The Anthony Backyard *REVISITED*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Consider the following:
  • LE reported finding some dirt in the trunk of the Pontiac
  • Casey only had the shovel for 30mins to 1hr, not long enough for her to dig a shallow grave (I posted recently having dug a shallow grave for a pet on the "random thoughts" thread
  • A blue crate found in the Pontiac could've been lined w/ a trash bag
  • Cadaver dog hits in the back yard could be due to incidental contact with contaminated items (e.g. setting down gas cans, etc.).
Perhaps the borrow-a-shovel-from-Brian was necessary just to get enough dirt to attempt to cover the body in another location (e.g. Econ Trail south of Lake Underhill is where she went after borrowing shovel)?

I realize a water disposal is much more likely in this case. Still...since Casey didn't have a shovel, perhaps she attempted a burial in a spot where a hole/depression already existed. The removal of this dirt left the "depression" in the yard observed @ G&C's.

Just thinkin' out loud here.
For those of us who like visuals, flags indicating where soil samples are/were taken and where the dogs hit.

Please note, this is not a new photo, it is from the original backyard search.


Thank you for posting this picture. i have been trying to figure out how they would not see a freshly disturbed area in their back yard. Now looking at the pic it looks as though she cleared the mulch dug the whole and then covered it back up with the mulch. This makes more since. they most likely didn't notice this.

I could not even imagine finding out my granddaughter was buried in my back yard after my daughter killed her. this is just so sad.
I think LE moved the playhouse and are focusing on the dirt *under* the playhouse. Further, CA had questioned on NG could peeing in the playhouse make a cadaver dog alert (or something to that effect). So, *if* Casey tried to bury Caylee under the playhouse then maybe if the Yorkies did smell something strange it would not been as obvious to GA and CA because there was a playhouse on top of the dirt. Or maybe they were whining and scratching at the playhouse and that made GA and CA check it. I really don't know.

However, it is very very very suspicious to me that CA admitted or GA admitted that they both searched the backyard to LE (pre-LE searching the backyard)!! I recall an interview where they said they also checked **under** the playhouse (can anyone find that interview). [Paraphrased: it went something like this. LE asked the A's for permission to search the backyard. Permission was given and it was noted that GA and CA said something to the effect of, "We have already searched it and there is nothing back there. We dug around XYZ because GA saw something suspicious. Go ahead". Doesn't this ring major alarm bells? I mean, if a family member of mine has a small child and won't let me talk to said child I don't immediately start moving stuff in my BACKYARD and digging around under items! That speaks to me that they knew something was stinky-hinky!

Did it say exactly when they checked the backyard? was it before they found Casey or after she was arrested?
Be sure you scroll down. There are some convention pics in the middle of backyard pics.

The Anthony's & LE commented on a strange "depression" in the soil by the pool. The depression was located roughly in the area where you see the large Rubbermaid storage container. Cindy indicated in the interview w/ Greta that George had moved a large shrub from that area in order to bring the storage container away from the poolside where it had been stored since Caylee could now climb on top of it and potentially end up in the pool.

The dates of the cadaver search are in the 400pgs and after Casey's arrest.

I'll post the link to the Greta interview if I can locate it. That should address many of your questions.
The A's searched their backyard after LE notified but before they had arrived to search. Actually this in and of itself seems to me a natural reaction, resulting from a "normal" level of anxiety at this news, while moving or removing any items from the yard at this point would clearly have been tampering. Also failing to report or "mention" any items they noticed were missing or moved (including but not limited to containers, bags, luggage, crates, pavers, shrubs, tarps, tools or any other conspicuously absent item) is the sort of thing that, if not legally obstructing, is clearly interfering w investigation. And anything LE asks about which they're specifically lied to IS obstruction and punishable by law.
Quote by Gin: Kiki, Maybe this has been speculated on before, but your post was the first that I've noticed. You really made me think. I wouldn't trust KC to put out the trash...but boy, oh boy, I would be worried sick if she was given the responsibility of bathing a child. I just hate to even think of it- texting/phoning/texting/phoning-and quite possibly carrying on her "critically important" conversations anyplace in the house while a little one was in the tub. And on further though, I guess the other option would be a very similar situation, instead with the swimming pool. Just my opinion/speculation

With you 100% While some nearly three year-olds may be thought safe in a couple inches of water in a tub that they're able to easily climb in and out of, a pool on the other hand is a deadly magnet. It breaks my heart that this is also where little Caylee reportedly spent her most joyous hours. It is also very near where cadaver dogs first hit--the first place she would likely have been placed had she been retrieved, beyond hope of revival, from the chlorinated water (in which traces cannot be detected even by dogs). As far as I can see there is no other reason her body would have been layed there in the backyard, or put inside playhouse. Chloroform search dates will tell though, as it appears the State plans to seek more than negligent homicide or manslaughter; and because without a body, it must have some theory of premeditation.
I don't believe Caylee was every buried in that backyard. Don't you think LE would have dug up that whole yard if they thought she was buried there or they could obtain DNA?
I believe they did take soil samples from the backyard. This is part of the evidence we will see at the murder trial.
I don't believe Caylee was every buried in that backyard. Don't you think LE would have dug up that whole yard if they thought she was buried there or they could obtain DNA?

I agree, I think if she was buried there it would be obvious to the family and the LE. But I winder if there is a bottom the the play house or is it just sitting on the ground... I wonder if she was placed in the house for a bit until Casey thought of what to do.
I agree TxLady. I have thought for a long time now that either Caylee drowned in the family pool and KC placed her in the playhouse while she panicked and tried to figure things out. ~OR~ the fluids from Caylee's decomposing body somehow got on the carpet of the car and transfered to the bottom of the cans when she had the cans in the trunk. From the way she was acting the day her day her father confronted her and tried to go into the trunk it is possible that the cans were in the trunk with little Caylee at the same time.:frown: definate contact there.

After that GA probably moved the cans around the yard doing misc. yard work and the transfer of bodily fluids occured....maybe:crazy:

Cadaver dogs do NOT HIT ON BODILY FLUIDS. They hit on putrricene and cadaverene which are specific chmicals that area created from decomposing huyman flesh. Bodily fluids are meaningless to them.
it's been my theroy that Casey somehow tried to make Caylee's death appear to be a tragic accident...but no one answered her at some point she tried to bury her in the yard, but prob couldn't dig enough of a later when they discovered that Casey didn't know where Caylee was...George put 2 and 2 together and moved the shrub to disguise the area that had been dug up.

I really think she chloroformed Caylee and wanted to make it look like some kind of accident...

This is exactly what I believe happened. If Caylee had drowned in the pool, why not call 911? I've heard of several cases here in Florida where children have downed in pools and nobody is brought up on charges. The parent gets distracted for a few minutes and the next thing they know their child is at the bottom of the pool. Theses are tragic accidents.
I know I watched a case on Tru TV about LE using some tool that can xray underground. they found a body under a patio in the backyard of a house. the lady had been killed years earlier and thehusband buried her and poured a patio over her. So why don't they just use this tool to exray the A's whole back yard? it's not that big of a back yard. i just think it is strange that the dogs hit on the backyard and they did not dig. They should get a warrant to let Tim in there i bet he has one of those tools (no clue what it is called).
I know I watched a case on Tru TV about LE using some tool that can xray underground. they found a body under a patio in the backyard of a house. the lady had been killed years earlier and thehusband buried her and poured a patio over her. So why don't they just use this tool to exray the A's whole back yard? it's not that big of a back yard. i just think it is strange that the dogs hit on the backyard and they did not dig. They should get a warrant to let Tim in there i bet he has one of those tools (no clue what it is called).

IMHO, from what I've gathered reading of other posters w/ some experience, the cadaver dog indications weren't strong enough to indicate the presence of the body, only traces of the scent (putricene & cadavarene to steal from Gaia713). Per another poster, if the dogs picked up something strong enough to suggest a body, even several feet underground, under the pool, etc. the dogs would not have let their handlers leave the area...they would've held firm. Still IMHO, the scent that resulted in the cadaver dog indications was likely from cross-contamination due to setting down the gas cans, or something else that had been/was in contact w/ the body (e.g. plastic, etc.) either in the trunk, or briefly in the backyard.

I also speculated on a crawlspace burial (e.g. Gacy), but, the same cadaver dog posters suggest to me that they would've been capable of picking up on this while on the premises. All, IMHO, of course.

And...BTW...I have a new respect for the people that train, maintain and handle these dogs, as well as the dogs themselves for the miraculous things they can do. Truly amazing.
Still IMHO, the scent that resulted in the cadaver dog indications was likely from cross-contamination due to setting down the gas cans, or something else that had been/was in contact w/ the body (e.g. plastic, etc.) either in the trunk, or briefly in the backyard.

I agree with you, but when did the dog search occur? Do we know?

Also, I find myself wondering where KC stashed the body if it was not in the back yard at some point? Consider . . .

June 16: GA sees KC and Caylee
June 18: Shovel borrowed/car backed into garage
June 24: Gas cans reported stolen. George in KC's trunk, no smell noted.
June 25: First known instance of "smelly car" cover story emerges (to Amy)

If we are to believe that KC didn't hide Caylee in the backyard somewhere, despite the dogs hitting on several spots, then based upon the known facts it would seem that the body would have been in the trunk at some point on or before June 18th, right? Wouldn't the trunk smell when GA went into it later to retrieve a tool he was going to use for a tire rotation?

As I noted in another thread, in his conversation with Greta about the gas cans GA noted he went to the trunk of KC's car - despite her protests against him doing so - to get a tool to assist him with work on CA's car (i.e., tire rotation). This is important to note: He never mentioned a smell. Wouldn't there have been one by then, assuming KC killed Caylee on June 16th, and had her in the trunk at some point?

Something just doesn't add up in my mind when reviewing these facts. I would appreciate some input.

This is exactly what I believe happened. If Caylee had drowned in the pool, why not call 911? I've heard of several cases here in Florida where children have downed in pools and nobody is brought up on charges. The parent gets distracted for a few minutes and the next thing they know their child is at the bottom of the pool. Theses are tragic accidents.

I'm a believer that Caylee might have drowned in the pool. I think Cindy was likely forever nagging at Casey on being more careful with Caylee around the pool. Perhaps constantly having to remind her to remove the ladder when they finished swimming, because she kept forgetting etc. Let's say...Casey fell asleep for a couple hours, and awoke to find Caylee in the pool, obviously very dead and beyond saving, Casey may have paniced knowing her parents worse fear of this happening because of her carelessness did indeed.

June 24: Gas cans reported stolen. George in KC's trunk, no smell noted.
June 25: First known instance of "smelly car" cover story emerges (to Amy)


In George's interview with LE, he stated that he didn't get close enough to KC's car to "smell" anything. He basically said KC threw the gas cans at him.

IIRC, it was only in Greta's interview that he said the car didn't smell.....
In George's interview with LE, he stated that he didn't get close enough to KC's car to "smell" anything. He basically said KC threw the gas cans at him.

IIRC, it was in Greta's interview that he said the car didn't smell.....

There was a different version of this told to GVS during their interview with her.
Cadaver dogs do NOT HIT ON BODILY FLUIDS. They hit on putrricene and cadaverene which are specific chmicals that area created from decomposing huyman flesh. Bodily fluids are meaningless to them.

This is not true. Putricene and Cadavarine are produced by all animals when they decompose. Putricene can be found in animals and humans especially in infected areas. The human body releases over 300 gases during decomposition. The body farm has narrowed it down to 20 that they test for to determine whether a body has been somewhere.

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