Teacher tapes 30 kids' mouths shut, age 10. No action from police

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Oct 1, 2012
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I can't put this in crimes, though personally think it should be. I just heard one little boy interviewed on the radio, and honestly, he sounded like a battery victim to me.

He talked about how his Spanish and art teacher at Danesfield school in Somerset, Priscilla Davo, made all the children line up, then taped their mouths shut. They're only 10. She threatened anyone trying to remove it would have more put on, so some children ended up with several bits of tape across their mouths.

When they were allowed to remove it at last, the little boy I heard said "It really hurt! And one girl's lip was bleeding."

He sounded so upset, and scared. Parents who complained were told by the head teacher 'It wouldn't happen again' but no action was taken to suspend Priscilla de Ville - sorry, Davo - until the story hit the headlines.

If someone taped my mouth shut I'd be traumatized and furious and I'm a grown up. Police are taking no further action, so I guess she's free to carry on 'caring' and 'teaching' kids. :(

Maybe I'm being oversensitive? What do parents think,? I just know I'd prosecute anyone who taped my dog's mouth up....

I'm guessing from her name and subject teaching, she is Spanish or Spanish ancestry. A nation that has such a reputation for their loving, nurturing attitude towards children, which I've personally seen. What a shame.
Gosh, I hate to say this Zweibel, but when I saw the title- I thought well, that may have been the only way she could get these kids to be quiet and listen. I think kids have too much power and control these days and I can't imagine being a teacher with the amount of kids they squeeze into each class. I have volunteered in everyone of my children's classroom's over the years ( 3 kids ages 14, 12 and 10) and the atmosphere and attitude of the children has progressively gotten worse and kids these days seem emboldened by parents who aren't even fit to own animals! They'll live... they'll recover and probably NEVER BEHAVE THE WAY THEY DID TO HAVE TAPE PUT OVER THEIR MOUTHS IN THE FIRST PLACE. I am anti child abuse- all the way- but my initial thought was 'good for her'!
Oooh. I really don't know. I once had a boyfriend who, in the middle of a row, clamped his hand over my mouth while he talked at me. I'll never forget that feeling.

What if one had a stuffed nose or asthma? And what would you learn, taped like that? Not the comic talent of Cervantes or Picasso for certain. Just that bigger, stronger people in authority have the right to inflict silence by force on others. That scares me, living in Germany as I do.
Oooh. I really don't know. I once had a boyfriend who, in the middle of a row, clamped his hand over my mouth while he talked at me. I'll never forget that feeling.

What if one had a stuffed nose or asthma? And what would you learn, taped like that? Not the comic talent of Cervantes or Picasso for certain. Just that bigger, stronger people in authority have the right to inflict silence by force on others. That scares me, living in Germany as I do.

You are right, I think, it was just my honest, initial response. That must have been a terrible feeling when your beau did that, I am sorry you had to experience that, but glad it gave you the insight that you show here!
My relative brings kids into line by raising one eyebrow a fraction of a fraction of an inch. I don't even think she's very sweet to them. Quite no-nonsense, I'd say. These are traumatized, abused kids too. They adore her. Doesn't even have any kids of her own.

Absolutely no idea how she does it.
I can't put this in crimes, though personally think it should be. I just heard one little boy interviewed on the radio, and honestly, he sounded like a battery victim to me.

He talked about how his Spanish and art teacher at Danesfield school in Somerset, Priscilla Davo, made all the children line up, then taped their mouths shut. They're only 10. She threatened anyone trying to remove it would have more put on, so some children ended up with several bits of tape across their mouths.

When they were allowed to remove it at last, the little boy I heard said "It really hurt! And one girl's lip was bleeding."

He sounded so upset, and scared. Parents who complained were told by the head teacher 'It wouldn't happen again' but no action was taken to suspend Priscilla de Ville - sorry, Davo - until the story hit the headlines.

If someone taped my mouth shut I'd be traumatized and furious and I'm a grown up. Police are taking no further action, so I guess she's free to carry on 'caring' and 'teaching' kids. :(

Maybe I'm being oversensitive? What do parents think,? I just know I'd prosecute anyone who taped my dog's mouth up....


I would have been arrested myself the very next day.....at the school. I'm sickened!
It bothers me that all the kids submitted to the taping, and how it started as a trust game and experiment. Scary.
I really like how the letter sent home asked the parents to keep silent and not speak of it on facebook or to the media.
I really like how the letter sent home asked the parents to keep silent and not speak of it on facebook or to the media.
So.....if the parents open their yaps on Facebook or to the Media is the School going to tape their mouths too?
*Sigh* It was much less complicated when I was in Grade School and Junior High,they just used to beat on us with heavy wooden sticks when we got out of line.
It is not acceptable for a teacher to do this in ANY circumstances and any teacher working in the United Kingdom would know this. Nor do I think it acceptable to stop parents from talking about it. We still, despite attempts to stop it, have free speech in this country. Whether or not kids are out of control, you still do not sellotape their mouths shut. That is just a plain idiotic thing to do when you are in control of a classroom,

Not a lot of point anyway in asking anyone to keep their mouths shut now it is all in what some have been known to call the "Daily Fail."

You are not, in the United Kingdom allowed to chastise a child with any implement at all, so this would come, surely, under the heading of child abuse.

I doubt the kids will be scarred for life by the incident but this was a ridiculously stupid action by any teacher whatever state of control the class was in. If it had happened to my child I would be furious.
If my kid was in that class, LE wouldn't need to intervene.
I'd take care of that teacher myself...seriously.
It's dangerous as well IMO. If one of them threw up with no way to expel the vomit they could could choke to death..
I've noticed quite a few other threads with kids' mouths being taped in class, which has really surprised me. It doesn't seem to be that unusual, oddly.

There was corporal punishment at my school in my time - whacking with 'the slipper' or, for severe infringements, 'the cane'. I (blush) got the slipper once. For ignoring the teacher. I was daydreaming and didn't mean to be rude at all as that was my favourite teacher.

It didn't hurt and I was more upset at the thought of upsetting my teacher, than the actual punishment. I'm not for hitting children/vulnerable people/animals or anyone at all, even in the heat of the moment, but it somehow makes me less uneasy than the thought of a teacher coolly, calmly lining up 30 children and taping their mouths shut.

It just gives me the shudders. I think that teacher would be better off in adult education - or maybe another career altogether?

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