The A's..In Denial or Covering Up the Crime?

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The A's..In Denial or Covering up the crime?

  • Denial

    Votes: 91 17.8%
  • Covering up the crime

    Votes: 366 71.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 55 10.7%

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Because he has chosen to save Casey and lie instead of properly grieving the loss of his grandaughter. It is a conflict for the natural process of grief over death and loss. It will create alot of depression and suicidal thought because he is "suspended" in this path he chose, where he cannot move forward in healing himself from the loss.
He is not stuck in the "denial" phase of normal grieving. There are 5 normal stages...shock/denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and acceptance. The A's have added a phase after denial...called "we know she is dead, but we have to save Casey" which really screws them emotionally...they cannot go to the next phases of the healing process. It is on hold for now.
Denial does not last this long. They are clearly past that. These are ANGRY people. They are stuck in that phase. We tend to really dislike them because they are so angry and hostile (and also because they are lying)...They will self-destruct if they don't move on to the next phases of the grieving process. Such as evidenced by George's "suicidal ideations", and Cindy's obvious self over-medicating. The anger is making them more delusional every day. The dam will burst one way or another..They will come to tell the truth and move on, or they will self-destruct.

So well said. It's like they've deliberately chosen to create and exist in a fantasy which makes it impossible to move forward in the real world. Can't be good for their long time prospects, or mental health.
I believe that it is possible that Cindy did find out that KC did not work at Universal that day. It just seems natural that if she went to Universal to get Caylee and the person who was supposed to give her Caylee didn't show up she would try to see KC (since the was supposedly her place of employment) and find out what was going on. Or maybe this was one of the days that KC was supposedly out of town? Anyway, it would make the lines in her myspace post about "no money, no future" would make perfect sense if she had just found out that her daughter was not even employed there.

"no money, no future"...In retrospect, thinking about these words of Cindy, I am convinced that THIS is how she talked to her daughter and the level that she tried to bring her down to...I mean, Casey was ONLY 22 years old...NOTHING, short of murdering your own child, would constitute a mother saying NO MONEY NO FUTURE at the age of 22 UNLESS that was her mindset about Casey from the time she found out she was pregnant and that she was not going to graduate. Maybe not having any money at the age of 22 was to Cindy the end of the road, the end of the line, the end of the rainbow, and maybe just maybe she made Casey aware of this feeling more than she should have...I personally would not have given up on my child at the age of 22, as Cindy's writing so eloquently suggests she HAD. No money no future...If this was her daily attitude to Casey, then it is no wonder that the girl flipped her lid. Not making excuses for her AT ALL, but with a mother continually putting you down and calling attention to your shortcomings, it might lead one down a path emotionally and mentally that leads to places best not visited...Poor Caylee-I think Cindy's words at that point definitely do incicate that she knew and had known for some time that Casey had NO money-no job with future prospects-no future in her mind...
Yep, but I can't figure it out. To me, it's beyond protecting Casey.
I question if she's culpable for something that she can be charged for.

hmmmm... well, i think is has a lot to do with how CA will think what the world will think of her.

in her mind, she will be held responsible for NOT keeping better tabs on her daughters lies which ultimately meant the death of her grandaughter

she is overly concerned as to how she will look to others.

when the fact is, that most people dont care two bits about anyone in that family other than the poor child.

its almost inconceivable to not beleive that something or some harm was going to come to caylee because of the actions of her mother,

the grandparents watched their daughter play with hand grenades with THEIR grandaughter -- well you know what i mean ( i hope )

if they knew she didnt have a job, and they knew she didnt have a babysitter and they knew she was stealing things what the heck was around the corner... they did nothing to protect the baby

So well said. It's like they've deliberately chosen to create and exist in a fantasy which makes it impossible to move forward in the real world. Can't be good for their long time prospects, or mental health.
Thanks. I really see that this is where they are at. It is "normal" to bounce around back and forth in the stages of grieving...but they are definetely past the denial is clear. Because of the "saving Casey mode". they can't even move beyond the anger stage. It is sad and aggravating for all to watch.
Thanks. I really see that this is where they are at. It is "normal" to bounce around back and forth in the stages of grieving...but they are definetely past the denial is clear. Because of the "saving Casey mode". they can't even move beyond the anger stage. It is sad and aggravating for all to watch.

Do you think in the privacy of their home, when no one can hear them, CA and GA keep up the facade to each other that Caylee is alive ?
Do you think in the privacy of their home, when no one can hear them, CA and GA keep up the facade to each other that Caylee is alive ?

My thought is no. But depending upon how fractured The A's relationship was prior to and is is hard to say. They may be like 2 ships passing in the night in the homefront. It is hard to understand, but I think the answer is no. Probably only to the degree that they think the house may be "bugged".
So if that's true, why didn't she aggressively try to find out where Caylee was? If she knew there was no job, and therefore no nanny, and posted that on her MySpace page, wondering who was taking care of her "little angel"....why did she take no action to find Caylee? From at least the 3rd to the 15th....and only on the 15th because of the notice about the car being towed?
See I really don't get that either. If CA loved caylee so much, why she didnt go after her and just take her. There are ways to do it legally, an emergency restraining order for one thing. It can be done, and I really don't think KC would have fought her. She had to know KC had no place to live and no money. So, it makes me think that she is just unbelievably dumb, and was believing all the BS. When LE was interviewing her, she really sounded like she believed those detailed lies. Until Yuri finally said to her, you know none of this is real, don't you? It is like they live in their own alternate universe.
I really believe we have only scratched the surface of their pathology.
Re offing Caylee on the night of June 15, there is a sighting, by GA of both KC, and Caylee alive and well, on the am of June 16. Despite his denial GA has otherwise cooperated on official level w/ LE--yet this would entail his having, from very early on, been complicit or conspired to assist w/ cover-up by determining that this splitting of hairs (over a period of hours) would one day far down the road somehow exhonorate his daughter? And yes I DO remember the cleaning fluid being mentioned as having been found in the trunk along w/ "stinky pizza." Which seemed to me a case of CYB (cover your butt) and I posted then at length re "hinkiness" of GA's LE AND auto detailing expertise. JMO

I have often thought of the day Casey frantically tried to call CA and GA for many hours , to no avail. Has anyone else wondered where Mr. and Mrs. A had gone to be away so long that day? Disposing of something , perhaps ? I am very curious since the trunk was cleaned so well, and the attitudes seemed to change suddenly.
So if that's true, why didn't she aggressively try to find out where Caylee was? If she knew there was no job, and therefore no nanny, and posted that on her MySpace page, wondering who was taking care of her "little angel"....why did she take no action to find Caylee? From at least the 3rd to the 15th....and only on the 15th because of the notice about the car being towed?

FWIW, the 3rd is the day/night that Casey was out with friends, and told them that Lee was looking for her and she had to go. (he had text her and the friends said she appeared upset) Something went down that day, just not sure what.
wonder why he told the public this anyway? For sympathy ?
Maybe this is when the gun was taken out of his car by police. Maybe a family member reported it to protect him from himself. If he was suicidal though he should have been taken for a 24 hour observation shouldnt he ?

Many folks who say they are feeling like attempting suicide are looking for sympathy and not actually serious about the act. Some are feeling guilty for things they have done . Most who threaten to do it, dont do it. Most who dont mention it , just do it. This has been my experience with suicidal patients .
Sooo... now that we know a number of us see this family the same way, the million dollar question: what is the elephant in the room?

Personally, on this case, I see primarily Cindy lying. I see her washing the clothes from the car. I can't see her or George or Lee burying or moving Caylee's little body. That doesn't 'fit' for me.

What fits for me is that whatever is going on with this family goes back way long before this case. I think they have a secret. I think Cindy primarily has a secret. I wouldn't be surprised if George and Lee actually know little about it.

I don't think it's incest of any kind. That doesn't fit for me.

I think perhaps the elephant that Cindy keeps trying to sweep under the rug is that this is not the first time Casey has done something awful. Perhaps when she was very young she hurt an animal or another child.

That is what 'fits' for me, and makes everybody's behavior fall into place.

I have often thought of the day Casey frantically tried to call CA and GA for many hours , to no avail. Has anyone else wondered where Mr. and Mrs. A had gone to be away so long that day? Disposing of something , perhaps ? I am very curious since the trunk was cleaned so well, and the attitudes seemed to change suddenly.

YES! I found it odd that neither parent IIRC picked up or called back for such a lengthy time. I am going by Mark Fuhrmans appearance on Greta, or my faulty memory of it :)

There sure isn't a whole lot of anything to look at in the way of hard truth in regards to the Anthonys is there?

I think seriously that one of the ways I would have to look at this whole thing if I was LE, is to discount ANYTHING they told me...
Why havent the police come straight out and ASKED the Anthonys if they cleaned the car ? Didnt neightbors say they saw them cleaning it ? Why havent the Anthonys come forward on thier own to shout from the rooftops that they did not clean the car ? makes you wonder. Why havent they been charged with obstructing from this if they did it ? cindy flat out told Casey in court there was no evidence. Shes very bold and unafraid of LE .
There were so many questions I WISH the Le would have asked them but it seemed like they were not willing to make the Anthonys mad by asking th8ings they didnt want to aswer. They even let Cindy keep saying casey had been on her way to work etc adn never corrected her that irritated me. No casey wasnt on her way to work cindy BUT WHERE WAS SHE GOING? Thats the question.

I do believe some of those questions will come up at trial. I wish we didnt have to wait so long....Neighbors have said they witnessed GA cleaning the trunk.
The A's I believe are in the ANGER stage at this time . The stages are actually in this order : DENIAL, ANGER , BARGAINING , DEPRESSION , ACCEPTANCE .
It would be interesting to know where Casey went each day and how she could afford the gasoline to get there .
"no money, no future"...In retrospect, thinking about these words of Cindy, I am convinced that THIS is how she talked to her daughter and the level that she tried to bring her down to...I mean, Casey was ONLY 22 years old...NOTHING, short of murdering your own child, would constitute a mother saying NO MONEY NO FUTURE at the age of 22 UNLESS that was her mindset about Casey from the time she found out she was pregnant and that she was not going to graduate. Maybe not having any money at the age of 22 was to Cindy the end of the road, the end of the line, the end of the rainbow, and maybe just maybe she made Casey aware of this feeling more than she should have...I personally would not have given up on my child at the age of 22, as Cindy's writing so eloquently suggests she HAD. No money no future...If this was her daily attitude to Casey, then it is no wonder that the girl flipped her lid. Not making excuses for her AT ALL, but with a mother continually putting you down and calling attention to your shortcomings, it might lead one down a path emotionally and mentally that leads to places best not visited...Poor Caylee-I think Cindy's words at that point definitely do incicate that she knew and had known for some time that Casey had NO money-no job with future prospects-no future in her mind...

This is sort of OT but my oldest daughter is 25. She is bipolar, has an on-again/off-again relationship with her father and me and is the unwed mother of a son who is almost two. She is close to flunking out of school and has problems holding down jobs. I would NEVER criticize her and her efforts towards making a better life. She has her whole life in front of her and at least is trying.

IMO, the Anthonys created this mess when they refused to rein in KC when she was younger. Cindy is not only dealing with supreme denial, she's dealing with a s^!t-load of guilt.
In this extremely interesting video, an interview of Cindy by Greta, from early on (July 21), Cindy says she knew of Z the nanny from the time Casey was pregnant.

I've always found it interesting that Cindy never made any attempt to talk with Z the nanny, at least by phone, if not to meet her, and for the reason you state - her controlling.

As an aside, I like this video because Cindy is especially sleepy/out of it, as well as the early date (close to Casey's arrest).

That is an interesting video to watch without any sound. CA is so messed up. Watch her eyes.
but would Cindy have raised Caylee to be just like Casey is ?
I think alot of how casey turned out is because of Cindy. They never held her accountable for things let her lie and let Cindy control everyone around her.
I am not sure she would have been my choice to raise Caylee although I know she dearly loved her. I dont think Cindy can help herself she has some problems.

I couldnt agree with you more .
Sooo... now that we know a number of us see this family the same way, the million dollar question: what is the elephant in the room?

Personally, on this case, I see primarily Cindy lying. I see her washing the clothes from the car. I can't see her or George or Lee burying or moving Caylee's little body. That doesn't 'fit' for me.

What fits for me is that whatever is going on with this family goes back way long before this case. I think they have a secret. I think Cindy primarily has a secret. I wouldn't be surprised if George and Lee actually know little about it.

I don't think it's incest of any kind. That doesn't fit for me.

I think perhaps the elephant that Cindy keeps trying to sweep under the rug is that this is not the first time Casey has done something awful. Perhaps when she was very young she hurt an animal or another child.

That is what 'fits' for me, and makes everybody's behavior fall into place.


Early on CA made a very strange statement when confronted that Caylee may be dead, she said something like "oh no, NOT AGAIN" - I thought that was VERY strange. I remember asking if anyone knew if there had been a child prior.
Many folks who say they are feeling like attempting suicide are looking for sympathy and not actually serious about the act. Some are feeling guilty for things they have done . Most who threaten to do it, dont do it. Most who dont mention it , just do it. This has been my experience with suicidal patients .

But anyone who does threaten suicide should be evaluated at once because many of them do. That is the purpose of Mobile Crisis Units. George should be evaluated.
Early on CA made a very strange statement when confronted that Caylee may be dead, she said something like "oh no, NOT AGAIN" - I thought that was VERY strange. I remember asking if anyone knew if there had been a child prior.

Wow , you and Bean E have me thinking now, I cant take a lot more of . Perhaps there are even more skeletons in the closet , that would be horrible .
When George was chasing KC, why couldn't he catch her?
I thought cops are trained to catch people in car chases. Odd.
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