The 911 Call, LE Radio Call & Police Report

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RC was of no help whatsoever...exactly when did he inform LE that he had hit the door? They questioned him about his cuts and he told them that but he gave NO information about his daughter...nothing.

I don't think there is one of us who would have had a barely 17 yr old make the most important call of your life to 911. It wasn't like he was looking anywhere. Sounded to me like he was straightening up the house...MO.

He was not able to assist LE in any way. He had to call his mommy to answer the questions he should have provided. Afterall, he stole these kids at the age of six months and 2 yrs of age, woudn't he know his children better than anybody? (sarcasm here).

ron did what he has always done (as jessi said) as let others do the talking for him whenever there is trouble. There was no reason for misty to have known ht, wt, and birthdate but there were plenty of reasons that ron should have known...but he didn't know them either. It was better for ron to have misty look bad then himself. He put her in a bad situation but he didn't care as it was his life on the line. He was not capable of pullling it together even to help save his daughter's llfe....speaks volumnes.

I agree rc did behave in the manner he always has..which is defensive, violent, paranoid and of bad judgement...which is exactly why his daughter is gone.

Great post Whisperer. I wholeheartedly agree. As controling as RC seems to be, I can't for the life of me figure out why he would leave this job (calling 911) to a 17 year old. He seemed to want to answer most of the questions to the media (until the going got tough, then "he was at work"), yet during the most important time of this whole ordeal, he can't answer a single question about his daughter.

O/T: BetteBlueEyes, something similar happened to me, but the police showed up in force (about 8 cars) and when I opened the door, they pushed their way past me. The alarm company had wired our new system wrong and I was actually keying in the panic code. Geez, it was embarrassing.
I just want to add that when I first researched 911 calls, I thought Ron's ranting and raving is what would be suspect. I was actually surprised to find out that Ron's voice modulation with the loud volume, fast speed, varied pitch and emotional tones is quite normal in 911 calls. What I didn't expect to find was the lack of actual information and cooperation with the dispatcher. It was an eye opener for me.
respectfully snipped

A good part of Misty's seemingly odd behavior in the 911 call can be attributed to Ron's ranting and raving in the background which seemed to escalate when he was uncomfortable with the questions asked of Misty, particularly questions concerning the doors.

I too agree with you that part of her abnormal demeanor is probably somewhat attributed to Ron's reactions(tho, for completely different reasons) I bet at times Misty was feeling panicked on the inside or left speechless especially at times when Ron's anger&frustration seemed to peak. She was dealing with the one thing that she had desperately been dreading in the hours leading up to this moment. I'm pretty sure from the very moment that "something" occurred to Haleigh that the first thought thru Misty's mind was OMG how am I ever going to explain to Ron what has happened to Haleigh? And up til the moment he arrived home I also think that exact thought is what stayed forefront in her mind. Is he going to believe me? How is he initially going to react to mme having to tell him that Haleigh is gone and I don't have any idea who, when, why, or where his only daughter has been "taken". Is he going to beat the crap out of me for letting his only daughter be kidnapped? (Beacause tho I do in my opinion believe that Ron had nothing to do with his daughters disappearance, but by no means do I think he's a good, upstanding guy and because of this I think he may have very well been capable of slapping Misty around) and I bet that night Misty was sick with dread and fear of what he'd do to her. And sadly I think that was, is, and always has been her main concern or upset about this situation, how would Ron ever forgive her for even just somehow allowing this to happen to his daughter, not to mention if he finds out that she had a hand in what happened to his daughter, if even by just being a witness to it and lying to cover up. I don't think she's ever for one tiny second been sad, sorry, or missed precious little Haleigh. Nope, I believe her main concern is probably the only thing she has stayed consistent about, and that one and only concern was how her man was gonna react to Haleigh being gone, and would he blame her, would he believe her&the cockamayme "cover story" ?. So, yes I too think that part of her abnormal demeanor on that 911 call was attributed to how Ron was reacting. She was living thru what she had been making herself sick with dread&worry for hours leading up to this time.
I too agree with you that part of her abnormal demeanor is probably somewhat attributed to Ron's reactions(tho, for completely different reasons) I bet at times Misty was feeling panicked on the inside or left speechless especially at times when Ron's anger&frustration seemed to peak. She was dealing with the one thing that she had desperately been dreading in the hours leading up to this moment. I'm pretty sure from the very moment that "something" occurred to Haleigh that the first thought thru Misty's mind was OMG how am I ever going to explain to Ron what has happened to Haleigh? And up til the moment he arrived home I also think that exact thought is what stayed forefront in her mind. Is he going to believe me? How is he initially going to react to mme having to tell him that Haleigh is gone and I don't have any idea who, when, why, or where his only daughter has been "taken". Is he going to beat the crap out of me for letting his only daughter be kidnapped? (Beacause tho I do in my opinion believe that Ron had nothing to do with his daughters disappearance, but by no means do I think he's a good, upstanding guy and because of this I think he may have very well been capable of slapping Misty around) and I bet that night Misty was sick with dread and fear of what he'd do to her. And sadly I think that was, is, and always has been her main concern or upset about this situation, how would Ron ever forgive her for even just somehow allowing this to happen to his daughter, not to mention if he finds out that she had a hand in what happened to his daughter, if even by just being a witness to it and lying to cover up. I don't think she's ever for one tiny second been sad, sorry, or missed precious little Haleigh. Nope, I believe her main concern is probably the only thing she has stayed consistent about, and that one and only concern was how her man was gonna react to Haleigh being gone, and would he blame her, would he believe her&the cockamayme "cover story" ?. So, yes I too think that part of her abnormal demeanor on that 911 call was attributed to how Ron was reacting. She was living thru what she had been making herself sick with dread&worry for hours leading up to this time.

I too suspect she was sick with dread and worry for hours leading up to having to make that 911 call and also suspect she was fearful of what Ron C's actions would be when he arrived home, however I highly suspect it wasn't due to the fact he didn't know what had happened to his child that afternoon/evening...JMO
RC: His emotions are a roller coaster--rage, fear, etc--due to a panic. He probably can't figure out what he needs to do first other than to call 911 and he feels time is crawling and they are not responding fast enough and how tall she is, her dob, etc can be sorted out later once they find her. His mind is trying to stay focused on what needs to be done but horrible images of what could have happened are creeping in, thus the emotion, then regaining control and yelling again.

MC: One of 2 things: she knows exactly what happened, or at least a good portion of it, but is still in disbelief "oh my gosh"
she was asleep and remembers more how she was feeling as she started to notice things didn't look right, but she may not have remembered the order in which she did this or that-did she notice Haleigh missing first or the door open first? She may not remember the order other than to remember noticing those 2 things and panicking and not knowing what to do

Once, I was an audio then visual witness to a brick being thrown into a two story window.Within minutes my story changed, not because I was lying, but because I was over thinking it.

I heard the glass break, I looked out the window, I saw someone running toward a truck, I heard three pounds, foot steps attempting to slow down, then saw the inner light go on inside the cab of the truck. I tried to see the license plate but I'm too blind.
By the end of the story, I had surmised that there must have been two people, but for the life of me I can't remember now why I thought that, and when I said that, the LEO was no longer interested in what I was saying. lol

Point of the story, the more you think about something, the more the story can change.
And waking up, going into a panic, then thinking on it later, it can become mixed up. Add coming off a drug induced weekend, fight with bf, and kid being missing belonging to bf who tends to be violent, and is a control freak, moo, I can see how she got confused.

However, the fake look of concern which I saw on her face, which is the same look I see on another stepmom's face in a new case, tells me something is hinky, even though I don't know what, other than a lack of sincerity, whether in concern, or in truth. moo

That's just at the beginning of Haleigh's case though. fwiw
The part I found interesting about the footprint was the police report says that Ron was too distraught to answer questions regarding Haleigh. But later it says that "Ronald said that Haleigh's shoes were inside the residence."

Does that mean after TN answered all the personal questions about Haleigh, Ron pulled himself together enough to tell them Haleigh's shoes were inside? Also, when did Ron have time to notice Haleigh's shoes were inside?

My kids missing, I'm looking for my kid, not what my kid was wearing. Since Ron and TN were so sure that Haleigh was too afraid of the dark to ever go outside at night, why would he even look for her shoes?

I don't recall what was said about HaLeigh liking to wear shoes, but I do remember that she didn't like to wear clothes, thus the pics of her without shorts, or pants on, just undies. and a top, which imo, is common with kids.

So, if she never liked going outside without shoes on, and she only had one pair, or she had a pair that she was favoring, choosing them all the time, then noticing that they were there, would not seem disturbing to me. jmo though
In the jail video of Ron talking with TN, he seems to think that either Crystal or Misty did something with Haleigh. If Ron was thinking Crystal took her then it would be normal to look and see if Haleigh's shoes were still there. Wonder if they were the pink shoes that Misty talks about in an interview. She tried to quickly change her tone, but there seemed to be resentment that Haleigh just had to have pink shoes because Misty had gotten pink shoes.
I just want to add that when I first researched 911 calls, I thought Ron's ranting and raving is what would be suspect. I was actually surprised to find out that Ron's voice modulation with the loud volume, fast speed, varied pitch and emotional tones is quite normal in 911 calls. What I didn't expect to find was the lack of actual information and cooperation with the dispatcher. It was an eye opener for me.

Great post, but don't forget to add he hung up on the 911 operator and his statement "We have better people to call." Just who was better than 911?

On the other hand, I think Misty's behavior on the call was appropriate when you consider she was working from a script (not one actually written down) and was trying to tell a story that wasn't true.
With the truth, you never have trouble relating the facts. From the moment she told the operator that our daughter is missing, she had difficulty with the entire phone call. jmo
Great post, but don't forget to add he hung up on the 911 operator and his statement "We have better people to call." Just who was better than 911?
On the other hand, I think Misty's behavior on the call was appropriate when you consider she was working from a script (not one actually written down) and was trying to tell a story that wasn't true.
With the truth, you never have trouble relating the facts. From the moment she told the operator that our daughter is missing, she had difficulty with the entire phone call. jmo

BBM..IMHO.. I suspect his little arrogant run amok EGO just couldn't resist letting someone know he had an "IN"... Someone he or his family knew who would get the job done and take care of business for him...But thats just my humble opinion..

Seriously, a person would not make a comment of that nature under those circumstances unless they thought they had some kinda pull with someone who was higher up in the pecking order...JMO
Once, I was an audio then visual witness to a brick being thrown into a two story window.Within minutes my story changed, not because I was lying, but because I was over thinking it.

I heard the glass break, I looked out the window, I saw someone running toward a truck, I heard three pounds, foot steps attempting to slow down, then saw the inner light go on inside the cab of the truck. I tried to see the license plate but I'm too blind.
By the end of the story, I had surmised that there must have been two people, but for the life of me I can't remember now why I thought that, and when I said that, the LEO was no longer interested in what I was saying. lol

Point of the story, the more you think about something, the more the story can change.
And waking up, going into a panic, then thinking on it later, it can become mixed up. Add coming off a drug induced weekend, fight with bf, and kid being missing belonging to bf who tends to be violent, and is a control freak, moo, I can see how she got confused.

However, the fake look of concern which I saw on her face, which is the same look I see on another stepmom's face in a new case, tells me something is hinky, even though I don't know what, other than a lack of sincerity, whether in concern, or in truth. moo

That's just at the beginning of Haleigh's case though. fwiw

I can see some things changing in trying to remember an event. For instance, you remembered the light coming on in the truck. Perhaps at the same time you remembered the man running had hopped into the passenger side of the vehicle before it raced off. That would trigger your mind to remember someone else had to have been driving. So I can see how this does happen.

In this case, things are changing that should have remained the same throughout. For instance, where the children slept. To me, that would seem like something you wouldn't forget. We have Mr. Cummings on video stating all three were in the same bed, only to have that change shortly thereafter. Another instance might be when Misty found the pink shirt in the mobile home. It should have triggered the thought of laundry and GGMS coming by and putting shirts on the children, yet she never mentioned it.

I supose it just depends on what part of the story changes and the probabilities of someone forgetting crucial details.

BBM..IMHO.. I suspect his little arrogant run amok EGO just couldn't resist letting someone know he had an "IN"... Someone he or his family knew who would get the job done and take care of business for him...But thats just my humble opinion..

Seriously, a person would not make a comment of that nature under those circumstances unless they thought they had some kinda pull with someone who was higher up in the pecking order...JMO

I've always thought that too about what Ron said about "better people to talk to". I think he still has someone in his corner.
BBM..IMHO.. I suspect his little arrogant run amok EGO just couldn't resist letting someone know he had an "IN"... Someone he or his family knew who would get the job done and take care of business for him...But thats just my humble opinion..

Seriously, a person would not make a comment of that nature under those circumstances unless they thought they had some kinda pull with someone who was higher up in the pecking order...JMO

Deleted for being off-topic. My apologies.
Great post, but don't forget to add he hung up on the 911 operator and his statement "We have better people to call." Just who was better than 911?

On the other hand, I think Misty's behavior on the call was appropriate when you consider she was working from a script (not one actually written down) and was trying to tell a story that wasn't true.
With the truth, you never have trouble relating the facts. From the moment she told the operator that our daughter is missing, she had difficulty with the entire phone call. jmo

His parents, grandmother, aunts, and uncles?
I've been thinking about this call, & wondering how it could fit into other theories. Say Ron came home, & really was surprised that Haleigh was gone. but in his heart of hearts, he knew that Misty was at least partially responsible. would he have begged her for answers, or just gone along with the abduction theory, while denying what was evident?He couldn't reach her earlier, so he knew she had either been out, when Haleigh was taken, or she was out, getting rid of her body. Could Ron, so blinded by love, have been pretending to believe Misty? was that the reason for the fakeness, so many of us heard? because even under this scenario, it would've been fake. maybe after thinking about it, he decided that he knew Misty well enough, to know that she wasn't capable of murder-so even if she was in on it, she was covering for someone else? maybe that would explain why he made her make the call?
I've been thinking about this call, & wondering how it could fit into other theories. Say Ron came home, & really was surprised that Haleigh was gone. but in his heart of hearts, he knew that Misty was at least partially responsible. would he have begged her for answers, or just gone along with the abduction theory, while denying what was evident?He couldn't reach her earlier, so he knew she had either been out, when Haleigh was taken, or she was out, getting rid of her body. Could Ron, so blinded by love, have been pretending to believe Misty? was that the reason for the fakeness, so many of us heard? because even under this scenario, it would've been fake. maybe after thinking about it, he decided that he knew Misty well enough, to know that she wasn't capable of murder-so even if she was in on it, she was covering for someone else? maybe that would explain why he made her make the call?

Even still though, I bet there is a huge list of people who did not like Ron, or Ron had done something to them, even if Misty alone did something to HaLeigh, it was still a possibility his actions caused someone to break into his home and take his daughter, imo. Because at this time, Ron did just have a fight over a gun, and allegedly Joe was crazy. It does not excuse Ronald denying this event took place, because if there was a fight over a gun, its very important to set aside how bad you look in this situation, if you are truly baffled about what happened to your child. Making a crazy guy mad who stole a gun is important to let the LE know, if you are truly interested in finding your child.

Ronald said that he put a dead rat in Tommys mail box to see how good Misty would lie to the cops. To believe this scenario you have to factor in the neighbor of Tommys being in on it, because she is the one who told Tommy what she saw, and she in turn called the cops.

Nothing makes sense. But I think its obvious Ronald knows the fate of his daughter, he sure looked like he did on video when he told the UC, that dope boys didnt come in and take her, thats supposed to be an option for him, hes not supposed to know her fate, but he acts like he does.
I've been thinking about this call, & wondering how it could fit into other theories. Say Ron came home, & really was surprised that Haleigh was gone. but in his heart of hearts, he knew that Misty was at least partially responsible. would he have begged her for answers, or just gone along with the abduction theory, while denying what was evident?He couldn't reach her earlier, so he knew she had either been out, when Haleigh was taken, or she was out, getting rid of her body. Could Ron, so blinded by love, have been pretending to believe Misty? was that the reason for the fakeness, so many of us heard? because even under this scenario, it would've been fake. maybe after thinking about it, he decided that he knew Misty well enough, to know that she wasn't capable of murder-so even if she was in on it, she was covering for someone else? maybe that would explain why he made her make the call?

IMO my missing child would trump everything. I would be spilling everything I know, whether it implicates me in illegal activities, shows me to be immoral or whatever the case may be. I would just want my child found as soon as possible, period.

As for Misty, if I had been trying to call her all night and there was no answer, knowing the weekend she just had, I wouldn't be knocking my fist through any door. I'd be knocking HER through the door to get to the truth.
IMO my missing child would trump everything. I would be spilling everything I know, whether it implicates me in illegal activities, shows me to be immoral or whatever the case may be. I would just want my child found as soon as possible, period.

As for Misty, if I had been trying to call her all night and there was no answer, knowing the weekend she just had, I wouldn't be knocking my fist through any door. I'd be knocking HER through the door to get to the truth.
I know that scenario isn't very likely, but I'm trying to imagine Misty being the perp, & fitting it with Ron's behavior. especially later, but as early as that 911. It's really hard to coincide his behavior with a guilty Misty.
Even still though, I bet there is a huge list of people who did not like Ron, or Ron had done something to them, even if Misty alone did something to HaLeigh, it was still a possibility his actions caused someone to break into his home and take his daughter, imo. Because at this time, Ron did just have a fight over a gun, and allegedly Joe was crazy. It does not excuse Ronald denying this event took place, because if there was a fight over a gun, its very important to set aside how bad you look in this situation, if you are truly baffled about what happened to your child. Making a crazy guy mad who stole a gun is important to let the LE know, if you are truly interested in finding your child.

Ronald said that he put a dead rat in Tommys mail box to see how good Misty would lie to the cops. To believe this scenario you have to factor in the neighbor of Tommys being in on it, because she is the one who told Tommy what she saw, and she in turn called the cops.

Nothing makes sense. But I think its obvious Ronald knows the fate of his daughter, he sure looked like he did on video when he told the UC, that dope boys didnt come in and take her, thats supposed to be an option for him, hes not supposed to know her fate, but he acts like he does.
& he also shot down Jr.'s version of a man in black, taking Haleigh. So, for somebody who was at work, & knows nothing, he sure knows a lot about what didn't happen.
I know that scenario isn't very likely, but I'm trying to imagine Misty being the perp, & fitting it with Ron's behavior. especially later, but as early as that 911. It's really hard to coincide his behavior with a guilty Misty.

Dodie, like most, I've entertained just about every possible scenario in this case, from the mother's side to a sex offender, to a drug dealer, to the ex-Amber, Joe, Misty, Tommy and numerous others. In the end, I have to keep going back to RC's behavior and it's his behavior I can't discount. Maybe there is a logical explanation for the way he has acted during this mess, but I haven't found it.

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