Swine Flu

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Will You Get the Swine Flu Shot?(for poll let's assume it is available)

  • Yes, I believe it will stop me from getting sick and it is safe

    Votes: 77 20.1%
  • Yes, only to make someone in my life quit nagging me

    Votes: 6 1.6%
  • No, the vaccine does no good

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • No, I don't trust the vaccine and its side effects.

    Votes: 97 25.3%
  • No, I don't trust the President when he says it is an epidemic

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • I don't know; I have to learn more about it.

    Votes: 16 4.2%
  • No, the vaccine is just a way for the drug company to make money.

    Votes: 19 5.0%
  • No, because I already had the swine flu

    Votes: 25 6.5%
  • No, due to allergy to a component of the shot.

    Votes: 13 3.4%
  • Yes, IF my Dr. convinces me it's necessary.

    Votes: 26 6.8%
  • no

    Votes: 62 16.2%
  • No, not in priority groups

    Votes: 22 5.7%
  • exposed to swine flu but didnt contract it

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • It interferes with the immune system and harms the body

    Votes: 2 0.5%

  • Total voters
FWIW, our vaccines were in October 2009, and none of us have had any side effects at all, as of today's date. (Two adults, one 4 year old, one 2 year old).

For everyone worried about the side effects, you're not going to have much choice if you want a flu shot this year, since it will now contain a component for swine flu.
Oh gal is right, its going to be a combination, but I am not taking any flu shot from now on. I have done my homework and I do not trust the government.
I can't get a flu shot ..allergic to eggs and got the H1N1 flu in February..I had not had the flu for 17 yrs. I have asthma, so with steroids, antibiotics etc..it was no big deal (thank goodness!)...temp of 102 for a couple of days but didn't really feel that bad. Not sure I'd get the flu shot if I could. ^i^

FWIW, our vaccines were in October 2009, and none of us have had any side effects at all, as of today's date. (Two adults, one 4 year old, one 2 year old).

For everyone worried about the side effects, you're not going to have much choice if you want a flu shot this year, since it will now contain a component for swine flu.
We were able to get one this spring. I plan on getting one every year now --flu vaccine---because I am getting older.
FWIW, our vaccines were in October 2009, and none of us have had any side effects at all, as of today's date. (Two adults, one 4 year old, one 2 year old).

For everyone worried about the side effects, you're not going to have much choice if you want a flu shot this year, since it will now contain a component for swine flu.

Huh. Good to know.

Now I'll have to figure that one out. I'm not as concerned now about getting it as I was since I know so many who have gotten it without side effects. I didn't like last year that it was so new and they weren't sure yet.

Huh. Good to know.

Now I'll have to figure that one out. I'm not as concerned now about getting it as I was since I know so many who have gotten it without side effects. I didn't like last year that it was so new and they weren't sure yet.


Same here; missed that completely. However, hubs and I received both so we could visit my parents. My mom has an auto-immune thing going on; and my dad, well, has lung issues due to smoking and rapidly declining. Since he has put his medical directive into effect, it was a must for us.

I agree on the the comment above about the government's insistence for this particular swine flu shot. So little testing and information did give us pause. :waitasec:

I worked in health care for 20+ years and a yearly flu shot was mandatory, but I really didn't mind since, well, you never know what you will come into contact with at an acute care facility. The "getting a shot part" was the only thing I didn't like. :blushing:

JMHO only.
I woke up yesterday with swine flu...I felt so awful I couldn't even out of bed to get to the doctor. Horrible blinding headache, backache, fever, chills, cough...I'm 58 and I would definitely take a shot. Doing some research and wonder if you have it, does it make you immune? :sick::sick::sick: Even my skin hurt and even Excedrin didn't even help. Guess I'll tough it out this time.
Update: Got my H1N1 vaccine yesterday and feeling fine! My arm was actually less sore from this shot than from the regular seasonal flu shot!

No side effects here! I got mine 2 days ago and my 8 year old got hers yesterday.

Huh. Good to know.

Now I'll have to figure that one out. I'm not as concerned now about getting it as I was since I know so many who have gotten it without side effects. I didn't like last year that it was so new and they weren't sure yet.

I remained side-effect free, and in a couple of weeks I'll be getting the combined Flu shot (with H1N1) in it!
Yes, Zaha, it's still here, still lethal in unusual age groups, and still a serious concern. I'm sincerely hoping it hasn't mutated into something else new.

I suggest getting the vaccine.

Herding Cats

I'll get the regular flu shot, but not the swine flu shot. Only because my heart doc suggested me not to. I have too many pre-existing conditions to start playing around with such vaccines. I've reacted fine to the flu shot, but I'm not sure I want to test the swine this year. I'd suggest that anyone who gets the swine consult with your doctor first and not go to Walgreens, CVS, etc to get one.


I voted no, because I already had the swine flu.

Im not sure what was worse, my bacterial pneumonia, or the swine flu. Both left me flat out for a week.. with the pneumonia at least I had some medical help.

I work in a facility that encourages flu shots, I have had our infection control lady chase me around the facility looking to jab her little needle in my arm. I have refused to get the flu shots for 4 years, due to the pnuemonia.. I got it about a week after my last flu shot. I refuse to get it ever again.

When I contracted the swine flu, it was before any of the big alerts/panic epidemic. My family physician said to go home and sleep, I insisted on swabs confirmed case of H1N1. The infection control lady still was chasing me around trying to give me the shot last year after I showed her my lab results. It was kinda funny.
My husband finally got his, so I'm happy because for once, our whole family is immunized!!! So I don't have to worry so much about him being the lone one not able to get the shot and catching it. The awkward part was a couple of days ago when I was talking to two friends, one being a nurse who was volunteering where I could get flu shots for free, and the other was a friend who was anti-immunizations!
Australia is about to destroy several million doses of the Swine Flu vaccine which I believe have reached their shelf life or something similar.

We had readied ourselves for a predicted 20,000 deaths and to date I believe we've had 211. 211 too many, but I think we overreacted with 10million doses at the ready.
I voted, Yes, I believe it will stop me from getting sick and it is safe

I have lung issues and get a flu shot every year, all kinds, and have had a pneumonia shot.
Vaccines will only work if you are exposed to the same strain that you have been vaccinated for. If it mutates, it won't help you.

The people most vulnerable to serious complications from flu are the elderly and weak. The flu vaccine might protect them, but it still isn't 100% guarantee.

If you want to protect yourself from the flu, then don't go outside at all. Or wear one of those hazmat suits.

People may get the flu virus, but never become sick; the ones who do need to know how to deal with it when they do get sick, instead of thinking a shot will solve all their problems. Since we're all built differently, our bodies' ways of coping with the virus differs, so you need to listen to your body. For me, it's all about getting plenty of rest and staying warm once I get sick. The immune system will take it's course, and eventually the problem goes away. Sometimes I'll burn in out in a day or two, maybe a lingering symptom like coughing will stick around, but the aches and pains will be gone.

A flu vaccine once every 5 years isn't going to be too bad, but every year is just asking for trouble. Especially if you end up getting a bad batch.

I could go into why I think we are being told it's a pandemic, but that's too much for this thread.
I voted, Yes, I believe it will stop me from getting sick and it is safe

I have lung issues and get a flu shot every year, all kinds, and have had a pneumonia shot.

Ditto!! I make it a priority to see my doctor for my yearly pin cushion treatment.
Pregnant women are at particular high risk for complications of Swine Flu and actually seasonal flu as well as a fetus is a huge drain on the immune system.

If you are pregnant, and you think you're coming down with the flu see your doctor immediately. Insist that they do a swab, and insist that they use the long swab. Don't take NO for an answer. Last year short swabs often delivered false negative results. And at who's expense? The person with the flu. You don't want to be a statistic brought on by some doctor's poor handling of your case, kwim?

Gone are the days when we can totally rely on doctors to look after our health. Don't risk your health, your life or your baby's life. Read everything you can get your hands on. Be informed, and be smart. Being prepared is about the best way I can think of to eleviate any anxious thoughts you have about coming down with the flu.

You do not want to wind up in a hospital on a respirator fighting for your life. There are pregnant women in the UK on respirators now. I do not know what the current situation is in the US with Swine Flu so I have not checked any current statistics here.

It's a matter of quickly recognizing what you have is probably the flu, and getting treatment ASAP. I would recommend calling your doctor in advance, and asking what their treatment plan would be for you should you come down with the flu or come in to be tested for the flu. You need to know their answers to your questions in advance, forewarned is forearmed. If you don't like what you hear, call another doctor until you find someone you feel you can trust with your health.

My daughter was sick last year when she got pregnant. In my opinion, she had the Swine Flu, it was prevalent in our community at the time, but her doctor told her she only had a respiratory infection. She was given the short swab BTW. Her baby was born with a cleft lip and palate, something that is typically hereditary, yet there have been no babies born with clefts in either our family or her husband's family's history. The flu can cause birth defects, and cleft lip/palate, among others.
Timely! This afternoon, my daughter is getting her nasal flu vaccination, and I will get my shot tomorrow. Hopefully, we'll get hubby in in the next week too!
I know there has been an anticipated outbreak of swine flu for many years, but I really hadn't paid attention to the recent hype. I rarely to never get a flu shot. One year my doctor strongly recommended that I get one because I'd already had a respiratory infection that I had a hard time shaking. I don't remember if I did get the vaccine, though. Normally I avoid vaccines since I found out when I started wearing contacts around 20 years ago that I'm allergic to Thimerasol. When I tell doctors that, they don't recommend I get a vaccine.

I already had a cold/respiratory infection this year. A few years ago I was very, very sick with a high fever (around 104 IIRC). But, I don't think I would get any less sick or recover any sooner by getting a vaccine. I usually take zinc lozenges and decongestants, eat a lot of garlic, and drink a concoction called Cyclone Cider (apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper sauce with garlic and onion). Oh, and drink lots of fluid, especially hot tea.

I hope there won't be another flu pandemic. My great grandmother died in the epidemic of 1918. Everyone stay well!

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