What do you guys make of page 53 (interview took place 2/5/90) of the indictment where the FBI talks to the father of those boys whose photos were found in the search of the home of DH's father on ( search was on1/24/90). He says two of his sons used to stay with their aunt who lived in Paynesville. He recalls DH's younger brother playing football with them (at the aunts house) and DH coming over, but not playing football. The aunts house was burglarized twice. The last time it was also set on fire. The date for the last one was approximately 11/89. The first was 5 or 6 years before. Last break-in and fire right after JW was abducted (10/22/89). If DH did the break-in why set the fire? Some sort of warning maybe? I hope some of those people talk to the police again...if they already haven't.
Link to indictment is below.
Been checking in on this case since I was a kid growing up in MN, and just read the disturbing court documents yesterday. Right off the bat, let me say how impressive all the work everyone here's doing. Have to believe it's helping push this case closer to getting solved. Hope that my fresh eyes can be of use here for those of you who've been bogged down under the weight of various theories and speculations for years. One angle that I think might help is to read the indictment from the authorities' perspective. What are they trying to convey with the way the evidence is laid out? We know the big thing, that this child *advertiser censored* addict is also a POI in a decades-old abduction, but if you read between the lines... what are the smaller points that LE telegraphs in their presentation of the evidence?
Specifically, the point quoted above. What is the relevance of the brothers who lived next door to the POI (beyond the surface answer of the pictures being found on in the POI's trunk? Given the nature of these crimes, we know LE found more pictures in those trunks in 1990... local children, yearbooks, family members, etc.) So why this picture... that was taken ten years before, in 1980, no less? And to then take the effort to go door to door around the POI's father's house (until presumably, a neighbor recognized the boys in the picture as 'nephews that sometimes visited an aunt who lived next door to the POI's father'?). I think LE is backing into something here. Could one of these boys somehow provide a link from POI to JW? Did one of them report something unusual they saw at the father's house in late '89 and then recant after a threat? Was LE at the time trying to get them to talk? Are they trying to get them to talk now?
The things that pop out to me reading the indictment for the first time are the specifics within the fields of generalities (i.e. the 'Kraemers' place' in the JS story, 'Victim K', and the brothers who lived next door.) I think LE is getting at something with the people mentioned by the POI. They had options on what to include in their retelling... why include what they did?
One more thing. I know the local and federal LE has been working this case for years, so I always err on the side of they know what they're doing; but I have to say, if LE didn't keep AL's pants (pants groped by the POI that could link him to JW directly, which cops in 1989 would have known were valuable, as the first conviction by DNA occurred in the mid-80s). If those pants, touched by stubby, saliva-covered, tobacco-chewing, DNA-covered fingers, aren't preserved in a zip-locked, vacuum-sealed bag somewhere awaiting DNA technology to catch up... that is incompetence, no two ways around it.