The "Affair"

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Exactly Fran!
It sounds to me as if she had a good male friend that she talked to frequently. If that's an affair well then a lot of us would be called "adulteress" :clap:

My four daughters have LOTS of buds, that just so happen to be male. Good grief! If friendship with a person of the opposite sex is an indication of a 'relationship' or adultress affair, I need to talk to my girls pronto! They've been very nauty! :angel2:

I don't believe for a NY minute that Nancy had an affair. It's BS being thrown out by her cheating husband. He was trying to justify HIS indiscretion(s), or soften the blow of it, by saying she had done the same.

The first hint it's a lie should be - "It wasn't sexual."

What idiot would confess to a NON sexual affair?:waitasec:

The second hint it's a lie is - "No one knows his name."

How convenient.:rolleyes:

The final indication it's a lie, should be it was years ago.

Ok, no one knows his name that she didn't have sex with several years ago.:crazy:

NOPE,........doesn't equate to ANYTHING as far as I can see.

Brad needs to keep talking, though. LE loves it!

Giving them LOTS of places to look for evidence.:eek:

Now see, I guess it just depends on how you see the glass.

I see his giving few details about the "affair" as a way to keep it as private as can be given the circumstances. Maybe he didn't want to dishonor her or create a bad memory of his children's mother (you know they will see this stuff someday). He had to include any relevant information but I think he was holding back on his anwsers so as to not drag her name through the mud. Maybe there was more to it, but really, I see no reason why those details should be anything but private. What is it going to accomplish at this point by making all of that public? We know he is said to be a very private guy....and are the details really anyone's business? If I were in his situation, I'd do the same because there really isn't any point to feeding the frenzy.
Now see, I guess it just depends on how you see the glass.

I see his giving few details about the "affair" as a way to keep it as private as can be given the circumstances. Maybe he didn't want to dishonor her or create a bad memory of his children's mother (you know they will see this stuff someday). He had to include any relevant information but I think he was holding back on his anwsers so as to not drag her name through the mud. Maybe there was more to it, but really, I see no reason why those details should be anything but private. What is it going to accomplish at this point by making all of that public? We know he is said to be a very private guy....and are the details really anyone's business? If I were in his situation, I'd do the same because there really isn't any point to feeding the frenzy.

I sure hope you have read those affidavits cos the man sure drug his deceased wife through the mud.
Any allegation of an NC affair is just a red herring. Who cares anyway? The woman is dead. What she did/didn't do doesn't matter. She didn't kill herself, her death was not from natural causes, and two little girls' lives are forever changed (and not for the better, no matter how wonderful their maternal family one can ever replace 'mommy.')

I don't care how horrible a person BC may try and insinuate NC was...bottomline: he married her, he had 2 kids with her, and she was murdered...possibly/probably by him. Whatever issues she had are forgiven. Murder trumps all, donchathink?
I sure hope you have read those affidavits cos the man sure drug his deceased wife through the mud.

I have read his entire affdavit but fail to see where he drug her through the mud. He talked of her excessive spending and such...but not once did he do what I consider dishonoring her....jmo
First I will say I do not think NC had or was having an affair, but there has been some speculation outside of this forum who tend to think it's possible NC had found compassion and sympathy from someone else.

This is the reasons they are mentioning....

An attractive woman who's marriage has gone sour, and no physical contact for 2.5 yrs, everyone needs arms wrapped around them time to time to say it will be OK.

Talking to the opposite sex and confiding in them, helps sometimes put things in perspective. The opposite sex gives you a better insight as to how men (in this case) think.

She had a large number of friends, good for an alibi.

If she did stay out late, who with? These friends either had families or worked so this continual staying out was with who? (if she did stay out)

It would be normal after 2.5 yrs to seek reassurance from the opposite sex, you are beautiful, a good mom, don't deserve this.

The greencard...why wait for it when you are planning on going back to Canada?

Money appears to still be spent if it is true about the girls dresses on hold, money was needed for the event she was to attend in August...where was the money coming from?

Most who are miserable in their marriage display a sort of unhappiness, but everyone speaks of how happy, energetic she was, going all the time.

She has been alone for the last 2 yrs since BC was getting his MBA, she had ample opportunity to spend time to see someone.

Who was the 3rd SW for? Is it someone NC knew?

So I got put in this position and do you know her friends don't know about someone else, they won't reveal it until made to do so. How do you know she didn't come back from the beach, tell this someone her mind was made up to go back to Canada and they lost control after that?

Please don't throw rotten tomato's I am only the messenger!
First I will say I do not think NC had or was having an affair, but there has been some speculation outside of this forum who tend to think it's possible NC had found compassion and sympathy from someone else.

This is the reasons they are mentioning....

An attractive woman who's marriage has gone sour, and no physical contact for 2.5 yrs, everyone needs arms wrapped around them time to time to say it will be OK.

Talking to the opposite sex and confiding in them, helps sometimes put things in perspective. The opposite sex gives you a better insight as to how men (in this case) think.

She had a large number of friends, good for an alibi.

If she did stay out late, who with? These friends either had families or worked so this continual staying out was with who? (if she did stay out)

It would be normal after 2.5 yrs to seek reassurance from the opposite sex, you are beautiful, a good mom, don't deserve this.

The greencard...why wait for it when you are planning on going back to Canada?

Money appears to still be spent if it is true about the girls dresses on hold, money was needed for the event she was to attend in August...where was the money coming from?

Most who are miserable in their marriage display a sort of unhappiness, but everyone speaks of how happy, energetic she was, going all the time.

She has been alone for the last 2 yrs since BC was getting his MBA, she had ample opportunity to spend time to see someone.

Who was the 3rd SW for? Is it someone NC knew?

So I got put in this position and do you know her friends don't know about someone else, they won't reveal it until made to do so. How do you know she didn't come back from the beach, tell this someone her mind was made up to go back to Canada and they lost control after that?

Please don't throw rotten tomato's I am only the messenger!
Momto3, I have heard outside this forum that she got home much later than the 12:00 time for the very reasons you mention here. I have not written that because I have no basis other than idle gossip. But now you have me thinking.
Momto3, I have heard outside this forum that she got home much later than the 12:00 time for the very reasons you mention here. I have not written that because I have no basis other than idle gossip. But now you have me thinking.

I have said many times....I am on the fence about BC, and still am, just because of this. It does make you wonder what others are thinking if asked.

But take this case to someone who knows nothing about it let them look thru it all the media clips, documents, affadavits, etc and see what they say. I did and what I posted is what I got an earfull of.

Adding to my previous post, what I forgot to mention...THIS IS WHAT THE OTHER PERSON SAID
BC was not the monster he has been made out to be. She did leave the girls with him, so she wasn't concerned for their lives or she wouldn't have left them so often.

The other thing said is she was trying to get blood out of a turnip. If he didn't have the $$ after all the bills were paid and he gave her 80%, what more could he do? Where did the $$ come from if $300 didn't meet her demands and make ends meet? It was obvious she didn't slow down.

The last thing this person said is....her friends know. She told them everything which was obvious, she would have told them about this, since she would use them for an alibi.

I said early on and still think JA holds the key to this investigation.

Why was JA so strong in her statement #10 in the affidavit?
Who called NC at 10:30 if it is true and why?
What could NC have done to make BC (if it is him) so mad to murder her?
I have said this many times....I am on the fence about BC, and still am, just because of this. It does make you think.

But take this case to someone who knows nothing about it let them look thru it all the media clips, documents, affadavits, etc and see what they say. I did and what I posted is what I got an earfull of.

Adding to it I did not post..forgot to...
BC was not the monster he has been made out to be. She did leave the girls with him, so she wasn't concerned for their lives or she wouldn't have left them so often.

The other thing said is she was trying to get blood out of a turnip. If he didn't have the $$ after all the bills were paid and he gave her 80%, what more could he do? Where did the $$ come from if $300 didn't meet her demands and make ends meet? It was obvious she didn't slow down.

The last thing this person said is....her friends know. She told them everything which was obvious, she would have told them about this, since she would use them for an alibi.

I said early on and still think JA holds the key to this investigation.

Why was JA so strong in her statement #10 in the affidavit?
Who called NC at 10:30 if it is true and why?
What could NC have done to make BC (if it is him) so mad to murder her?

JA #10 - have always thought that very interesting and more so because no one else even approached that issue, except the grand parents in a round about way alluded to it in the Ex Parte.

JA also went ahead and called 911 - even though she admits in the call she thought she had to wait 24 hours.

Very interesting indeed.
"have always thought that very interesting and more so because no one else even approached that issue, except the grand parents in a round about way alluded to it in the Ex Parte."

Not quite, RC. Hannah Mathers Prichard #14 in her affidavit.
Oh now I'm gonna have to go back to those affidavits to catch up with what y'all are referring to since I don't recall items nor their numbering...
"have always thought that very interesting and more so because no one else even approached that issue, except the grand parents in a round about way alluded to it in the Ex Parte."

Not quite, RC. Hannah Mathers Prichard #14 in her affidavit.

You're cracking me up here :floorlaugh:

I'm not gonna go look anymore - I'm gonna just clear everything through you !
Well, we've all been trying to figure out what and why BC snapped...if he did. This would certainly do it, huh? My source and I had quite a debate over it. He was adamant; and I said "no way". Goes to show what how hard it is to be impartial.
I have said this many times....I am on the fence about BC, and still am, just because of this. It does make you think.

But take this case to someone who knows nothing about it let them look thru it all the media clips, documents, affadavits, etc and see what they say. I did and what I posted is what I got an earfull of.

Adding to it I did not post..forgot to...
BC was not the monster he has been made out to be. She did leave the girls with him, so she wasn't concerned for their lives or she wouldn't have left them so often.

The other thing said is she was trying to get blood out of a turnip. If he didn't have the $$ after all the bills were paid and he gave her 80%, what more could he do? Where did the $$ come from if $300 didn't meet her demands and make ends meet? It was obvious she didn't slow down.

The last thing this person said is....her friends know. She told them everything which was obvious, she would have told them about this, since she would use them for an alibi.

I said early on and still think JA holds the key to this investigation.

Why was JA so strong in her statement #10 in the affidavit?
Who called NC at 10:30 if it is true and why?
What could NC have done to make BC (if it is him) so mad to murder her?

Hi momto3kids!

I'd like to add my :twocents:. The next time you let someone read through the case, when they bring up the possibility of NC having an emotional attachment to someone other than Brad, remind them that the ONLY person even hinting that she may be going outside of the marriage for comfort, is Brad, the one who allegedly abused her. That says a LOT, IMO.

Sorry for the comparison, but Scott Peterson NEVER came out and stated Laci had an affair, but he sure implied it enough. It was always, 'Laci's baby, THE baby,' never 'Conner, or our or my.' IF you recall, at the time LE announced the identity of the mother and baby found at the Bay, one thing they very prominently stated, 'it was the biological child of Scott Peterson.' His inferences of Laci having an affair was NOT lost on LE. .......NEVER happened!

One common thing that I've noticed about many of these women who are murdered by the SO, are quite often, to put it simply, the cheerleader type. Warm, beautiful, bubbly, smart, easily make friends, often times vulnerable in personal relationships. MOST have a NUMBER of women friends who step up to the plate and PROTECT the reputation and name of the victim. THEY are the ones, IMHO, who will most likely tell the TRUTH. Why? Because they have NOTHING to hide. As a "FriendofNancy" posted in the past, these friends have NOTHING to gain by coming forward.

When someone talks about Nancy not being afraid of Brad, I mean she left her children with him. Well, refer to the thread here titled 'ERASED.' Look at some of the links I provided. You'll see WHY? Nancy left the kids with Brad,....she was afraid for HER physical well-being, NOT the children's. SHE was the THREAT to the family unit being broken apart and Brad being humiliated that HIS life wasn't EVERYTHING that he's PORTRAYED to the world. Brad Cooper was NOT perfect after all! His wife was leaving him, his children were leaving him, his home, his financial well being was threatened with this break-up and impending divorce. HIS CHILDREN, HIS HOUSE, HIS AUTO, HIS 401K, {split}

I don't presently have a link, but I was under the impression it was Jessica Adam who'd called Nancy at 10:30 to confirm the next mornings arrangements. The friends affidavits, IIRC, stated Nancy left just after midnight and IIRC also, so did Brad's affidavit state she returned home just after midnight. IF there are rumors, local rumblings that Nancy actually returned home much later, well,.......all I can say is BS! Seriously, where do you think this is coming from? Who would benefit for Nancy not being home when it was already stated by both sides involved in the custody situation?

Ok.........WHO said Nancy was going out every night, from 6:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m. and leaving Brad watching the girls and she wouldn't say where she'd been? Who?......................IF you guessed Brad, the one who is alleged to have abused Nancy, you're RIGHT! ;)

NOTE TO SELF: Watch local rumors, how they develope, who benefits from rumors

IF you read the 'friends' of Nancy's affidavits, you'll see one in particular who had a 'serious' conversation with Nancy, the last night she was seen alive. Nancy told this friend "Brad was no longer in his 'nice mode,' it was now 'bad Brad.' or something like that.

Curious, the very next day Nancy is MURDERED! Coincidence?:confused:

Nancy's friends say Nancy had plans to paint that morning, at 8:00. Well, think about. Brad said he had plans to play tennis at 9:30. Which would be more important to Brad, Nancy painting and making money? or his tennis game?

I think you have your answer of what may have been the beginning of the LAST argument between Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. :(

I'm not on the fence. I could be WRONG, but I've seen it too many times. Whether LE can prove it,...........well,............the ball is in their court.

Brad,...........well,..........he KNOWS............he knows........

Fran...I feel you are absolutely correct about this. This is my 1st time to have something of this magnitude and it has got my head spinning.
It is also interesting to have someone not connected to the case, with no awareness to it to give their perspective on what they think occured.
In the end they did say they felt BC did it or is involved in it, but did leave the window open to say it was going to be someone BC or NC knew.

Now things are settling down, until an arrest is made and people are letting their guard down and talking. MUM was the word, but as you know one tells another, then another and slowly it creeps around. Living right here in the center of where it is happening and all the contacts they both had someone knows something. If it be the murder, an affair, being seen in a public place, etc. Was it at Lifetime Fitness? Cisco? Java Jive? What I am saying is all the people they had contact with in their daily lives, most of them live here within a very small very populated area.

I know gossip will occur and has occured as well. It is for us to decide if it holds water or not. What I did was to get my head out of the fog and possible tunnel vision and see what someone else felt once they saw the contents. I found it interesting to show how different thoughts and theories form with cases like this.

Thinking I had a change of heart....NO... but an ounce of this could have caused BC to lose control.
IF you read the 'friends' of Nancy's affidavits, you'll see one in particular who had a 'serious' conversation with Nancy, the last night she was seen alive. Nancy told this friend "Brad was no longer in his 'nice mode,' it was now 'bad Brad.' or something like that.

Curious, the very next day Nancy is MURDERED! Coincidence?:confused:

Fran, that friend was Damia Michelle Tabachow. I believe what you're trying to refer to is #4 "that she and Brad were "back in hate mode". That "playing nice" as advised by his attorney was over."
Fran, that friend was Damia Michelle Tabachow. I believe what you're trying to refer to is #4 "that she and Brad were "back in hate mode". That "playing nice" as advised by his attorney was over."

Yes, you're correct carolinalady, "hate mode."

I can't even imagine referring to my husband being in 'hate mode.'

How sad and scary is that?

IMHO, those last days, weeks, months? living that way, how very, very, sad. :(

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