I'm going to choose not to get mad at her and call her a liar because I think Cindy is so grief stricken and beyond reality that she can't even see how she sounds. This is her worst nightmare. Blame her and George for raising a Sociopath, whatever. I don't care. They still aren't the one's who killed Caylee. They loved Caylee beyond words.

It's truly heartbreaking.

I am so sorry about Caylee. Probably impossible for you right now but dont beat yourself up about it, sometimes no matter what you do, your kids are who they are regardless. You did the right thing telling the truth and dont forget've done your best for your baby grand-daughter and the rest was out of your hands.
Only my second I'm getting brave :)

I've believed from the beginning that George and Cindy really didn't know what happened to Caylee.

Totally snipped your post---just wanted to say I think they both know. George's interview spells that out and he admits that Cindy emphasized the pizza and he went along with it, BUT not to investigators. (PS---you are brave :clap: keep going!)

Just since it's an "All About George" thread....I am struck by the sheer number of times in his latest interview that he mentions his own name(George Anthony) whether it's in reference to talking to himself or that the family is telling him things. I don't think it's a bad thing, but I think it gives him the opportunity, in third person, to tell the truth to investigators.

Godspeed, George. I think you have known for a long time and if TES finds your Caylee, I so think *you* will be relieved since you have been holding those thoughts for 20 weeks. You testified against Casey and you are a stand up guy, caught between two worlds. My prayers are with you.
Remember George its ALL about Caylee! I feel for you George and may God help you find peace when all this is over.
George, you are living a parent's worst nightmare. Just remember....NONE of this is your fault. Casey brought this all on herself. I felt bad that you spoke candidly with the police and poured your heart out to them to only have everything you've said plastered all over the news. That's got to be killing you, but don't beat yourself up over it because your only concern was the truth and finding Caylee. May God bless you and keep you strong.
George, I pray for you and Caylee. I hope that there is closure soon. I cannot imagine the nightmare you have lived with. Find peace and strength in God.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:5-6 New Living Translation
George, I want you to know how lucky I think Caylee was to have a Grandad like you. You dont just love her, you took the time to know her. You know her favourite things, the things that mattered to her and that she loved. You took the time to notice those things, and its always the little things that matter most to a child....

Like the routine of walking together to check the mailbox each day- I can see the two of you walking hand in hand, having breakfast together, going to the zoo....

NO matter what has happened, Caylee knew how loved she was, and always will be by her family.Nothing can ever change that.
You have honoured her, while still protecting the rest of your family. I dont think too many people in this world are capable of that.
Even if Casey couldnt see it at the time, she was lucky to have a dad that looked out for her best interests, and offered her support in so many ways. I believe she will see that one day. I hope that its soon.

In the meantime, I hope you know that you have people backing you, and hoping that you all find your way through this together.
I'm glad to see this thread. I've been haunted by George's interview.

George, if you read this, I am tremendously sorry for your loss. The first time I saw sweet Caylee's face, it was in the video where she is "reading" the book. She reminds me so much of my own daughter--now off at college--that it just tore my heart in two, even imagining something terrible happening.

I can only imagine your pain. I know it must be horrendous.

I know you've fielded a great deal of criticism about how you "handled" Casey. I want to tell you I understand. Well, as much as any person can understand. I am the daughter of a sociopath, and aunt to another. I understand how the most bizarre situations can be manipulated to seem almost normal. I know how a few words can make something terrible seem okay. I know scary the anger is, and how sweet the "love." And I know how important it becomes to just get through the day with some semblance of normalcy.

The family dynamics are....well, I guess it comes down to keeping yourself glued together as best you can. Things like work, routine, other family members (the ones who aren't estranged by the bad behavior, or their disapproval of your response)...they help hold you together. While the sociopath blithely does whatever s/he wants, with no care for the consequences. Consequences are for others to contend with.

People form their opinions based on how they would deal with "normal" people. Our minds simply cannot wrap around the idea that the people we love are devoid of humanity. They can pretend to be so loving when it suits them---and we, desperately wanting that to be the case---revel in that, and for sheer survival shut out the rest.

I'm so, so sorry that you can no longer shut it out. I am so, so sorry that Casey's behavior escalated to diabolical proportions. I know that you had no way of knowing that would happen. And I understand that your response since then has been sheer survival mode.

Please take care of yourself. You have done the best you've known how---and that is all any of us can do. You are not to blame for Casey's actions. There is nothing you could have done.

You--and Caylee--are in my thoughts and prayers.
George, go to Yuri or J Allen. They know the position you're in. Ask them to help you find a therapist who understands the position you're in, and the situation you're in, and can schedule appointments you can get to as you are able.

I think what you need the most right now is someone to talk to, someone who will remain impartial and non-judgemental, someone who will be kind and supportive to you. A therapist can and will do this for you.

From my heart, George, I wish you only the best and all the best. My heart is bleeding for you. There are no happy endings here, I know that, but there can be some resolution, a way to start putting your life back together, some healing, and some relief for your pain. Please believe that. I know it seems impossible right now, but that is because you are immersed in all of it, and have so much to deal with, that it's overwhelming you.

Go to Yuri or J Allen, your minister friend, whoever you feel you can trust, who can explain your situation to a therapist, and get you set up so you have somebody objective you can talk to. Pour some of that pain out, George. Some of that pain and confusion and yes, even anger.

I'm not saying I think you're crazy :) We can all use an objective third party to get things out instead of keeping them inside, in privacy, and without having to worry about what the person will think, and without them wanting or needing anything from us. We can all certainly use some encouragement and support. Therapists can do all that and more.

Again, there is no happy ending, and I am so sorry there isn't, but you can start, right now, to begin to put a life back together. Never the life you had, I know that, but a life with less pain than you have right now. A life where you can begin to walk forward, and feel better than you do right now.

Take care, George. I am deeply sorry for what you are going through. You are, and will remain, in my prayers.

George said somewhere toward the end of the interview something like what about Caylee. Not a quote, and I don't want to find it the link right now.

I think the difference between George and Cindy's feelings in this matter are simply the fact that George has been in LE. He knows first hand what terrible things people do. He has seen and recognized that things weren't right. When faced with the facts pointing to something, he realizes it is possible. He knows what people are capable of.

As for Cindy, I believe she loves Casey like most mothers love their child. This is what keeps her from believing Casey hurt Caylee. She believes Casey loves Caylee as much as she loves Casey, and she knows in her heart that she could never hurt Casey. Therefore, she cannot believe Casey could hurt Caylee. It is very simple and very understandable.

As for what George can do to help her, I have no idea. I think he believes Cindy will go over the edge if she ever acknowledges the truth.

My heart goes out to both of them whether I agree with some of the things that have happened or not. No matter what the truth turns out to be, they still lost their beautiful granddaughter.
Can someone please give me the link to the interview ? is this a onair one or the written one?
I don't know what to say regarding the Grandparents, except I highly doubt they had any involvement in the probably death of dear Caylee, but I think they knew the moment that they found out that Casey had not reported Caylee missing for ONE MONTH that the child must be dead and Casey must have had a hand in it
GA was after all a detective..

Cops have a nose...

I really hope Caylee is found this weekend so this nightmare can be over. As in finding Caylee, convicting and punishing the right people..

But if GA and CA know will they not go down for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice after the fact ?

And please tell me what is LE ?
George said somewhere toward the end of the interview something like what about Caylee. Not a quote, and I don't want to find it the link right now.

George reported to LE that Cindy said she thought Jose B represented Casey's best interest.

George said he responded "Where's Caylee in all this?"

It's all I need to tell me that George truly loved and cared about Caylee.
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