Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I guess I am trying to determine if the surviving one is practicing Islam, and radical Islam to boot.

Mohammed forbid the killing of women, children and civilians in war, or military actions, IIRC. It is quite a stretch to compare whatever the bombers beliefs are/were with Islam..at least as I am familiar with it. Whatever element the bombers were attracted to, I dont believe it was rooted in true Islam. I hate that communities of Muslims inside of the United States feel like they have to make statements about these guys. I dont recall anyone making apologies for Timothy McVeigh, but I could be wrong.

well practicing is the key word. his twitter account he is truly a islamic follower. I'm a catholic but I'm not a good one (value wise) i think the problem with islam is its got a really ugly underbelly that is used to entice these lost souls for violence. does not in any way represent the muslim religion.
Ok that said both uncles are in MD. I could have sworn I read there was an uncle up here in New England. :banghead:

We need a family tree on these two guys STAT!

Thanks Gardenlady ... I am working on a timeline, and have the name Tarviz as an uncle. I know it didn't dream it up, so maybe it's your New England guy. Will keep snooping on it.

On another note (possibly discussed in posts I have yet to read today), but rice cookers are a popular device with terrorists:


The group appears to have been more creative than other terror groups in assembling explosive devices, employing, among other items, plastic food containers and rice cookers.

Found at the house of Barkah Nawa Saputra, a suspect arrested in the most recent anti-terror operation, were “two rice cooker casings with two bomb switches using rigged mobile phones and 20 bottles of chemical substances, electronic devices, 13 detonator caps and dozens of switches,” Boy said over the weekend.

Boy added that two of those arrested, Badri Hartono and Rudi Kurnia Putra, both 45 years old, recruited young men and taught at least one member of the group how to make bombs.
The reports are he tried to commit suicide in the boat but failed. Supposedly placed the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger, but he angled the gun wrong and instead of hitting his brain stem or anything, bullet just went out the back of his neck. Still a very severe injury but with paramedics literally right there he should survive.

I read that suicide attempt was suspected. What interested me more was the report that he was able to curse the EMT's, if that report is accurate. There's been speculation that he might never be able to speak again.
. his twitter account he is truly a islamic follower.

Well he is the one who has 90,000 followers, can not remember how many he is actually following but is quite minute to his followers, quite a few for a 19 year old kid IMHO

1,096 Tweets
98 Following
fwiw. plenty of catholics and jews smoke pot, listen to hip-hop and kill fellow humans.
I doubt he's thinking about anything except for himself.

It was reported that he was cursing violently during the ambulance trip to the hospital. I'm sure the emergency personnel in the ambulance were doing their jobs, but I'm also sure they had a lot of choice words for him too about what the remainder of his life will be like from now on.
Could you supply a link to an MSM news source for that statement, please? Thanks in advance.

Nevermind, I see now the AP article in Newsday:


All I can say is, I am sick to death of the Unnamed Source. And, my tendency now is to disregard all that they say until the source is named or until the story is confirmed by at least two other legitimate news sources.
No, i dont think we know that. i will try to find the article where the Imam, or perhaps just a spokesperson at the cultural center in Cambridge said he had only visited once.

Attendance at an American mosque is not a prerecquisate to having radical Islamist views. We know that from the 9-11 terrorists. You don't have to be carrying a KKK membership and be at the weekly Skinhead meeting to hold racist views...and if there are expressions and links to hate....would you say "we can't know that" ...if this were a Skinhead who terrorized a Black church.

I don't believe thatAmerican mosques teach Jihad...so the attendance or non attendance of these brothers is meaningless. They were enamoured by Jihad.

We have seen countless articles where family, friends, politicans on all sides, FBI, etc ..even the government of Russia understood that the older brother had become strident in his religion and his Jihadist tendencies. We have seen evidence that he had great influence on his younger brother.

I think there is only a miniscule chance...if even that...that we do not know the part radical Islam beliefs by these brothers played in this atrocity.

Even one American Iman today said he would not afford the older one a Muslim burial. That Iman understands that radical jihadists are an abomination to his Faith...so no need to pretend these brothers were just fascinated by pressure cookers.

Jihadists are not devout Muslims...they just think they are...to the horror of humanity.


A least one Boston cleric said he would refuse to perform funeral rites for a man accused of committing so much violence. The Quran, said Imam Talal Eid, says that anyone who has killed another human being is going to hell.

Eid, who is imam at the Boston Islamic Institute, said he had never met the Tsarnaev brothers but questioned media accounts that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had become a devout Muslim.

"A person who is devoted does not kill innocent people," Eid said.

Yusufi Vali, executive director of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the largest mosque in the Boston area, also rejected the Tsarnaev brothers.

"I don't care who or what these criminals claim to be, but I can never recognize these criminals as part of my city or my faith community," he said.
not sure i get the irony. ill take you to any prison in the US and introduce you to black muslim rappers.

Or rappers of any or no religious affilation, or just plain ol' felons who listen to rap music, regardless of their religious affiliation.
not sure why thats funny?

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

Isn't it? Kinda does not fit with an extremist...
It is funny to me.

I love "hip hop"...
never heard jihad hip hop- I just googled it... that's sick and twisted. imo

I stand corrected.

A 19-year-old neighbor who lives with his parents tells WJZ he met Suspect No. 2 a few years ago.

“He couldn’t speak very much English,” he said. “He just came off as a very shy person. I knew he was smart, but he dropped out of school. Then after that I don’t know what happened to him.”

seriously? if they've been here since they were 8 or 9, I don't see how it's possible that he can't speak much english...certainly doesn't show that on his twitter.
I doubt he's thinking about anything except for himself.

It was reported that he was cursing violently during the ambulance trip to the hospital. I'm sure the emergency personnel in the ambulance were doing their jobs, but I'm also sure they had a lot of choice words for him too about what the remainder of his life will be like from now on.


Is it possible he could have sustained an injury to his tongue (as some reports have it) and still be able to "curse violently" in the ambulance and not be able to speak now?


ETA: Just saw in post #58 that he was "mouthing" curse words.....makes more sense.
not sure i get the irony. ill take you to any prison in the US and introduce you to black muslim rappers.

I Had no idea. I was picturing MTV from the 80's...

no offense intended.

Bombing suspect disrupted Cambridge mosque

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older and apparently more radical of two brothers suspected in the deadly Boston Marathon terror bombings, objected to a sermon at a Cambridge mosque on Martin Luther King Day this year in which the speaker compared the Prophet Muhammad with King, known for his advocacy of nonviolence, a mosque official said.

Yusufi Vali, executive director of the Islamic Society of Boston, which runs the mosque, said Tsarnaev told the speaker, “You are a kafir [an unbeliever],” and said he was contaminating people’s minds and was a hypocrite.

Vali said, “The congregation then said, ‘You are the hypocrite.’ The congregation shouted him out of the mosque.”

Later, a respected volunteer talked with Tsarnaev and told him he needed to decide whether to stay and not shout out or stop coming to the congregation.

Vali said it was the second time that Tsarnaev had made an outburst during one of the speaker’s sermons.

More: http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/20...osque-goers/LkZnWkXgaRZcMDUdE6V9jM/story.html

Also from your article
Also Sunday, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that video footage clearly shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev placing a backpack near the marathon finish line.
"It does seem to be pretty clear that this suspect took the backpack off, put it down, did not react when the first explosion went off and then moved away from the backpack in time for the second explosion," Patrick said. "It's pretty clear about his involvement and pretty chilling, frankly."
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