Testimonies 10/16/08

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If you were heading for divorce and your spouse was murdered, AND you didn't do it, would you want your in-laws to try to take your kids away?

Well, of course not! Even if I was guilty like Brad, I wouldn't!
So WTVD just said that Judge Sasser could hand down her decision this week. :eek:
She is reviewing new video. I believe it would be the tapes made by JL and the webcam visits. No one can add new video once the hearing was concluded, correct?
I think your definition of controlling is non-functional. You use it as a negative when applied to BC and as a positive when applied to NC's family.

It depends on the situation.
But you can't just present some facts and leave out others in order to sway opinion to view BC a certain way.

I don't care how you or anyone else here view BC. As I have said, there isn't much that I've read, heard, or seen to make me like the guy (or NC for that matter....I really have no respect for people that engage in affairs when married). I just don't believe there has been any evidence beyond speculation that points to him being guilty of murder. As such, I don't feel it was justified at all that his kids were taken from him. And as a dad, I can't stand the way dads are treated in this type of situation. You have people like Mary Winkler (or whatever her name is) that was convicted of killing her husband (and admitted to doing it), basically served no time, and was given custody of her kids back. Here you have someone that hasn't been charged with anything and has his kids taken from him. It's not right.
Well, of course not! Even if I was guilty like Brad, I wouldn't!

But BC may or may not have killed NC. We don't know and in the eyes of the law, he is innocent. If you wouldn't want someone to take your kids without a pretty darn good reason, one that has been proved, then you shouldn't advocate for someone to take someone else's kids.
But BC may or may not have killed NC. We don't know and in the eyes of the law, he is innocent. If you wouldn't want someone to take your kids without a pretty darn good reason, one that has been proved, then you shouldn't advocate for someone to take someone else's kids.

They do have a good reason. A lot of people think Brad killed his wife, and they have their reasons to think so. It's not just like there is no reason.

But I guess I am just thinking I wouldn't want my kids to be with a murderer and some of you don't think that would be a big deal.

And if it's POSSIBLE he is the murderer, as it SEEMS TO BE, why take chances with the kids??

If you are only thinking of yourself and having your kids taken out of your control, I guess I could see your point.

Trying to think of the children first and removing them from this horror should come first, though, IMO.
Mom has posted a new thread on control. Let's honor her request to take our argument elsewhere!
Hey GUYS!!! :Jumpie:

I just put a thread up...CONTROLLING....have at it! LOL
Just because a person is not locked up in chains in their home does not mean they are not living with a controlling person!

Your right. But She had choices. Most women that are truly controlled really have NO way out or they feel that they don't. Nancy did. She took trips without Brad. She had a family that was supportive and knew how to handle the court system. There are ways around the passport issue, look at all the illegal aliens. My husband can be controlling. But I am not controlled. I have a car, a limited access to money, I do what I want, when I want. I have choices. It appeared Nancy did too. Women that are truly controlled normally do not have a supportive family,friends, access to money, nor transportation and they live in constant fear. Nancy had friends, access to some money, transportation and a supportive family. I'm not saying that Brad didn't have control issues. I just don't think, IMO, that she was a true controlled woman.
I don't care how you or anyone else here view BC. As I have said, there isn't much that I've read, heard, or seen to make me like the guy (or NC for that matter....I really have no respect for people that engage in affairs when married). I just don't believe there has been any evidence beyond speculation that points to him being guilty of murder. As such, I don't feel it was justified at all that his kids were taken from him. And as a dad, I can't stand the way dads are treated in this type of situation. You have people like Mary Winkler (or whatever her name is) that was convicted of killing her husband (and admitted to doing it), basically served no time, and was given custody of her kids back. Here you have someone that hasn't been charged with anything and has his kids taken from him. It's not right.

I agree!
If you can, put yourself in BCs position. First, his wife is missing and is then found dead a couple of days later. Despite the fact that there is no real evidence linking you to the crime, all of her friends and family come out to the media and pronounce you guilty. Then your 2 children are removed from your care, crying and screaming wanting their daddy because your wifes family claimed you were suicidal and a danger to your children. Then you have websites like websleuths where tons more people analyze every singe breath you take to figure out how that proves you are guilty. Then your entire marriage and life is put out in depositions and affidavits so that everyone knows everything about you. Despite that, you move forward trying to get your kids back, even though every decision you and your lawyers make is criticized and questioned and twisted to fit it into the belief that you are guilt.

Wouldn't you fight for your children back?

Is that a fact or an assumption?

If I were in the Rentz' shoes I would fight for those kids. I might lose, but I'd try.
I just don't believe there has been any evidence beyond speculation that points to him being guilty of murder.

You believe there has been no evidence? Zero? So for instance, if he lied and it can be proven, that remains in the speculation category? There has been almost no evidence results released to us, the public, by the police dept. That doesn't mean no evidence exists. It does mean the public (which includes us WSers) are not privy to what may exist. To assume there is none is likely incorrect.
Mom has posted a new thread on control. Let's honor her request to take our argument elsewhere!
LOLOL. Glad to see you embrace the multiple threads concept since you felt quite differently before...
Is that a fact or an assumption?

If I were in the Rentz' shoes I would fight for those kids. I might lose, but I'd try.

I should have said no real evidence released so far. However, I would assume that if there was real evidence linking him to the crime, he would have been arrested.

I don't blame the Rentz family for trying. I understand why they are trying.

If there was someone else that was arrested for NCs murder today (maybe due to a confession with supporting evidence), would you all still feel that he shouldn't have custody of his kids?
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