Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Presumably, although it seems the whole family are lawyers from the articles I've read...*shrugs*

yet the mom is doing spas at home in the living room?
well, the uncle got a law degree in US right? in 1998?
place than Cambridge. It's incredibly diverse with lots of groups, support systems etc. We have many friends affiliated with colleges/universities there and every gathering we attend looks like the UN. It's amazing the people you meet. I live in a smaller college town in MA and even this place is diverse and welcoming.

On the surface, both brothers seem to have assimilated to some degree. Then the elder went off course and became dissafected and perhaps turned to religion as the outlet as religion seems to be a more recent fixation for him. Unfortunately, it's easy enough to hook up with that element if you're so inclined. He wanted to become a US citizen and box in the Olympics but he had already started going off the rails and assulted his gf. So, maybe America became the hated target.

What I don't get is his stoner little brother who liked to party and is described as so laid back getting on board with his older brother as he clearly did. And the whole American wife thing. Didn't she or her family notice something? Didn't the younger brother have anyone to turn to? I don't get why he would jump on board as he clearly didn't follow his brothers advice about religion and drugs but he followed him into bombing.

IMO, we are going to find a tragic family history here. We have criminal, domestic violence, divorce, young parents, poverty, possibly IMO blooming substance abuse (young one,). I also suspect Dad is going to come out as being much more influential on whole families beliefs as it relates to religon etc. I would bet this is the "private" thing uncle referred to first time he went on tv.
I sent Uncle Ruslan a card with a handwritten note. I'm sure many are doing that, to counterbalance the unkind emails and phone msgs he's mentioned
Here's a Yahoo article saying it was not the wife but that he may have abused her as well (oh, and what about the father saying he just 'hit her lightly'? :rolleyes:):

In 2009, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was arrested and charged with domestic assault and battery for assaulting his girlfriend in Cambridge, police records show.

"Girlfriend called 911 on her cell phone indicating that she was beat up by her boyfriend," the police report states. The woman was described as "crying hysterically" and told police that she had been yelling at Tsarnaev "because of another girl." When asked if he had hit his girlfriend, Tsarnaev told the officer on duty, "Yes, I slapped her," the police report states. (His father, Anzor, confirmed the report but told the New York Times that Tamerlan only "hit her lightly.")

Tsarnaev may have been dating Russell at the same time (the girlfriend in the report is not Russell). Her roommate at Suffolk University, who asked not to be identified, told CBS News that Tsarnaev had also been violent with Russell and may have been arrested for assaulting her in 2009 as well.

Good evening everyone!

Just turned CNN on a few minutes ago and am attempting to catch up...so far I know he had a bedside hearing, he has been formally charged, he has a public defender, but is he able to speak yet?

Going to try to find the transcript of the hearing linked earlier.
I know, huh? I need to find out how to properly pronounce his name, because my new catch phrase needs to be "I'll take that up with Uncle Ruslan and get back to you"

I believe Uncle Ruslan is a good hearted person and hope he is safe!
The way it was written in the document it sounded as if the gentlemen dsescribed it as hard to understand him (congruent with jaw injury).

Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN just said in a live interview he might have just mouthed the word "No", he said with a throat and larynx injury you can still mouth words and others will know what you're trying to say.

"No" is a very easy word to mouth.
Here's a quote from yesterday's Daily Mail:

Odd timing, huh... domestic assault in 2009, quit school converted, married that year or the next and pregnant soon after or before. A lot going on.
Has this hit mainstream media yet... are we still quoting strange and unacceptable quotes?

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Authorities are investigating whether the Boston Marathon bombing suspect who died after a shootout with police had any connection to an unsolved triple homicide in suburban Boston in 2011, a spokeswoman for prosecutors said on Monday.

I sent Uncle Ruslan a card with a handwritten note. I'm sure many are doing that, to counterbalance the unkind emails and phone msgs he's mentioned

How did you do that? Would love to do the same. PM me thanks.
IMO, we are going to find a tragic family history here. We have criminal, domestic violence, divorce, young parents, poverty, possibly IMO blooming substance abuse (young one,). I also suspect Dad is going to come out as being much more influential on whole families beliefs as it relates to religon etc. I would bet this is the "private" thing uncle referred to first time he went on tv.
I think the private thing he alluded to is that he thinks (knows) that the mother is a lunatic!!! And, if that's true, I tend to agree with him. The woman who wrote the piece about the facials tends to support this line of thinking, imo.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN just said in a live interview he might have just mouthed the word "No", he said with a throat and larynx injury you can still mouth words and others will know what you're trying to say.

"No" is a very easy word to mouth.

Sorry I haven't gotten to the transcript yet, however CNN has words on the screen that he said just the one word "no" at the hearing. What question was the "no" in response to?
Sorry I haven't gotten to the transcript yet, however CNN has words on the screen that he said just the one word "no" at the hearing. What question was the "no" in response to?

If he could afford an attorney.
Sorry I haven't gotten to the transcript yet, however CNN has words on the screen that he said just the one word "no" at the hearing. What question was the "no" in response to?
"Can you afford a lawyer?"
Someone on here quoted a source as saying it was the wife.

What source did they quote? This is all I'm finding:

The police report was redacted to hide the girlfriend's name, and a police spokesman would not confirm it was Russell.

The woman, who was "crying hysterically," called 911 to report that she was "beat up by her boyfriend" on the afternoon of July 28, 2009, Cambridge Police Officer Angela Pereira wrote in the arrest report.

Tsarnaev told Pereira and another officer that his girlfriend "was yelling at him because of another girl."

The thing I think about though is....why is it so easy for these alqueda like organizations to find so many willing participants?

I think they say, the west hates you, the west hates Islam.....then they look around and they see al Qaeda has some truth....our society is not very receptive to Islam .... So then they say ok maybe al Qaeda is right they don't like us....and so the course moves forward because they believe al Qaeda cares more for them then the society they are in.

Yes al Qaeda is a huge problem....but I think part of the reason they are able to recruit people is because we ostracize those we don't understand. They feel they don't belong....and everyone wants to feel like they belong to something....so then they become perfect recruitment material for radical ideas.

We need to change how we treat people, if we want to stop things like this from happening.
Beautifully said.
Odd timing, huh... domestic assault in 2009, quit school converted, married that year or the next and pregnant soon after or before. A lot going on.

And what year was his friend murdered?

ETA: someone posted it was 2011

was he really getting into Jihad (whatever it is called) then????
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