The Anthony's re-baptized on Caylee's 4th birthday

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Yeah, they kinda did by announcing a memorial to Caylee. Balloon launch, etc. remember?

What does one have to do with the other?Except they were on the same day.
If the A's had invited the media to attend the re-baptism, they would have been there in droves. ROFL....or maybe you think there might be a dvd release of it in the future? :eek:

We're all just making assumptions about their motives, and you know what they say about assumptions. Personally I dont think this tidbit is any of our business,but that's just me.
What does one have to do with the other?Except they were on the same day.
If the A's had invited the media to attend the re-baptism, they would have been there in droves. ROFL....or maybe you think there might be a dvd release of it in the future? :eek:

We're all just making assumptions about their motives, and you know what they say about assumptions. Personally I dont think this tidbit is any of our business,but that's just me.

Since none of us can see into the hearts of GA or CA, anyone that takes a position on their motives is assuming, whether that assumption is flattering to them or not. What makes it "our business" other than the obvious that applies to all aspects of this case is that GA and CA alerted the media, put this out there for public consumption themselves. (Although I'm sure they did not expect the outrage from the public that's being reported.)

To answer your question, what one has to do with the other is that it wasn't coincidentally on the same day, it was all part of one single event -- the "tribute*" to Caylee on what would have been her 4th birthday.

The article states that cameras were not allowed inside. It doesn't specify the entity forbidding the press from filming the "tribute." I don't think we should assume it was the A's, since the press was informed of this "tribute" to start with either by them or on their behalf. For all we know, they may have been quite put out by the decision to not allow cameras. If I had to bet, I'd bet they were steaming at that exclusion, after all their "hard work" putting together the "tribute."

*Or as I have come to think of it, one single "show" or one single "publicity stunt."

"Family and friends celebrated what would have been Caylee Anthony's fourth birthday on Sunday.

At Eastside Baptist Church, about 100 people remembered the girl during a morning service.


In attendance at the service were Caylee's grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony, and their attorney, Brad Conway.

Cameras weren't allowed inside, but those who attended said that the girl's grandparents were re-baptized and the congregation watched a video montage of Caylee.

After the service, there was one more tribute.

The group released balloons, many of them purple, which was Caylee's favorite color.

Trenton Duckett's father, Josh Duckett, was also there. ..."

(emphasis added)

ETA: The overwhelming outrage being reported would sort of put the kibosh on a dvd release; but it wouldn't surprise me if that was their intent or that dvd's of the memorial will be sold at some point. jmo
What does a baptism mean, in any religion, other than a "rebirth"? Why a "rebirth" for these people? Hmmm...

I've said enough already; think I may have said too much. Suffice it to say that I don't believe for a second that we will see or hear anything from them other than what we've already heard.

Woo Hoo!

And MOO.

ETA - I sincerely hope that I AM WRONG!
What does one have to do with the other?Except they were on the same day.
If the A's had invited the media to attend the re-baptism, they would have been there in droves. ROFL....or maybe you think there might be a dvd release of it in the future? :eek:

We're all just making assumptions about their motives, and you know what they say about assumptions. Personally I dont think this tidbit is any of our business,but that's just me.

What have we all been doing on this and any other case we follow? We make assumptions based upon the evidence that is revealed to us. How this event is absolved from being a part of the overall picture simply due to religious implications is beyond me. I mean, frankly, none of this is our business, is it? Caylee Anthony is not OUR business, but we have an interest in the case, and in the family and therefore in this also. Just because it is a religious ceremony does not shelter it from scrutiny. Actually, according to the Bible, if it is real and true and good then it will stand up in the fiery furnace and not bow down. If it is, in fact, a conversion, or a rebirth of some kind, spiritually, then that will certainly become evident in the fullness of time. None of us is God, but that sure doesn't stop us from discussing any other aspects of this case, and I do not see how this being a religious action excuses it from discussion?
Sorry but i see this as just another con job , they know how we all see them , this is their clever way to change our minds.I would so love too be wrong, time will tell, I pray god can enbrace them and help them to start telling the REAL TRUTH

I just pray that they did this for personal reasons, and not to just keep the case in the news. I don't know the details, but hope the babtism was done in private, without media, or tabloids. Only then would I think it be of any good. And speaking of which, I can think of someone else who needs some holy water thrown her way.....

What does one have to do with the other?Except they were on the same day.
If the A's had invited the media to attend the re-baptism, they would have been there in droves. ROFL....or maybe you think there might be a dvd release of it in the future? :eek:

We're all just making assumptions about their motives, and you know what they say about assumptions. Personally I dont think this tidbit is any of our business,but that's just me.

I was just thinking, if the television station recorded this auspicious occasion, the A's would have a harder time selling exclusive rights to shows like NG.
Sorry we can't agree on this. I've seen too many of these type of A Family stunts pulled on the public to start believing in the A's now. I see right through them.
I probably shouldn't even post on this issue because I am disgusted with the Anthony's and have been since almost the beginning. This one detail of being re-baptised has not changed my mind about them in the least.

I am not God, so this event does not absolve the harm they have done in the past in my eyes. I have seen the lies and inconsistencies in Cindy's interview and taped statements. Now IF she goes back and corrects these statements, I may change my mind but I doubt it.

In my mind, this was a publicity stunt to try to change public perception and clean up their image before trial. Just didn't work for me.

I T A LaLaw2000; I assume that even BS artists can get to a point where they know this is not working.
This does not mean they can change their spots instantly.
It only means that MAYBE they are embracing a new way.
Perhaps it felt good for that day to start a new chapter, but even in starting a new chapter - I do not believe that change can happen fast enough for this trial. We will know soon enough.
What have we all been doing on this and any other case we follow? We make assumptions based upon the evidence that is revealed to us. How this event is absolved from being a part of the overall picture simply due to religious implications is beyond me. I mean, frankly, none of this is our business, is it? Caylee Anthony is not OUR business, but we have an interest in the case, and in the family and therefore in this also. Just because it is a religious ceremony does not shelter it from scrutiny. Actually, according to the Bible, if it is real and true and good then it will stand up in the fiery furnace and not bow down. If it is, in fact, a conversion, or a rebirth of some kind, spiritually, then that will certainly become evident in the fullness of time. None of us is God, but that sure doesn't stop us from discussing any other aspects of this case, and I do not see how this being a religious action excuses it from discussion?

:blowkiss: GO GIRL GO :woohoo:
What does a baptism mean, in any religion, other than a "rebirth"? Why a "rebirth" for these people? Hmmm...

I've said enough already; think I may have said too much. Suffice it to say that I don't believe for a second that we will see or hear anything from them other than what we've already heard.

Woo Hoo!

And MOO.

ETA - I sincerely hope that I AM WRONG!

A REBIRTH would be a blessed thing for these people but a ceremony does not a REBRITH make. :rolleyes:
It is just a ceremony. Maybe for public opinion ? who knows?
There's a slight irony in the fact that so many being judgmental regarding the rebaptism, are doing so while talking also from a Christian viewpoint. Hmmm.

I agree with a previous poster - there is no 'wrong' day to be baptized. I see this as a commemoration of sorts to Caylee's life.

I find something tragically beautiful in that through spirituality the A's can be free from judgement and condemnation, that their spiritual selves can be 'born again' - they aren't and probably never will be afforded that oppurtunity in the eye of the public.

I feel for them. They are obviously very much acutely aware that Caylee is forever gone in physical presence. So if they can be with her spiritually and in faith and find some sort of comfort, who is anyone to judge that?
I just can't be snarky on this topic with them, especially since the source came from someone in their church, and they didn't announce it or release pictures. So many here on WS want the A's to accept reality, and I'll be a lone optimist on this and hope (pray, even) that this could be a first step into healing. Because there needs to be a lot of healing, mental and spiritual, to face the types of truths about themselves and KC that they need to. (Let alone to face the loss of Caylee). *puts on rose-colored glasses and waits for the tomatoes*
There's a slight irony in the fact that so many being judgmental regarding the rebaptism, are doing so while talking also from a Christian viewpoint. Hmmm.

I agree with a previous poster - there is no 'wrong' day to be baptized. I see this as a commemoration of sorts to Caylee's life.

I find something tragically beautiful in that through spirituality the A's can be free from judgement and condemnation, that their spiritual selves can be 'born again' - they aren't and probably never will be afforded that oppurtunity in the eye of the public.

I feel for them. They are obviously very much acutely aware that Caylee is forever gone in physical presence. So if they can be with her spiritually and in faith and find some sort of comfort, who is anyone to judge that?

It is a common misconception that because there is a verse in the Bible that states Judge not that ye be not judged that Christians are supposed to lack all judgement. This is a huge falsehood and a misuse of the scriptures as they were intended to be used. The latter part of that non-judging verse is always omitted: For with what judgement you judge others by so to will you also be judged. It is actually judge not that ye be not judged meaning if you judge unjustly then you also will be judged unjustly.

I am a firm believer in the harmony of the scriptures and all that that implies, and in my own personal studies I also ran into: Is there none amoung you who may judge righteous judgement? God certainly does not expect us to become vegetative and harbor no opinions once we are saved. He expects us to judge wisely and rightly, and there is not one thing un-christian about that. If I cannot judge anything then how am I to get through this life as a role model to my children? I am forced, as are all, to judge right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral on a moment by moment basis. There is no "sin" in this, and their is not a thing wrong with looking at this rebaptism from an objective viewpoint based upon the available evidence, of which their is plenty.

Christians also are imperfect people, as none is perfect save one-the one who carried the cross. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. None is perfect. "Any man that says he has not sinned is a liar and the truth is not in him".(paraphrased) Many strive unto perfection, however, to date, this is not anything close to what I have seen from the Anthony family. If they are exeriencing a renewal of faith, then that will certainly manifest in their lives. It must for this is foundation of the scripture: A good tree cannot bear bad fruit. That is the truth. Now, we can only wait and see what fruit manifests itself in their actions and in their lives. :cool:
I have stayed away from this topic intentionally, but now feel a nagging need to respond. It is so hard (impossible) for me to feel that the A's are sincere about their new found faith. I can not forget all of the dishonesty, cover ups, but most of all I can not forget their sacrifice of Caylee in order to defend her murderer, and their own need to look like people they are obviously not, no matter the cost. I am all for real faith and religion...key word is real. It remains to be seen if this "baptism" is real, I will be very surprised if it is. Actions speak louder than words especially when professing to be a christian, I'll have to wait and see...I am not holding my breath. I realize the ultimate judge on this is a much higher authority, I am only asserting my opinion.
Quite frankly I could care less if the A's were baptized, sprinkled with Holy water, went to see a Tibetian Monk, rubbed a Buddah's belly, none of it matters to me. The only thing I care about is if they tell the truth about what their participation was, if any, in the murder, cover up of the murder, disposal of the body of their Grand Daughter, Caylee.
Quite frankly I could care less if the A's were baptized, sprinkled with Holy water, went to see a Tibetian Monk, rubbed a Buddah's belly, none of it matters to me. The only thing I care about is if they tell the truth about what their participation was, if any, in the murder, cover up of the murder, disposal of the body of their Grand Daughter, Caylee.
I would say George's testimony concerning his knowledge about what LP and co. were there at his house to do and his lack of knowledge of who paid the $50,000.00 premium, and his lack of co-operation on the stand might just indicate that they do not plan to tell the truth period and the baptizing was only on the skin!:furious:
I was just thinking, if the television station recorded this auspicious occasion, the A's would have a harder time selling exclusive rights to shows like NG.
Sorry we can't agree on this. I've seen too many of these type of A Family stunts pulled on the public to start believing in the A's now. I see right through them.

Lancelot, the only thing that is going to make me believe they had a religious conversion is if they get on the stand and calmly and plainly tell the truth! My Grandma used to say, "Pray to God, yes, but DO row for the shore!!!!" We will see in their actions.
The A's going all "beyond the realm" out, including the religion route with the rebaptism, only makes me more suspicious that KC is holding a big, big secret for them. The "don't worry, I didn't say anything" statement keeps coming back to me.
I don't know - I guess I have a big mouth and different feelings. But it reminded me of speidi (heidii and spencer) getting babtized in the jungle on national television. Then heidi goes out and poses for Playboy. IMHO (and don't bash me please) they could have done it on any other day. Instead of celebrating Caylee's birthday, they put the spotlight on them by being babtized -- once again, negating Caylee's life. Just my opinion.


Maybe the rebaptism was to make them look good and god fearing for the 48 Hours Mystery series that is airing this fall.
Maybe the rebaptism was to make them look good and god fearing for the 48 Hours Mystery series that is airing this fall.

I totally agree it's one of their reasons. Nothing has sickened me more than their rebaptism. Well maybe wearing Caylee's ashes (if that's true). Not that I don't think it's a beautiful thing for people who sincerely choose to walk in Christ. I just know these two aren't anywhere near being good Christians by any stretch of the imagination. Their behavior over the last year+ has proven that to be true. I don't believe any amount of baptism or church attendance can save them from themselves.

I'm sure it's very unChristian-like for me to say this but what the hell, I'm a jew :)
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