Ted Kennedy

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i thought this guy was like, the scum of the earth and that he was a bad guy. why are all these politicians suddenly praising him? i thought he was cussing at someone just a few years ago... didn't him and cheney get into it? or was that someone else?
Because that's what politicians do. I don't believe half of what ever comes out of their mouths.

They did the same about Ronald Reagan, when many had nothing but bad to say about him when he was in office.
I have a few people I just can't stand but I would never wish death on them. You know? I would still send my condolences and that would be that... Politicians argue and fight it's what they do. All of them on a power trip!

i thought this guy was like, the scum of the earth and that he was a bad guy. why are all these politicians suddenly praising him? i thought he was cussing at someone just a few years ago... didn't him and cheney get into it? or was that someone else?
I have a few people I just can't stand but I would never wish death on them. You know? I would still send my condolences and that would be that... Politicians argue and fight it's what they do. All of them on a power trip!
nnoooo i don't mean that but i just mean... why are all these politicians who used to dog each other suddenly singing each others praises? i would have thought Ted Kennedy was like, a saint if I had only watched the news the past few days and thats all i knew about him. but before he had this rep as a total bad a$$ in washington... you didn't cross him in that city! or at least, that was my understanding. i am not the most politically in tune person.
i do think it is wayyy too strong and very off base to say he has cancer because he is being punished for causing that ladies death though. my big thing is that i just don't understand the whole... doublespeak. if i don't like someone, i don't like them with or without cancer. i don't change my mind regarding my feelings towards someones personality just because of a diagnosis (however, i might feel sympathy for them, because some things in life, especially medical dx, do suck... but i won't change my personal opinion of them). just me. call me mean.
And why should someone who has a record of being a scoundrel be exalted to a God-like status just because they're dying?!!
You get a disease and all of the bad stuff is forgotten?
Please! :rolleyes: I could never be that phoney.
Cancer does not excuse all of his faults.
And I'll not glorify him because he is ill.

If I didn't like ya while you were alive and well, I'm not going to like ya when you're dead or dying.

Cold, I know, but I'm real.
I have no time for all of that blowing fake sunshine stuff. It is what it is.

I do wish to make a comparison.

John Demjanjuk, a former Cleveland steel worker, age 88, was known as Ivan the Terrible in WWII. For years he's lived a good life in the US. However, just this past week he lost his plea to stay in the US and will be deported to whatever country will take him. It has been 63 years since WWII ended, yet he is paying for his crime.

The same is true for Kathleen Soliah, i.e., Sara Jane Olson. She's lived a good life for years but is paying for her crime.

While I don't believe God or anyone else is punishing Kennedy for Mary Jo, I also don't think age and accomplishments can forgive someone's past.
Well this thread sure reminded me why I don't visit here often.

For a site that is touted as full of caring and compassionate people it is certainly full of hateful posts and opinions.

Kennedy has never claimed to be perfect or without sin.

I fell for all of you he believe cancer is God's punishment for your perceived crimes-the God I know doesn't work that way. And in fact since Kennedy is Catholic he has long ago given his confession and been absolved.

Ted Kennedy has given his life for this country, he gave three brothers for it as well.
Everyone of us, Democrat,Republican or Independent owe him a debt of gratitude for programs we now take for granted.

And his work is why he is being spoken of so glowingly by both sides of the aisle. His caring and compassion is why we hear stories about how he comforted someone who was ill or in pain. He made mistakes in his life-we all have, and he has worked tirelessly to do great things for all of us..

Do any of you who are wishing a painful death on Ted Kennedy or screaming that he didn't pay for the life lost also feel the same about Laura Bush? She also killed someone while driving in an accident clouded in mystery. She lived with that death and it changed her, no differently than Kennedy lived with the death of Mary Joe and how that changed him.
nnoooo i don't mean that but i just mean... why are all these politicians who used to dog each other suddenly singing each others praises? i would have thought Ted Kennedy was like, a saint if I had only watched the news the past few days and thats all i knew about him. but before he had this rep as a total bad a$$ in washington... you didn't cross him in that city! or at least, that was my understanding. i am not the most politically in tune person.
i do think it is wayyy too strong and very off base to say he has cancer because he is being punished for causing that ladies death though. my big thing is that i just don't understand the whole... doublespeak. if i don't like someone, i don't like them with or without cancer. i don't change my mind regarding my feelings towards someones personality just because of a diagnosis (however, i might feel sympathy for them, because some things in life, especially medical dx, do suck... but i won't change my personal opinion of them). just me. call me mean.

Why? Because they understand the difference between his past personal issues and the good work he has done for the country. They see him every day as the compassionate man who takes the time to comfort a college who learns they have diabetes or cancer.
They understand that this man has given his all for this country that he loves. And they understand that to disagree politically doesn't mean you can't still be good friends away from the Hill.
i thought this guy was like, the scum of the earth and that he was a bad guy. why are all these politicians suddenly praising him? i thought he was cussing at someone just a few years ago... didn't him and cheney get into it? or was that someone else?

welcome to politics, that's why ...

half the time, out in public they hate each other. god forbid a democrat and republican be friends !!!! behind closed doors it can be very different.
I am really quite astonished at what has been said about Ted Kennedy on this thread. Here is a man who spent his life devoted to his country, trying to make it a better place for all to live..and once again people here feel the need to dig into his past personal life. No person I know of walking the Earth today is perfect..so why do you expect politician's to be? Their job is to try to run this country in a sensible way, and make this a place where all feel freedom. I think that Ted has done that. I would hope that when each of you have problems, rather personal or physical, that others are more senstive to you then you have been to him.
I am really quite astonished at what has been said about Ted Kennedy on this thread. Here is a man who spent his life devoted to his country, trying to make it a better place for all to live..and once again people here feel the need to dig into his past personal life. No person I know of walking the Earth today is perfect..so why do you expect politician's to be? Their job is to try to run this country in a sensible way, and make this a place where all feel freedom. I think that Ted has done that. I would hope that when each of you have problems, rather personal or physical, that others are more senstive to you then you have been to him.
I know I am not perfect. I have never left anyone in a car to drown.:rolleyes: We not talking about an affair here, we are talking a persons life. TK may have done some good things since this happened but it does not excuse his past. What you do in your life does not erase everything, especially when it comes to something like what happened to poor mary jo.
I watched my Grandfather die from a brain tumor and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Friend or foe. I pray that Sen. Kennedy comes thru this okay... he has a long road ahead , his family will need to be strong right now... God give them that.
God bless the Kennedy family. My thoughts & prayers are with them.

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