The Annie Muss posts

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Shelayne said:
Yes, Magpie, it sounded like that to me, too. It sounded like a pedophile GLORIFYING pedophilia. It so creeped me out that I almost stopped reading them. But I couldn't. The entire time I was thinking, "This is Karr". I even mentioned it early in this thread. I became convinced when I saw some of his ramblings to Tracy.

It is from the same deranged head.

Thank the Lord Patsy was spared his bile.

You just remided me of something. On Wendy Hutchens site, she has a "document" that she apparently wrote explaining her assessment of Karr's psychological problems. Now, I don't really think she is qualified to write such a document but I found some of the things written there most interesting.

One thing Hutchens wrote was that it is her theory Karr wanted to somehow take his and other peophile's stories to talk shows in order to make the general public see that pedo's weren't so bad after all. You see, if we would just accept the fact that little kids loved them back and actually wanted to have sex with pedo's, then they wouldn't have to kill the children after having sex with them, thus sparing many children's lives. It apparently makes perfect sense to a pedophile. :rolleyes: It just makes me want to barf. :mad:
magpie said:
You just remided me of something. On Wendy Hutchens site, she has a "document" that she apparently wrote explaining her assessment of Karr's psychological problems. Now, I don't really think she is qualified to write such a document but I found some of the things written there most interesting.

One thing Hutchens wrote was that it is her theory Karr wanted to somehow take his and other peophile's stories to talk shows in order to make the general public see that pedo's weren't so bad after all. You see, if we would just accept the fact that little kids loved them back and actually wanted to have sex with pedo's, then they wouldn't have to kill the children after having sex with them, thus sparing many children's lives. It apparently makes perfect sense to a pedophile. :rolleyes: It just makes me want to barf. :mad:
Yeah, made me really angry. I guess when you are a sicko you can justify anything because all morality and compassion just dissappears.I think it was interesting that she said Karr 'wanted' to educate people via the television media . Boy, this is all nuts! What Mum is going to let a perv take her child for sex and say here you go, it is fine as long as they are not killed! Yeah, right.OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!
If this is all true , lets hope Karr is treated accordingly......
magpie said:
Yes, and that is exactly how he decribed her death in the Wendy Hutchens audio tape too, first the erotic asphyxia (sp?) and then the head blow when he realized she wasn't breathing... IF he is the one who killed her.

I have been intending to match up the dates from the Patricia letters (beginning to end) and the timeframe of the Wendy Hutchens tapes but my darn ADD keeps getting in the way, forgetful me. I want to know which came first, or were both events going on simultateously?
The "Wendy Tapes" I believe were recorded in 2001...that Patrica letter apparently appeared in 1999.
If Karr didn't write them, he definitely would have been aware of them.

magpie said:
About the stalking issue, I've been doing a little thinking about that. Perhaps if this was Karr, his stalking amounted to attending a pageant JBR was in or maybe just reading about her pageants. She did do some pageants in the Atlanta area so he very well could have gone to one or more of them. I'm sure his sick twisted mind exaggerated things alot, you know, anything to make his fantasy sound better not only to others but to himself. I think he was able to believe his fantasies were really true. Heck, the whole confession might very well turn out to be some amplified fantasy concocted in his sick mind. Then again, all or some of it might be true. Only time and evidence will tell the tale.
At most...I imagine he could have seen her at a pageant in Atlanta.

While one could allow for exaggerated ideas from also could simply mean he invented a fantasy that was better suited to himself...and he never did anything but dream.

As you say, we'll have to see.

magpie said:
I totally agree that he desperately wanted Patsy to know him and approve of him and his so-called "love affair with JonBenet", whether it was only in his mind or a fantasy he really acted on. Those parts of the letters where Patricia talks so lovingly of her "mysterious man" really creeped me out and convinced me that it was a man behind those words, not a woman. At the time he was writing to Tracy these past 4 years, he was also writing to Patsy. Only thing was, those letters were rerouted and Patsy never saw them, law enforcement got them. Karr said to reporters that he thought Patsy had read them, or at least he hoped she had seen them he said. What a creep! :sick:
Certainly, I feel it was a man behind the words too...either Karr...or another pedophile most likely.

Karr's fantasy involves both Jonbenet and Patsy, really.
SleuthingSleuth said:
The "Wendy Tapes" I believe were recorded in 2001...that Patrica letter apparently appeared in 1999.
If Karr didn't write them, he definitely would have been aware of them.

Thank you! I had gotten side tracked again and did not check into those dates. Now I am wondering what dates he served his 6 month sentence for the child *advertiser censored* in California. Wasn't it 6 months or was it a year? Afterwards he left the country.

Originally Posted by SleuthingSleuth:
Certainly, I feel it was a man behind the words too...either Karr...or another pedophile most likely.

Karr's fantasy involves both Jonbenet and Patsy, really.

You are so insightful! This reminds me of an article I read a little while ago. I hope I can find it again. Karr's theory (according to Dr. Keith Ablow) is that John Mark Karr's theory on JBR's death is that Patsy killed her daughter and he (Karr) might want to take the rap for Patsy because he loves MOMS.

That was easy, it was on the Albow thread:

Snow: Let's move to the audio tapes made my a woman, Wendy Hutchens. She says she was working as a confidential informant to law enforcement, Sonoma (Calif.) police, and provided them with excerpts of these conversations that she made with a man she says is John Karr. ABC news has exclusive access to these tapes, as you know. Let's hear the caller who we believe may be John Karr, the caller talking about how he loves moms.


Recorded voice purported to be John Karr: I do, I fall in love with them. I think it's a throwback to my own mom. … It's my desire that my own mom would have been more perfect. When I run to the one who is like — I'll call her Mrs. Ramsey, you know — who's perfect … I'm the type of person where if I knew that that mom had killed her daughter and had sex with her and was sexually attracted to her, I would love to just tell her, "Please just let this go and forgive yourself, because your daughter's forgiven you."

Snow: What's the explanation there? What is going on?

Ablow: Well, what's happening there is that John Karr is presenting his lead theory about the murder of this young girl, JonBenet Ramsey. His lead theory that comes out of the audio tapes you asked me to review.

Snow: John Karr's theory.

Ablow: John Karr's lead theory. Not my lead theory. I don't need a call from Lin Wood, the Ramseys' attorney. John Karr's lead theory is that Patsy Ramsey killed her daughter. That's what he's alluding to there. He's saying that, "I would want that mother to have peace and be forgiven." And, remember, his mother tried to kill him. And he's saying moms are perfect.
Shelayne said:
The Patricia letters have a lot of improper use of the semicolon. I will have to look at the AM posts and the RN again. People tend to repeat common grammatical errors.

And if the misspelling 'REDICULOUS' is oft repeated, that would be a clue as far as the Patricia Letters and the postings of Annie Muss are concerned. i noticed it once somewhere - not sure if it was Annie Muss or Patricia Letters, but i'm not reading both sets intensely, as yet. just running my eyes over them at this stage.

it does make me wonder, though, as JMK is/was a teacher. But then again, I'm also and English teacher and tapping away on a keyboard often produces imperfect spellings.
About that "rediculous", didn't one of the recipients of those letters confront her about the obvious misspelling? Where else is it spelled that way? Patsy maybe misspelled that somewhere?
Shelayne said:
YES! That is what I meant to write last night when I was so dead-dog tired! Karr--er--I mean "Patricia" gave "her" theory to Carol McKinley! Carol has it. "Patricia" was so very worried about Carol having this theory and NOT DOING ANYTHING with it! IT wanted to be PUBLISHED.

What if-what if-What IF IF this theory actually had details that really happened?? Did Carol turn this over? She's a reporter; somehow I am doubting that she did. I wonder if CAROL has made the Karr connection to these letters??

I mean WHAT IF he really knows something? :eek:

Shelayne: Why don't you try to contact Carol? She should be easy to reach via email - Again, I am WAY too chicken to get involved in this, lol!! Karr creeps me out to no end...And I have a little girl at home, so I am staying clear of anything Karr-related... :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:
WolfmarsGirl said:
Shelayne: Why don't you try to contact Carol? She should be easy to reach via email - Again, I am WAY too chicken to get involved in this, lol!! Karr creeps me out to no end...And I have a little girl at home, so I am staying clear of anything Karr-related... :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:
:chicken: :chicken: :chicken: (Me too!)
Anita Richman said:
:chicken: :chicken: :chicken: (Me too!)


I am serious - killer or not - I feel icky just from reading Karr's words. Now, if the Patricia letters are really written by him, then I feel even creepier...

I really think we need to shake someone in the press, if not the DA, and say '"LOOK MORE KARR LETTERS!!!"

But because he scares the sh** out of me, I don't want any part of it...

Aren't there any childless, family-less, big male posters out there who are not scared to death of this creep???? Maybe one of them could alert the press... :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:
just mentioned the "Patricia Letters" and the "Annie Muss" posts on Courttv. She brought up the suspicion of them being written by John Karr.

See, somebody else thought they may be connected to Karr!
WhiteWolf said:
just mentioned the "Patricia Letters" and the "Annie Muss" posts on Courttv. She brought up the suspicion of them being written by John Karr.

See, somebody else thought they may be connected to Karr!
Even though this isn't "The Guy", I personally think some clever writer should snatch up all of these writings, shove them into a book (with some intelligent commentary) and sell it. All of it...the posts, the e-mails (to Tracy and to the posters) is a very dark but revealing look into the mind of a pedophile.

If I hadn't already read it all here for free, I'd buy it!:p
gsquared said:
Karr is not "Patricia" - trust me on this one
Really?! Well, damn! (Can I post "damn" here?) I trust you.

(Now can you tell me who it *Really* was??)
I don't know who it was/is, but it wasn't Karr. I received an email from one of "Patricia's" addresses while Karr was in jail. That's all I have to say.
I don't think that Patsy or Karr wrote the Patricia letters. No one with an education at all would end a sentence with the word "her" so many times. I've done it, but didn't care at the time or the subject wasn't important.
I don't think it was Patsy or Karr either. I think it is just another internet hoax. We know that Susan Stine faked an email address for Chief Beckner; maybe she did it.
gsquared said:
I don't think it was Patsy or Karr either. I think it is just another internet hoax. We know that Susan Stine faked an email address for Chief Beckner; maybe she did it.
Did you get the e-mail from "Patricia's" e-mail address while Karr was in jail this August or when he was in jail in Sonoma County?

I have a difficult time believing a woman wrote those e-mails. At the time, did you get the sense that "Patricia" was a woman? (I appreciate you answering all these questions.)
gsquared said:
I don't know who it was/is, but it wasn't Karr. I received an email from one of "Patricia's" addresses while Karr was in jail. That's all I have to say.
Will you be sharing this latest email also?
The first one was just a question mark in the body of the email, and the subject said "working email." The writer wanted to know if my email was still working. The second one said "do you ever wonder who wrote the Patricia letters."
The more intelligent a person is, the easier it is to hide an identity behind false grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.

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