TES DONATION - Will You join With Me ?

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mine has been made as well. At least I feel like I can help people who cared more for Caylee than her family. Bless the wee girl and bless everyone who cares about her.:)
I sent mine this morning. It's my birthday and I decided to skip eating out and
just have pizza at home.

There's a little girl about Caylee's age missing from around here. I hope both
these precious little ones are found, and soon.
Who will join with me to make a donation to TES ? I just donated again, and although a small amount, it all adds up. Even a five dollar contribution by many of us can help.
God bless Tim and all those who donate their time to search for little Caylee.
Here is a link to their web site: http://www.texasequusearch.org/index.html

Sent mine this am. It's my birthday and rather than eat out w/family
we're having pizza instead. There's a little girl missing from Detroit area
about Caylee's age. Hope both these precious little ones come home soon.
It should be noted that donations to TES are tax-deductable. I exchanged email with them and they updated their web site over the weekend to make that clear.
Last night at the end of Nancy Grace she suggested donating to TES. I was happy to hear her say that. I would think/hope a plug like that on national tv must really help.

Then there are all the wonderful Websleuthers who've been donating!! :blowkiss:

Has anyone heard an actual dollar amount that's been donated to TES in the last few days?
I made a donation yesterday for the Fox blog challenge so I made another donation today for the WS donation drive.

I've been emailing with Erin at TES and she said that in just the last couple of days she has seen a big increase in the amount of donations coming in and they're hoping it will last, they really need it.

I think the blog sites are really having an impact in their funding - every little bit helps and now that they take them through Paypal it makes it so much easier and it makes me feel more comfortable since I'm comfortable with the security of Paypal.

Please keep it up, we ARE making a difference!!

YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:

Today is our payday, so I'm off to LES :)
Karen ~ Great thread. Just donated my little part a minute ago. Wish it could have been more but times are tough for everyone right now I guess. Maybe we could get family and friends to sponsor our time websleuthing! I for one would rack up a HUGE donation. LOL. Seriously tho TES is the best and I will donate as I can.

Thanks MnkeyBznes ! And thank you, to all of you as well !!! :blowkiss:
I have donated again.

Thank you for this thread.:blowkiss:
The donations need to continue................. aside from TES's efforts all over the Country................. We can not forget Hurricane IKE caused so much destruction to TES's home base..................and if you have ever been through a natural disaster if takes TIME, Money and MANPOWER to recoup. I have been there-down that................. TES will need help for a long time so he is able to search for families and bring closure, for most people, excluding the A's.
I just put in ... couldn't do a big amount, but donated anyway ... and will next payday as well. Hopefully we can get enough donations to keep them looking until this baby girl is brought home to rest.
Please remember that all donations are made out of love.

This makes all of them big.

One dollar, five dollars; it all adds up. :blowkiss:
I've decided instead of my bi-weekly contribution to our employee assistance program I'm going to not to that this year and make a bi-weekly donation to TES instead. Missing children, and missing people in general has become something that takes a lot of my time and thoughts and whereas I can't search because nothing is in our area, I can donate to a worthier cause than a company that doesn't care about their employees. I'm also going to try and get my co-workers to pitch in as well. God Bless the people that do this.
Okay, I accept. Let's hope we have reason to drink to a hugely successful search in Nov. Thanks to this thread, TES will have additional funds to help defray the costs of this new search. See you on the 8th.

Moderators: Sorry for personal post here but can't access established procedures for same.
I do believe that she will be found this time.
My profound thanks to all who are helping. :blowkiss:

The donations need to continue................. aside from TES's efforts all over the Country................. We can not forget Hurricane IKE caused so much destruction to TES's home base..................and if you have ever been through a natural disaster if takes TIME, Money and MANPOWER to recoup. I have been there-down that................. TES will need help for a long time so he is able to search for families and bring closure, for most people, excluding the A's.
Chesterp, I agree 100% :blowkiss:
Yay, I just donated. I hope they get a lot of support. Tim & all who help in any search ate my heros.

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