Terri's friends want to distance themselves after being dragged into investigation

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Wanted to add that it is very curious that DDS would not cooperate. Most people would when in such a situation. It does make her look like she is a party to whatever happened to Kyron. JMHO
Oh look, brain cells and integrity prevail! Good for them for doing the right thing: cooperating! Distancing is not such a bad idea, either. Get on the life raft, don't go down with the sinking ship.
Yes, and good for the authorities for putting a little pressure on them. Any little thing they add to the case might be of importance, so I'm glad they are cooperating. :woohoo:
Not cooperating is not a sign of guilt necessarily. I would worry that I would do or say something wrong, and they would misinterpret it, and think I did it.
It depends on what is meant by not cooperating. If she won't take a LD test, I don't think it is fair to say she is not cooperating if she will otherwise talk to police. Not everyone will take one, no matter what. And if her father is LE, that could go either way, he may think it is a bad idea to take one.
I wonder if D&K consider Dede not to be cooperating if she has refused to take a lie detector test? Some people just don't believe in them and she may feel she has nothing of value to share. Of course, she may know something, but I think that in Desiree's eyes, anyone who refused a test would be uncooperative.

She's from an LE family. She probably is as cautious as she can be, and advises others to do the same - thereby seeming uncooperative. These other friends took LDT's. I'd imagine DeDe refused to do so.
I wonder if D&K consider Dede not to be cooperating if she has refused to take a lie detector test? Some people just don't believe in them and she may feel she has nothing of value to share. Of course, she may know something, but I think that in Desiree's eyes, anyone who refused a test would be uncooperative.

I had this same conversation with the Boy Toy earlier this evening.

I, too,wonder if DS is being accused of not cooperating because she may have refused to take a poly.

I also wonder if she is being accused of advising TH "not to cooperate" because she advised TH to get an attorney & advised her not to talk to LE without her attorney present.

Since DS is from an LE family, she may be offering what she considers to be good advice.
I find it interesting that the friend who agreed to undergo a poly has not had her name released in the media. It leads me to believe that DS may have chosen not to take one, which may be why her name was released & may be why she has been accused of "not cooperating".

For all we know, DS's own father (who is LE) may have advised her not to take a poly. MOO
I think I may have broken a record for using the word "advise" (and its various forms) in one post lol!
I had this same conversation with the Boy Toy earlier this evening.

I, too,wonder if DS is being accused of not cooperating because she may have refused to take a poly.

I also wonder if she is being accused of advising TH "not to cooperate" because she advised TH to get an attorney & advised her not to talk to LE without her attorney present.

Since DS is from an LE family, she may be offering what she considers to be good advice.

I agree with you and the Boy Toy.

A person should not be suspicious only on the grounds of refusing to take a poly. And, a person has a right to an attorney.
It depends on what is meant by not cooperating. If she won't take a LD test, I don't think it is fair to say she is not cooperating if she will otherwise talk to police. Not everyone will take one, no matter what. And if her father is LE, that could go either way, he may think it is a bad idea to take one.

My father is LE. When my brother got himself in trouble by riding in a car with a friend who was (unknown to him) trafficking a large quantity of extasy (I don't know how to spell that word.) he disowned him for a few years. He wanted him to go to jail. In fact, he almost disowned me when I retained an attorney for him.

He was so embarrassed by my brother having dragged his name into that.
But then again, my dad was chief. And his face ended up being all over the newspapers for weeks. (local only) The headlines were never "Mr. so and so was arrested for..." blah blah. It was "The son of the chief of police was arrested for..."

Meh, maybe my example doesn't really apply, lol.

My father is LE. When my brother got himself in trouble by riding in a car with a friend who was (unknown to him) trafficking a large quantity of extasy (I don't know how to spell that word.) he disowned him for a few years. He wanted him to go to jail. In fact, he almost disowned me when I retained an attorney for him.

He was so embarrassed by my brother having dragged his name into that.
But then again, my dad was chief. And his face ended up being all over the newspapers for weeks. (local only) The headlines were never "Mr. so and so was arrested for..." blah blah. It was "The son of the chief of police was arrested for..."

Meh, maybe my example doesn't really apply, lol.

Well, in a way, it does apply. Your father, even if he wasn't chief, would not have wanted his name dragged through the mud. A kid he'd raised to know right from wrong. Also your father had heard all the excuses for all those years from people saying they didn't know their friend had those drugs or if they are in their own car and drugs are found, they never belong to the car owner, they always belong to a friend----your father had heard all those excuses and whether your brother was telling the truth or not, your father probably didn't believe him right then. Your father was on the right side of the law and he'd earned that. So here comes his kid wiping out all he'd worked for all those years. How was his force going to respect him if he can't keep his family in line----all that.

So DeDe's father has got to have some of those same thoughts going through his head, if his daughter has leveled with him and told him everything. And if he's LE locally. If he's retired LE from out of the area then he doesn't have too much to worry about. Then again, maybe he doesn't have those principles---sorry to say some LE do not.

But maybe she has only advised Terri like the family says she has. Maybe Terri hasn't really told her anything so she and her father are seeking the advice of an attorney. We should know more about where DeDe stands sometime next week maybe. Hopefully her father and the attorney talk her into telling ALL about what she knows.

Sorry for rambling. Time for bed.
I agree with you and the Boy Toy.

A person should not be suspicious only on the grounds of refusing to take a poly. And, a person has a right to an attorney.

the other friends did the poly. No problemo, apparently.

So now Dede is going for the court of popular opinion.

No jobs for her.

How long will this case take? She wanted to go to med school. Kiss that goodbye.

If she has nothing that she knows,like the other friends must not have, then she would be smart to clear herself.

I always think of that driving ad that they used to have on TV. "You can be right-dead right."

Principles, whatever she wants to stand on, are not too smart to me in this case.
Principles, whatever she wants to stand on, are not too smart to me in this case.

I think those principles are her constitutional rights.

I've been thinking about this, from the point of view of what I would do in her position. I would not take a polygraph for any reason, unless the missing child were my own.

I would probably tell LE exactly what I had been doing that day, unless I were guilty of being involved with anything connected to Kyron's disappearance. If I discovered that I may have been unwittingly involved (supplied concrete blocks or weights to TH believing at the time that it was for an unrelated legal purpose, like landscaping or weight lifting), I would consult a criminal defense attorney.
Principles, whatever she wants to stand on, are not too smart to me in this case.

You know what? I'm all for standing on principle. But if that's the choice you make, you must be prepared for the consequences. And, furthermore, if you're standing on principle, why not come out and say what the principle is? What's the point of taking a stand, if no one knows the principle you're standing on?

Did y'all see the WW article about DDS lying to them? Perfect opportunity to explain her principles if she had any...imo/jmo

Curious if Spicher had any insight into the case, we knocked on the door of her condo in Tualatin several days later. The woman who answered the door was the same person shown in the photo and identified as Spicher in the press release from Kyron’s parents.

But the woman at the door told us DeDe Spicher wasn’t home. She identified herself only as a “friend” who was in town “to help.”

Asked where she was from, the woman paused and looked away.

“Where I’m from,” she said.

We left our card and walked away, thinking that if people are going to fib, they should at least be quick about it.

Did y'all see the WW article about DDS lying to them? Perfect opportunity to explain her principles if she had any...imo/jmo

Why should she explain anything to the media?

If I were her, and I had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance, I'd be justifiably angry that the media had been set on me like hound dogs going after a fox.
I agree, Collie, the media would be the LAST people I'd be talking to (in fact, less than last), regardless of whether or not I had anything at all to do with Ky's disappearance. The media twists so much of what is said by anyone & everyone, I wouldn't trust them any farther than I can spit, which isn't very far.
One woman, who is moving out of a home in Tigard, said she underwent a polygraph test and had investigators come to her home with a search warrant within the last week.

She and another friend of Terri Horman said they’re cooperating fully with detectives since they have nothing to hide.

Both said they feel they’ve been dragged into the investigation by simply being supportive of Terri and doing things like visiting her at her home.

But both said they are stepping away from the situation as much as they can because it’s simply not something they want to be connected with anymore.


scotslass - thank you very much for posting this. Enlightening indeed.
LE is turning up the heat and applying the thumbscrews to anyone who might know something or be lying or trying to cover for TH. Imo, LE believes the perpetrator is TH, but without Kyron, they need the most solid circumstantial facts they can gather.

TH is callous. To attempt to contract for a MFH and possibly be involved with the kidnapping and/or death of a child is the epitome of callousness. She has also allegedly asked a "friend" to lie to her lawyer. If asking people to lie for her is a typical MO for her, she would ask other friends to lie for her, too.

It's all about her. Others are to be drawn in, manipulated and used for her gain and pleasure. TH believes that she is shrewder than even the best detective or the best LE team. She thinks she's covered all bases... those bases are about to be uncovered.

Her friends and/or accomplice(s) will be unable to sustain LE and public focus in the same cold and hardened manner of TH. They will crack. Few are as heartless and devoid of typical human emotion, thank God, as TH seems to be. DS running to the vehicle of her father belies her apprehension and fear. TH has shown none of that kind of vulnerability. TH hid behind her attorney's assistant, but another camera angle showed nothing but a calm expression - and, TH was only an inch or two from the back of that woman's head! Creepy! TH is abnormal. I wonder what that woman thought when she turned around and found TH one inch from her nose! Yikes!

MC has disappeared from MSM as of late. I'm guessing his involvement with TH has left him soundly smarting and worrying that he could be arrested for a crime or two now, too. This LE team is relentless. When the LE gaze of this team turns to you, it gets up close and personal and is unwavering and intense. They want the monster who took Kyron brought to justice.

All moo.
Why should she explain anything to the media?

If I were her, and I had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance, I'd be justifiably angry that the media had been set on me like hound dogs going after a fox.

Like I said, if I felt strongly enough to be standing on principle at much cost to my reputation, privacy, etc. (which was mentioned in the post I was responding to), I would likely mention what those principles were -- especially to the media. Just like if I was TH and I were innocent, I'd likely be saying so. Either myself, or through my attorney. jmo
DS doesn't have to talk to LE. She doesn't have to take a LDT (if they have requested one from her)

She doesn't have to talk to the media. She is well within her rights to refuse to talk to anyone.

But why won't she talk to LE? Why not? She didn't commit a crime right? She didn't cover up a crime right? She doesn't have any knowledge of a crime being commited right? She doesn't have any knowledge of a crime being covered up right?

So why not go in and talk to LE and let them ask her whatever questions they wish to ask her on behalf of a missing 7 yr old boy that has been missing now over a month and a half.

It doesn't make her guilty of anything, but it sure makes me shake my head in wonder how anyone would not assist in any way.

The argument that this is reported as being from "sources" well I can't argue that, but I, personally, never dismiss a source until I see it proved to be an outright error. If we had no sources in this case, we would have no media coverage. JMHO and all that jazz :)
I can't say that I blame them for drawing away, particularly if they haven't done anything. Even if they completely trusted Terri at first they must be wondering about some things by now. If any of my friends ever start to look like suspects in a child abduction or homicide and they're about to drag me in the investigation, I'm not going to be very supportive, sorry to say. I'm shallow like that.

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