The aftermath of the verdict *MERGED*

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I recall trying to tell people a number of times that the QPS have an excellent reputation. I hate saying it but......... I told you so.....

I never doubted them.
The police who caught Cowan went above and beyond.

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The Australian Missing Persons Register Incorporated is a not-for-profit organisation providing support to the family and friends of the missing.
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Woh. My goodness. Gives you chills. Weird family
^^ sorry to be the bearer of bad news beechworth, but we are paying. He was on legal aid. Yes, really. :(

Omg! That is bad news! But how and why? I was of the understanding that his defence team were the best of the best and I didn't think that's what you got through legal aid? Unless they are in need of publicity and I didn't think that would be the case with the lawyers he had. Although I have no idea when it comes to this sort of thing...
I'm not sure how it works exactly. It was very strange at the time, and I'm not sure if that's normally the process. Some of the goings on at that time was very suss IMO
I am 100% sure that the BC's believed/wished that he was innocent. A bit like believing/wishing that Santa is real.
You are spot on Aliwonders. Northreach Church does a lot of good in the community- they give out food hampers to the needy every week amongst other things. They are not fair game. There are some wonderful people who attend that church. Olivia is not the one behind bars- we may not agree with the way she and her father and dastardly brother portrayed Allison (I certainly don't)but she has to move forward from this. I would be pulling back on church involvement too . Olivia's children must be missing their Mum too. How long has she been supporting Gerard? I wouldn't be surprised if they moved back to Brisbane to be closer to parents and Gerard's prison. They will take it on as a personal crusade to rehabilitate him- encourage him to confess and ask for forgiveness and restore his faith. For Christians there must be compassion, forgiveness and mercy.

They have to admit the crime themselves before they can encourage him to confess.....Olivia and the hypocrite need to ask for forgiveness themselves for the sins they themselves have committed during this .....only once they can see and admit and ask for foregiveness their own wrongdoings can they even contemplate trying to help another.

I personally can't see this happening they are far too proud and self righteous.... Their Christianity blinds them from the truth and the ability to see their own failings.

""They'll be looking at every word and every direction, everything the judge said and everything that was presented in the trial."

Under Queensland law, there are three avenues of appeal, one being error of law, as in whether the judge has made incorrect directions to the jury."

Re: shaking uncontrollably, and apparently he was also short of breath. He thought the jury had fallen for him and believed his every word. He was in shock.

bbm. Spot on IMO.
Re the bolded.

I doubt we'll ever hear what really happened, we rarely do...unless he tells the story to someone else & they pass it on but who would know what to believe of that after the mega loads of lies he's told.

Re the suicide/depression. In the very first interview he gave along with OW, when Allison was missing, the vid in which she points to a spot on her head indicating where GBC supposedly fell over & bumped it....she was the one, I think, who planted the seed of suicide, when she said "Allison has depression".

It's a very elusive video & I've not see it around for some time.

It's part of a news story vid Marly you would have linked it a couple of years ago :)
Channel 7 Sunday night (opposite 60 minutes) advertising Allison wrote a letter to her friends saying what she knew about Baden-Mud.


2GB Sydney news revealed that the police said if it were not for the scratches on his face Baden-Mud definitely would have got away with it.
It was the scratches that made them start the further searches of the car, hence finding Allison's blood.

As Mrs Dickie suggested in court, Allison left her mark.
Rest in peace sweet mother of 3.
Sorry to be graphic, but i noted the hair slippage in the autopsy. When the slippage occurs, does the skin come away with the hair, or would the skin be completely decomposed at that point? I always imagined hair slippage to mean that the entire scalp came away including skin. Can you possibly clarify? TIA Doc :)

Yes - you're right. The scalp was very decomposed, the hair came out in large tufts very easily, and the scalp slippage is the putrefied scalp slipping off the underlying bone. Sorry to be so graphic. But large areas of the scalp were actually missing, along with parts of the face, with the underlying skull visible.
I do hope that someone close to the case like the detectives or the Prosecutor writes a book - I want to hear about all the things that we have not been able to discuss because they are "rumours" (like the one about Nigel being at the bus stop at 11:30 at night) and all the thoughts of the people involved. And I also wonder if this case will be on Crime Investigation at some stage. My favourite show. There are a lot of Aussie cases presented.
I think it was only EBC that walked out of court. I remember reading OW went pale and NBC slumped in his chair.
A member of the Baden-Clay family said "we love you mate" as he was led into the watchhouse cells.

Snipped Respectfully :)

Thanks Amee
I wonder who the family member was.

Is there anywhere else you can remember seeing this quoted on the day.
I had a look through the msm we collected and I cant see it anywhere else.
If this is the case - I will edit my post above, as my impression from the media was that there was no acknowledgement, and that the families left before GBC was taken from the Court - with the exception of EBC who had left earlier.
Maybe it was that the BC family left the court to go to their room before the Dickies.
I will do a further search and see what I can find.
Many thanks
Channel 7 Sunday night (opposite 60 minutes) advertising Allison wrote a letter to her friends saying what she knew about Baden-Mud.


2GB Sydney news revealed that the police said if it were not for the scratches on his face Baden-Mud definitely would have got away with it.
It was the scratches that made them start the further searches of the car, hence finding Allison's blood.

As Mrs Dickie suggested in court, Allison left her mark.
Rest in peace sweet mother of 3.

I just knew those scratches on his face would get him in the end. Allison certainly did leave her mark on her adulterous and abusive husband. Well done Allison. As the mother of three daughters myself I knew you would NEVER voluntarily leave your babies. RIP. X
Is it possible to somehow object paying the legal aid money to murderers? It is appalling that the GBC'si legal team is going to appeal. I was thinking, if that flow of money stopped, GBC would be left on his own.
They have to admit the crime themselves before they can encourage him to confess.....Olivia and the hypocrite need to ask for forgiveness themselves for the sins they themselves have committed during this .....only once they can see and admit and ask for foregiveness their own wrongdoings can they even contemplate trying to help another.

I personally can't see this happening they are far too proud and self righteous.... Their Christianity blinds them from the truth and the ability to see their own failings.

It's not their Christianity that blinds them from the truth it's their family loyalty. Christians are not perfect. They have a hard road to travel and thankfully they are surrounded by people who will support them in their path. I don't think any of us are ever helped by the people who point the finger and treat us with distain. It's the people who get beside us and love us who have the most hope of driving home the point!!
I do hope that someone close to the case like the detectives or the Prosecutor writes a book - I want to hear about all the things that we have not been able to discuss because they are "rumours" (like the one about Nigel being at the bus stop at 11:30 at night) and all the thoughts of the people involved. And I also wonder if this case will be on Crime Investigation at some stage. My favourite show. There are a lot of Aussie cases presented.

It would be great if a book was written by the detectives, like the one that's just been released about Ivan Milat. Gives great insight into their tactics, apparently (I haven't read it yet).
I'll have to look up the Ivan Milat one. I read the one about Casey Anthony, written by the Prosecutor. I too would prefer it was one of the detectives. So close to it all, and they would remember all the body language.
For interest, a recent award for Senior Sergeant Narelle Curtis (one of the police officers who first interviewed GBC and asked about the scratches).

"Senior Sergeant Narelle Curtis was also awarded the 15th Excellence in Policing Awards most prestigious honour, the Audrey Fagan Award, for her role as a mentor and leader during her 40 year career with the QPS."
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