Ted Kennedy

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qft=quoted for truth

My daughter just told me that people who text message a lot use that abbreviation.
;) I have no idea if that's true or not.
qft=quoted for truth

My daughter just told me that people who text message a lot use that abbreviation.
;) I have no idea if that's true or not.
haha!!! I thought it was "quite f'in true". It was the only thing I could come up with. hehe.
There is no comparison.
What happened to Laura Bush could have happened to any of us as inexperienced teenage drivers and I'm sure she has wrestled her demons because it was an accident that she caused. I can't even imagine the guit I would feel.
However, the accident that he caused, he chose to run away from, then floated to dream land on his fluffly, gilded pillow and to this day has never shown even a hint of a guilt for what so ever, caused a girl - whose bright future floated away with the air from her lungs - to die in a watery grave when he could have saved her. NO comparison!

As for Pat Tillman....don't even go there. I knew Pat and his wife before Marie was even his wife. I worked with her at a Mexican restaraunt in Awatukee, AZ and became friends with her. I can tell you that he was an amazing, brillant, compassionate person with a soul so deep....and for there to be any comparison to what happened to him and what Ted Kennedy caused to happen is ludacris! What Pat did for his country, he did with his heart. What Mr. Kennedy did for his country, he did for his wallet. Huge difference!

Besides, even if Mr Kennedy has spent the remainder of his life after MJ as a public servant...so what? Is that really pay back for a LIFE?
Haven't you ever heard the old saying "One Oh S*t wipes out ten atta boys"? His "Oh !" wiped out like a million atta boys, imo.

What I said in my earlier post was not judgement, it was fact. Everything in a circle....what comes around, goes around....

Still as I said before, I wouldn't wish this on anyone and I feel sorry for his family and for him as well...but I think God just decided what his punishment should be, imo...and it isn't the demons he may have faced. Nope, this demon is a whole lot scarier.

NOTE: not at you Michelle! I'm just sayin'
Ember, I was telling the other poster because they compared laura and pat to ted, that this is totally different then their situations! Believe me, I know first hand what its like to have a loved one serving our Country with his heart as well.
Ted Kennedy should have gotten help to mary jo and got his butt back to the car! It was said in the reports mary lived for close to 2 hours because of an air pocket that was in their! What a horrible way to die. Laura had an accident, this is apples and oranges.
:blowkiss: I know what you are saying.
Ahhh-here is the true voice of reason-I am sure that you have a number of successes under your belt that would allow you to make such a statement about someone in the political arena. Undoubtedly you are uniquely qualified to judge this man on his foibles and accomplishments.

Enjoy your bashing, guys-someone mentioned earlier that karma is tough to dodge...I believe that implicitly. Before I sign off, let me bring up the actor Charles S. Dutton, a TV and Broadway actor who served 7 1/2 years for stabbing someone to death in a street fight. If I measure him with your yardstick, where is the outrage? How dare he exist in the public sector? Why shouldn't he be struck down and vilified? Because he did the time in jail rather than in the eyes of the public? Is it ok for him to lay down the burden of having killed someone and to contribute to us in the world of entertainment?

Oh but not to build infrastructure, or champion health care mind you...not to take people like my employee's husband and change the lives of the first Gulf war vets ACROSS THE BOARDS for the better...none of those things are noteworthy because Ted Kennedy killed a woman in a long ago act of supreme cowardice. I see.

Hmm. I didn't know that about Dutton. When did that happen?
Ouch... that was harsh. This is websleuths.. we could probably easily get to the bottom of what happened that night. From my memory, she was campaigning for Kennedy, and she trusted him to drive her home.

IMO there was more to this. HIS story was that he was innocently driving her home. We'll never know HER story. After the accident, he chose to go to bed, didn't notify authorities about the accident until the next morning. If this happened today, IMO he would more accountable.

In the 1960's, when JFK was elected, it was a different world. The Kennedys were icons, and women were play things who weren't taken seriously. While the Kennedy family is still recognized, I don't think it's on the level of years gone by.

All in all, however, it was the voters of MA who chose to believe Kennedy and who elected him. Maybe that's more of a problem.

It's very worthwhile to listen to the diver who recovered Mary Jo's body and the whitewash of the incident.
Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy

Political Figure

Born: 22 February 1932
Birthplace: Brookline, Massachusetts
Best known as: U.S. senator from Massachusetts since 1962
A Democrat from Massachusetts, Edward Moore Kennedy was first elected to the United States Senate in 1962 to finish the term of his brother, John F. Kennedy. (JFK had become president in 1961.) "Teddy" was re-elected in 1964 and then again for seven additional terms. (He was reelected most recently in 2006.) He has a reputation as a hard-working liberal on issues such as education and health care, but his personal life (including past tales of drinking and womanizing) has frequently been a hot topic for gossip columnists. In 1969 Kennedy was involved in a car accident in which a young woman, Mary Jo Kopechne, drowned on Chappaquiddick Island, off the coast of Massachusetts. Kennedy was convicted of leaving the scene of an accident and his sentence was suspended. Kennedy ran for president in 1980 but was defeated for the Democratic nomination by incumbent president Jimmy Carter. Over time he became one of the Senate's elder statesmen, know for his bipartisan friendships with conservative Senator Orrin Hatch and others. Kennedy had a seizure in May of 2008, after which doctors announced that he would be treated for a malignant brain tumor.

Source: http://www.infoplease.com/biography/var/edwardmkennedy.html

Ted was convicted and did his time...and your next argument?

And for those of you less than informed regarding the workings of the Senate, you do not get to be on the number of committees Mr. Kennedy has been on if you are viewed as ineffective. Amazing the number of you ready to stand in judgment on this man. Go ahead and spin your wheels about how unfair his sentence was etc...you have already decided that there was no restitution he could possibly have made-talk about the workings of the Kennedy political machine et al...let's ignore that he watched his brothers murdered and his beloved sister in law flee the country because she was sure she and her children were next.

Yup, 40 years ago he made a horrible mistake. It cost Mary Jo her life. And in your eyes 40+ years of public service was not worth that moment.

And for the record, I bring up Pat Tillman because his family thinks he was done a grievous wrong by the Armed Forces-at best his death was covered up, at worst this incredible man was murdered by his fellow soldiers. What is the greater good that has come from his loss and who will pay for it?
:confused: K, help me out... QFT? :blushing:

I just asked my son the same thing...I'll let Karole answer. :)

LOL! Thanks for 'standing' with me...I am clueless...still trying to think it through. haha

qft=quoted for truth

My daughter just told me that people who text message a lot use that abbreviation.
;) I have no idea if that's true or not.

haha!!! I thought it was "quite f'in true". It was the only thing I could come up with. hehe.

Sorry you guys! (I went to bed right after I posted) :eek:

It's Quoted For Truth - though PSUfan's was good too!
Yup, 40 years ago he made a horrible mistake. It cost Mary Jo her life. And in your eyes 40+ years of public service was not worth that moment.

Nope, not even close. A drop in the bucket, if that.

If his IMAGE, his CAREER is more important than seeking help for a DYING GIRL as she is SUFFOCATING in the car he put underwater, then I doubt any of his "good works" are done with anything other than his own personal interests in mind.
It's very worthwhile to listen to the diver who recovered Mary Jo's body and the whitewash of the incident.

OMG! If anyone can listen to that and still defend Mr Kennedy, well than you're a better person than I!

Very informative! Mr Kennedy actually escaped being charged with manslaughter because someone was bullied into saying he was only going 20mph when he actually 35 - 40mph. The evidence was destroyed.
MJ was alive for at least an hour after the crash....and so much more.
I am absolutely of the opinion that there is no way he has paid the price for his crime....but he's about to.

Unbelievable! Makes me so angry at the dishonorable people in our government who helped him cover his @ss and the way he continued to go with his life with no sense of the injustice he committed...and then went on to serve in our Senate all of those years. Corrupt politicians is an under statement!

Thanks for the link!
How old are you? I'm asking because I take it you weren't alive when Chappiquidick happened. For those of us that remember what happened because it was a current event, Ted Kennedy serving a suspeneded sentence was an outrage then, as it still is today.

What Pat Tillman's death has to do with that is beyond
me. Why make everything political?
Martha, I agree with you; he is far from perfect, as most of us are. I just pray that he repents and is able to go to be with God. Forgiveness is still out there for him as it is for all of us. Prayers for him and for his family.

Well, I surely hope he has repented before now! And done Confession, etc., if he is Catholic. (that would be a little childish; Oh God, now I'm sorry, please let me into heaven (right before his death).
Oustanding post!

Thank you. In no way did I say she "deserved" anything; as some like to put words in my mouth.

To be honest, it's been a long time and I would have to look up the exact circumstances, but I was watching TV and I thought there were implications she and he were going to "shack up" that night.

She did make the decision to ride home in the middle of the night, ALONE, with a married man who probably had been drinking; maybe drinking heavily. No college kid who chooses to drive drunk with others in the car DESERVES to die either; but it happens all the time. You make terrible decisions when you drink

The horrible deception was the time he took to call for help after it all happened. To protect his career. Typical of a narcissist male politician.
Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy

Political Figure

Born: 22 February 1932
Birthplace: Brookline, Massachusetts
Best known as: U.S. senator from Massachusetts since 1962
A Democrat from Massachusetts, Edward Moore Kennedy was first elected to the United States Senate in 1962 to finish the term of his brother, John F. Kennedy. (JFK had become president in 1961.) "Teddy" was re-elected in 1964 and then again for seven additional terms. (He was reelected most recently in 2006.) He has a reputation as a hard-working liberal on issues such as education and health care, but his personal life (including past tales of drinking and womanizing) has frequently been a hot topic for gossip columnists. In 1969 Kennedy was involved in a car accident in which a young woman, Mary Jo Kopechne, drowned on Chappaquiddick Island, off the coast of Massachusetts. Kennedy was convicted of leaving the scene of an accident and his sentence was suspended. Kennedy ran for president in 1980 but was defeated for the Democratic nomination by incumbent president Jimmy Carter. Over time he became one of the Senate's elder statesmen, know for his bipartisan friendships with conservative Senator Orrin Hatch and others. Kennedy had a seizure in May of 2008, after which doctors announced that he would be treated for a malignant brain tumor.

Source: http://www.infoplease.com/biography/var/edwardmkennedy.html

Ted was convicted and did his time...and your next argument?

And for those of you less than informed regarding the workings of the Senate, you do not get to be on the number of committees Mr. Kennedy has been on if you are viewed as ineffective. Amazing the number of you ready to stand in judgment on this man. Go ahead and spin your wheels about how unfair his sentence was etc...you have already decided that there was no restitution he could possibly have made-talk about the workings of the Kennedy political machine et al...let's ignore that he watched his brothers murdered and his beloved sister in law flee the country because she was sure she and her children were next.

Yup, 40 years ago he made a horrible mistake. It cost Mary Jo her life. And in your eyes 40+ years of public service was not worth that moment.

And for the record, I bring up Pat Tillman because his family thinks he was done a grievous wrong by the Armed Forces-at best his death was covered up, at worst this incredible man was murdered by his fellow soldiers. What is the greater good that has come from his loss and who will pay for it?

Exactly. It is a good analogy; it is a murder that was "covered up", until they thought about how to "present it". Both the ranger group that made the mistake, and the higher ups in the military were involved.
Cancer in any form is not a punishment from God for something you did in your life. To say that Ted Kennedy is being punished for what he did to MaryJo by getting cancer is ridiculous. What pray tell did I do to deserve it!!!!
Cancer in any form is not a punishment from God for something you did in your life. To say that Ted Kennedy is being punished for what he did to MaryJo by getting cancer is ridiculous. What pray tell did I do to deserve it!!!!


Exactly. It is a good analogy; it is a murder that was "covered up", until they thought about how to "present it". Both the ranger group that made the mistake, and the higher ups in the military were involved.

OK, but then how can you even reference that compared to what happened with Mr Kennedy?
He committed, imo, a murder that was covered up.
You guys are contradicting yourselves.
You're crying foul about the Tillman cover up, while defending Mr Kennedy, whose cover up, imo, was just as bad if not worse.
People who tried to get a fair conclusion for what Mr Kennedy did were harrassed by audits (3 times in one year for the diver who spoke out on it) and other intimidation methods. The FDA investigated a pharmacist who spoke out on it and the case was blocked from going before a grand jury. Cover up, cover up, cover up...because of who he was and because of who she wasn't.

It's just not making sense to me.....

And regardless of whether MJ and TK were going to "shack up" or not, she died needlessly because of one man's selfish aspirations. Her decisions may not have been the wisest, but it was HIS commitment to his wife, not hers....and I don't think anyone has ever had to twist a Kennedy man's arm to be unfaithful to his wife. :rolleyes:
She surely didn't deserve to die for it and she could have been saved. He didn't have the balls to do what was right....was too worried about the reprocussions for him, but obviously not for her. The cold hearted b*st*rd left her there to drown! His bad decision is what should stand out the most, not hers.
It borders on blaming the victim. Where is your accountability for his actions? You sure got her pegged on hers.

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