Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #11 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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The founder of the organization that built Colorado's largest mosque is offering to bury suspected Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev in a Denver-area Muslim cemetery.

Sheikh Abu-Omar Almubarac said Monday he will pay for a traditional Muslim burial - no headstone, monument or casket - at a plot at a Muslim cemetery in Denver or Bennett.

Almubarac refused to say which one out of concern for "undue publicity." He says he'll bury Tsarnaev as long as his family can get the body to Denver.

Does the religion not allow the use of a casket?
Costs related to bombing:

In a matter of moments, the Boston Marathon bombings inflicted as much as $333 million in damage

Cost to Sugar Heaven, 669 Boylston St.: $65,000*

Cost to Abe & Louie’s, 793 Boylston: $500,000**

Cost to Sir Speedy’s Printing, 827 Boylston: $150,000

Cost to Whiskeys’ Smokehouse, 885 Boylston: $250,000

A city transportation worker fixes a street sign in Boston's Copley Square on April 25.

Total losses from 10 hardest-hit businesses: $2.3 million

Total business losses within the Boston Police Department’s designated “Impact Zone”: $10 million

Value of tickets for canceled Celtics-Pacers NBA game: $1.3 million

Value of tickets for canceled Boston Symphony concert: $175,000***

Value of tickets for three canceled Blue Man Group performances: $105,000***

Lost receipts for New England Aquarium: $130,000

Lost parking ticket revenue: $8 million

Lost fares, one day of Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority: $1.56 million****

Net cost of canceled Amtrak service: $180,000

Cost of hijacked SUV: At least $47,270

Money stolen from SUV driver: $845

List price for Ruger 9mm similar to the handgun allegedly carried by the suspects: $374 to $599


Yeah I get that, and if we were really throwing him away it would be a different story... but we're not. He's dead, so we will never see him at trial, no one will ever be able to express their anger and rage at him for what he did. And so people express their anger about his body. And they're expressing it verbally or in writing, not physically the way terrorists do. No one is literally doing anything to his body. And I don't think any of the "put him in the ocean" ideas are anywhere near dragging him through the streets. No one (as far as I've heard) has said anything like that kind of violence.

IMO I think it's normal for people to express their anger at him. It's part of the process of healing after being brutally attacked, isn't it? Expressing anger, maybe wishing terrible things on the person who attacked you or fantasizing about taking control back, venting your feelings so you can get them out of your system and move on to the next stage?

@human - Just to add to this...my post about being "done with this," and burying him at sea was actually out of respect for his remains (hard as it may be to dredge that up). His body has NOT been embalmed, and will only continue to deteriorate unless it's still being refrigerated at the funeral home (do they do that??). I would never be one to fantasize about dragging anyone's corpse through the streets. That's about on the same level as the Tsarnaev brothers. Ugh.

I do not seek vengeance, nor do I harbor vengeance toward TT and/or his dead body. This whole issue concerning burial is just an episode that is daily costing more emotional and financial burden on everyone involved. An episode that needs to end, finally.
Costs related to bombing:

In a matter of moments, the Boston Marathon bombings inflicted as much as $333 million in damage

Cost to Sugar Heaven, 669 Boylston St.: $65,000*

Cost to Abe & Louie’s, 793 Boylston: $500,000**

Cost to Sir Speedy’s Printing, 827 Boylston: $150,000

Cost to Whiskeys’ Smokehouse, 885 Boylston: $250,000

A city transportation worker fixes a street sign in Boston's Copley Square on April 25.

Total losses from 10 hardest-hit businesses: $2.3 million

Total business losses within the Boston Police Department’s designated “Impact Zone”: $10 million

Value of tickets for canceled Celtics-Pacers NBA game: $1.3 million

Value of tickets for canceled Boston Symphony concert: $175,000***

Value of tickets for three canceled Blue Man Group performances: $105,000***

Lost receipts for New England Aquarium: $130,000

Lost parking ticket revenue: $8 million

Lost fares, one day of Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority: $1.56 million****

Net cost of canceled Amtrak service: $180,000

Cost of hijacked SUV: At least $47,270

Money stolen from SUV driver: $845

List price for Ruger 9mm similar to the handgun allegedly carried by the suspects: $374 to $599



Has anyone estimated what the costs will be to the victims who were maimed and lost limbs?
Prosteses alone could be hundreds of thousdand of dollars per person.

Wasn't there an article about an excellent prostheses maker who was donating limbs for the amputees? I'll see if I can locate it again...

ETA: This isn't the one I read, but it answers the question. ;) I'll keep looking for the other one, though, as it had a photo of the man who made them.

TUESDAY, April 30 (HealthDay News) -- A coalition of manufacturers has pledged to provide new prosthetic legs for victims of the Boston Marathon bombings if their health insurance won't cover the full cost of the devices.

Prosthetic limbs are prescribed by doctors and have to be fitted to suit an amputee's activity level and needs.

The price tag for an artificial leg for a below-the-knee amputee can run from $8,000 to $12,000, while the cost of a prosthetic to replace a leg lost above the knee can run between $40,000 and $60,000.

Okay, found an article about the company I'd read about. Not the one with the photo I'd remembered, but it's the company. They mentioned that it was necessary to have a 'continued relationship' with the amputees one is supplying artificial limbs for, and seemed pretty dedicated to helping the victims.

Jason Lalla lost his leg 22 years ago in a motorcycle accident and is now a professional prosthetist. He said the first couple of years for victims are a roller coaster.

"You're going to have days that are really great," he said. "You've mastered some goal that you had set and things are going well, and then you'll have days where you kind of crash for whatever reason. Emotionally, physically, you're wiped out. And then over time you get some consistency."

The professionals at Next Step said they are wary of the goodhearted offers coming in from across the country offering free limbs to victims of the Boston bombing. They said the fit and fine-tuning for a prosthetic require an ongoing relationship.

Read more: http://www.wmur.com/news/nh-news/sp.../19991286/-/43nwgi/-/index.html#ixzz2Sg170uMO
Witnesses suggest friendly fire felled MBTA officer

Eyewitness accounts strongly suggest that MBTA Transit Police Officer Richard H. Donohue Jr. was shot and nearly killed by a fellow officer in Watertown April 19 during the hail of gunfire unleashed on Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as the suspected terrorist made a getaway in a carjacked sport utility vehicle.


Jane Dyson, who lives 140 feet from where Donohue was shot on Dexter Avenue, said she saw the police officer collapse and fall to the ground near the end of the gunfight as 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sped away. She said the officer *appeared to be a victim of “friendly fire.”

“A black SUV appeared, and rapid gun fire was focused on the vehicle,” Dyson wrote in a statement provided to the Globe, referring to the vehicle Tsarnaev allegedly drove in his escape. “It appeared to me that an individual at the corner [of the street] fell to the ground and had probably been hit in the gunfire.”

“I later learned that the individual who had been shot was Officer Richard Donohue,” she wrote.

It would later become *apparent that the suspects were no longer armed when Dyson saw Donohue fall, suggesting that the shot that wounded him came from police. Two witnesses support Dyson’s account that Donohue appeared to be wounded in the final volley of shots fired at the fleeing younger suspect.

Well, a very small fracture of the radial bone has just cost me $318 and Tomorrow the orthopedic doc will examine the break, cast it and send me on my way...that will probably be 100's more. God knows, if it is that much for a one inch simple fracture of one bone, it will be exorbitant for the multiple injuries and procedures endured and to be endured by the Marathon victims. Such a horrible situation for those folks. It seems so unfair.
I'm sorry but i do not believe that the bombers body should be returned to family or given a proper muslim burial or whatever. I believe he forfeited his right to have a proper burial as he would have wished or how his family would have wanted. He is a terrorist and a killer, a traitor to the country that took him in and gave him welfare/foodstamps.

His body should be cremated and disposed of in the trash or scattered in a landfill, feed it to pigs for all I care but he deserves NO respect. There should be NO place on earth for him to be buried where anyone can visit. Why give other crazy people a place to go and honor him?

That's just my opinion and you are free to have a different opinion and I respect that completely.

If it's OK with you I will refer to your opinion because it makes the most sense. Thank You:seeya:
So, still no burial for TT?

and still no word from KRT on....well a lot of things. Wonder w2hat today will bring?
Witnesses suggest friendly fire felled MBTA officer

Eyewitness accounts strongly suggest that MBTA Transit Police Officer Richard H. Donohue Jr. was shot and nearly killed by a fellow officer in Watertown April 19 during the hail of gunfire unleashed on Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as the suspected terrorist made a getaway in a carjacked sport utility vehicle.


Jane Dyson, who lives 140 feet from where Donohue was shot on Dexter Avenue, said she saw the police officer collapse and fall to the ground near the end of the gunfight as 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sped away. She said the officer *appeared to be a victim of “friendly fire.”

“A black SUV appeared, and rapid gun fire was focused on the vehicle,” Dyson wrote in a statement provided to the Globe, referring to the vehicle Tsarnaev allegedly drove in his escape. “It appeared to me that an individual at the corner [of the street] fell to the ground and had probably been hit in the gunfire.”

“I later learned that the individual who had been shot was Officer Richard Donohue,” she wrote.

It would later become *apparent that the suspects were no longer armed when Dyson saw Donohue fall, suggesting that the shot that wounded him came from police. Two witnesses support Dyson’s account that Donohue appeared to be wounded in the final volley of shots fired at the fleeing younger suspect.


I can't say I'm hugely surprised. When the pictures were being taken from the residents of that street in Watertown, a lot of people were showing bullet holes in their walls (and that one guy's desk chair, right where his head would go, straight into his wall calendar) -- I was relatively sure that those stray bullets weren't all shot by TT, the only brother with a gun.

Have we ever heard what has happened to TT's gun? He fell to the ground with it in his had, according to LE (he was shooting while running at them, ran out of bullets, was tackled by police, then run over) -- so my guess is that they recovered the gun, and probably have run ballistics tests on it and it must be pretty clear to them if Donohue was felled by that particular gun.
An embalmed refrigerated body can be kept for a long, long time. Many months. I don't know what the record is for keeping a body, but think of the cadavers used for dissection by medical students. These cadavers are embalmed and then kept refrigerated. The come out of the refrigerator for time periods of at least an hour or not more at a time while students dissect. Then they are returned to the refrigerator until the next time. A semester lasts for at least two months. I have heard tales that by the end of a semester the cadaver started to stink of decomposition. But I would think a body that was never out of the refrigerator would not decompose quickly.

We don't know. Perhaps Uncle Ruslan has made arrangements to keep TT's body there, refrigerated at the funeral home for some period of time. Until the story dies down. And until a "proper burial" place is finally found.

I'm with the poster who wrote "Who cares?"
From Elley's link above:

"Azamat loves the United States and the people of the United States," Ismagulov said as Arkady Bukh, his son's new Russian-speaking lawyer, translated for him. "He is not aggressive. He is not a terrorist. He is a simple boy."

Perhaps he can learn to love returning to his motherland to live with Daddy in Kazakhstan .. ya know, maybe learn a few manners on how to treat your host, stuff like that.

And from that same article:

Attorney Kenneth Feinberg said at a public meeting in Boston that his draft plan for distributing the money reserves the highest payments for the families of those killed at the marathon and for the relatives of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer who authorities say the bombing suspects killed.

Maybe different in the US, but in Canada, top med-mal lawyers tell clients straight-up that there's more money in lawsuits when the victim is disabled for life than had they died. In Canada, the max award for a parent in a wrongful death lawsuit is approx. $50,000.

As harsh as this sounds, no amount of money can/will ever compensate those families for the loss of their loved ones. The folks who need that $28 million the most are those who have to live with their disabilities for the rest of their lives.
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