Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #11 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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It's not clear to me, can you explain what you mean with "further injuries"? How can statements result in injuries? Do you mean torture?

yes,that's what i'm thinking the defense is trying to say.I don't understand why else those pictures would matter other than they are trying to show he has injuries that he did not have coming in? Would that explain the delay in indictment as well?
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From a 4/22 article, speculation about the trial:

Some legal experts said the best legal strategy now would be "delay, delay, delay" as long as possible, given the public outrage at the crimes the defendant is alleged to have committed.

Any criminal trial could be many months, if not years away.

The defendant's lawyers are expected to waive the "speedy trial" requirement to give them time to prepare would could be a lengthy criminal trial, two government sources indicated.

The suspect's medical condition may also delay matters if he is not able to fully assist his counsel in the initial stages.
yes,that's what i'm thinking the defense is trying to say.I don't understand why else those pictures would matter other than they are trying to show he has injuries that he did not have coming in? Would that explain the delay in indictment as well?

I think it would be sweet if LE/FBI beat the carp out of DT to get information from him. He deserves everything painful that comes his way!
This is why I hate these cases. Public fury and fear rises to the point where otherwise rational people call for unacceptable methods like torture, police brutality, and the like.

I'm also extremely uncomfortable with the lack of explanation for the delay in charging. The government should not have the right to indefinitely detain people without having to officially produce evidence for it, no matter what the crime.

Disturbing all around.
I think it's clear that they are insinuating that DT was forced to make statements which resulted in further injuries,that's why they want the photos?

I don't think it's clear.
I don't even know that it's really DT that they wanted to photograph. What if they want to photograph the surroundings.
Maybe to show the effects of solitary confinement. I can't imagine that he would not be talking, in fact he has been talking alot. Heck he even left a message in the boat in case he didn't make it out alive to me sure we knew why he did it. Wounds from beatings, I think not. idk jmo
This is why I hate these cases. Public fury and fear rises to the point where otherwise rational people call for unacceptable methods like torture, police brutality, and the like.

I'm also extremely uncomfortable with the lack of explanation for the delay in charging. The government should not have the right to indefinitely detain people without having to officially produce evidence for it, no matter what the crime.

Disturbing all around.

I get what you are saying about the public fury (kinda). But if what these two terrorists did doesn't infuriate every human (especially Americans), it's a shame.
Blowing innocent people up tends to make me a little angry. No, actually it infuriates me.

A perfect example of unacceptable methods of torture and brutality is what the terrorists did that day they decided to drop bombs at the feet of innocent people. Who did nothing to deserve it. Who were enjoying their right of freedom. Family time at a sporting event.
He should have no more rights.

It's a delay. I'm sure not an indefinite one.

"Tamar Birckhead, a former Boston defense attorney who represented Richard Reid, the man accused of attempting to blow up an airplane with explosives in his shoes, said pictures of Tsarnaev as an injured 19-year-old could be important defense evidence in a federal death penalty case."


“If he’s in a terrible state and doing self-harm or not eating or having a psychotic break, then it might not matter who takes the photo,” she said in an interview yesterday. “They’ll be able to use them as evidence to support an argument he shouldn’t be executed, or any statements he’s made in the past are not true and voluntary.”
"Tamar Birckhead, a former Boston defense attorney who represented Richard Reid, the man accused of attempting to blow up an airplane with explosives in his shoes, said pictures of Tsarnaev as an injured 19-year-old could be important defense evidence in a federal death penalty case."


“If he’s in a terrible state and doing self-harm or not eating or having a psychotic break, then it might not matter who takes the photo,” she said in an interview yesterday. “They’ll be able to use them as evidence to support an argument he shouldn’t be executed, or any statements he’s made in the past are not true and voluntary.”

BBM: Wasn't it mentioned previously that he made a statement saying he would be seeing his brother soon? My thoughts were more on the line that he may be refusing to eat and harming himself. How does this support any argument against the death penalty though, if his goal is to join his brother in "paradise".
I think it would be sweet if LE/FBI beat the carp out of DT to get information from him. He deserves everything painful that comes his way!

That's a dangerous thing to hope for and does not coincide with our justice system. As a citizen, I don't want this kind of thing to occur with prisoners. As a human being, I don't feel the need to inflict that kind of pain to get retribution, I'm happy with criminals being somewhere that they can't hurt anyone and to go through the legal proceedings we presumably all believe in.
That's a dangerous thing to hope for and does not coincide with our justice system. As a citizen, I don't want this kind of thing to occur with prisoners. As a human being, I don't feel the need to inflict that kind of pain to get retribution, I'm happy with criminals being somewhere that they can't hurt anyone and to go through the legal proceedings we presumably all believe in.

I don't think anyone is torturing DT. It's too bad we are going to spend a bunch of money on the trial and his upkeep, though.
I get what you are saying about the public fury (kinda). But if what these two terrorists did doesn't infuriate every human (especially Americans), it's a shame.
Blowing innocent people up tends to make me a little angry. No, actually it infuriates me.

A perfect example of unacceptable methods of torture and brutality is what the terrorists did that day they decided to drop bombs at the feet of innocent people. Who did nothing to deserve it. Who were enjoying their right of freedom. Family time at a sporting event.
He should have no more rights.

It's a delay. I'm sure not an indefinite one.


Well of course the bombing is unacceptable torture and brutality. That's why it is a CRIME, and he is under arrest for it, and will eventually be put on trial.

Brutality and torture are - or should be, in any rational society - illegal.

And don't make assumptions about who is angry, how people feel, etc. that little boy in the picture up there, holding the sign that says "no more hurting people" is my lifelong friend's cousin. The loss of his life, and the loss of the others' hurts deeply, for those who knew and loved them, and those of us who know and love their loved ones and see how the loss affects them. But anger, devastation, sorrow do not justify more violence.

How many child abusers, after all, say they did it because they were angry? If anger were an acceptable excuse for violence we'd be in big trouble.

I also find it hard to believe that Richard would approve of anyone hurting a prisoner in his name, given, you know, how he felt about hurting people.
I don't think anyone is torturing DT. It's too bad we are going to spend a bunch of money on the trial and his upkeep, though.

I don't think so either, but the point is that that would be a crime. So people should not be promoting criminal activity on here in the name of the US Government or any Law Enforcement.

I agree with you on the trial in this case and many others, e.g., Jody Arias. I wish these people would just admit their guilt and save us all the expense. I don't expect anyone who is innocent or guilty of a lesser crime to do that. We have to pay upkeep for those we lock up, no sense in lamenting it. There is no other way our system works.
Well of course the bombing is unacceptable torture and brutality. That's why it is a CRIME, and he is under arrest for it, and will eventually be put on trial.

Brutality and torture are - or should be, in any rational society - illegal.

And don't make assumptions about who is angry, how people feel, etc. that little boy in the picture up there, holding the sign that says "no more hurting people" is my lifelong friend's cousin. The loss of his life, and the loss of the others' hurts deeply, for those who knew and loved them, and those of us who know and love their loved ones and see how the loss affects them. But anger, devastation, sorrow do not justify more violence.

How many child abusers, after all, say they did it because they were angry? If anger were an acceptable excuse for violence we'd be in big trouble.

I also find it hard to believe that Richard would approve of anyone hurting a prisoner in his name, given, you know, how he felt about hurting people.

Of course it's illegal. But that doesn't prevent people wishing for it.
Nobody said it would or should be done. But I can certainly understand the rage and emotion that would make it seem ok for some. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
If the poster above thinks it would be "sweet", he or she has a right to feel that way. This is America. We are free to have thoughts and express them.

And I have never made assumptions about who is angry, how people feel, etc.
I know people are angry and IMO they should be.
We all should be.

Nobody here has said they are going to beat the carp out of DT. But IMO if that happens to him, many of us would not lose sleep over it.

Do I think those who are guarding him should beat him up? Nope.
Do I think those who are questioning him should torture him to get info? Nope.

But, I have the right to say if it happened, I would not feel sorrow for him. If I said I would, I would be lying.

Someone saying he deserves to he tortured is not the same thing as saying we think he SHOULD be.

I refuse to address the child abuse statement because its apples to oranges. There is a huge difference.

American soil is special.
He was not an American citizen.
He should have been shipped back to where he came from.

Nobody said the nation would not survive. But sometimes it's about principle. There are a lot of things people (Americans) feel passionately about. Not because of the inability to survive, but because its wrong!

We obviously will never agree on this.
But we are both entitled to our opinions.

But, it's offensive to call someone's opinion irrational and superstitious because you don't share it.

We bury serial killers, murders, rapists, pedophiles,arsonists, daily - always been confused about the ruckus ?
NY Times reporting same from 2 LE sources:

As the police and federal agents pursued him in a Boston suburb four days after the marathon bombings, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev scrawled a note inside the hull of the boat where he was hiding that said the attack was retribution for wars the United States waged in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to two law enforcement officials.

I beleive it, terrorisim IMO, is about yelling about ones cause, how bad and evil we are etc. At that point I would assume he was not sure if he would live.

His brother dead. So taking responsiblity for the act is core act of terrorism - let the world know that they did what they did becasue of whatever.
Do you know JB? Have you spoken to him?

Just to be clear - again - NO ONE is disputing that a despicable, cowardly and cruel act of violence was committed in Boston on 15 April and that innocent bystanders died and/or suffered horrendous injuries.

What is indisputable fact is the WHEN, WHERE and HOW?

What is not yet proven is the WHO and WHY?

The FBI may indeed have all the 'links', but much of what has been presented to the public so far raises many questions. Until those questions are answered, some people are reserving judgement on the WHO and the WHY.
Who and why? He told everyone after he particpated and it was because of us killing everyone all the world. There is no mystery.

It reminds me of Batman masacre - Holmes said he did it.

Luka (canidian body parts killer ) put up commericals on line before killing his victim.

Jeffrey Dahmer told everyone who and why he did it

So did BUndy

etc etc -- there is nothing needed here - all this court stuff is ONLY about dealth penality or not guilty or not is not even up for debate.
There is video of them

What is the mystery??
If I saw someone leave something behind that might be important to them, like a filled backpack, I would instinctively shout after them and/or go after them with the item to give it back to them. I wonder if Jeff did? Has he said what he did/said when he saw this man leave the bag behind?
Yeh I have always wondered that angle too - I would too - hey your backpack!
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