Susan Powell's Blood Was Found In Her Home

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Are we allowed to sleuth her?

Dunno! She held a publicly elected office and is quoted in articles on this case, in addition to other matters of county business.

BBM & Snipped :

JMO ... but since she was "elected" to office, she is a 'public figure' ... so absolutely IMO she should be sleuthed !

She is accountable to the people who elected her and the 'taxpayers' who pay her salary !

MOO ...
So, is that the "stain" we've talked so much about? The one with the fan blowing on it? Lordy, they found her blood right next to the sofa, and still they could not take action? And a hand-written will? What does it take? A video tape of the actual deed?

WVPD needs to start looking deep within could they take no action on the matter? Wish I could have been a fly on the wall during their various conversations when they made their decisions....I've tried to be supportive, but this news makes if very difficult.


Wow, I just came home and logged in to read while I ate a piece of Key Lime Pie I brought home from the restaurant and now I don't even want it. I'm literally sick to my stomach reading that this evidence was just sat on and no action was taken to put Josh Powell behind bars. These two innocent little boys would be alive today if the DA had given the "go ahead" on this arrest. I agree with you, "What else did he need, FGS? :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: This DA needs to be charged with failure to do his job.
BBM: Would you have rather have them left with the Powells or maybe complete strangers? The Cox family loved those boys and did everything in their power to get them and keep them safe. The failure here lies with the WVPD not informing the WA authorities and DHHS of exactly what they knew. The Cox family have suffered way more than enough, at least they have the memories of the boys those last few months.

I totally agree Josh should have never been granted visitation supervised or unsupervised. Josh should have been in jail in Utah
BEFORE he had the chance to move the boys to Washington to be with his sickening father.

I really don't think the amount of blood here matters, there was enough to do DNA. Apparently, there was enough cleaning of the blood to have the fans running to dry certain areas. Along with the blood you have all of the other evidence.

My question is why wasn't Josh arrested for tampering with evidence for removing the SIM cards from both his and Susan's phones? I mean seriously, he committed a crime by doing that.

Josh made it so obvious that he was involved in Susan's murder that Ray Charles and Helen Keller could have seen it!

I am sickened and upset after reading these search warrants. Two innocent boys are dead all to "protect the integrity" of WVPD's investigation.....Hope that whomever made that decision can sleep at night, because I sure didn't last night...

JMO, IMO, MOO, :moo::moo:, and all other disclaimers...

Very well stated. Exactly what I was thinking but you had already stated it.
I wonder if LE checked this storage unit facility. It's 20 miles south of WVC, right off the pony express trail. He drove 20 miles south after talking to JoVonna and telling her he was in WVC. Also, I posted a map on the thread for SP showing it's exactly 400 miles to the border of ID/OR (Ontario). You can key in the destination here to see.

ETA: There is also a retention pond across the hwy (east).

[ame=",+UT&daddr=I-15+S&hl=en&ll=40.476228,-111.906234&spn=0.003093,0.005021&sll=40.476007,-111.903348&sspn=0.012372,0.020084&geocode=FZ3nbAId5v9S-SmziDX63YxShzHlrHiNmXR79Q%3BFWCgaQIdGndU-Q&oq=bluffdale&mra=dme&mrsp=1&sz=15&t=h&z=17"]West Valley City, UT to I-15 S - Google Maps[/ame]
Okay fine, assume our incompetent people are right and there wasn't enough to convict Josh.
So, there was no arrest in sight in the near future. What should the next focus be?
Two little boys who were with a man you believed killed their mother... and you DID have enough evidence to remove them.

I don't care that they didn't arrest or charge Josh.
I care that they didn't give Washington ANYTHING to take the boys away and/or keep them away completely.

Why they didn't charge Josh, is secondary to me.

The #1 issue is why they didn't save those boys.
The very last statement he the affect of "trying to get strong case xxxxxxx? Was that last word OFF? What did he say? TYIA

He said that he believes someone rolled the dice in an effort to get a strong case and lost.
Basically chose to keep the information away from Washington hoping they could get a strong case before anything happened to the boys...
But they lost. Obviously.
Remind me not to move to West Valley City, UT ever, ever, ever.


"Despite public scrutiny and criticism from Susan's family after Friday's press conference, the Mayor of West Valley City is standing by the police department in its investigation into the disappearance of Susan Cox Powell."

More at link, including video with the mayor speaking.

I could puke.
This is all just shameful. Scott peterson was arrested, tried and sentenced to death with no blood of Laci in the house... It's too late for regrets... But dang. Those boys could be alive today if they had acted on the obvious evidence that he murdered the mother of his children. Sad!

Sent from my iPhone
Remind me not to move to West Valley City, UT ever, ever, ever.


"Despite public scrutiny and criticism from Susan's family after Friday's press conference, the Mayor of West Valley City is standing by the police department in its investigation into the disappearance of Susan Cox Powell."

More at link, including video with the mayor speaking.

I could puke.

Winder is a former PR exec who lost his job for writing phony articles under an assumed name, quoting himself and using a phony picture. A real prince of integrity - with probable gubernatorial ambitions. Old-time Utah family, and note he says, "When you're in the legal community...." I believe he is related to the prominent law firm in SLC by the same name. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. So all these boys need to keep their standing in the "legal community" and that's their priority.
Agree. I'm also confused because the one MSM report says the blood evidence was found on the comforter from the storage unit, and the then the other says on the floor.

There is a lot that does not jive, imo, but I'm going to review all of the MSM reporting before listing. I had asked numerous times-- and even the reporters-- on the descrepancy of what was found on the, keys, and purse because the reporting had not be consistant (in many articles).

And if her cell was in the van....why couldn't they track it's pings to where he had been? Did he remove the battery? IMO, upon finding a shovel, a tarp and a gas can in the van, that was enough for any jury to convict with all the other circumtantial evidence, imo. No trace evidence of "crystals" on that shovel...and the tire tracks? No DNA of Susan on that tarp? :banghead:

More later..
I'm not sure if anyone has answered some of these questions... here's what MSM is saying.

1. A comforter found in the Powell's storage unit in Washington after his and the boys' deaths tested positive for blood:

SEATTLE – Police in Washington state who searched a storage unit rented by Josh Powell found a stained comforter that tested positive for blood in initial exams, according to documents filed in court Friday.

Pierce County detectives reported finding a gray-blue comforter with a stain. The search warrant documents say the comforter tested positive for blood. Investigators planned to perform further tests.

Read more:

2. The blood that was identified as Susan's (apparently very early on!) was found by investigators searching the Powell home in Utah, shortly after her disappearance. It was found on the tiled floor near a couch that had been cleaned.

Shortly after Susan Powell disappeared, authorities found blood evidence on a floor next to a sofa and determined that it was Susan Powell's. The sofa appeared to have been recently cleaned, and two fans had been set up to blow on it.

Read more:

3. As to which of Susan's belongings the Utah LE found in the bedroom upon Susan's disappearance (not sure about them being found on the bed itself):

Susan Powell's purse, keys, credit cards and other belongings were found in the couple's master bedroom.

Read more:

4. Her cell phone was found in the console of the family SUV, switched OFF, and with the Sim card removed.

An investigation of Powell’s vehicle found a generator, blankets, a gas can, tarps and a shovel. Susan Powell’s cell phone was found in the center console of the car in the off position.

“We believe that Josh intentionally removed that SIM card from the cell phone in an effort to thwart investigators,” Sgt. Mike Powell told reporters.

Frankly, I wish I had not signed on and read this tonight. I was having such a good day.

Remember that ridiculous search in the desert, at the mines when they invited the media along on a wild goose chase? I posted that they seemed like Keystone Cops. ETA: But I also wondered if perhaps I was missing something and they had good reasons for doing what they were doing.
Reading this, it looks like they were just Keystone cops.

This is a disgrace.
Saw this on the front page and I'm sick, angry, and heartbroken Poor Susan Josh Powell was evil incarnate and now we find they probably had probable cause to make an arrest and Charlie and Braden would be alive if they had MOO :maddening::banghead::furious:
I'm having a little trouble with the letter/will and testament, just because it was dated in the summer of '08...almost a year and a half before she went missing in Dec of 09. Her friends had mentioned how they were getting along alot better in the past year, yet did say they were having difficulties prior...and the bankruptcy was in 2007, iirc. Then you have her seeking counseling just prior to her disappearance and giving JP ultimatums. Also, I'd have to go back and review the insurance policies again, to see how they all fit in with this. Why wouldn't she leave (in 1 1/2 yrs) if she was so afraid of him...and why didn't she tell Kiirsi, Jen or anyone else her deep seated fears of being harmed? If anyone can find info on that, please post.


I'll preface my reply with: Please, let us all avoid religious criticism/arguments and LDS bashing. Please. Okay? Okay. Thanks.

However, I would ever so tactfully point out in answer to your query here that as a rule LDS spouses are generally encouraged and counseled by their church advisors to work diligently to sustain their marriages and to consider divorce only as a last-ditch effort.

Many articles at this link:


I bring this up only because it has been reported that Susan sought advice from her church counselor, and that the ultimatum/conditions you mention had to do with Josh returning to regular attendance and participation in the church.

Here is a report from the Deseret News in Salt Lake City, written just a couple of weeks after Susan disappeared in Dec. of 2009:

When Josh and Susan Powell were first married, both were very active in the LDS Church, Petersen said. They were sealed in the temple. But once they moved to Utah, Josh Powell stopped attending church.

Petersen said the Powells' marriage counselor instructed Susan Powell to set specific goals. Susan Powell told her husband that her goal was for him to become active in the church again by the end of 2009 and to have his temple recommend again by their anniversary in the spring. Otherwise, she was going to divorce him and take the children, Petersen said.

That could, in part, explain why Susan stuck it out for so long. And IMO Josh's failure to meet the conditions may have been a trigger for what befell poor Susan. JMO
I'm having a little trouble with the letter/will and testament, just because it was dated in the summer of '08...almost a year and a half before she went missing in Dec of 09. Her friends had mentioned how they were getting along alot better in the past year, yet did say they were having difficulties prior...and the bankruptcy was in 2007, iirc. Then you have her seeking counseling just prior to her disappearance and giving JP ultimatums. Also, I'd have to go back and review the insurance policies again, to see how they all fit in with this. Why wouldn't she leave (in 1 1/2 yrs) if she was so afraid of him...and why didn't she tell Kiirsi, Jen or anyone else her deep seated fears of being harmed? If anyone can find info on that, please post.

Anyone know how JP was allowed to get ahold of her 401K...since she was still 'just missing'? Was it a 401K or stock investments that include his name also? TIA

eta: After reading the SW pdf, it states he acquired the monies by way of POA, so I'm 'assuming' Susan must have signed one previously or had it set up if she was ever "incapacitated" he would have the authority to take the reins so to speak. ? Anyone with other thoughts on this?

If she had left him, she knew he would get unsupervised visits with the kids, Knowing him the way she did, that was probably enough to keep her there to protect them.

In the end, her fears were justified. She didn't even leave him yet, he "destroyed" her and her sons.

As far as why she didn't tell anyone, IIRC, she did voice some of her fears to her friends and family. Her family urged her to have a secret bank account, also IIRC, as a result.

She knew this monster. She had a gut feeling as to what he was capable of, based on knowing him, and based on her feelings. But telling a court that he said, "If you leave me, I'll destroy and the kids will have no parents" would have been unlikely to restrict his visitation rights to his kids much. He seemed good at hiding his real self from most people. Susan would have had a very difficult time protecting herself or her kids had she tried to leave earlier, based on her feelings and an allegation as to what he stated would happen if she tried to leave. The court would have demanded much more.
Those DA's were looking for the "smoking gun" (Susan's body) to make their case 100% air-tight to just about guarantee a "guilty" notch on their belts. Given the vast wasteland and abandoned mines in their search areas, I have sincere doubts her body would ever be found.

Yet, at that point, they had formidible evidence that Susan was dead, including a 4-year-old witness who told them that she had gone on the camping trip and was dead. Even excluding the last will and hearsay evidence, they could have made a powerful case based on the facts they had at hand.

They could not have asked friends and relatives what Susan said to them, but they could have said what they told Susan to do, such as set up a secret bank account, etc. It was a winnable case, but it would have taken some serious talent on behalf of the prosecution.

Just ask Shakara Dickens, who was recently found guilty of 2nd degree murder and other charges in the death of her infant daughter, Lauryn on much less evidence.

The case is notable because the child’s body has never been found.

I have to wonder if they even considered the plight of Charle and Braden, living with the man who murdered their mother.

All the above is MHO, MOO: my thoughts only.
If she had left him, she knew he would get unsupervised visits with the kids, Knowing him the way she did, that was probably enough to keep her there to protect them.

In the end, her fears were justified. She didn't even leave him yet, he "destroyed" her and her sons.

As far as why she didn't tell anyone, IIRC, she did voice some of her fears to her friends and family. Her family urged her to have a secret bank account, also IIRC, as a result.

She knew this monster. She had a gut feeling as to what he was capable of, based on knowing him, and based on her feelings. But telling a court that he said, "If you leave me, I'll destroy and the kids will have no parents" would have been unlikely to restrict his visitation rights to his kids much. He seemed good at hiding his real self from most people. Susan would have had a very difficult time protecting herself or her kids had she tried to leave earlier, based on her feelings and an allegation as to what he stated would happen if she tried to leave. The court would have demanded much more.

I agree with you, gitana1. I am pretty sure that Susan "saw the writing on the wall" (figure of speech) so to speak.

I said much the same thing in my post #65, 2-9-12:

IMO, the reason why some mothers stay in marriages where they are abused, is because they want to physically be there to protect their children. They know that the court will probably order visitations with the father (who is abusive to them), and at those times, the mothers will have no way to protect their children.

This could be the reason Susan stayed, even though she recognized that she was in imminent danger for her own life.
I'm not sure if anyone has answered some of these questions... here's what MSM is saying.

1. A comforter found in the Powell's storage unit in Washington after his and the boys' deaths tested positive for blood:
SEATTLE &#8211; Police in Washington state who searched a storage unit rented by Josh Powell found a stained comforter that tested positive for blood in initial exams, according to documents filed in court Friday.

Pierce County detectives reported finding a gray-blue comforter with a stain. The search warrant documents say the comforter tested positive for blood. Investigators planned to perform further tests.

Read more:

2. The blood that was identified as Susan's (apparently very early on!) was found by investigators searching the Powell home in Utah, shortly after her disappearance. It was found on the tiled floor near a couch that had been cleaned.

Shortly after Susan Powell disappeared, authorities found blood evidence on a floor next to a sofa and determined that it was Susan Powell's. The sofa appeared to have been recently cleaned, and two fans had been set up to blow on it.

Read more:

3. As to which of Susan's belongings the Utah LE found in the bedroom upon Susan's disappearance (not sure about them being found on the bed itself):

Susan Powell's purse, keys, credit cards and other belongings were found in the couple's master bedroom.

Read more:

4. Her cell phone was found in the console of the family SUV, switched OFF, and with the Sim card removed.

An investigation of Powell&#8217;s vehicle found a generator, blankets, a gas can, tarps and a shovel. Susan Powell&#8217;s cell phone was found in the center console of the car in the off position.

&#8220;We believe that Josh intentionally removed that SIM card from the cell phone in an effort to thwart investigators,&#8221; Sgt. Mike Powell told reporters.


BBM In the conversation josh had with a neighbour soon after Susan went missing, he said that he had to buy a new comforter. He also had to but a new phone; what else did he get at WalMart? He gave clues, almost as if he were taunting people.
Facts about domestic violence:

- On average a victim leaves their abuser 7 times before they are able to permanently end the relationship.

- Emotional (also known as psychological and/or verbal) abuse is often not only misunderstood but also minimized. I can see many in Susan's immediate circle unknowingly excusing or justifying Josh's abuse.

- There are many reasons a victim stays with her abuser but among the most common are: fear of losing custody; the abuser having unrestricted access to the children; lack of resources such as funds or housing; fear of the abuse escalating even more; condemnation of friends and family, etc.

- 75-80% of victims leaving, or preparing to leave, domestic abuse will die at the hands of their abuser. This is actually the #1 reason victims do stay.

- Because of the nature of emotional abuse it is very easy for even the victims to minimize, justify and excuse their abuser's actions - often doubting their own perceptions in the process. Few realize that emotional abuse can be every bit as deadly as physical abuse.

- Michelle Young was in an emotionally abusive marriage. Michelle had one, just one, counseling session with a therapist who identified her marriage as verbally abusive before her husband battered her to death.
I am honestly convinced if societal and judicial opinions were to change about domestic violence we wouldn't see as many cases like these as we do.

The abusers often have family law statutes on their side. Society still condones victims - e.g. 'If she was so afraid'; 'If he were really that bad' when in reality we should be asking why, if we know there is a 50-60% overlap between domestic violence and child abuse; if we know that emotional abuse can lead to physical abuse and/or murder; and if we know that victims of domestic violence (especially emotional) are often left without any legal recourse against their abuser why our laws aren't changing as well. Unfortunately even when a victim does have access to legal remedies (because his/her abuse was 'bad' enough) domestically violent offenders are still being offered lesser sentences, dropped charges, etc.

Facts about domestic violence:

- On average a victim leaves their abuser 7 times before they are able to permanently end the relationship.

- Emotional (also known as psychological and/or verbal) abuse is often not only misunderstood but also minimized. I can see many in Susan's immediate circle unknowingly excusing or justifying Josh's abuse.

- There are many reasons a victim stays with her abuser but among the most common are: fear of losing custody; the abuser having unrestricted access to the children; lack of resources such as funds or housing; fear of the abuse escalating even more; condemnation of friends and family, etc.

- 75-80% of victims leaving, or preparing to leave, domestic abuse will die at the hands of their abuser. This is actually the #1 reason victims do stay.

- Because of the nature of emotional abuse it is very easy for even the victims to minimize, justify and excuse their abuser's actions - often doubting their own perceptions in the process. Few realize that emotional abuse can be every bit as deadly as physical abuse.

- Michelle Young was in an emotionally abusive marriage. Michelle had one, just one, counseling session with a therapist who identified her marriage as verbally abusive before her husband battered her to death.
I am honestly convinced if societal and judicial opinions were to change about domestic violence we wouldn't see as many cases like these as we do.

The abusers often have family law statutes on their side. Society still condones victims - e.g. 'If she was so afraid'; 'If he were really that bad' when in reality we should be asking why, if we know there is a 50-60% overlap between domestic violence and child abuse; if we know that emotional abuse can lead to physical abuse and/or murder; and if we know that victims of domestic violence (especially emotional) are often left without any legal recourse against their abuser why our laws aren't changing as well. Unfortunately even when a victim does have access to legal remedies (because his/her abuse was 'bad' enough) domestically violent offenders are still being offered lesser sentences, dropped charges, etc.


Thanks for this info. Just want to clarify the "75-80%" comment:
That number is in reference to the percentage of homicides due to DV. Of those victims of DV that are murdered, approximately 75% were either in the act of leaving or had already left.

There are substantially higher numbers of victims of domestic violence that are not killed by their abusers then those who are. But when a victim of DV is killed by their abuser it is most often when they are in the act of leaving or have already left.
It isn't uncommon for a woman to keep her torturous life hidden from those she loves. In fact it is more common than a rarity. I imagine Susan had great fear of what would happen to her, her boys and to her parents if she dared breathe a word about what kind of life she was having to endure with Josh Powell.

I have no doubt Josh Powell told Susan if she ever crossed him he would kill her and the boys. Abusers control by fear and intimidation and as sadistic and cruel as JP was it had to be so frightening for Susan.

I have been so outraged by what LE had all this time that I have been unable to even post about it until now.

In the Scott Peterson trial they had less circumstantial evidence than LE had in Susan's case and he sits on death row. To know they sat on this all this time and let these two precious boys be slaughtered by their father is unforgivable.

Imo, LE and the DA has the blood of those two boys on their hands.

And to know they had all this evidence all this time and didnt even go to a family Judge to stop JP from even being around his children is another unforgivable act, imo.


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