The 911 Call, LE Radio Call & Police Report

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Ah yes! I remember Pearl Jam well! LOL ... my sons are now 33 and 28, and have their own band, but that was one of their favorites.

Where DOES the time go?

Pearl Jam is still going strong and my favorite band.

Kudos for your kids and their love of music. I have a drummer and a guitar player in my house. Plus, all the other kids that roam around in the basement.

Time is flying.
Yes,running around outside,maybe Misty brought the phone to him.I do that with my husband's phone when he gets a call.

When the operator calls back he answers the phone. Misty didn't have to go look for him. Also, the operator asked to talk to Misty. You hear someone crying saying they "don't want to". The transcripts say it's Misty crying "I don't want to" and I think it's Ron saying that. I think he knows who took his daughter.
Just listened to the whole thing again: RC. Wow.

I think MC is petrified of him, to the point of not even relaying all of the 911 operator's remarks to him probably b/c she knew he'd explode.

He just doesn't sound like someone who's upset. Just seems to me like a parent would be frantic and in a panic, not just showing semi-controlled anger.

Misty actually seems genuine on the tape; RC doesn't. Maybe she was crying in response to RC's treatment of her rather than crying over Haleigh missing - don't know. But she sounds real. JMHO.
I just got new speakers .... (Kids had blown out the other ones, no wonder everything sounded like a tin can! LOL)

anyhow..... I notice that in the very begining of the call... when you hear Ron garble something .. "at midnight" or "middle of the night" ...Misti says ... Shhhhh, Quiet... this is at :39

also right before that Misti was confused at what she wanted to say... she first started to say "we" ... then corrects herself....

I can't believe the difference in Misti after the hang up and call back..... she is very scared!
I agree with an earlier poster that this sounds staged...Misty says:
"Hi...umm...I just woke up...and our backdoor was wide open and I think...and I can't find our daughter" Then RC says:
"I just got home from work, my five-year-old daughter is gone- I need someone here now." Alibis?

Sounds like alibis being offered to me. Ron goes one further in his next sentence when he offers up a suspect:

Ronald Cummings: "if I find whoever has my daughter before you all do, I'm killing them...I don't care- I will spend the rest of my life in can put that on the recording...I don't care."

Now how could he be that certain that early on in the case that Haleigh had been abducted? To me it sounds like Ron was deliberately planting that suggestion to the police in the hopes they'd latch right on to it.
ITA!!! This has been my thought all along and the main thing that doesn't sit well with me about the 911 call. Why isn't he asking Misty, "have you looked out back"? or "have you looked here", "did you look there?" It looks like they live in a very rural area where neighbors are scarce, so it seems the very first thought would be that she got up and wandered out, for whatever reason. He jumped way too fast to the "somebody stole her, I'm gonna kill him" theory, considering they don't live in an area where people are strolling by all the time. I hope I'm wrong, but it just doesn't sit well with me.

Yeppers - I'd have been out walking the miles and miles and miles, etc., trying to find my child while I was on the darn cell phone with LE - what the heck did he wait around for?!?!?! :furious:
Just listened to the whole thing again: RC. Wow.

I think MC is petrified of him, to the point of not even relaying all of the 911 operator's remarks to him probably b/c she knew he'd explode.

He just doesn't sound like someone who's upset. Just seems to me like a parent would be frantic and in a panic, not just showing semi-controlled anger.

Misty actually seems genuine on the tape; RC doesn't. Maybe she was crying in response to RC's treatment of her rather than crying over Haleigh missing - don't know. But she sounds real. JMHO.

She's either in shock that this has happened OR she's scared to death of Ron OR she knows what happened and/or she had something to do with it OR come combo of the above...
I was under the impression MC said she got up to use the bathroom and found the child missing.On this 911 call, you can clearly hear her say she was cleaning?:waitasec:

She answers the question "when did you last see her?"
That "it was about 10oclock she was sleeping ,and I was cleaning. " or maybe not the exact quote.

My impression was that she was saying hayleigh had gone to bed earlier, but that she was cleaning and saw her at about 10 when she had come to bed.

Mistie is HARD to understand with the way she jumps around in conversations on inteviews, so in this panicked state, she was even harder to understand. IMO
Ty just find that rather odd that she didn't say I got up to use the bathroom and she was gone,,,God I wish small stuff like this didn't bother me so bad:bang:
Ty just find that rather odd that she didn't say I got up to use the bathroom and she was gone,,,God I wish small stuff like this didn't bother me so bad:bang:

I know. But, we have to remember: She's 17 years old. And Ron told media that she called him first and he didn't answer because he was pulling up.. she met him coming out of the house when he pulled up and said 'your daughter is gone!' He said he asked her why she was calling him instead of 911.

I have a 19 year old daughter, and what I hear personally, is a very, VERY scared child, with a VERY angry Adult cussing at her and blaming her. ie: "how the **** did you let my daughter get stolen you b*itch?". So after hearing all of that, I'm sure he started the cursing and blaming as soon as he pulled up. Therefore, Misty is not only terrified and panicked because she just woke up and H is missing, but she is also terrified because Ron is in her face in a rage.
So, it's hard to focus on anything except what she is being asked directly and the operato did not directly ask her how she discovered she was missing.

again, JMO
Here's a really cool link for anyone who's interested in how the FBI analyzes 911 calls. Lots of info about truthfulness vs. deception:
I've been wondering if Misti didn't at first try to indicate that Haleigh may have went out the backdoor on her own by saying "the back door's open and your daughter is gone", then Ron immediately becomes angry thinking that Haleigh has been abducted by a pervert and Misti should have called 911 immediately instead of trying to call him.
Here's a really cool link for anyone who's interested in how the FBI analyzes 911 calls. Lots of info about truthfulness vs. deception:

Wow that is some web site! It really made me think about how I have talked to the 911 operator in the past when I have had an emergancy. It's amazing the amount of information they get from it.

So after reading that page I still don't know what to make of Mistys call however Rons actions seem to fall in the innicent person catagory.
Whats your take on it.
Misty's 911 call:
911: “OK- how tall is she about? Or how much does she weigh…do you know that?”

Misty Croslin: “huh?”

911: “How much does she weigh- do you know?”

Misty Croslin: “huh?”

FBI 911 analysis:

Dispatcher: How many stairs did she fall down?

Guilty caller: Huh?

The “huh factor” was present in 12 percent of the homicide calls. All but one of these callers were guilty.
Misty's Call to 911:

911: “911, what’s your emergency”

Misty Croslin: “Hi…umm…I just woke up…and our backdoor was wide open and I think…and I can’t find our daughter”

FBI 911 analysis:

A woman who murdered her spouse called 911 to report that an unknown assailant had shot her and her husband. The opening dialogue in the call is an example of that of a guilty caller.

Dispatcher: 911. What’s your emergency?

Guilty caller: Hi, I’ve been shot, and my husband has been shot.

The wife used the unexpected friendly greeting “Hi” with the dispatcher while her husband, who had been shot in the head, lay dead on the floor. The wife should have remained focused on demanding immediate medical assistance for her spouse.
Oh Man - I think you nailed it bisaillon. That pretty much says it all. And after reading the transcript - I got the impression that RC thought he knew who had taken her. The way he says in the background -- I'll kill the #@!!*#%$.

So I wonder if the person RC suspected turned out not to be involved or if LE is withholding info from us?

Thanks for this link, it explains a lot of doubts I had about the 911 call.
Misty's "I just woke up and the back door is open and I can't find our daughter."
Ron's "I just got home from work and someone stole my daughter."
Also, both of them were hesitant to answer, Misty could not give an accurate description, didn't understand parts of it, and Ron did not want to answer, was very impatient and immediately making threats to kill someone.. did not want to give Haleigh's birthday, and became angered when he thought the operator wasn't sending help immediately. This should be interesting topic.

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