Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #9 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Conspiracy and Bad Government.

If everyone would reverse that, then we would be cooking.

This country keeps us all happy and watching t.v. or disgruntled and watching t.v. Or whatever each person chooses.

Look at other countries and how little they have, right now, learn about what is going on and has been in Chechnya. There is no comparison.

While everyone feels they are not being told facts, there are lots of reasons. And, those reasons are to keep us all safe, having livable living spaces that are not made of sticks from trees, food, running water, heat and a.c., and cars. Our country is not allowing daily bombing with homemade bombs b/c is is not united. (At least not when our LE, FBI, CIA, other Government, are watching over us.)

While we have our own many problems here, think about being born in another country and what you have to face. Especially any women reading here.

The conspiracy is not here. Our country is not trying to hurt us, they need us to keep it going. Other countries want to hurt us. Not our own.
I have tried reading every page to find the answer...but I just can't. LOL!!

Has there been an explanation for the green 4 door car that was seen at the first gunfight?

From what I saw happen that night, what I have read/seen since then...they arrived in the carjacked black SUV that the Chinese man was driving. Yet that green car seems to be a huge part of the event.

I read on another site that I post on (not a crime site AT ALL!) and the "conspiracy theorists" have tried to convince me that is Jahar's car, and he drove it there while the brother drove the black SUV.

But that doesn't make sense based on what I know/read, because the Chinese guy said that BOTH brothers were involved in the carjacking, and we saw Jahar at the Shell station and on surveillance at the bank using the Chinese guy's ATM.

Does anyone REALLY know what involvement the green 4 door has here? It's kinda driving me nuts! LOL!!

Or do I have this completely wrong somehow?
However you cannot assume that she thought her husband was guilty during that first initial phone call JUST from seeing his picture on TV. If you KNOW your husband is guilty of murder, then YES I can see turning your husband in.

But I really don't think most people would jump to the conclusion that their husband WAS in fact guilty, 30 seconds after seeing their face on TV. And have their first response be to turn their husband in.

Yep. From the links provided here it seems she saw here husband on TV when he was a just person of interest.

The shooting of the police officer and subsequent manhunt hunt were all AFTER she phoned him. So we can't make the leap she should have known what kind of person he was because when she made that call NOBODY knew for sure what kind of person he was.

Yes his pics came on TV in the midst of a search for the bombers but by then we'd already had two guys dressed in track suits, a missing person who looked vaguely like TT and video of a man running after the explosion thrown about as possible persons of interest. It may have been the first two suspects formally brought forth by the FBI but far from the first two the media had shown the world.

That story was slow to unravel that afternoon. We got it in little bites

I'm not making excuses for her but I'm certainly not going to hang her out to dry because her first reaction was to call her husband... Lord knows if my face was splattered allover the news I hope my wife's first reaction would be to call me and see what's going on. I'd hope my wife's first reaction would be that's just crazy talk not my husband
Conspiracy and Bad Government.

If everyone would reverse that, then we would be cooking.

This country keeps us all happy and watching t.v. or disgruntled and watching t.v. Or whatever each person chooses.

Look at other countries and how little they have, right now, learn about what is going on and has been in Chechnya. There is no comparison.

While everyone feels they are not being told facts, there are lots of reasons. And, those reasons are to keep us all safe, having livable living spaces that are not made of sticks from trees, food, running water, heat and a.c., and cars. Our country is not allowing daily bombing with homemade bombs b/c is is not united. (At least not when our LE, FBI, CIA, other Government, are watching over us.)

While we have our own many problems here, think about being born in another country and what you have to face. Especially any women reading here.

The conspiracy is not here. Our country is not trying to hurt us, they need us to keep it going. Other countries want to hurt us. Not our own.

I agree....mostly....the biggest way our government hurts us is not in anything that's been discussed here though.....it's in allowing monsanto to ruin and poison our food supply in the name increasing yield .....but that is not a topic for this board....:rockon:
Lol, I understand.

Have no idea what this family is into or up to, but something is just not right.

A simple way to put concerns, 2 men blew up a major public event in America. Some other countries just don't like us. Sure they like us when they need a safe haven and monetary help, but they still harbor a deep hatred for our ways and cannot come to terms and coexist. In those peoples minds we have now killed one of theirs and most likely will kill the second. Does not matter the 2 men's crimes here or that they killed our people and forever maimed hundreds, in fact, those crimes may be viewed as heroic to some. That fuels more hatred, hatred that runs for a long time, not just in 2013.
In those peoples minds we have now killed one

We have killed thousands upon thousands upon thousands-until we can understand that what we call war they call terror , and what we call terror they call war this shall IMO< continue
I have tried reading every page to find the answer...but I just can't. LOL!!

Has there been an explanation for the green 4 door car that was seen at the first gunfight?

From what I saw happen that night, what I have read/seen since then...they arrived in the carjacked black SUV that the Chinese man was driving. Yet that green car seems to be a huge part of the event.

I read on another site that I post on (not a crime site AT ALL!) and the "conspiracy theorists" have tried to convince me that is Jahar's car, and he drove it there while the brother drove the black SUV.

But that doesn't make sense based on what I know/read, because the Chinese guy said that BOTH brothers were involved in the carjacking, and we saw Jahar at the Shell station and on surveillance at the bank using the Chinese guy's ATM.

Does anyone REALLY know what involvement the green 4 door has here? It's kinda driving me nuts! LOL!!

Or do I have this completely wrong somehow?

They were driving two cars when the shootout took place, green Honda being followed by the SUV. They obviously had some plan to stash one for later use or use one for misdirection to throw LE off the trail

It was the older brothers car from what I understand.
Or maybe giving him once last chance to tell her everything...even tho she is the seed planter ,,,,,,,,

Maybe you answered this already...haven't finished reading. But how is the wife the seed planter? :waitasec:
Thank You thank you

I am in the camp that believes that the Fertilizer Plant Fire was set to cover a possible theft of fertilizer

Still not one word from the media or govt about an event, that is it happened any other time than last week would have been wall to wall for 3 days . Huge death toll destructin

IMO It WAS terrorism..................

For goodness sakes.....I'm guessing a big reason for the fertilizer explosion was the "270 tons of highly volatile ammonium nitrate on site" that went un reported to the Feds, and therefor was not being properly regulated.

"West Fertilizer had been twice cited by federal regulators twice since 2006."

There was a lot of things being mishandled at that plant for several years....and it was a place dealing with highly explosive material.....gee can't imagine a fire happening in that scenario....MUST be terrorism!

Can we please stop with the conspiracy theories! And can we please just accept the fact the OF COURSE the government knows a TON of stuff we don't know.

Did you ever think, that perhaps there is just stuff we don't need to know...or for our safety shouldn't know. Remember whatever we know so does the "enemy", sometimes info is better left inaccessible to them, which means inaccessible to us.

Btw Here's the article on the fertilizer plant.....heard a similar talk on NPR today.

I have tried reading every page to find the answer...but I just can't. LOL!!

Has there been an explanation for the green 4 door car that was seen at the first gunfight?

From what I saw happen that night, what I have read/seen since then...they arrived in the carjacked black SUV that the Chinese man was driving. Yet that green car seems to be a huge part of the event.

I read on another site that I post on (not a crime site AT ALL!) and the "conspiracy theorists" have tried to convince me that is Jahar's car, and he drove it there while the brother drove the black SUV.

But that doesn't make sense based on what I know/read, because the Chinese guy said that BOTH brothers were involved in the carjacking, and we saw Jahar at the Shell station and on surveillance at the bank using the Chinese guy's ATM.

Does anyone REALLY know what involvement the green 4 door has here? It's kinda driving me nuts! LOL!!

Or do I have this completely wrong somehow?
The green car was a Honda Civic owned by and registered to Dzhokhar's father, and being driven by Dzhokhar.

I have now 'heard' Danny's (the Chinese guy) twice, once written and once related on TeeVee by one of his professor's. There is a glitch in the professor's retelling of the story on behalf of Danny. It seems in his story there are sometimes two cars and sometimes just the one SUV. So, I think something is being left out because otherwise, it doesn't make sense based on the other facts as we know them. There were two cars at the shootout on Laurel Street, for instance.
They were driving two cars when the shootout took place, green Honda being followed by the SUV. They obviously had some plan to stash one for later use or use one for misdirection to throw LE off the trail

It was the older brothers car from what I understand.


So after carjacking the Chinese man, they went and got the green car?

That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. LOL!!

So was Tamerlan the only one who did the carjacking? How was Jahar then seen at the Shell station, where it was reported they stopped when there wasn't enough gas to get to Manhatten?


I am watching ABC World News, and the Chinese man says that they were BOTH in the car! How did 2 get to the shoot out?

Did the carjacking happen AFTER the shootout on Laurel in Watertown?

ETA - NO, that can't be it since Tamerlan DIED at the shootout!

DAMN! How can these basic facts not be known by someone who watched/listened to this unfold as it happened...and have watched for the past week. I know I am not stupid, so why don't I know this? LOL!!
They were driving two cars when the shootout took place, green Honda being followed by the SUV. They obviously had some plan to stash one for later use or use one for misdirection to throw LE off the trail

It was the older brothers car from what I understand.

Wait a second....question....

So its been widely reported DT hit TT while driving the SUV away from the scene of the crime.....correct?

Yet during the day on Friday they were looking for this green honda, and apparently located it....with blood in it, I believe in Cambridge, not far from the place in Watertown DT was eventually located.....correct?

But how did DT manage to get the SUV and the Honda away from the scene of the shootout the night before?
Okay I get that it's possible they didn't act alone - but a) what proof is there of another person? and b) which part could they not have pulled off by themselves. I think speculation is just that, until there is a link, data, information, a thread to pull.

The Inspire manual is one of thousands of such manuals and instructional guides online! My gosh, they've profiled dozens in the days since the bombings. Why are we thinking they could only have gotten all their information from a single place online, the Inspire manual, and nowhere else?

But speculation is a very important driver of any investigation. You speculate and then you go and try and find proof, or disproof you hypothesis.

I meant no offense. I thought you meant the brothers were no harm when clearly they are.

CNN is what I am saying is not enough. One country reports one thing, another country another. The reports are meant to keep the citizens of the individual countries calm or to incite. I don't know how to say it right, but the public only is told so much. The news does not tell us all. Look beyond and farther.

I apologize for my abruptness. It is how I respond. I'm not one for soft and comfy, guess it is part my job, and part my life. No offense intended! I was asking and reacting at the same time.

No need to apologize! It was quickly cleared up.

Sadly I only get CNN and BBC here, other news channels are all Asian. I read a lot online to get a better and more complete picture.

yes. I thought there were others being held. I wonder if these were the same as the 3 who were taken into custody during the search on Friday from a house where LE initially thought they got DT.

They were saying on CNN yesterday that it was in fact DT's cell phone which he had shared with one of the 3, that led them to their appartment. LE were following the cell phone, thinking they are following DT. When they arrived at the appartment the friend who had used the phone was in for a big surprise!

When I give KR the benefit of the doubt that she was totally in the dark, this is the scenario I envision.

If she truly had no foreknowledge of her husband's terrorist plans, she's probably distraught about Officer Collier's death, as well as feeling anguish about her husband's & brother in-law's bombing victims.

If she had no foreknowledge, she may regret that she hadn't contacted LE, instead of Tamerlan, when she saw his face on the news.

I find it interesting that no one has claimed Tamerlan's body. As his wife, she would have the primary legal right to do so. The fact that she hasn't done so tells me that, at this point, she wants nothing to do with him or the disposition of his remains.

Personally, I hope no one claims his remains. I hope he ends up cremated & disposed of in a common grave, which is allowed under MA law.


bbm - one of the uncles has, I linked to the article yesterday. But they didn't give it to him.
I have tried reading every page to find the answer...but I just can't. LOL!!

Has there been an explanation for the green 4 door car that was seen at the first gunfight?

From what I saw happen that night, what I have read/seen since then...they arrived in the carjacked black SUV that the Chinese man was driving. Yet that green car seems to be a huge part of the event.

I read on another site that I post on (not a crime site AT ALL!) and the "conspiracy theorists" have tried to convince me that is Jahar's car, and he drove it there while the brother drove the black SUV.

But that doesn't make sense based on what I know/read, because the Chinese guy said that BOTH brothers were involved in the carjacking, and we saw Jahar at the Shell station and on surveillance at the bank using the Chinese guy's ATM.

Does anyone REALLY know what involvement the green 4 door has here? It's kinda driving me nuts! LOL!!

Or do I have this completely wrong somehow?


A Cambridge police spokesman, Dan Riviello, said the authorities were still trying to sort out whether the suspects, believed to be the brothers, had a car, or what car they used, in fleeing the location of a shooting earlier that night of an M.I.T. police officer in Cambridge, a few miles from Allston.

Wait a second....question....

So its been widely reported DT hit TT while driving the SUV away from the scene of the crime.....correct?

Yet during the day on Friday they were looking for this green honda, and apparently located it....with blood in it, I believe in Cambridge, not far from the place in Watertown DT was eventually located.....correct?

But how did DT manage to get the SUV and the Honda away from the scene of the shootout the night before?

SO FREAKING GLAD I am not the only one confused about this.

It's making a bit more sense why so many are saying things don't add up - and many of those weren't/aren't following like many of us - because if WE are this confused about basic facts, what do we expect from others?

It's just weird. In NO WAY am I saying that this is some conspiracy, don't get me wrong.

I say to those people if this was some major cell or massive plot or done by the Government...it would have been carried out a HELL OF A LOT BETTER!

The way it happened tells me it was Amature Hour!
Maybe you answered this already...haven't finished reading. But how is the wife the seed planter? :waitasec:
OH my dear we must keep our evergrowing cast of players in line (We have already exceeded Gone WIth....!) I was talkin mom!! Dont know why for some reason the wife just hits me as clueless and like little brother just ended up caught in this whirl wind of hot heads.

In more than one instance neighbors have stated endless screaming -- behavior we have witnessed by all.

My vote , I think the world would be shocked , if he ever can talk, I think he would be soft spoken - dont know where i get that from but!

A Cambridge police spokesman, Dan Riviello, said the authorities were still trying to sort out whether the suspects, believed to be the brothers, had a car, or what car they used, in fleeing the location of a shooting earlier that night of an M.I.T. police officer in Cambridge, a few miles from Allston.


LMAO! So the reason I don't have a definitive answer to this is that THEY DO NOT KNOW?!?!??!

Well, that would in fact explain it I guess...but enough of us were watching/listening, why don't WE at least know for sure? LOL!!

As you can all see, this specific fact REALLY bugs me! And if they don't know the basic information as what cars were actually involved when, then hell they don't know much at all for sure!

So after carjacking the Chinese man, they went and got the green car?

That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. LOL!!

So was Tamerlan the only one who did the carjacking? How was Jahar then seen at the Shell station, where it was reported they stopped when there wasn't enough gas to get to Manhatten?


I am watching ABC World News, and the Chinese man says that they were BOTH in the car! How did 2 get to the shoot out?

Did the carjacking happen AFTER the shootout on Laurel in Watertown?

ETA - NO, that can't be it since Tamerlan DIED at the shootout!

DAMN! How can these basic facts not be known by someone who watched/listened to this unfold as it happened...and have watched for the past week. I know I am not stupid, so why don't I know this? LOL!!
It is none of our fault that so much stuff is out there. My understanding is the green car they were in (both) before they hijacked. When they hijacked the green car (young one driving) followed behind for a bit , and then young got out they unloaded back packs into the Mercedes and continued on. leaving green one whereever it was found!

So after carjacking the Chinese man, they went and got the green car?

That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. LOL!!

So was Tamerlan the only one who did the carjacking? How was Jahar then seen at the Shell station, where it was reported they stopped when there wasn't enough gas to get to Manhatten?


I am watching ABC World News, and the Chinese man says that they were BOTH in the car! How did 2 get to the shoot out?

Did the carjacking happen AFTER the shootout on Laurel in Watertown?

ETA - NO, that can't be it since Tamerlan DIED at the shootout!

DAMN! How can these basic facts not be known by someone who watched/listened to this unfold as it happened...and have watched for the past week. I know I am not stupid, so why don't I know this? LOL!!

Im not saying this is how it happened but it could be close to some variation on this theme

They carjack the SUV,
lets go to NY...
Need gas and $$ let's stop at that Shell station.

Oh oh our victim just escaped we're screwed, lets go get the Honda and ditch the SUV in some neighborhood a few miles away then go off in another direction.

Then they get caught before they can ditch the SUV
From Andrew Kitzenberg's eyewitness photo essay

The shooters were also driving the green sedan on the left. They had the back passenger door open and were going back into the car where they had additional supplies (assumingly, more ammunition and explosives). They also had backpacks at their feet where they also had additional supplies.


These pics have been shown on TV numerous times.

ETA: After Danny's escape, they apparently went back for the Civic.
OH my dear we must keep our evergrowing cast of players in line (We have already exceeded Gone WIth....!) I was talkin mom!! Dont know why for some reason the wife just hits me as clueless and like little brother just ended up caught in this whirl wind of hot heads.

In more than one instance neighbors have stated endless screaming -- behavior we have witnessed by all.

My vote , I think the world would be shocked , if he ever can talk, I think he would be soft spoken - dont know where i get that from but!

On Friday (last week) someone posted a video of Jahar (sorry, I don't use his given name cause I can't spell it!)

It was him and his neice, I think? It was so darn cute...and yes, he was soft spoken, at least with her. It was such a cute exchange, though. After seeing that and reading his twitter, it makes no sense how he ended up in the place he is today.

But he did...and he MUST pay!
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