Teen sues parents after being ‘kicked out,’ wants money

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I agree that they were probably too lenient. Unfortunately, this ends up being the end result of permissive parenting.

I disagree. They sound like good parents to me.

Seems the serious problems began around the time she hooked up with her boyfriend, over the period of 8 months...when her parents said "no" she lost her mind! IMO she has a serious personality disorder to go along with her eating disorder.

I won't be surprised at all when she fabricates her next set of allegations against her parents. IMO she basically already hinted at what that would look like.

I feel horribly sad for her parents. They did nothing to deserve this. IMO

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Said her dad inappropriately kissed her on the cheek and put his arm around her in public....eyeroll...

What she's hinting at is despicable!!!!

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I think it's kinda sweet that he called her his date. I get the impression that it was a party/event where everybody knew each other and therefore knew she was his daughter.
I can attest to the hurt, they can and will cause.
Our daughter, has caused so much pain and chaos over the last 15 years.
While we started losing everything...She went into super ***** mode.
She was raised in very nice houses, with cruises, limos, and maids.
We enrolled her in sailing lessons, we had a little sailboat then, we enrolled her in tennis lessons.
Anyway, all those ships have sailed. Hubby and I are seriously worried about being homeless, and jobless at any minute.
After years, of talking with my daughter 4 to 5 nights a week, on good terms. She decided to slam me a good one on my 60th birthday.
We haven't spoken since then.
I am out of words.
Back to this lawsuit.
This is a no win situation.
Do I consider this girl, a selfish, immature brat? Yes.
The attorney who is financing her lawsuit is beyond scary.
In my opinion, as his client is living under his roof and he's financially supporting her- he should distance himself from this case.
So Sad. spoiled brat sues parents with help from enabbeling loser attorney.
For me.
It would be a long damn time before I spoke to my Child who made me an enemy, when the issue is about money.
Furthermore. This woman is no longer a child. She is an adult who's making terrible life changing decisions with the help of an attorney.
I am disgusted beyond words.
Attorney plus spoiled brat =huge problems for parents trying to educate child.
Very sad.
This stupid girl has created a rift, that may never be broken..

I'm very sorry for what you have endured. Your story almost exactly duplicates mine. My son was living a good life with me. I had a good career and a nice life with a lot of privileges. Three accidents, one right after the other sidelined me. I lost my fancy cars, my home and my son blamed me for being a "loser who doesn't deserve any respect". He proceeded to cheat me out of several thousand dollars because I "owed him". He was an adult who had three kids. I owed him nothing. Last year, he invited me for a long holiday weekend at a local resort. I didn't want to go but I did. I bought huge amounts of food. He invited about 30 other people who ate up all the food. He waited til I had had two glasses of wine and started shrieking at me that I had never been injured (I am in a wheelchair most of the time) and for me to get the "****** out!" That my 35 year career was a figment of my imagination. Etc. I was humiliated beyond words as people stood around and gaped and my grandson clung to me and cried his eyes out. I might add that most of the people there were men...grown men. I just want to add that I was a licensed, certified Psychiatric nurse with a state job working close to the governor. How does he see that as my imagination? I feel sorry for these parents. They need to be shed of her for good. Otherwise it won't end well. I am utterly devastated.
I think it's kinda sweet that he called her his date. I get the impression that it was a party/event where everybody knew each other and therefore knew she was his daughter.

Thats what I thought too, my husband had a work function and he asked our 5 year old if he wanted to go as his "date" Mine is a daddys girl through and through. I bet this girl was too when she was younger.
I got the same feeling. He could be getting "something" in return. Ick!

Personally, I don't think this should even be discussed unless there is evidence of something.

She is there living with her BEST friend and her parents. Not just the man.

I felt really bad making the leap to icky-ness yesterday when I saw Scarlett's post. :blushing:

I saw this http://cbsnewyork.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/rachel-canning.pdf and got as far as pg 5. Lawyer wants $654/week in child support payments for having the girl in his house. Guess it's about money - which is much easier to accept and a more reasonable conclusion.
Just my opinion but I feel there is more to this story then what is being reported. jmo idk
Ms. Independence is in for an rude awaking once she steps into the real world.

And good luck getting a job interview, even with a degree;

Can't follow set rules - check
Bad influence on others (younger sisters)- check
Disrespectful - check
Runs away for responsibilities - check
Foul mouths higher up's right to their face - check
Wants money for nothing - check
Sue happy - check

The internet is forever, and this will follow her forever. IMO - she should consider hiring an attorney to change her name.
Just my opinion but I feel there is more to this story then what is being reported. jmo idk

Read the 90+ page court documents. It's all laid out.

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Is there a 529 account for this girl and how much has she paid into it?

Smart Tax Advantages
Double Tax-Free Investing

Your investments grow free from federal and New Jersey state income tax, and qualified withdrawals are also not subject to federal or state income tax.
Special Gift and Estate Tax Treatment

A contribution in one year of up to $70,000 to a single beneficiary (or $140,000 if a given by a married couple) is generally excludable for federal gift and estate tax purposes if the contributor makes no further gifts to the beneficiary for five years.

I certainly feel for you. My daughter and I are usually very very close. For some reason every once in a while a real mean streak pops up, and I get to be the recipient. Sigh.

The parents who are dealing with this daughter and the butt in attorney have all of my sympathy. I hope the entire case is thrown out of court!

QUOTE=MissJ;10298204]I'm very sorry for what you have endured. Your story almost exactly duplicates mine. My son was living a good life with me. I had a good career and a nice life with a lot of privileges. Three accidents, one right after the other sidelined me. I lost my fancy cars, my home and my son blamed me for being a "loser who doesn't deserve any respect". He proceeded to cheat me out of several thousand dollars because I "owed him". He was an adult who had three kids. I owed him nothing. Last year, he invited me for a long holiday weekend at a local resort. I didn't want to go but I did. I bought huge amounts of food. He invited about 30 other people who ate up all the food. He waited til I had had two glasses of wine and started shrieking at me that I had never been injured (I am in a wheelchair most of the time) and for me to get the "****** out!" That my 35 year career was a figment of my imagination. Etc. I was humiliated beyond words as people stood around and gaped and my grandson clung to me and cried his eyes out. I might add that most of the people there were men...grown men. I just want to add that I was a licensed, certified Psychiatric nurse with a state job working close to the governor. How does he see that as my imagination? I feel sorry for these parents. They need to be shed of her for good. Otherwise it won't end well. I am utterly devastated.[/QUOTE]
Just my opinion but I feel there is more to this story then what is being reported. jmo idk

Well, I kind of get that.

What have me pause, for a brief moment, was the following:

1. Apparently several of her parents' friends are contributing to her high school tuition.
2. Two sets of parents took her in and one is not only bankrolling this litigation, they are sending her to therapy.
3. It appears the school called CPS, not the child, according to court records, which we do not have all of, after her mother was heard on speakerphone cursing and screaming at the daughter.
4. Her allegations that her dad kept getting her drunk and saying she was more than a daughter, are specific.
5. If she has borderline personality disorder, that comes from abuse or neglect. I'm not sure about the causes of histrionic or narcissistic personality disorders. Perhaps she has none of those and is just a brat. But if she made up those stories about her dad, she's got to be crazy, right? Anorexia and bulimia can also come from inappropriate relationships with family members and/or abuse.

Despite the above, the reasons I don't think there's anything to her complaints includes the fact that sHe told her mom she'd like to defecate on her face. Who says that? Now her attorney stated her mom talks the same way and certain exhibits and declarations from the girl's pleadings were omitted from the PDF the media provided, so I have no evidence to state that's true. I know if my kid talked to me like that, I'd blow my top and there would be some screaming.

But what really convinces me there is no merit to this young woman's claims are the emails from her asking to come home, then apologizing profusely and admitting to her horrible behavior and finally, when her dad calmly responded with the rules she would have to abide by, including not seeing her boyfriend, she told him to take a flying leap.

I think this girl is a good liar and convinced her friends' parents of certain things. I think once they see that she said she would like to defecate on her mother's face, she may lose some of that support.

To clarify, the court did not, as someone mentioned above, issue a partial ruling denying her payment of her school tuition. The court denied ALL temporary orders requested and set it for hearing.

Finally, she's not going to win this. She is misapplying NJ law which can require divorced parents to pay their kids' college, and other laws, I think, which probably have to do with how long divorced parents must pay child support (in NJ, it seems poorly defined but until the child is "emancipated", from what I can gather, which I believe has to do with a situation in which a kid is 18 but still at home, in high school).

The laws the kid cited do not alpply to her situation and no way will the courts set a precedent that a spoiled child can live according to their rules and force the parents to fund their lifestyle.

My answer would be far different if CPS had found abuse and the kid could not safely live at home.
Read the 90+ page court documents. It's all laid out.

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Not totally. There are documents missing from the girl's side of the case. Emails from her mom and the declarations from a school official and a therapist.
One other thing. I can't let the parents off scot free. When you give a kid tons of material things and basically wait on them hand and foot, like this kid apparently was ( it's just easier for us to clean up ourselves, said her parents, or something to that effect), you can expect this.

IMO, money or not, kids should not be given so much. It "spoils" them and this is the result. I hear parents say, "I gave them everything! I don't understand this."

Yeah, you gave them everything. That's the problem.
Not totally. There are documents missing from the girl's side of the case. Emails from her mom and the declarations from a school official and a therapist.

I believe the records reflect those documents were from persons that became involved after the fact.
They only had the brats version of events which were proven by the DYFS worker to be unfounded.Broken furniture etc..

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One other thing. I can't let the parents off scot free. When you give a kid tons of material things and basically wait on them hand and foot, like this kid apparently was ( it's just easier for us to clean up ourselves, said her parents, or something to that effect), you can expect this.

IMO, money or not, kids should not be given so much. It "spoils" them and this is the result. I hear parents say, "I gave them everything! I don't understand this."

Yeah, you gave them everything. That's the problem.

This is exactly my feeling. I might be lmao at this girl's attempts to get her parents money, but I'm also laughing at the parents because they very clearly brought this on themselves. I don't mean just the random chance that a child of perfectly good, responsible parents turns out to be a bad apple. We all know that can happen, even if parents do everything "right". This clearly goes beyond that - the parents admit themselves in the documents that they have parented this way with all their children because they "didnt feel like arguing", etc.

I'm not sympathetic to anyone at all in this case. And that includes both the boyfriend's parents and the parent taking care of her now. :crazy:
I believe the records reflect those documents were from persons that became involved after the fact.
They only had the brats version of events which were proven by the DYFS worker to be unfounded.Broken furniture etc..

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The missing documents appear to be a declaration from a school official who heard the mother screaming and insulting her daughter over the phone, which was on speaker, and a horrible email from the mother which the kid's attorney stated shows where the girl learned how to talk the way she does.
One other thing. I can't let the parents off scot free. When you give a kid tons of material things and basically wait on them hand and foot, like this kid apparently was ( it's just easier for us to clean up ourselves, said her parents, or something to that effect), you can expect this.

IMO, money or not, kids should not be given so much. It "spoils" them and this is the result. I hear parents say, "I gave them everything! I don't understand this."

Yeah, you gave them everything. That's the problem.

It does sound as if there were consistent expectations, rules and consequences and everything was going swimmingly until they hit that 8 month window of some serious misbehavior.

I think the biggest problem for this girl is she's highly manipulative and she's been encouraged by the father of her friend thats housing her. Either that family has been fooled, is using her, or simply enabling her. They need to butt out.

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It does sound as if there were consistent expectations, rules and consequences and everything was going swimmingly until they hit that 8 month window of some serious misbehavior.

I think the biggest problem for this girl is she's highly manipulative and she's been encouraged by the father of her friend thats housing her. Either that family has been fooled, is using her, or simply enabling her. They need to butt out.

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I don't know. What I gathered from the parents' declarations was that they had virtually no rules- they mentioned this repeatedly- and the kids had virtually no chores. And then, when the daughter began acting out, they belatedly tried to institute rules with somewhat predictable results.

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