Susan Atkins wants out of jail to die...

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Her parole was denied.

Her parole was denied-but she is getting a compassionate release from this earth! More than the victims got when they were released from this earth in 1969!!:twocents:
I am assuming she just wanted to go home and die among family, and I would think her family can visit her in the facility where she is being cared for, so it probably won't be that much of a different experience for her - where she actually is when she dies.

I am not surprised the request was denied a second time. I could not see that anything much had change from before when she requested compassionate release.
She Ain't dead yet? Maybe just maybe she is being suffering because of her crimes. I'm glad she is still in prision.
Her parole was denied-but she is getting a compassionate release from this earth! More than the victims got when they were released from this earth in 1969!!:twocents:

A simple "thanks" didn't seem like enough. I totally agree with your post. Her victims didn't get to even ask if they could die in a certain place, why should she be granted that privelage?
Fri: Former Manson Disciple on LarryKingLive
Exclusive! Former Charles Manson disciple Linda Kasabian on the murders that shocked the world. The star witness in the case against Manson speaks publicly for the first time in decades.

Plus, Sharon Tate's killer -- dying and denied parole for the last time! Tate's sister speaks out.

And, Vincent Bugliosi, on the impact the crime continues to have 40 years later.
Boy am I confused LOL I thought Susan Atkins was paroled last month and was let out on a Sunday. I also thought she was not at the Tate house so not a part of the killings there.

On TV I saw a picture of her lying in a hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around her head. I didn't know her cancer was that far along.

Pardon me as I haven't read this whole thread xox

ETA: I bet I'm thinking of another member of the clan. She had reddish hair and was also in the news lately.
Boy am I confused LOL I thought Susan Atkins was paroled last month and was let out on a Sunday. I also thought she was not at the Tate house so not a part of the killings there.

On TV I saw a picture of her lying in a hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around her head. I didn't know her cancer was that far along.

Pardon me as I haven't read this whole thread xox

ETA: I bet I'm thinking of another member of the clan. She had reddish hair and was also in the news lately.

scandi you might be thinking of Squeeky Frome, she was a Manson follower but wasn't involved in the murders.
scandi you might be thinking of Squeeky Frome, she was a Manson follower but wasn't involved in the murders.

Thanks Wonders for the reply. Yes that was her. I just went and found the thread. O/T, but she was in a prison hospital too before she was released. Was it for mental issues do you know? ;}
I thought Susan Atkins was going to die any day a year ago. Glad she's going to die in prison.
Just to give you a taste of why someone on the other side (Me!) might have no problem in letting her go home to die and believe it's the right thing to do:

I don't believe in prison as punishment. There's no punishment on earth suitable for the crime she committed, so I leave justice to a higher authority and don't care a whit if I "see" it or not. I do believe prison is appropriate to keep the rest of society safe from those who have proven dangerous and/harmful.

I don't look at prisoners as , but as fellow humans who made terrible choices. Those terrible choices don't negate the fact that they are humans who should be treated humanely. They have worth just as the rest of us have worth.

She was not compassionate when she murdered Sharon Tate. But I hold myself and society to a higher standard than a murderer. I think we should show compassion because it is the right thing to do. It is the high road, the honorable path and what many of us are called to do by our spiritual beliefs.

It costs us nothing monetarily to allow her to die in the care of relatives. In fact, as a society, we would save money because she would only be released to family memebrs who agreed to be completely financially responsible for her care.

It costs us nothing riskwise to allow her to die in the care of relatives. She is no longer a danger to society.

I'm about creating a "treat others as you would be treated" world and not "a treat others as they treat you" world.

Anyway - I'm not trying to change anyone's minds here. I surely understand the desire for someone to "pay". I don't necessarily understand the desire for someone to suffer - I hate that any of us here suffer, whether we "deserve" it or not. I was just sharing with you the honest feelings that run through my heart when I read a story like this.

I believe in being compassionate. But I also believe in truth in sentencing. I am very tired of hearing that people are sentenced to life. Because I always figure they will be out in 10 years. Anything less than life, I just feel like the justice system has failed to hold to it's word.... to the victims, to the citizens and even to the prisoner also. They promised life.

I also believe in being compassionate. That is why prisons have hospital wings. I wouldn't agree with not providing medical care for a prisoner. She will recieve her medical care and even her pain medicine in prison. Good enough for me.
Read Helter Skelter and then try to say she deserves compassion! I read this when it first came out and half way through I had to stop. I was 16 at the time and I cannot explain the fear and the nightmares that followed. As an adult, I finally finished reading and have read it several more times. The internet has now become a source of much more information on this case.

I really do believe that she has changed and found God, but the victim's families have to live with this for the rest of their lives! No matter how much time has passed, they still feel that pain and I think it would be a slap in their faces if she were allowed to go home to die.

Only God can show her mercy and set her free. That's the way it should be.
Read Helter Skelter and then try to say she deserves compassion! I read this when it first came out and half way through I had to stop. I was 16 at the time and I cannot explain the fear and the nightmares that followed. As an adult, I finally finished reading and have read it several more times. The internet has now become a source of much more information on this case.

I really do believe that she has changed and found God, but the victim's families have to live with this for the rest of their lives! No matter how much time has passed, they still feel that pain and I think it would be a slap in their faces if she were allowed to go home to die.

Only God can show her mercy and set her free. That's the way it should be.

I've read Helter Skelter 3 or 4 times and still believe she deserves compassion! That said, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about it- just weighing in.

Regardless of where she spends her last days, it does not sound like she will be here much longer.
She is not in a regular hospital.. From what I have read, she is in the prison hospital, which from what I understand, is an excellent one.

This is from the website her lawyer-hubby maintains:
She is currently in a Skilled Nursing Facility within the California Department of Corrections where she is happy, comfortable, content, and prayed up, and where she continues to receive incredibly good care at the hands of dedicated and compassionate doctors, nurses and aides. Her affliction causes her no pain.
So considering what her husband wrote - I for one don't feel the least bit bad that her parole was denied!!:twocents:

She is married to an attorney?????????? Where is his brain for pity sake. Sounds like she has it better then some people out here who are dying. I think I remember hearing that she became a christian years ago. If so, she should know that she is right where she belongs.
I've read Helter Skelter 3 or 4 times and still believe she deserves compassion! That said, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about it- just weighing in.

Regardless of where she spends her last days, it does not sound like she will be here much longer.

The only compassion I feel she should receive, is what she is getting right now. Medical care to ease her pain, but it ends there for me. I do not believe in a compassionate release from prison.

You're right, I don't think she will be around for too much longer.
The only compassion I feel she should receive, is what she is getting right now. Medical care to ease her pain, but it ends there for me. I do not believe in a compassionate release from prison.

You're right, I don't think she will be around for too much longer.

I absolutely agree with you. She's received more compassion than any of the people she was involved in murdering. I honestly don't see how she could expect any more than she is being given.
She has spent all this time in prison so she needs to finish her life sentence in prison. She is being treated more humanely then she treated her victims.
Read Helter Skelter and then try to say she deserves compassion! I read this when it first came out and half way through I had to stop. I was 16 at the time and I cannot explain the fear and the nightmares that followed. As an adult, I finally finished reading and have read it several more times. The internet has now become a source of much more information on this case.

I really do believe that she has changed and found God, but the victim's families have to live with this for the rest of their lives! No matter how much time has passed, they still feel that pain and I think it would be a slap in their faces if she were allowed to go home to die.

Only God can show her mercy and set her free. That's the way it should be.

I don't think she's truly remorseful b/c I don't think she's capable of it. She's a con, she knows the right things to say in front of the parole board. I'm sure her care in prison isn't as cozy as it would be at home, but it's not squalor either. Also, she was supposedly on deaths door over a year ago so why should anyone believe that she's really going to die now. She was sentenced to life. Well, dying (whenever that may be for her) IS a part of life so she should suck it up and die in prison, where she belongs.
This is a bit off topic, but has anybody watched the new documentary about the whole Manson killings on the history channel? It was on last night and dh and I watched it. Truely chilling.

Thanks Wonders for the reply. Yes that was her. I just went and found the thread. O/T, but she was in a prison hospital too before she was released. Was it for mental issues do you know? ;}

Your welcome scandi. Yes it was. I think she's a very scary person and it wouldn't surprise me to see her in the headlines once again one day.

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