Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #11 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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That was a pretty blow blow description of the folks who were within feet of all the drama. Best seat in the house, so I find that one pretty compelling, as oppossed to a lot of LE that were further back etc.

He didn't say TT was not run over by DT.
He just didn't include it.

BIG difference.

Again, I have given several links with quotes from LE saying DT ran over TT.

I'm not sure if you really believe the conspiracy sites or if you just don't want to believe what has been laid forth here in this thread...
Links to interviews and photographs. Along with the cause of death.
Authorities have said his younger brother may have run him over .


reportedly run over.....

His right shoulder and his face show signs of hemorrhaging......

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-Dzhokhar-ran-body-getaway.html#ixzz2TrUMhzos
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I have supplied several direct quotes from the Chief of the Watertown Police Department that say his younger brother DID run him over.

For some reason, you are dismissing those.

By the way...just to be clear....from the death certificate:

Cause of Death: Gunshot wounds of torso and expremities and blunt trauma to head and torso
Describe how injury occured: Shot by police and then run over and dragged by motor vehicle.


Can we PLEASE stop saying he was not dragged?????
RE: Times Square attempt:

But he screwed up the fusing, and we had good police work."

Some citizen called in and said you have a car that looks like it is having a cigg ............where is the police work??


Even in Boston, he got found cause a citizen stretched his legs, took a ittty bitty stroll, saw that his tarp looked messed with , pushed a nine and a one followed by another one and .....

Bingo, the biggest manhunt in history done 17.2 seconds after 52,214 man hours trying to locate him
I really should not have googled victims that have been ran over in various different circumstances! :sick: I do agree, they are not similar to the injuries TT sustained.

I think maybe TT had his foot or ankle ran over, something far less severe. I don't think those injuries which are visible were caused from a vehicle, unless it was moving at 4MPH. Also, wish to know what that large incision is on the torso. There was debate a few threads back and some saying it wasnt a surgical incision however I can not recall what explanations or conclusion was rendered in regards to that particular wound. IMO

Like a unmanned LE SUV as oppossed to someone with their foot on the pedal!!! I concur with you. I dont know for sure intubation?
Pics of others pretty intense huh , for me too!
Hopefully this picture will settle the theory of whether the police car that coasted towards DT and TT was the one that ran over TT:


The picture on this page:


shows TT and DT hiding behind the Mercedes SUV in an active shootout/bomb-throw with the police. If you look at the bottom of the picture, you can see the police SUV already stopped after it crashed into a car in the driveway there. TT is still alive and well. The police SUV is no longer moving. That police vehicle did NOT hit TT.

The pictures were provided to MSM from the photographer that took them (AK). You can go to his blog to see all of the photos he took as well as his eye-witness account. I am afraid to provide a link because I don't want my post to get deleted again. If a moderator says I can put a link to his blog, I will.

(note: It did not get deleted before because it was linked to *advertiser censored*. It was deleted because I did not provide a link with the photos. There were someone elses links to a dragged body that had questionable photos on it. That was not me.)
But, there appears to be a willingness to give credibility to both reports here which are second and third hand reports by noone there - while questioning the 16 minute interview with 5 of the cops that were within 15 feet of the action and not one of them made any reference to anyone running over anything.

From my end, I give a lot of credibiltiy to LE trained eyewitnesses that were 15 feet and in the action.

Much more so than a dark cell phone video that basically shows some flashing red lights, some flashing blue lights, some open trunks, some flashing white lights, some gunshots,, two grainy people in front of a vehicle, some yelling, some screaming, a couple of questions between one another and some narratives by those taking the grainy, dark moving, blurry hard to see video.

In the second narrative that third or forth hand version of what the other guy of the other guy said who is now repeating it to the radio personality as I was listening I was visualizing (the way he described it ) as him kinda like bouncing around under the car before being hurled out at great velocity from underneath the car in violent manner. It made me think the picture on the table is more indicative of not being not run over by a speeding 4.5 ton vehicle and then hurled out from the back ..

Unless I am not referring to the correct video, I have never seen any moving cars in the video. The big static shot that took off online is blurry, and IMO looks like a car not a SUV.- that is just my view of the car.

But if that still shot of car heading out is from a video how come we cant find a video with the car in motion, we could then all see if it looked the car ran over something, I would think running over a 6 foot 2 boxer might make a visible (like a speed bump) with the vehicle as it roars out and over of the area at high speed..

If we had video we also would be able to maybe determine if car swerved. In the still shot I see I cannot tell what is in the middle of the road cause the headlights further down make it difficult.

That object, IMO ,looks maybe like the pressure cooker not a large, not quite deceased *advertiser censored* sapian , IMO!

Now this was helpful and a good point: crashed into a car in the driveway there. TT is still alive and well.

But I keep going back to photo, how on earth does a body come out that together after being mauled, stuck onto the undercarrage of a SUV and then according to this talk show like puked out from underneath a roaring SUV?

I just think the dragging part would shred his chest (ouch).
But, there appears to be a willingness to give credibility to both reports here which are second and third hand reports by noone there - while questioning the 16 minute interview with 5 of the cops that were within 15 feet of the action and not one of them made any reference to anyone running over anything.

From my end I give a lot of credibiltiy to LE eyewitnesses that were 15 feet and in the action. Muchy more so than a dark cell phone video that basically shows red lights, some blue lights, some open trunks, some white lights, some gunshots, some yelling some screaming, some narratives by those taking the grainy hard to see video.

Unless I am not referring to the correct video, I have never seen any moving cars in the video. The big static shot that took off online is blurry, and looks like a car not a SUV.- that is just my view of the car.

But if that still shot of car heading out is from a video how come we cant find a video with the car in motion, we could then all see if it looked the car ran over something, I would think running over a 6 foot 2 boxer might make a visible (like a speed bump) with the vehicle.

If we had video we also would be able to maybe determine if car swerved. In the video I see I cannot tell what is in the middle of the road cause the headlights further down make it difficult.

That object IMO looks maybe like the pressure cooker not a human being, IMO!

Ok... lets start with the picture I included....

In this picture, you can see 3 cars (well 2 whole cars and the top of an SUV).
The car on the left is DTs green Honda. On the right is the stolen Mercedes SUV. Between those cars you can see 2 people. (TT and DT). TT is poised to shoot and DT is hiding behind the Mercedes.
At the bottom of this photo is the police car that was "unmanned" and coasted toward TT and DT. It eventually crashed into a car parked in the driveway.
TT is still alive in this photo and actively shooting.
With this one still photo, how can you determine that the unmanned police SUV ran over TT?

As for the reports from the witness who took this photo and the cell phone video - wouldn't that be a first hand report? He was there. He witnessed it live. (I believe he will also be a witness in court if it goes to trial)

BTW - the reason the cell phone video does not show the SUV running over TT is because AK stopped shooting video with his phone and started taking pictures. He mentioned it in his interview. That is why there is a still photo of it, with commentary from the photographer as to what he witnessed.
Respectfully, just wondering what the difference is, regarding which car was where when? I am curious why this seems to be a sticky point. He was run over one way or another, and is deceased. Is it the who did it, that you're concerned about, or do you not believe that it happened at all? I understand the curiosity, just wondering what the questionable point is. thx
I'm just wondering why you think the body was in good shape. "Just throw some make up on it and good to go." Really??? Have you heard if internal injuries that you can't see? Not that I think that TT was in good shape at all, like you do.

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It appears you might not have seen my post.

Or if you have, I am curious what your thoughts are on what I wrote? Just wondering.
Your post was terrific - it made me think ok the LE SUv did not run over him and that is good that you worded it in a fashion that was like that makes sense

- I think like all of us we really do want to know if brother ran over him!!

And it started bugging me the next day cause that night when it was breaking I did not recall anything about him running over him until the next day and one thing we all share here is how wow is stuff wrong but that is the fun here !
It's been well established according to LE.

DT ran over TT.

We are just going around and around and around and around and around....
Respectfully, just wondering what the difference is, regarding which car was where when? I am curious why this seems to be a sticky point. He was run over one way or another, and is deceased. Is it the who did it, that you're concerned about, or do you not believe that it happened at all? I understand the curiosity, just wondering what the questionable point is. thx
When I first saw the photo I was amazed at how not mauled he was! And at that point the notion that young one would murder his brother just did not fit. I mean this kid wrecked his life cause of older brother influences.

ANother hang up for me the instant conclusion that the kid ran over his brother on purpose, it was quite a half hour and none of us were bleeding, hungry, a murderer who just watched his older brother get killed!
Before I saw pic was thinking it was accident on younger part but the pic messed me up ! Just not messed up enough.
Then when I thought ok check out what run over human looks like THAT pic made sense and is drastically different that ours with older brother.

PS: Me too re: I understand the curiosity, just wondering what the questionable point is. thx

that is what entire site is about! curiosity!
It's been well established according to LE.

DT ran over TT.

We are just going around and around and around and around and around....
That is the fun , if it is looked at in the frame of mind then all of us are going around and around on every aspect of the situation.

This angle, is obviouly interesting to a lot of us cause we all are trying to help each other figure out what really happened.

But that is what we all do here on every angle of every angle I dont feel that is going around around -- it is having a discussion.

Earlier post helped me - ah ha it was not LE suv!

IMO thats what is interesting here no?

I have to agree. That does not look like a body that has been run over by a vehicle. I don't believe anybody really knows what they saw at that instant in that traumatic situation. I don't think anyone is intentionally lying because what would be the point? I just think people's memories, including the police, are unreliable due to the extreme events taking place at the time. But run over by an SUV? Nope. Not in the photos I saw. But then again, why does it really matter?
I'm just wondering why you think the body was in good shape. "Just throw some make up on it and good to go." Really??? Have you heard if internal injuries that you can't see? Not that I think that TT was in good shape at all, like you do.

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I process very visually - getting mauled by SUV has to end up looking different than our pic no?

Like, when you all first saw pic -- did it hit you guys as congruent with what you guys imagined a run over and dragged human would look like?
I was shocked at how un messed up he looked!
I feel like this discussion is taking place on another planet.

I have to agree. That does not look like a body that has been run over by a vehicle. I don't believe anybody really knows what they saw at that instant in that traumatic situation. I don't think anyone is intentionally lying because what would be the point? I just think people's memories, including the police, are unreliable due to the extreme events taking place at the time. But run over by an SUV? Nope. Not in the photos I saw. But then again, why does it really matter?

The official death certificate says he was run over and dragged by a vehicle.

That certificate was filled out by a medical examiner who had possession of the body.
Respectfully, just wondering what the difference is, regarding which car was where when? I am curious why this seems to be a sticky point. He was run over one way or another, and is deceased. Is it the who did it, that you're concerned about, or do you not believe that it happened at all? I understand the curiosity, just wondering what the questionable point is. thx

For me, its not really about putting blame on DT for running over his brother (DT knows what happened and can deal with it on his own). What I care about is when someone claims that the police chief, the first response officers and/or the eyewitness who took the photos somehow got it wrong or (even worse) lied, without any evidence to prove otherwise. I'm not saying that is necessarily what is going on with this sticking point, but too many times I see conspiracy theories that seem to distract from the truth and once a person grasps onto that false theory, it spreads like wildfire.
It is amazing how some of these claims are so much more complicated than the simple truth, yet people hang on to them.

I have to agree. That does not look like a body that has been run over by a vehicle. I don't believe anybody really knows what they saw at that instant in that traumatic situation. I don't think anyone is intentionally lying because what would be the point? I just think people's memories, including the police, are unreliable due to the extreme events taking place at the time. But run over by an SUV? Nope. Not in the photos I saw. But then again, why does it really matter?

Sorry to quote my own post, but I want to make it clear to Carris and others that I'm not suggesting people shouldn't be debating the issue about whether or not this individual was run over by a vehicle! I mean to say, from the minute I saw the photos I felt they were completely incongruent with a body that has been run over by a vehicle and after pondering why the police/media would be reporting such an obvious (to me) mischaracterization, I came to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter (to me) whether he was run over or not. It's inconsequential to me as it relates to the ultimate outcome of events.
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