TES DONATION - Will You join With Me ?

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I donated. I know it isn't a huge sum, but I think any donation, big or small is just as important in finding the lost!
This is my first post here although I've been in the background for awhile.
Yesterday I made my second TES donation and today at work, I pledged my Employee Charitable Donation for 2009 to TES.
Its not a lot but every bit helps.
I donated. I know it isn't a huge sum, but I think any donation, big or small is just as important in finding the lost!

MsRyber, you have hit the proverbial nail square on its head - I applaud you.

Everybody else:

I just have a couple of things to say here:

Listen to what MsRyber just said again - it is very wise.

NO donation is 'small', or 'not enough', ever. The donation is relative to the amount of disposable funds available; that's just a fact, and as so renders the amount not relevant. The TRUE donation comes from the heart, and I'm pretty sure in the conversion from the dollar into heart money that it works out on both sides.

Someone who can only give 1 dollar a few times because they really just cannot afford to, yet does so, gives a gift of equal if not greater value as another who might be able to give much larger amounts. In heart dollars anyway.

I am so touched each time I read on this thread by the heart dollars I see in post after post after post . . . your spirits will surely shimmer with joy during your life review. I applaud you all.

And lastly, I know we all want to thank Karen Anne for her dedication, and for keeping us focused on what's really important here, because we keep saying it. I know that for me, the caring and enthusiam she generates makes me feel good inside.

So now, won't you join me please in saying thanks to her, for keeping us on the right path.

:::links arms with the others, walks to Karen Anne's corner:::

This is my first post here although I've been in the background for awhile.
Yesterday I made my second TES donation and today at work, I pledged my Employee Charitable Donation for 2009 to TES.
Its not a lot but every bit helps.

Amen! A drop of water that continues to drip will fill the bucket. . . if we all continue to give and encourage others to do the same think of what we could do!

Misty_Pie, what a wonderful first post. :clap:
I sent a Donation into Tim today .. we are retired - but figured that it would really help to find "Our Little Caylee" being her family doesn't want to help ..

If you have a Paypal account that is the best way to go .. No extra cost this way ..

Thanks to everyone else that is donating or have donated ..
it will be appreciated ..

We hope that you are found soon, Caylee so you can finally rest in Peace !!

I'm new on WS, but I sent donation by snail mail yesterday before I read somewhere that we can now use Paypal!! I will use that for future...Thanks for the thread to remind us!

i donated today

please join me--try 5 bucks it all helps

there is a place to donate in memrory of a loved one
I used paypal...Wasn't much, just 50 bucks..Maybe when all our property taxes are paid, I can send more..
We need Caylee found!!
Just donated for the first time ..... that felt good! :)

It gets even better. I just got a thank you email from my donation. It amazes me that these guys are thanking me when they didn't even "loose" anyone. These are true heros.

It said:

Thank you so much. Your wonderful. I can’t express that well enough!!

Erin S. Bridwell

Texas EquuSearch Administrator

Wow, thanks for this! I've been saying I wanted to donate and just never got around to it. You made it so easy. A couple clicks and I've finally gotten it done.
This thread is so encouraging, and very warming to my heart. You all are awesome people. I just donated through Paypal, very easy to do. Thank you for this thread and providing the link to make all these donations possible. I will be sending lots of good vibes and prayers to Tim and all of the volunteers who will be out looking for little Caylee.
I donated $25 last month and $25 again yesterday, not much but if everyone chips in it will add up to a helpful amount. Good luck to Tim, Leonard and the wonderful volunteers that will be out searching. I hope Casey and Cindy are sweating bullets that Caylee will be found. Maybe Cindy and Jackie Peterson can become pen pals too, two peas in a disgusting pod.
I just heard on NG that Lee Anthony has been sending out emails asking people to not donate money to TES. This has inspired me to send another donation. :)
I just heard on NG that Lee Anthony has been sending out emails asking people to not donate money to TES. This has inspired me to send another donation. :)

:furious: I heard that as well. That is just sinful. I just made another donation.
I couldn't send much money, but what little I did send was full of Love ~ Hope and Prayers for finding Precious Baby Caylee.

God Bless TES and TM.
I just donated again too. It's the least I can do for people with hearts this big.
While watching NG tonite FloridaKatz had the idea to send a letter to Oprah Winfrey and Co requesting a donation of $1,000.00 for TES. ( post is on NG 10/29)

I think this is such a great idea that I was wondering if a bunch of us could send a similar letter to other philanthropists. I made a list, then realized I could be creating a situation for Tricia and the mods if a bunch of us all picked the same names then 1 or 2 ended up getting mass messages, which wouldn't be good even if it's for a great cause.

The names on my list are some of the wealthiest people in America, they are celebrities, but not necessarily entertainers. All of them either have kids, support other charities for children or at the very least they used to be children. I didn't chose them just because they have money. Of course anyone else you can come up with is great too, I came across the owners of the telecommunications company my dh works for so I'm going to start there as soon as I get up in the am.

So here's my question, can someone smarter than I push this in the right direction to get started?

Could a couple of sleuths write a letter anyone could use. I know that some of you have a way words that many of us (like myself) envy. A letter that is professional but personal would be ideal.

I'm sure that TES appreciates every time they get my pledge, but I can't help thinking about how much more it could help if it had more zeros. If each of us can find one person to donate $1,000.00 can you imagine how much good it will do, how many families it will help? This could really make a difference. On that note I'd like to thank FloridaKatz for sharing this idea. :blowkiss:

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