Terry Hobbs - My Story

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
What has not been noted in this thread is that Terry Hobbs, shortly after the murders, voluntarily gave fingerprints, blood, etc. Although there's not a formal report (or it's been lost) of what was discussed before or during this meeting, it's safe to say it wasn't conducted in silence.

The police go where the evidence leads them. In this case, it did not lead them in any way, shape, or form to a parent. Three unrelated children, murdered a distance from their homes, tied with different knots, etc., has a very low probability of being the work of a family member.

All the evidence has been twisted and turned to fit a parent...first John Mark Byers (and his teeth) and now Terry Hobbs (and his teeth). It's mind boggling how supporters are willing to go to any length, no matter how absurd, to blame anyone other than the three men who committed and pled guilty to this crime.
What has not been noted in this thread is that Terry Hobbs, shortly after the murders, voluntarily gave fingerprints, blood, etc. Although there's not a formal report (or it's been lost) of what was discussed before or during this meeting, it's safe to say it wasn't conducted in silence.

Terry Hobbs was not "investigated" at all by the wmpd. They interrogated JMB, telling him that they would do the same to Hobbs and Moore. They did not do what they said they would. If Hobbs gave samples, they were not sent to a lab for testing. The only samples from Hobbs that were ever tested were the ones collected by Ron Lax's associate, Rachel Geiss (?) which she obtained from a cigarette butt. If Hobbs is innocent, why not submit his samples to the defense? When JMB was a suspect, he did that because he knew he was innocent.

The police go where the evidence leads them. In this case, it did not lead them in any way, shape, or form to a parent. Three unrelated children, murdered a distance from their homes, tied with different knots, etc., has a very low probability of being the work of a family member.

The police should follow the evidence. However, in this case they simply didn't do that. Even Gary Gitchell said in his Pasdar deposition that the parents/friends of the family should be cleared first when a child (or children) murder is involved. This was not done in this case.

If some of the theories of this case are the truth, the fact that the three children were unrelated is irrelevant because two of them were collateral damage. I hate to be blunt, but it's entirely possible that Hobbs accidentally killed Steven and then had to kill Christopher and Michael as they were witnesses to his crime. Why won't some people accept this possibility, which is much more probable than three crazed teenagers who were drunk killing the boys without leaving one shred of evidence.

And, please don't get your panties in a twist about that whole "different knots" BS. The knots were all either one or a series of half-hitches or half-loops. We're not talking about a sheep shank knot on one victim, a hang man's noose on another and square knots on the third. That might be something worth investigating, but the fact that one victim was tied using half-hitches, one was tied with a square knot and one was tied with single loops is simply a non sequitur.

All the evidence has been twisted and turned to fit a parent...first John Mark Byers (and his teeth) and now Terry Hobbs (and his teeth). It's mind boggling how supporters are willing to go to any length, no matter how absurd, to blame anyone other than the three men who committed and pled guilty to this crime.

The wmpd are the ones who twisted evidence. IMO, once they realized that Teflon Terry was the culprit (which I think they knew when they found the bodies or very shortly thereafter), they began to fabricate a case against three trailer-trash kids who they thought no one cared about enough to pursue true justice. They were wrong, and they're just beginning to realize it!

What's really mind-boggling is how nons refuse to accept the truth - that Damien, Jason and Jessie are innocent of these murders and that the real murderer has never been considered a suspect. What kind of policing is that? If Terry Hobbs is innocent, why not investigate him and prove his innocence, like they did with JMB? What is he afraid of anyway?!
"If Terry Hobbs is innocent, why not investigate him and prove his innocence, like they did with JMB? What is he afraid of anyway?!"

Terry Hobbs doesn't have to prove his innocence. Damien, Jason, and Jessie pled guilty to the crime, remember? Case closed, as it should be.
"If Terry Hobbs is innocent, why not investigate him and prove his innocence, like they did with JMB? What is he afraid of anyway?!"

Terry Hobbs doesn't have to prove his innocence. Damien, Jason, and Jessie pled guilty to the crime, remember? Case closed, as it should be.

Damien, Jason and Jessie took an Alford plea in which they maintained their innocence. Remember? Why would the State of Arkansas let three "child murders" out when they were already in custody? Attorneys will tell anyone willing to listen that an Alford plea is a way for the State to save face. It is generally (although not exclusively) used before a trial. This situation was extremely unusual, not only because the Alford plea was used post conviction but also because it freed a man from Death Row. The only reason for the State to accept the Alford plea that makes any sense is because they knew they would not be able to re-convict and they feared the political backlash. Ellington has admitted to two important things about the Alford plea:

1. He accepted it because he feared a new trial would be costly and

2. he feared that Damien, Jason and Jessie would be found not guilty.

Now, before you start in about why they didn't want to wait and go to trial if the trial would find them not guilty, I don't think anyone who has not spent the last 18+ years incarcerated for a crime of which they are innocent has any right to question their actions. From their perspective, the State of Arkansas has already convicted them of crimes of which they are innocent. Why should they roll the dice again? This case is far from "closed." One thing Ellington said was, "Will this [the Alford plea] get rid of Lori Davis?" Obviously, it hasn't - and she has friends!
What has not been noted in this thread is that Terry Hobbs, shortly after the murders, voluntarily gave fingerprints, blood, etc. Although there's not a formal report (or it's been lost) of what was discussed before or during this meeting, it's safe to say it wasn't conducted in silence.

The police go where the evidence leads them. In this case, it did not lead them in any way, shape, or form to a parent. Three unrelated children, murdered a distance from their homes, tied with different knots, etc., has a very low probability of being the work of a family member.

All the evidence has been twisted and turned to fit a parent...first John Mark Byers (and his teeth) and now Terry Hobbs (and his teeth). It's mind boggling how supporters are willing to go to any length, no matter how absurd, to blame anyone other than the three men who committed and pled guilty to this crime.

First and foremost, I don't support Echols, Baldwin or Miskelley. What I do support is justice for the three murdered boys. If I thought the evidence clearly pointed at the WM3 and the case was fully and effectively investigated, I wouldn't hesitate to say justice was handed out. However, I don't think either of those things happened. There was no full and effective investigation and I think it's difficult to suggest there was. Second, even what was discovered and used as evidence hardly points clearly at the WM3.

I do agree, the police SHOULD go where the evidence takes them. IMHO, LE found their theory early on and went to the evidence that supported that theory. To suggest the parents should not have been investigated is wrong IMHO. I believe most LE agencies will tell you it is where you start. In many instances, a parent can be eliminated with relative ease. In others, not so much and follow up investigation is needed until they can be cleared. I don't know how the fact the kids were unrelated, the location of the crime or type of knots used clears anybody.

I also don't think it's absurd to suggest that a full investigation be conducted. If that investigation clears someone, so be it. But at least at that point a full investigation would have been done. What I think is absurd is a failure of the justice system to fully and effectively ensure that justice is served for those 3 young boys. Whether it's ultimately determined to be the WM3, JMB, TH or someone else. If there is a line of investigation to follow, why wouldn't one want it followed?
"If Terry Hobbs is innocent, why not investigate him and prove his innocence, like they did with JMB? What is he afraid of anyway?!"

Terry Hobbs doesn't have to prove his innocence. Damien, Jason, and Jessie pled guilty to the crime, remember? Case closed, as it should be.

While I have my thoughts, I don't know for a fact yet if TH is guilty. What I do know, is his actions, words and demeanor is that of a person who is guilty.

Mary, quick question for you. What if the partials are compared to the wounds and even Dr. Mincer agrees that they are a match within a reasonable degree of medical certainty. Would you still be of the belief that the WM3 are guilty and TH is not guilty simply because Alford Pleas were entered on their behalf? I know this hypothetical is way out there, but lets say it was learned that a hunter had a camera out in those woods that clearly shows John Doe, not the WM3, killing those 3 boys. Would you still insist that the WM3 are guilty and John Doe should be free?
In attempting to discredit Deanna Holcomb’s testimony, you said this: “ Ahhh, the bitter ex. Lots of credibility there with that gal.”

Surely you’re aware that a vast majority of the “let’s get Terry” folks base their opinion of him on things his ex-wife, ex-in-laws, and ex-girlfriend have said.
In attempting to discredit Deanna Holcomb’s testimony, you said this: “ Ahhh, the bitter ex. Lots of credibility there with that gal.”

Surely you’re aware that a vast majority of the “let’s get Terry” folks base their opinion of him on things his ex-wife, ex-in-laws, and ex-girlfriend have said.

IMO, there's a big difference between Deanna Holcomb and Pam Hicks. First, there's the age difference. Deanna was a teenager, with all the instability that exists in that age group. Pam Hicks was a grown woman with two children and two marriages under her belt.

Then, there's the length of the respective relationships. Deanna and Damien were together for at most a couple of years. Pam and Terry had a child together and were together for about 12 years, IIRC. I believe that her knowledge of Terry would be vastly greater than Deanna's knowledge of Damien.

Also, there's other acts of violence that Hobbs committed (Mildred French, Jackie Hobbs, Jr.) that tend to support the things that the Hicks family says. As to Sharon Nelson, I don't think that the breakup was bitter. Why would she lie?
In attempting to discredit Deanna Holcomb’s testimony, you said this: “ Ahhh, the bitter ex. Lots of credibility there with that gal.”

Surely you’re aware that a vast majority of the “let’s get Terry” folks base their opinion of him on things his ex-wife, ex-in-laws, and ex-girlfriend have said.

I would agree. You would have to take into consideration any axes people have to grind. Whether it is an ex-gf or an ex-wife. That doesn't mean you discount them 100% but what I look for is something tangible or solid that supports their story. Is there anything to back it up?
IMO, there's a big difference between Deanna Holcomb and Pam Hicks. First, there's the age difference. Deanna was a teenager, with all the instability that exists in that age group. Pam Hicks was a grown woman with two children and two marriages under her belt.

Then, there's the length of the respective relationships. Deanna and Damien were together for at most a couple of years. Pam and Terry had a child together and were together for about 12 years, IIRC. I believe that her knowledge of Terry would be vastly greater than Deanna's knowledge of Damien.

Also, there's other acts of violence that Hobbs committed (Mildred French, Jackie Hobbs, Jr.) that tend to support the things that the Hicks family says. As to Sharon Nelson, I don't think that the breakup was bitter. Why would she lie?

An example of the type of thing I was talking about.
CR - the purpose of my post was not to debate who was lying and who was telling the truth. The purpose of my post was to point out the double standard applied when reedus dismisses Deanna's testimony (under oath) because she's an "ex-girlfriend", but accepts without question the accusations (i.e., rumors) hurled by Terry's ex-wife, ex-in-laws, and ex-girlfriend.
CR - the purpose of my post was not to debate who was lying and who was telling the truth. The purpose of my post was to point out the double standard applied when reedus dismisses Deanna's testimony (under oath) because she's an "ex-girlfriend", but accepts without question the accusations (i.e., rumors) hurled by Terry's ex-wife, ex-in-laws, and ex-girlfriend.

How have I done that Mary? I've never once suggested that the WM3 should not have been investigated or looked into. Even in under what you put forth, it would be me being consistent across the board. If Holcomb's statement is reason enough to investigate the WM3 then Pam and others statements are reason enough to investigate Hobbs.

Along the same lines, while I would never suggest that Holcomb's statements alone are sufficient to convict any of the WM3, I would never suggest Pam and others' statements alone are sufficient to convict Hobbs. Likewise, if it we were talking about trial testimony, I would want to know everything that might impact a witnesses credibility whether it is Holcomb or Pam and others.

What I will admit is that unfortunately there is one thing that adds to Pam's credibility that Holcomb will never have in this case, namely she is the parent of one of the young boys that were murdered. Having said that, I still agree, though, that the nature of the relationships should be explored.
CR - the purpose of my post was not to debate who was lying and who was telling the truth. The purpose of my post was to point out the double standard applied when reedus dismisses Deanna's testimony (under oath) because she's an "ex-girlfriend", but accepts without question the accusations (i.e., rumors) hurled by Terry's ex-wife, ex-in-laws, and ex-girlfriend.

I also don't think I ever accepted anything Pam has said without question. Even if Pam and Terry were still married and she spoke glowingly of Terry, I would still be of the opinion that is was a major mistake for LE not to have thoroughly investigated him.
While I have my thoughts, I don't know for a fact yet if TH is guilty. What I do know, is his actions, words and demeanor is that of a person who is guilty.

Mary, quick question for you. What if the partials are compared to the wounds and even Dr. Mincer agrees that they are a match within a reasonable degree of medical certainty. Would you still be of the belief that the WM3 are guilty and TH is not guilty simply because Alford Pleas were entered on their behalf? I know this hypothetical is way out there, but lets say it was learned that a hunter had a camera out in those woods that clearly shows John Doe, not the WM3, killing those 3 boys. Would you still insist that the WM3 are guilty and John Doe should be free?

Mary, would you mind entertaining me with the above hypothetical? Many thanks.
In attempting to discredit Deanna Holcomb’s testimony, you said this: “ Ahhh, the bitter ex. Lots of credibility there with that gal.”

Surely you’re aware that a vast majority of the “let’s get Terry” folks base their opinion of him on things his ex-wife, ex-in-laws, and ex-girlfriend have said.

I think I might have missed this post and that might have led to the misunderstanding. First, I'm not a part of a "let's get Terry" belief. I am a part of the "There are serious questions about how this entire case was investigated, handled and tried and a thorough investigation should be conducted even at this point" crowd. Now, I happen to believe, no matter what comments have been made by Pam and crew, that Terry should have been thoroughly investigated immediately and almost automatically just based on his relationship. That was never done and should be. I am also of the mind set that there is enough other evidence that has come to light (whether it's DNA or partials etc...) that justifies thoroughly investigating Hobbs. But none of those reasons have anything to do with what Pam and crew have said. And no where did I say Hobbs is guilty, but rather only in need of being thoroughly investigated.
I thought the video was hilarious and VERY amateur. The WM3 have 4 documentaries...TH has to try harder to be taken seriously.

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Adding to this discussion as I didn't notice any closure to the ligature being the knot debate earlier and came across this:

Arkansas State Crime Lab.


Seems Lisa was referring to the knots being the ligature.
Adding to this discussion as I didn't notice any closure to the ligature being the knot debate earlier and came across this:

Arkansas State Crime Lab.


Seems Lisa was referring to the knots being the ligature.

Yes, it does, doesn't it? Most intelligent people realize that "ligature" generally refers to a knot. It is only when someone needs to split hairs to ignore something that such precision of language is employed.
What has not been noted in this thread is that Terry Hobbs, shortly after the murders, voluntarily gave fingerprints, blood, etc. Although there's not a formal report (or it's been lost) of what was discussed before or during this meeting, it's safe to say it wasn't conducted in silence.

The police go where the evidence leads them. In this case, it did not lead them in any way, shape, or form to a parent. Three unrelated children, murdered a distance from their homes, tied with different knots, etc., has a very low probability of being the work of a family member.

All the evidence has been twisted and turned to fit a parent...first John Mark Byers (and his teeth) and now Terry Hobbs (and his teeth). It's mind boggling how supporters are willing to go to any length, no matter how absurd, to blame anyone other than the three men who committed and pled guilty to this crime.

There is a lot of money behind this. If they can keep supporters donating and believing and buying then they get what they want. I just cannot believe that people cannot see through this masquerade. I feel sorry for the victims of this crime not for the 3 who committed the crime. You know they have to think about this everyday.
There is a lot of money behind this. If they can keep supporters donating and believing and buying then they get what they want. I just cannot believe that people cannot see through this masquerade. I feel sorry for the victims of this crime not for the 3 who committed the crime. You know they have to think about this everyday.

Yet another point we can both agree on. Coming from a victim's rights perspective, though, wouldn't you want every stone turned over to ensure that the victims have rightfully received justice? That's the one thing I don't get about the views of some. Some truthfully are not pro-victim. They are con-WM3. They're feelings get focused on the WM3 instead of the victims.

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