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Welcome to Websleuths.com!

Websleuths is a privately owned forum dedicated to discuss, debate and advocate crime cases. Moderators may delete and edit posts in an effort to keep the site free of forum wars, insults, advertising and off-topic replies. Please be polite and helpful with your replies. Feel free to seek help from a moderator or administrator at anytime. By requesting membership at Websleuths, you agree to abide by the Terms of Service (also known as TOS) contained herein and by any rules or regulations created by the moderators and administration of Websleuths. These Terms of Service and other rules or regulations may be altered at any time, without advance notice, and become effective immediately upon publication on the site.

Violation of these Terms of Service or any other rules promulgated by Websleuths may lead to suspension or termination of your posting privileges at the sole discretion of Websleuths.


1. Anyone interested in true crime cases and/or advocacy. Law Enforcement, Family and friends of victims and anyone with special information on a case or science in solving one.

2. Each poster may use only one user name. Attempts to register with more than one user name may result in deletion of all associated accounts. User names are subject to approval by the forum administration to avoid offensive, misleading, or confusing names.

If you feel you must re-register or change your user name please email an administrator for assistance.

3. Posting of personal information about other posters, or information intended to lead to the discovery of the identity of other posters, is forbidden. Copying and posting Private Messages without the permission of the author is also forbidden.

4. We strive to provide a safe environment for members to express their ideas without personal attacks or "flames". Please be polite in your posts. Any reply that we feel violates this rule including but not limited to, name calling, ad hominem argument, and profane or racist language will be deleted. If you object to a post, and consider it a flame or insult, please use the "Report post" link instead of insulting the poster back. If you flame others through personal attacks, even in response to a perceived personal attack, you will lose your posting privileges.

Any member who becomes belligerent or requires too much attention from moderators will lose their posting privileges.

5. By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will abide by these rules and not post any messages that are knowingly false and/or defamatory, obscene, vulgar, inappropriate sexual content not viable to the discussion, hateful, threatening, invasion of a person's privacy or otherwise violation of any laws. If you do so, you will lose your posting privileges. You further agree not to post commercial solicitations or advertisements without the express permission of the forum administration. You agree not to email, post, or use the private message system to distribute "spam" or "junk mail" or to advertise a personal agenda or promotion of another website. You also agree to not post links to sites that violate the above statement. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES EVER is it allowable to forward copies of ANY email or PM from ANY moderator, super moderator, administrator or owner of Websleuths to ANY person other than the recipient for which it was intended. We consider this to be one of the most important rules. Violation of this rule will terminate your membership at Websleuths immediately.

6. Copyright infringement is a serious matter. Please post only a brief passage from any published document and link to the original. Do not copy and paste entire posts from other forums without express permission of the author. If you have questions about copyright infringement, please refer to information about the Fair Use Doctrine. As a general rule only 10% of a written work may be copied along with a link to the original or works sited.

7. Once a post is posted the author has 24 hours in which to edit the contents. After this time, the post becomes the property of Websleuths, and may be retained and or deleted at the sole discretion of Websleuth staff. If for some reason the author wants the post to be edited after the 24 hour period, author must contact a forum moderator or administrator to do so. At this time, it will be the sole discretion of Websleuths staff, whether or not to edit the post. Please note that by requesting membership you fully understand that at the owners discretion any and all logs, Ip #'s , emails and any other information will be freely given to Law Enforcement upon request.

8. Please note, posting here is a privilege that we hope you will enjoy and respect. The moderators can and will remove the posting privileges of any person who does not wish to follow the rules, and in our opinion is in violation of these rules. It is your responsibility to read the TOS; not knowing the rules will not be a valid excuse for breaking them.

9. Do NOT fight with the staff
This is a big, busy site. It is a big job for us to keep it running smoothly. If we ask you to stop doing something or change something, just do it. We do not have the time to enter into a discussion with you. If your post or thread "disappears", please do not argue with us about it as we do not have time always to send you a detailed explanation. Re-read the rules to refresh your memory as to why it happened. Once again, there will be no discussion on these matters. If you become a nuisance, you will lose your posting privileges. We welcome debate regarding the cases and topics, but these forum rules are not open for discussion, argument or debate.

10. Do not complain about the rules.
If you object to these rules being applied in a certain case, please report this to us using the "Report post" link . Any public discussion of such matters will be removed and you will lose your posting privileges. Simply put: This is our turf. We've opened it up to you and would like you to stay and feel welcome here. We put a lot of time and effort into providing you with a clean and safe environment which means we clean up a lot of rubbish. We who volunteer to pick up the rubbish get to decide what is rubbish based upon the Rules outlined here. If we decide that your post is unacceptable it will be removed. Please don't argue and please don't keep posting along the same line otherwise we will have to disable your account.

11. Please note that Websleuths is a victim friendly forum therefore we do not permit name calling of victims. Please tread carefully in this area. Discussion of victims and families is permitted but name calling and foundless accusations will not be allowed.

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