The Amy Winehouse Thread

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Mar 28, 2006
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I didn't see a thread for her so I created this one. If there already is one, please accept my apologies and remove.

The reason I started this is...I can't think of anyone on a faster track to a massive and catostrophic TRAINWRECK!

It's obvious she has abuse problems, alcohol and probably drugs. She canceled her US tour, and the latest from CNN and the tabloids is that she got into a brawl with her boyfriend, all at the tender age of 23.

Perhaps all of this sudden fame is a bit too much for her to handle?
She's married, and she's been into rehab. She's had a brain scan recently, (apparently she was seizing during her overdose, and there is a fear of permanent damage) she had to leave rehab long enough to get it done. Yes, she's in a downward spiral to ruin, and I hope she can pull out of it. :(

Boston said:
One British tabloid reported that the skeletal singer nearly shed this mortal coil by ingesting a cocktail of heroin, Ecstasy, cocaine, the horse tranquilizer Ketamine and booze!
Here are two more recent news stories. :( I hope her husband wakes up. I hope she decides not to let him drag her down with him. :( ETA: Nevermind, after reading how badly beaten she was, I hope she dumps him!

CNN said:
The photos, supposedly taken early Thursday morning, showed Winehouse wearing blood-soaked ballet shoes, with bruises to her neck, bandages on her arms and makeup smeared down her face.

And she's trying to claim the injuries are "self-inflicted"! Classic battered woman thought/behavior pattern. I hope she makes it out alive, and regains her sanity, dignity, and spine. :(
They tried to make me go to rehab but i said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when i come back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but i won't go go go

I'd rather be at home with ray

I ain't got seventeen days

Coz there's nothing

There's nothing you can teach me

That i can't learn from mr hathaway

I didn't get al lucky at class

But i know it don't come in a shot glass

They tried to make me go to rehab but i said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when i come back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but i won't go go go

The man said 'why do you think you here'

I said 'I got no idea

I'm gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby

so I always keep a bottle near'

He said 'I just think your depressed,

kiss me here baby and go rest'

They tried to make me go to rehab but i said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when i com e back you'll know know know

I don't ever wanna drink again

I just ooh i just need a friend

I'm not gonna spend ten weeks

have everyone think I'm on the mend

It's not just my pride

It's just til these tears have dried

They tried to make me go to rehab but i said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when i com e back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but i won't go go go
:loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:
Amy is only 23 and hasn't even been in the public eye all that long. She definitely seems to be on a faster track to self-destruction than most.
She's an incredible singer. I love her album. I hope she can reverse her troubles.
I read somewhere that the recent episode where her makeup is smeared started when her husband found her cutting herself. He tried to stop her and that's when she battered him...

Yes, this girl is on a path of destruction.
Ugh. Honestly, I just wish the media would stop covering this. She obviously has some issues and doesn't seem to want to get help. I'm not even sure why she's this big in the news. She has one mildly-successful album here in the U.S. and that's about it.:doh:
I think she has a fabulous voice. Very torchy and smoky. JMO
Oh..I'm not denying that the girl has talent. I also love her voice. But, she hasn't worked nearly hard enough to be getting all the attention she currently is (for the wrong things I might add.) And she obviously isn't interested in focusing on her career, otherwise she'd be able to make it through a show without being completely blizted and she wouldn't have to cancel an entire tour.
She's a "big deal" here in the US like Coldplay was a big deal when they first had a hit; everyone wants to throw their name around and say that they listen or that they're a big fan. She does have an amazing voice and because of her look, she has caused somewhat of a sensation.

Having said that, I think that she is definitely in somewhat of a downward spiral. Somewhere, I saw her quoted as saying "I'll be dead by the time I'm 24". I didn't even know she was married. When did this happen?

.....because of her look, she has caused somewhat of a sensation......

This is pure cattiness, but I find her to be wincingly unattractive. Very cool voice, no doubt. Extraordinarily troubled, as well. I hope that she can find some peace for herself before she exits in a tragic manner.
This is pure cattiness, but I find her to be wincingly unattractive. Very cool voice, no doubt. Extraordinarily troubled, as well. I hope that she can find some peace for herself before she exits in a tragic manner.

I don't disagree...she sort of looks like a muppet to me.
I saw a picture of her from a few years ago and she was sooooo pretty. Was a bit more filled out and didn't wear her hair in that awful mess she has now and very little makeup.

Truly sad how she's let drugs/alcohol - whatever - take over. I do love her voice.
I saw a picture of her from a few years ago and she was sooooo pretty. Was a bit more filled out and didn't wear her hair in that awful mess she has now and very little makeup.

Truly sad how she's let drugs/alcohol - whatever - take over. I do love her voice.

I saw a picture of her the other day where I thought she'd be pretty sans the wacky hair and makeup. I'll see if I can find the pic.

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