Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #10 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I don't see any markings that say "blast seat" in the pic at the above link. I see numerical markings & arrows, but nothing that says "blast seat", even after enlarging the pic 200%.

2 for one...lol

yes it does say blast seat, it's the square with all the arrows pointed at it one arrow at each side and one arrow at each corner

as for why I think it won't go to trial, he'll want to avoid the death penalty. no other reasoning on my part, just. he know's he's done, his lawyers know it, the feds know it everyone but his mom seems to have come to this realization.

i'm sure he has info they want or need, they'll trade his life for that info.. even if the info is they acted totally alone it's worth his life knowing that.
I'm pretty sure that's what the 2 words say at the back/top of the square box marking that has arrows in it. I may be mistaken.

Thx for the clarification.

The box you're referring to is almost in the middle of the street. I don't know what it's referring to, but neither of the bombs were detonated in the street, based on video evidence that was captured in real time.
TT's (alleged) suicide vest on the night of the shootout

Did anyone hear anything more about the suicide vest TT allegedly wore during the night of the shootout? It was repeatedly said during live reporting from the scene and also mentioned in subsequent articles. It was linked to a warning that DT who was then still on the lose might also wear one.

It might have been another misreporting because I never heard about it again, and I was wondering: if TT indeed did wear a suicide vest, how would LE have handled his arrest? I assume that handcuffing someone who has a suicide vest on is extremely dangerous? Or did they take the vest off first (also dangerous)? And why didn't the vest explode when they shot at him? He reportedly had gun shot wounds in the torso.

Just wondering ... somehow I think this was another false report/some misunderstanding in the heat of the moment.
Thx for the clarification.

The box you're referring to is almost in the middle of the street. I don't know what it's referring to, but neither of the bombs were detonated in the street, based on video evidence that was captured in real time.

That's not the street Sorrell, that's the sidewalk, see all the brickwork. It's just incredibly wide.
TT and DT - psychopaths

From Wikipedia:
Psychopathy is a personality disorder identified by characteristics such as a lack of empathy and remorse, criminality, antisocial behavior, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, impulsivity, and a parasitic lifestyle.
I'm pretty sure that's what the 2 words say at the back/top of the square box marking that has arrows in it. I may be mistaken.


Here's a clearer pic -

I've been trying & trying to respond to your post, but I got stuck in the ever-annoying spin cycle - grrrrrr! I finally just logged off & then logged back on.

TY for this link - I see the "blast seat" now. This is a much clearer photo. TY very much!



It does appear as if it went off directly behind where Krystle & her friend were standing, doesn't it?


It does appear as if it went off directly behind where Krystle & her friend were standing, doesn't it?

If you compare the above pic to this one you will see exactly where the blast seat was, where the smoke still gathered.



I hope this picture won't make anyone uncomfortable. Mod, if this is not appropriate please remove it.
If you compare the above pic to this one you will see exactly where the blast seat was, where the smoke still gathered.


I hope this picture won't make anyone uncomfortable. Mod, if this is not appropriate please remove it.

Just want to point out that the fence on the left does not appear to have fallen over, neither towards the street nor the sidewalk. It is still standing.
An eyewitness account of the shootout that I hadn't read previously:

The shots, around 12:50 a.m., woke resident Jennings Aske, at 66 Laurel Ave. When he looked out his window he saw a green Honda Civic sedan stopped in the street, with its lights on and the driver’s side windows blown out. A husky man – apparently Tamerlan Tsarnaev -- stood nearby firing a gun.

“I saw him standing there shooting at police,” Aske said. “When he fired, there was a little flash of light. I could hear the gun firing. It was terrifying.”

A police SUV came down Laurel Street, hearing west toward Dexter Ave., crashing into some trash cans on the sidewalk and into a parked car. Aske said he then saw a black Mercedes SUV drive up, also heading west toward Dexter Avenue. Then he heard two or three loud explosions, one of them large enough to shake the house. In an instant, the street “was crawling with police,” he said.

Lawyers seek release for accused bombing coverup suspect

The Cambridge suspect accused of covering up for Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev by lying to authorities wants a judge to release him from custody with a GPS monitor, according to a motion filed by his lawyer today.

Robel Phillipos should be released while he awaits trial because he has no prior arrest record and has strong ties to his family, church and community, his lawyers, Derege B.Demissie and Susan B. Church, argued in court papers.

But, in another picture can be seen a package sitting next to a bin just in front of the barrier and just a foot or two away from where the R's were standing when the bomb exploded. Therefore I don't understand how the investigators were able to say that the images show "nothing" else that could have caused the blast without mentioning and discounting that package.

Awful though it is to think of it, I believe the nature and location of the injuries sustained by the victims at that location, especially the R family, may be crucial in determining where the blast came from. If their main injuries were to the back then DT's backpack is in the frame, but if they are more to the front then the package near the bin comes into play. Also if barriers etc were blown forward, possibly DT's bag, but if backward, possibly the package.

It could be the subject of extensive forensic evidence and expert testimony from both sides at trial, IMO. I say watch this space!

Catching up here, so probably addressed already

Bomb investigators weren't born yesterday ... they will know precisely where it was sitting when it detonated.

Even in looking at Andrew Kitzenberg's pics of the bomb blast during the gunfight, it is absolutely clear from the pavement where that bomb landed.
Article about DT: The Dark Side, Carefully Masked

But there were oblique signs that the gulf between the private and the public person was widening. Between raunchy jokes and posts about girls and cars on Twitter, Mr. Tsarnaev described terrifying nightmares about murder and destruction. In the last year, he alluded to disaffection with his American life and the American mind-set.

And as the date of the marathon drew close, he dropped cryptic hints of a plan of action, and the righteousness of an unspoken cause.

More here: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/05/us/dzhokhar-tsarnaevs-dark-side-carefully-masked.html?_r=0

Lots of little bits of info about him and his life, the family, TT's influence.

... the older brother and their mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, &#8220;had a deep religious epiphany&#8221; about two or three years ago. At the time, Tamerlan&#8217;s new devotion only irritated Dzhokhar, he said.

During one visit about two years ago, he said, Tamerlan ordered him (friend) and Dzhokhar to sit and forced the two teenagers to read a book about the fundamentals of Islam and prayer. After that, he said, they began avoiding the apartment.

&#8220;He&#8217;d say: &#8216;Let&#8217;s not go to my house. Tamerlan will just make us read,&#8217; &#8221; he said. &#8220;And he was a big dude, so we kind of had to listen to him.&#8221;

During one exchange of text messages, he said, Dzhokhar indicated that Tamerlan was in the apartment with him. When Mr. Mazaev was slow to reply, he added: &#8220;Hey, stop ignoring me. Come back. Don&#8217;t make me suffer alone.&#8221;

He was also playing computer games - someone here had earlier asked about that.

Very interesting article for those who like to dig deeper into psychological issues.

Just another perspective (and I'm no conspiracy nut), but I noticed these two before/after photos earlier, and actually, one of the metal barriers appears partially wrapped around the mailbox. And from other photos at this blast site--as well as photo 2 here--it's clear that at least one of the barriers landed on top of a couple people after the blast--which, to me, indicates a blast originating from the street side of the barrier. This has been niggling at me.

I don't see it that way at all PIM.

Those barriers look about 8 to 10 feet wide. The one that was behind the post box is still there because the post box prevented it from being blown outward into the street, but approx. 4 feet of the left side of that barrier is bent outward and against the left side of the post box.

I don't see it that way at all PIM.

Those barriers look about 8 to 10 feet wide. The one that was behind the post box is still there because the post box prevented it from being blown outward into the street, but approx. 4 feet of the left side of that barrier is bent outward and against the left side of the post box.


Don't forget that victims were standing and leaning on the barrier that has fallen inward toward the restaurant.

I don't know how it is with a bomb but when in a rear-end collision the body actually presses back into the seat before it follows on a forward thrust. In a front-end collision the body goes forward, then back and sometimes forward again depending on the force of impact. It would seem logical that any impact would cause similar reactions to an object or person that is stationary.
Lawyers seek release for accused bombing coverup suspect

The Cambridge suspect accused of covering up for Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev by lying to authorities wants a judge to release him from custody with a GPS monitor, according to a motion filed by his lawyer today.

Robel Phillipos should be released while he awaits trial because he has no prior arrest record and has strong ties to his family, church and community, his lawyers, Derege B.Demissie and Susan B. Church, argued in court papers.


He needs to stay behind bars!
I don't know where the backpacks were specifically placed. I expect that will come out at trial, along with other forensic evidence.

I hope there's a trial. Noodled1 - you've posted recently that you think DT may take a plea bargain.

Would you mind explaining your reasons why you believe this, as well as why you believe federal prosecutors may offer or agree to a plea?

They agreed with Loughner.
Article about DT: The Dark Side, Carefully Masked

But there were oblique signs that the gulf between the private and the public person was widening. Between raunchy jokes and posts about girls and cars on Twitter, Mr. Tsarnaev described terrifying nightmares about murder and destruction. In the last year, he alluded to disaffection with his American life and the American mind-set.

And as the date of the marathon drew close, he dropped cryptic hints of a plan of action, and the righteousness of an unspoken cause.

More here: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/05/us/dzhokhar-tsarnaevs-dark-side-carefully-masked.html?_r=0

Lots of little bits of info about him and his life, the family, TT's influence.

... the older brother and their mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, “had a deep religious epiphany” about two or three years ago. At the time, Tamerlan’s new devotion only irritated Dzhokhar, he said.

During one visit about two years ago, he said, Tamerlan ordered him (friend) and Dzhokhar to sit and forced the two teenagers to read a book about the fundamentals of Islam and prayer. After that, he said, they began avoiding the apartment.

“He’d say: ‘Let’s not go to my house. Tamerlan will just make us read,’ ” he said. “And he was a big dude, so we kind of had to listen to him.”

During one exchange of text messages, he said, Dzhokhar indicated that Tamerlan was in the apartment with him. When Mr. Mazaev was slow to reply, he added: “Hey, stop ignoring me. Come back. Don’t make me suffer alone.”

He was also playing computer games - someone here had earlier asked about that.

Very interesting article for those who like to dig deeper into psychological issues.

This is one of the more interesting background articles I've read. Certainly more informative than the Time's earlier fluffy piece about DT's Holden Caulfield-ish alienation. While I believe DT was close to TT and looked up to him in many aspects, it also seems that at least for a time, he considered TT something of a buzzkill. He continued with his partying lifestyle despite TT's disapproval right up to the time of the bombings. I wonder what or who pushed DT over the ideological edge. I have no doubt that TT was a factor, but I also wonder if his growing interest in the turbulent history of his homeland and the surrounding region contributed to his shift. A new sense of nationalistic pride and grievance might have made him more accepting of TT's radical religious views. All MOO
:seeya: Thread #11 ready to go.

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