The Anthony's re-baptized on Caylee's 4th birthday

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I hope they remember this moment when they are called to testify. I am not religious, but the following biblical passage comes to mind;

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Perjury before the authority of the court is one thing, but to do the same before the God in whom you believe... best beware of errant lightning bolts.
I'm a fan of your posts and see you as being supportive of Christians and steps toward God rather than them personally.

However, this time I can't agree with you. After reading this thread, I'm pretty convinced it's not sincere, unfortunately. I hope I'm wrong. As a Christian I really hope I'm wrong on this. Most of us didn't tip off the press when we came to God. And we all know the A's are not the sensation they were a year ago; very, very little is reported about their personal lives. When was the last time you read an article about them going to church?

They just aren't the media darlings they want to be, imo. They keep trying but seems like their attempts backfire lately. Even this one which should have been an easy "A" in the press backfired. From what I've read, this announcement was met with outrage from the public for the most part. Those that would generally applaud such a dedication instead denounce it. Kind of reminds me of the Morgan depos when CA said something along the lines of, 'No, let him make an a$$ of himself on the thing,' indicating she thought she was humiliating Morgan instead of herself.

What are they gonna do on December 11, 2009? What will be done then to try to manipulate the public's sympathies? (In hopes of getting them to open their checkbooks, imo.)

The only time the media shows the A clan is going in and out of either court houses or attorney offices. Haven't seen a video clip of anything else the A clan has done for months and months where the A clan didn't know they were being filmed or gave the media prior notice of what they were gonna do.

They are probably already attempting to book themselves for yet another visit on the LKL show. Just another publicity junket like when they went to NYC earlier this year.
I have never seen anyone exhibit such attention seeking behavior. Does this church exist to make the Anthonys happy? Will every birthday of Caylee be a religious holiday, with press releases? Their religious preferences are newsworthy? The fact that we even know about it is evidence enough of why they did it, JMO!
They are already showing that they believe that God has "called them" to collect money for "helping others". They are making a martyr and a mockery out of Caylee. I need to stop reading the board soon, it makes me too mad.....

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Sure, but there's also something about casting the first stone...I'm just sayin'...

The other thing I have to throw in is that the Anthony's watering their lawn at one point made news. As frustrated as we've all been with them, whose to say they threw this out there for the media? The media is dying to dig up any info on the Anthony's that they can because they are an easy target for a good story. Just a thought, trying to play Devil's Advocate.

I think this is likely more a case of a wolf trying to don sheep's clothing and others recognizing it doesn't fit.

The media didn't report the last time they went to church. The media isn't reporting when they go grocery shopping. In fact, the media is rarely reporting anything of their personal lives lately. But the A's had their media liason there just in case, right? IIRC, the press was tipped off that there would be a memorial for Caylee that day. Balloons released, etc. This was part of the "show" imo.

BTW -- a very smart woman recently reminded me that "the devil needs no advocates." ;)
Exactly!!! Do the A's cleanse their souls and support justice for Caylee in totality ... and tell the complete truth .... or do they support what they have left, i.e., KC and try to walk the line, not telling the truth, not making it so obvious and, appearing to support Caylee?

With CA in the driving seat I'd hope for the former but fear this is just a part of the new PR campaign to make them look good while doing their level best to shield KC.

While BC may be counted on as a 'family friend' I skeptically see him as the "PR Guy". As was stated, there was no supportive extended family present, it seems, yet the PR guy was there?

Call me skeptical but every move is carefully calculated and orchestrated together with a measurement of how the general public will perceive and, how they did react.

Great post, thanks. Wanted to add that as has become their usual, they again miscalculated the public reaction. It really speaks to their public image when they're scorned for being baptised. Maybe, just maybe, it will give them pause and encourage them to follow the road they're claiming to have started.

Nah. Those that didn't get the picture CA attempted to draw are just internet people with no children and no lives. (Wrote the mother of 5)
This is not a decision of which I feel comfortable offering any criticism whatsoever. God sees into their hearts, and He alone knows their intent. All of us here and elsewhere can only surmise, and I for one am not comfortable analyzing anyone else's personal relationship with God but my own. I think that them doing so on her birthday can have a very healing and positive effect on them spiritually. To try and take her special day and memorialize it in a positive way by rededicating themselves to God - I feel that can only be a good thing. If they are doing it only for the sake of image, it will be born out in other ways. Many, many people stumble and often fall in their spiritual journeys. This family has had to endure much tragedy, and God is often revealed that way. Man can choose to harden his heart and turn away in anger from God's light, or he can embrace the light and seek a path away from the darkness of his tragedy. I truly hope that this will be a turning point for George and Cindy. They need all the love and grace they can get, because the next year or so will be even harder on them as the trial looms ahead.

Isn't the fact that it's her special day, the anniversary of the day she was born enough? Why shift the focus from her to their spiritual journey, if they are in fact on one?

It's been a couple of days. I haven't heard anything about any amends or atonement, have you?

I wish they could read your post and be encouraged by it. But I don't think CA follows any rules but her own. Certainly not the court's. Certainly not the community's. And so far, I haven't seen a thing to indicate to me she is walking on the path God laid out either. To do that, she'd have to turn control over to Him and I just can't see her doing it. I do hope I'm wrong but after all they've said and done, would need to see proof.
The article says that someone from the congregation told them about the rebaptism.S heeesh....its not like the A's invited the media to watch it!!

Yeah, they kinda did by announcing a memorial to Caylee. Balloon launch, etc. remember?

You've been missed. :)

Awww! Thank you!
I have been lurking...

I hate to sound jaded on this, however, given past behavior...when I heard of this new ploy to sway public sentiment, I had two thoughts.
I wondered if they used "stunt" doubles.
I thought churchjacking was illegal.

Glad to be back!
I am not sure about other states but in VA my husband became an ordained Minister on-line for $49.00 and he is allowed to open his own church anywhere, even out of his car if he wants. But he can not Baptize or Perform Marriages. It took him a few weeks on-line for the course. He thought there was more to it and they sent him his certificate and sent him on his marry way. So, instead we just attend church because it just did not seem right to us anyway to take a couple of weeks of on-line courses and be labeled as a Minister. I take religion serious, I am not one of those who will knock your door down but feel there is much to learn before you can start teaching from the book of the Lord. OK, I am done. Sorry..:eek:fftopic:

Thank you, I did not know that. Wow!
My girl friend can perform weddings, funerals, etc....She took a 3 year course.
It's almost as if the A's are trying to worship Caylee---not God.

Mamabear, your good! Yes and in the public's eye.

I haven't wanted to post on this as I know it's a touchy subject and yet is this the extra mileage for them doing it?

I have respect for religion and those that walk their talk. There was no reason for them to broadcast being re-baptized. That would be something for them to do between themselves and God. I find it in very poor taste. They really needed to just celebrate Caylee's life and grieve her loss on this day. It makes no sense to me why these people aren't in counselling... when are they going to really 'get it'. Just once put Caylee before adding anything they could get out of it for themselves.
If you have the cash you can BUY a ministry. Be ye not deceived...all that is gold does not glitter (JRRTolkien) and all that appears as a REAL ministry is not necessarily. Go ahead and google it. Ministries, completely legal, for sale, complete with all the paperwork and certifications and legalities all neatly packaged for anyone who has the deneros...

Also I would like to add that I personally no longer participate in ANY organized religion for one simple reason:

There shall be no divisions among you.
You shall be of ONE mind...

Not happening in any organized Christian religion today. No divisions? All these cross arguments and differing doctrines? Not Biblical in any way shape or form. Private practice in ones own life would seem the better way...

especially better than having someone report that you were the midst of Caylee-like worship service. Just plain weird in my opinion and completely lacking any basis in the Biblical sense.

I was never religious. I do believe in God, ethics, honesty respect.

There shall be no divisions among you.
You shall be of ONE mind...

I take it to man that we respect each other no matter what religion.
I am Jewish but if and when I am in a Church I totally respect the ceremony,
the customs and the people.
We all have one God but he has many different children.
I never took that sentence to mean that we all must think alike. JMO.
This is not a decision of which I feel comfortable offering any criticism whatsoever. God sees into their hearts, and He alone knows their intent. All of us here and elsewhere can only surmise, and I for one am not comfortable analyzing anyone else's personal relationship with God but my own. I think that them doing so on her birthday can have a very healing and positive effect on them spiritually. To try and take her special day and memorialize it in a positive way by rededicating themselves to God - I feel that can only be a good thing. If they are doing it only for the sake of image, it will be born out in other ways. Many, many people stumble and often fall in their spiritual journeys. This family has had to endure much tragedy, and God is often revealed that way. Man can choose to harden his heart and turn away in anger from God's light, or he can embrace the light and seek a path away from the darkness of his tragedy. I truly hope that this will be a turning point for George and Cindy. They need all the love and grace they can get, because the next year or so will be even harder on them as the trial looms ahead.

With all due respect we analyze everything there is to analyze about the Anthonys as they have made themselves very public figures and have invited scrutiny by their, although this is about their walk with God, it is also about them, and therefore, imho, of course, open for discussion. It is good to hope they have seen the light, but it is unwise to accept there conversion simply at face value. A true conversion is a very intimate thing, private, personal, almost sacred, and having the media in attendance to your baptism? Well that's just fishy right there, no matter how you look at it. Let me ask you this: how many other baptisms have you seen in the news?

The article says that someone from the congregation told them about the rebaptism.S heeesh....its not like the A's invited the media to watch it!!

The someone in the congregation could easily and likely have been one of them. :D

I was never religious. I do believe in God, ethics, honesty respect.

There shall be no divisions among you.
You shall be of ONE mind...

I take it to man that we respect each other no matter what religion.
I am Jewish but if and when I am in a Church I totally respect the ceremony,
the customs and the people.
We all have one God but he has many different children.
I never took that sentence to mean that we all must think alike. JMO.

That is a beautiful way to put it somgline and I respect that point of view tremendously. Love one another. Be kind to one another. Comfort one another. These are the earmarks of ethics and morality which should be the cornerstone of any religion. And of course, be faithful to whatever God you do serve, and in actions, not in word only.
WOW is there anything sacred anymore? can buy a ministry with all the papers :doh:
I was never religious. I do believe in God, ethics, honesty respect.

There shall be no divisions among you.
You shall be of ONE mind...

I take it to man that we respect each other no matter what religion.
I am Jewish but if and when I am in a Church I totally respect the ceremony,
the customs and the people.
We all have one God but he has many different children.
I never took that sentence to mean that we all must think alike. JMO.
Songline that was beautiful! At this point may God Bless'em! and devinly send their way a case of Thank You notes to show grace and graitude, and enough computer paper to enclose letters of Forgiveness to all who have been hurt by their actions medicall, physically, & mentally. They are going to spend their lives being accountable for their actions and scrutinized. We 've seen how poorly they have used their free will I pray they don't mock their religon after rededication because we will know there is no hope for them. Might be something to living ones Hell on Earth!
OT: Any reports if perp eating cupcakes?
Songline that was beautiful! At this point may God Bless'em! and devinly send their way a case of Thank You notes to show grace and graitude, and enough computer paper to enclose letters of Forgiveness to all who have been hurt by their actions medicall, physically, & mentally. They are going to spend their lives being accountable for their actions and scrutinized. We 've seen how poorly they have used their free will I pray they don't mock their religon after rededication because we will know there is no hope for them. Might be something to living ones Hell on Earth!
OT: Any reports if perp eating cupcakes?
Hi kageykaren :)
I believe God is forgiving, and would understand they are parents in distress.
But they would have to stop their fiasco, and move forward in a new way.
while I do not expect them to hang KC I would expect them to stop the BS now. and clean up the mess they have been making.
One thing CAYLEE may never forgive them for is: when they should have given a Caylee garment to the search team and Caylee could have been found with evidence still on the skeleton and they did not want to give any garment of hers.
I also feel that LE should have forced that.
I think they should seek justice for Caylee.

I heard no reports of KC and Eataing.
But there was news about her tatoo:
"A small win for prosecutors in the case against Casey Anthony. The judge will let the prosecution take pictures of one of her tattoos. The tattoo says "Bella Vita," which is Italian for beautiful life. Prosecutors believe Casey got the tattoo after Caylee disappeared.

The judge in the case against Casey Anthony will also hear more motions next Friday August 21st."
Do not post links to personal blogs.

This thread is also not about buying a church/ministry etc.

Stay on topic of the thread - "The Anthony's re-baptized on Caylee's 4th birthday"
I may take some heat for this but I gotta say it .. ENOUGH with the balloons already! I really wish people would find another way to honor their loved ones. What goes up must come down, and I personally witnessed an animal choke on a busted balloon in the woods. It's so meaningless and overdone anyway, it doesn't have the impact people think it does. (Hopefully this comment isn't considered "off topic", as the article does mention the balloon release).
CA's LE interview revealed that they did not attend church, but prayed together when hurricane Katrina hit. LA lost his faith when he became very ill at age 15, GA did not have faith. KC read her Bible all the time, this is according to CA. The only one in the family that exhibited faith was KC and we know what we suspect her of being capable of. True faith hides in the closet and prays to the Lord, it does not announce itself, it does not entertain the media. Only God knows what is in their hearts and their lives and its quality will depend on the sincerity of their conversion. I personally spent Caylee's birthday re-reading all transcripts and comparing them to the FBI "Statement Analysis" Study I found online in 1996. At that point the A family lied as easily as they breathed, each one of them. I pray that their conversion is sincere and that they will begin to walk in the light. The trial will reveal if they "get it" or if they are just "using it" - christianity that is. JMOO
Perhaps they were baptized when they were still in the care of their own parents? It does not seem they would have done this as adults according to what Cindy revealed in her interview, and it does not seem that they raised their own children "IN CHURCH" so when else could these first baptisms have taken place? I guess it doesn't matter, except for the fact that I know how we like to dot our i's and cross our t's and re-baptized as a term does imply a previous baptism at some point...
I probably shouldn't even post on this issue because I am disgusted with the Anthony's and have been since almost the beginning. This one detail of being re-baptised has not changed my mind about them in the least.

I am not God, so this event does not absolve the harm they have done in the past in my eyes. I have seen the lies and inconsistances in Cindy's interview and taped statements. Now IF she goes back and corrects these statements, I may change my mind but I doubt it.

In my mind, this was a publicity stunt to try to change public perception and clean up their image before trial. Just didn't work for me.
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