The Annie Muss posts

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Wow! Very fascinating, Birdie Boo, Magpie and Bloodshot Eye! Thank you for sharing your unique conclusions with us. (Now off to read the link in it's entirety.) :cool:

Wasn't jameson a poster at Websleuths at onetime? (I vaguely remember some issue regarding "Webbsleuths" V "Websleuths" and how posters weren't allowed to post her name for a while.) Is jameson still around? Has anyone asked her about "Annie Muss"?
Wow...this is fascinating.

I still dont think Karr killed anyone, but I do think he could very well be the author of these posts. The writing style is very similar. And, as someone obsessed with the case, this would be right up his alley to play games. We know he was playing games with Tracey.

The last post is very interesting. He states that his family is telling him he wasnt in Boulder, but he still thinks he was. He has been diagnosed as paranoid. People have mentioned that about Karr, always nervous, always feeling people were out to get him. So, maybe he was never in Boulder, but he is so mentally ill he really feels he was. He feels he did this. And he did, in his own mind.
Anita Richman said:
Wow! Very fascinating, Birdie Boo, Magpie and Bloodshot Eye! Thank you for sharing your unique conclusions with us. (Now off to read the link in it's entirety.) :cool:

Wasn't jameson a poster at Websleuths at onetime? (I vaguely remember some issue regarding "Webbsleuths" V "Websleuths" and how posters weren't allowed to post her name for a while.) Is jameson still around? Has anyone asked her about "Annie Muss"?
Jameson's site is still there (Webbsleuths). I started posting there when all this broke, as she allowed guests to post for a few days. Then she locked it again but you can still read it. Jameson seems to be not too convinced that Karr is guilty. I am a little surprised as he certainly fits her profile, back then she was vilified for believing an intruder did it and here he is, but everyone is so skeptical!
magpie said:
His e-mail addy as December251996@yahoo.c_m was certainly meant to catch the eye, so it just seems to reason that his moniker would hold similar importance for him IMO.

Yes, where did his money come from (?) because I certainly think he was fudging on his resume about his work history since 1996.

Nice job on figuring out the Daxis. I don't think that he did that by chance--I think you are right on!

I wondered about the money, too. If he actually was a nanny/teacher, he could perhaps save some cash because his room and board would be paid for. Perhaps!
I think Annie Muss was JMK himself. I think he was speaking of himself as if he were a separate person from the one who killed JB. Now whether he actually killed JB, or just interjected himself into the murder in his mind, is the question for me. I can see how he could have become more seriously ill (mentally) after the murder, suffering from dissociation.

I have been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. The most frustrating thing is I understand my condition, but I still believe I lived in Boulder in 1996, contrary to where my friends and family tell me I was. Because of my awareness regarding my condition I must tell you that there is a possibility that what I say is a delusion, but if it helps, I still believe it is the truth.

I think AnnieMuss spoke the truth here. I believe this is JMK speaking about himself.
Following the original concept of an animus, Jung defined it as the unconscious masculine component of the psyche in women. An anima is the unconscious female compenent of the pysche in men. He also theorized that both the anima and animus is were guides to the true Self, and the recognition of one is the most difficult, albeit rewarding work one can do for psychological growth. Not to get too overboard here, but Jung also tied the animus/anima to the reason for love at first sight or attraction.

So the the question is: does one still believe it is Wendy or it's JMK after that description?
What I thought was odd about those posts was that "Annie" first claims that he/she is pretty sure that the friend is the killer (suggesting not knowing for sure) but then in parts of their replies, gives very detailed accounts of things - such as how JonBenet was carried down the stairs with one arm while the opposite hand covered her mouth. How would this person know such a detail if they are only "suspecting" their friend's involvment?
Texana said:
Nice job on figuring out the Daxis. I don't think that he did that by chance--I think you are right on!

I wondered about the money, too. If he actually was a nanny/teacher, he could perhaps save some cash because his room and board would be paid for. Perhaps!
I think the e-mail addys could be a clue to the owner of them, as well. For instance, JM Karr's address:; "Annie Muss" addy: I realize I am not that familiar with people who utilize murdered children's information in their e-mail addresses, but those two stand out to me.

I personally wouldn't be surprised if "Annie" was JMK's "hat".
Ok people, work with me here. (Suspend disbelief for a minute or two!) lol *IF* JM Karr was posting with Jameson et al as "Annie Muss"...and believed that he was in Boulder at Christmas 1996 "even though (his) family told him he wasn't", would it follow that he would have destroyed any photos of himself that took place with his family at Christmas in Alabama? This would explain why Lara, his ex-wife is not able to find any photos of him at that time.

Thank you for your time...carry on!:cool:
Anita Richman said:
I think the e-mail addys could be a clue to the owner of them, as well. For instance, JM Karr's address:; "Annie Muss" addy: I realize I am not that familiar with people who utilize murdered children's information in their e-mail addresses, but those two stand out to me.

I personally wouldn't be surprised if "Annie" was JMK's "hat".

Most people who are "crime/mystery" addicts don't use the murder victims' names or DODs in their email addys, I think.

Whether or not "Annie" was JMK, I think he was leaving his little Look At Me notes all over the world and cyberspace.
Texana said:
Most people who are "crime/mystery" addicts don't use the murder victims' names or DODs in their email addys, I think.

Whether or not "Annie" was JMK, I think he was leaving his little Look At Me notes all over the world and cyberspace.
"Look at me" notes...LOVE IT! That's exactly what they were. Now he acts morally offended that people are looking at him. Unbelievable!
Anita Richman said:
Ok people, work with me here. (Suspend disbelief for a minute or two!) lol *IF* JM Karr was posting with Jameson et al as "Annie Muss"...and believed that he was in Boulder at Christmas 1996 "even though (his) family told him he wasn't", would it follow that he would have destroyed any photos of himself that took place with his family at Christmas in Alabama? This would explain why Lara, his ex-wife is not able to find any photos of him at that time.

Thank you for your time...carry on!:cool:

True, but wouldn't the family also recall having tried to convince him in the past that he was not in Boulder at Christmas 1996? They haven't made any indication at this time that they have been through this with him before.
Elberethe said:
True, but wouldn't the family also recall having tried to convince him in the past that he was not in Boulder at Christmas 1996? They haven't made any indication at this time that they have been through this with him before.
That's a good point, Elberethe. Since they all have lawyers now, perhaps they are saving that *tidbit* for their NE interviews! (Just kidding, sort of. I suspect somebody will be saving blockbuster information to sell to the highest bidder.)
Wow. Good stuff on the Annie Muss/Animus. That is absolutely fascinating. And a bit creepy? So you guys were possibly 'chatting' with MJK here at Websleuths. How many of you are want to take a shower with a bar of Lava and a brillo pad now? ;)
Anita R: Your assessment of JMKarr's "look at me notes", is perfect. Karr appears to have a huge ego. And what good would it be, if he knew elements about this crime, yet could not impress anyone with his knowledge? He seems desperate to have someone affirm how clever he is.

I was not surprised to hear his Sonoma County *advertiser censored* case attorney, make a public statement about how intelligent and unique he is. Think she was hoping that this flattering assessment of Karr would get back to him, and he would cave and ask her to represent him. She knows this guy, and knows the words he chooses to describe himself. We have seen those very words in what might very well be his posts.

And yes, I think too think that there is a very high likelihood, that Annie Muss is JMKarr. Interesting that we can be separated from such an individual, by only bandwidth. It is a subtle reminder that one must always be on guard, about personal and identifying information we communicate with the context of posts.
Anita Richman said:
Ok people, work with me here. (Suspend disbelief for a minute or two!) lol *IF* JM Karr was posting with Jameson et al as "Annie Muss"...and believed that he was in Boulder at Christmas 1996 "even though (his) family told him he wasn't", would it follow that he would have destroyed any photos of himself that took place with his family at Christmas in Alabama? This would explain why Lara, his ex-wife is not able to find any photos of him at that time.

Thank you for your time...carry on!:cool:

ya know, it really wouldn't surprise me...
I am wondering if he was possibly "Patricia" in the "Patricia Letters". I just read them all yesterday. ( I know--:loser: ) They seem to have HIS style. I started to wonder if he wants to BE Patsy Ramsey and "close" to her murderer at the same time. The glowing way that this Patricia talked about the love that the "mysterious man" had for her daughter, and how "she" described him as being charismatic, smart, and very engaging with children struck me as words of a pedophile glorifying child adoration. I doubt that Patsy Ramsey would share his feelings. But this Patricia really empathized with him. They were almost soulmates in their love for JonBenet, which "she" sometimes had to add, " a little frightening, too." as almost an afterthought. "Oh, but you should hear how this man speaks of my daughter in poetic terms. He loves her so much, even more in death." As if this is heartbreakingly beautiful. Can't you just hear Karr all over that now that you've seen some of his ramblings? I certainly can.

It could be that Karr was all over the net, posing as different characters, so he could be the center of attention in the case. Look at how much he engaged some of the participants in forums already. It is not inconceivable that this was him. He was and still is obsessed with this case.

I think he could have been both Annie Muss and Patricia.
Shelayne said:
I am wondering if he was possibly "Patricia" in the "Patricia Letters". I just read them all yesterday. ( I know--:loser: ) They seem to have HIS style. I started to wonder if he wants to BE Patsy Ramsey and "close" to her murderer at the same time. The glowing way that this Patricia talked about the love that the "mysterious man" had for her daughter, and how "she" described him as being charismatic, smart, and very engaging with children struck me as words of a pedophile glorifying child adoration. I doubt that Patsy Ramsey would share his feelings. But this Patricia really empathized with him. They were almost soulmates in their love for JonBenet, which "she" sometimes had to add, " a little frightening, too." as almost an afterthought. "Oh, but you should hear how this man speaks of my daughter in poetic terms. He loves her so much, even more in death." As if this is heartbreakingly beautiful. Can't you just hear Karr all over that now that you've seen some of his ramblings? I certainly can.

It could be that Karr was all over the net, posing as different characters, so he could be the center of attention in the case. Look at how much he engaged some of the participants in forums already. It is not inconceivable that this was him. He was and still is obsessed with this case.

I think he could have been both Annie Muss and Patricia.
Shelayne, you are SO NOT a loser! lol (I have spent far longer time on far lesser interesting topics! lol) You have convinced me to read the Patsy Letters. (I read an exerpt from one, here on one of the was so sickening sweet I had to drink a pot of coffee-black. However, I'll suffer, if it means learning something possibly enlightening!)

BSE, I think the entire "clinking glasses" scene with the investigator he was traveling with from Thailand also had that aire of "comrades/colleagues/worthy adversary" about it. I agree with your assessment of his CA attorney, also. She ABSOLUTELY wants to be picked up as his attorney for those charges. (You're right...that word "unique" is definately one he uses and would consider his most important attribute.)
AnitaR: Interesting assessment of the "glass clinking". Think you have spotted another "personna"; that of a gamer. He likes to play, and for people to engage in play, with him. If he is into computers, I think he is also into gaming.

It was reported a couple of days ago, that JMKarr used the moniker "Daxis", to sign his emails sent to Tracey. Some speculated that this was Six AD (six at death). I speculate this has more to do with the Host site, that operates with a Netherlands address. I think JMKarr was into gaming, possibly buying web cam equipment from the Daxis computer site, and logging onto their "Kids" sites.

The following link is to the gaming site:

Impt Edit Note: Inserting this link to a Google sort of the groups that use a host. Some of them are pretty sick fetishistic stuff. I'd avoid directly visiting an individual site. It's not the stuff anyone would want on their computer. I think JMKarr trolled for some like-minded play pals.

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