SURPRISE HEARING Friday 18th August

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Not sure what rock I've been under, but just heard about the latest news this morning. What a development. Hope all goes as planned and these young men are released today.

ETA: Are 2 going to be released only or all 3? I'm reading conflicting info.
All three will be released today; IF TH is in Custody..... They must have more than just a hair from him and his friend.

Curious to see how all of this plays out
According to JM's Dad...... He will be going to California
And Hopefully Terry Hobbs will finally be left alone.......
Here is Damien Echols Wishlist: [ame=""] Damien Echols #SK931: Wishlist@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

He's creepy
I would be curious how this if true would affect any sort of compensation for the 3
And 1,697 books have been purchased:

[ame=""] Damien Echols #SK931: Wishlist@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
I think this is long overdue. I don't believe any of them committed the crime. I do find it troubling that they are expected to admit guilt though. And I do think it is in part to help the state "save face."

I hope the case is further investigated and the real killer(s) brought to justice.
Does anyone have a link for a live feed from a local news station?
Whoa! This IS huge. Hopefully we will have a lot more answers than questions in the near future.

All three will admit guilt to the crime and two will be released with time served
Steve Branch, the father of one of the victims tells us Damien Echols will be one of the men released

Only because there's so much controversy about this case I took a step back a while ago from scrutinizing this case so heavily...but I don't get this. Acknowledging the state "has evidence" seems paradoxical and like a defensive play on the states part.

I'm hoping the defense lawyers for these guys seriously look at the fine print in this, I'm happy for their chance at freedom after all this time, but this seems like someone/some agency is now having to do CYA...

JMO, and admittedly over my head in the weirdness and complexities of this case.
Wow, just seeing this now. This is shocking news!!! I'm on pins and needles!!

All three of the men -- Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley Jr. and Jason Baldwin, dubbed the "West Memphis Three" -- are expected to attend the hearing in Jonesboro, Arkansas.

A source close to the case said a deal is in the works where the men can be freed Friday and maintain their innocence.

The deal involves a complicated legal maneuver in which the three men would have to acknowledge that the state has evidence it could use to try and convict them

:waitasec: LOL ..well that's clear as mud, isn't it.
I have been watching this case for yrs and I am happy for them..The DA in this case will NEVER admit to making a HUGE mistake and give the state a black they are giving the 3 guys the only way out and that is to admit they did it..Its BS of the DA to do this to them b/c the 3 will never be able to clear their names!But those of us who know they are innocent will always believe they are,but the DA wants them to STILL been seen as G.
It will be intresting to see if the Police go after the real killers after they are free..probably not b/c the 3 have admitted to doing the killing to get out of jail...There is a killer out there who got away with 3 little boys murder..
I wonder if they will ever find the real killer or killers?
Lived in the area when this happened and was SHOCKED at the politics involved, mob mentality, and fear of people that are different than you or me, that led to conviction despite lack of evidence. Have followed closely for years and then backed away.

I come back today with high hopes of gaining freedom for the WM3 and a chance to find the real killer(s). I don't care about their reading interests or how they looked back then or what their religion is. I care that three innocent boys were wrongly convicted, IMHO.

I knew the new Judge back in the day, and had high regard for him; He will work tirelessly to do all he can for justice, even if it is not a perfect outcome.

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