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Details said:
Moderates are never as vocal, nor as well covered, nor do they hold demonstrations much like extremists do. To test that - just look at how much coverage Fred Phelps gets, versus just about all other christian groups without such an agenda.

Oh hell yes Fred Phelps has been condemned and laughed at by other Christians, who would do anything to shut him up and are completely disassociated from him. And to think, his group hasn't even blown anything up.

See: DarkKnight's response.
Karole28 said:
Oh hell yes Fred Phelps has been condemned and laughed at by other Christians, who would do anything to shut him up and are completely disassociated from him. And to think, his group hasn't even blown anything up.

See: DarkKnight's response.
Al Queda has been condemned by other muslims who would do anything to shut him up and are completely disassociated from him. But just like DarkKnight's response, it's not covered nearly as much by the media. After all, these guys have blown up and killed plenty.

For an example - I've seen Phelps on the front page, first couple of links on cbsnews and other news sites plenty. I've never seen a church's condemnation of him on any link in a news site. It's the nature of news - they're going to report on the terrorists, which are news, and not the moderates, which are not.
Nova said:
Gidget### lives just down the road in Belvidere.

My sister-in-law and her family live within walking distance of that mall.
My aunt lives in Belvidere and we went to the mall alot in the olden days.
Details said:
Al Queda has been condemned by other muslims who would do anything to shut him up and are completely disassociated from him. But just like DarkKnight's response, it's not covered nearly as much by the media. After all, these guys have blown up and killed plenty.

Is it not covered, or does it not happen? I've pointed out one man's condemnation of terrorism and the backlash it brought him personally. Why would any organization condemn a member of their organization/mosque for speaking out against violence and terrorism. Care to address that?

I found some examples of Christians condemning Phelps, but that's going to open a can of worms I don't care to get into.

I'm sick of the one sided tolerance, and I'm sick of having to add "I'm not talking about ALL muslims" to every damned post on this subject.
Karole28 said:
Is it not covered, or does it not happen? I've pointed out one man's condemnation of terrorism and the backlash it brought him personally. Why would any organization condemn a member of their organization/mosque for speaking out against violence and terrorism. Care to address that?

I found some examples of Christians condemning Phelps, but that's going to open a can of worms I don't care to get into.

I'm sick of the one sided tolerance, and I'm sick of having to add "I'm not talking about ALL muslims" to every damned post on this subject.
And I've pointed out several cases with condemnation of the terrorism. It does happen - plenty. It isn't covered as much - just like Christians condemning Phelps, it is not reported as prominiently as the terrorist statements, and Phelps's statements. I'm not saying at all that Phelps represents Christians - just because he hijacks the name of a religion and some of the customs, doesn't mean he represents them. And a lack of coverage of Christians condemning him doesn't mean they don't do so, or don't do so enough. And same goes for the muslims. Had you ever heard of that fatwa?

You don't need to post 'not ALL muslims' - but you are posting things that imply it is indeed all muslims: "And, we can expect public condemnation of this "lone nutcase" performing jihad in the name of allah, from the local Mosques, exactly.....never." 'Never' sure sounds like 'all' to me, in this context.
Details said:
You don't need to post 'not ALL muslims' - but you are posting things that imply it is indeed all muslims: "And, we can expect public condemnation of this "lone nutcase" performing jihad in the name of allah, from the local Mosques, exactly.....never." 'Never' sure sounds like 'all' to me, in this context.

If by posting "things" such as 22 year old man wants to blow up mall in the name of allah, makes you think I'm talking about ALL muslims, I don't know what to tell you.

You'll take whatever you want to from what I write. That's your perogative.
(in the future, please understand, that "never" does not mean "all". You can look it up at www.dictionary.com, if you don't want to take my word for it)
Karole28 said:
If by posting "things" such as 22 year old man wants to blow up mall in the name of allah, makes you think I'm talking about ALL muslims, I don't know what to tell you.

You'll take whatever you want to from what I write. That's your perogative.
(in the future, please understand, that "never" does not mean "all". You can look it up at www.dictionary.com, if you don't want to take my word for it)
I didn't mention "things" like a 22 year old man - I mentioned 'things' like you saying we'd never see a public condemnation of this terrorist from any of the local mosques. Sure sounds like that means "all" of the mosques will stay silent to me. And why would they do that if they didn't "all" support him? Please, I'd love to hear what you really mean there. I'm just saying that when you say something that implies that all muslims are terrorists or supporters, perhaps if that's not what you mean, then you do need a caveat if you don't want people to get the wrong impression.

And, it's kinda funny, because you're mellower than I am about Islam right now - you've said you think they're a peaceful religion, and I have not said that. But some of your statements sound the opposite, like you're far more extreme than I am.
Taking a page from your book, if anyone made a comment like, "And, we can expect public condemnation of this "Fred Phelps" protesting against gays in the name of jesus, from the local Churches, exactly.....never." - what would you think? Sounds to me like this person thinks all churches are in line with, support quietly if not blatantly, the Phelps agenda.
Details said:
I didn't mention "things" like a 22 year old man - I mentioned 'things' like you saying we'd never see a public condemnation of this terrorist from any of the local mosques. Sure sounds like that means "all" of the mosques will stay silent to me. And why would they do that if they didn't "all" support him? Please, I'd love to hear what you really mean there. I'm just saying that when you say something that implies that all muslims are terrorists or supporters, perhaps if that's not what you mean, then you do need a caveat if you don't want people to get the wrong impression.

I shouldn't need a caveat. When I say that we won't hear anything from the local mosques. I mean just that. As an organized religion, I have never heard of a mosque breaking from the "mainstream" and condemning any act of violence by Muslims. (This does not include pre-9/11 because truthfully while I was aware of bin Laden and knew he was responsible for the attacks immediately, Islam was not on my radar overmuch)

And, it's kinda funny, because you're mellower than I am about Islam right now - you've said you think they're a peaceful religion, and I have not said that. But some of your statements sound the opposite, like you're far more extreme than I am.

I do believe the Muslim religion to be a peaceful one. I work and am friends with many who attend Friday prayers, and are completely faithful to Islam and are completely adorable.

I also know a few who are Muslim that I'm suspicious of for various reasons.

I'm also friends with a reformed Hindu and a Coptic Christian. Facinating people and I love them.

That's not to say that I'm going to ignore what is going on in this country right now.
Every day.
Details said:
Taking a page from your book, if anyone made a comment like, "And, we can expect public condemnation of this "Fred Phelps" protesting against gays in the name of jesus, from the local Churches, exactly.....never." - what would you think? Sounds to me like this person thinks all churches are in line with, support quietly if not blatantly, the Phelps agenda.

I'll vote that Dark Knight be the official Christian who condemns Fred Phelps outright for any future offenses.
Karole28 said:
I'll vote that Dark Knight be the official Christian who condemns Fred Phelps outright for any future offenses.
Without an official muslim here, let alone a bunch of them, hard to know what they'd do...

But you're looking for condemnation by a specific set of mosques, and what's more, saying it won't happen - a lot different than one individual on a forum being sufficient to distance a religion from their own nutcases.

I've said it plenty - I don't think Phelps represents Christians, any more than binLaden represents Muslims. It's not a bad parellel, because many christians do believe being gay is a sin - but they'd condemn Phelps in a minute - just as many muslims might agree that it'd be a wonderful thing to see the world converted, and that we've got a sinful life in their eyes (we've got a sinful life in the eyes of many Christians too) - but they'd condemn terrorism in a minute.
Details said:
Taking a page from your book, if anyone made a comment like, "And, we can expect public condemnation of this "Fred Phelps" protesting against gays in the name of jesus, from the local Churches, exactly.....never." - what would you think? Sounds to me like this person thinks all churches are in line with, support quietly if not blatantly, the Phelps agenda.
We'd rather not give him the free publicity, hehe. I didn't even like his website being posted on here quite frankly. He is very much in the lunatic fringe, and their 'protests' draw about 8 people in some cases.

ETA: Plus, Phelps hasn't killed anyone or blown anything up, the parallell to terrorism is a stretch, to say the least.
Dark Knight said:
We'd rather not give him the free publicity, hehe. I didn't even like his website being posted on here quite frankly. He is very much in the lunatic fringe, and their 'protests' draw about 8 people in some cases.
I agree - when I've seen his 'protests' on the links of news sites like cbsnews, I've written in to complain about them giving this nutjob coverage - might as well report on the local homeless nutjob who thinks he's being sent through time with the power of jesus christ. I think it worked too - the story came down pretty quick.

I agree, I'd never post his website, and doubly so never visit it - no reason to give him any attention whatsoever. I did love reading about the motorcycle group who organized to go and drown him out when he attempted to do funerals.
Details said:
I agree, I'd never post his website, and doubly so never visit it - no reason to give him any attention whatsoever. I did love reading about the motorcycle group who organized to go and drown him out when he attempted to do funerals.

You're speaking of the Freedom Riders, and they rock.
Details said:
I'm not saying they're not - I'm saying they don't get in the news like Phelps does. Because that's the nature of the news. They don't report on the moderates.
The Muslims who protest terrorism don't get much media coverage either. It's pathetic.
Dark Knight said:
The Muslims who protest terrorism don't get much media coverage either. It's pathetic.
Yep, that was exactly the point I was trying to make. I kinda understand it - the news is about the most dramatic stuff, for ratings purposes, so a story is never as big as, for example, it's retraction. And it seems they've given up trying to put out accurate news, and now just figure they have to report whatever is the hotest news, whether it's represenative, meaningful or accurate or not. It's sad. I think they just gave up.
Dark Knight said:
The Muslims who protest terrorism don't get much media coverage either. It's pathetic.
I think it's sad that millions of Muslims are expected to take some dramatic stand to show that they're against terrorism-I think we should generally assume that people aren't terrorists or supporters of terrorists unless they give us a real reason to think otherwise.

When I meet a Christian I don't automatically assume they support people blowing up abortion clinics. I also don't assume that the people blowing up the abortion clinics are following the teachings of Christianity. When I meet a muslim I don't automatically assume they support terrorism or that the Islamic faith advocates terrorism. Most muslim are normal peaceful people-just like most Christians are.

The news doesn't report on the people who aren't terrorists-you're never going to see a headline that says "One billion Muslims didn't blow up a building today" or "99.9999% of Muslims didn't hijack a plane this year."

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