The Backyard

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Been reading, so first post on this thread.

I'm amazed by this woman. Garrido couldn't extinguish the light Jaycee had inside of her. She not only survived with her daughters; she was able to control this monster.

Garrido probably told Jaycee repeatedly that he was in love with her and reminded her of what "good care" he was taking of all of them frequently, protecting them from the "bad" world.

He obviously believed that himself, JMO--stating he had "changed." In a way it's fortunate that he had that feeling, because otherwise he probably would have murdered her.
Gotta say,

About 4 years ago, I began posting on another forum concerning the case of a missing young woman. At that time, I suggested that maybe some of these missing women weren't dead, but were in fact being held by some sicko in a hidden place.

The overwhelming response was that my "idea" was ridiculous at best. So, I let it be.

I also suggested, 4 years ago, that a special task force should be implemented to immediately respond to abductions. I even had an acronym for it--but I don't remember.

It was after that when several instances of just such a scenario began to be revealed--such as the case on the east coast where women were kidnapped and held in an underground cell for years on end, etc.

Then we had the case of the underground bunker in a southern state.

Then, Fritzl and his basement prison.

Now Jaycee.

Perhaps now more people will take notice.
I imagine from the way they lived that the cats just lived out there in the yard too.
I do not think the authorities bother stray cats.
I imagine they are still out there.
But I too have thought about who is feeding her cats now....


Gary Bogue: Phillip Garrido: Long-distance concern for a cat's welfare
By Gary Bogue
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 09/04/2009 01:00:00 AM PDT

Hope costs nothing.

— Sidonie Gabrielle Collette

Dear Gary:

I wanted to share with you a phone call my pet hospital received this morning from England.

Apparently the notoriety our fair city of Antioch has achieved in the last week has stretched globally. A repeated photo/video scene shows a cat meowing at the door to the Garrido home.

A young girl in England saw the footage and became extremely concerned about the welfare of the cat. So much so that she browbeat her mother into making inquiries.

The family must have Googled veterinarians in Antioch and found our hospital phone number and this morning they called to check up on the cat. We tried to reassure her that the cat would be well taken care of. We have in fact contacted the sheriff's department and been informed that Contra Costa Animal Control is "addressing the situation."

I was so touched by this family's concern over a cat a continent away that I wanted to share the story.

It's one thing to wonder, but another to place a trans-Atlantic phone call to follow up on the welfare of a cat.

Lori Hageman, DVM

The Ark Pet Hospital,

The visits by authorities, meaning police, fire department, parole officers, are in my mind inexcusable. Knowing the history of this creep, parole officers should be on the look out for anything weird, I mean anything. They either just didn't care or never read his file or? :waitasec: No excuse. If the family files a huge lawsuit, good for them. Maybe some laws will be enacted after all of this. I sure hope so. Only thing good that could come out of this.

As for the neighbors, I don't want to criticize what might be people also up to no good, turning their backs, not wanting to make trouble to the point where they might have to move, making a fuss over what might end up being nothing, maybe they have their own issues. People do not pay attention to others anymore, it's sad but true. Cell phones, internet, blogs, no people contact.

it's a map of the constellations

Tina Dugard said that she was sitting and looking at the stars with one of the girls, and the girl named the constellations.
I can't find her exact quote, but a number of articles mention it.

BBM I put that link on the How will Jaycee heal thread, about her aunts interview.
I agree it jumped at me too and it does look like the constellation map.
I would also like to know things like, was he on any kind of govt aid and what was he using to buy food etc for these kids. Granted they seemed to be living in squalor, but no one noticed him buying trikes, walkers, girls clothing, dolls or noticed that he acquired this stuff in any way. I would not be surprised that we learn he and the girls were on some government assistance and he got away with it. Is his business registered with the city and what do his tax returns look like? What did his parole officer think he was doing for income?

As sad as all of this is, and it is sad, there are probably hundreds if not thousands of people like this guy, slipping through the system (and bleeding California dry in the process) that we will never know about. If I think too much about it, I myself could go crazy.:bang:

It would have been hard for him to draw public assistance on Jaycee and the girls. The girls were born without an offical identity. They wouldn't have had a birth certificate or ssn. Jaycee had them, but had they used them someone might have flagged it and the kidnapping been determined. A birth certificate and ssn would have been needed in order to draw any assistance. So keeping them away from the world the way he did kind of rules this out.

It is possible that PG, NG and his mother did draw some type of assistance or foodstamps. But that would have been just enough for themselves.
There likely would have been home care dollars for P&N G to care for his mother from the state of California. But, you have to realize as well that PG ran a printing business using slave labor - with JC as the design artist, and the girls doing collating and folding duties as soon as they were able, so he didn't have a lot of overhead to contend with.
There likely would have been home care dollars for P&N G to care for his mother from the state of California. But, you have to realize as well that PG ran a printing business using slave labor - with JC as the design artist, and the girls doing collating and folding duties as soon as they were able, so he didn't have a lot of overhead to contend with.

Where did you hear about the girls collating and folding?
it wouldn't surprise me if one or both of the Garrido's were on some sort of SSI. i don't think the printing business was their only income.
It would have been hard for him to draw public assistance on Jaycee and the girls. The girls were born without an offical identity. They wouldn't have had a birth certificate or ssn. Jaycee had them, but had they used them someone might have flagged it and the kidnapping been determined. A birth certificate and ssn would have been needed in order to draw any assistance. So keeping them away from the world the way he did kind of rules this out.

It is possible that PG, NG and his mother did draw some type of assistance or foodstamps. But that would have been just enough for themselves.

My thought is that he wasn't afraid to have them go online, work with outside people and take them to UC Berkeley, then I wouldn't be surprised that they do have SS#s and birth certificates. There are lots of ways around that and unfortunately in California, it happens a lot. Not much monitoring of the system, as we all are now well aware of.
I think this almost deserves a separate thread. What does the community think?

Jaycee's Terror as her Ordeal Began

Immediately before her life changed forever in 1991, Dugard was an 11 year old at a bus stop near her house in South Lake Tahoe, Calif., when she was dragged into a car, allegedly by Philip Garrido and his wife, Nancy.

"Once she was in the car," former San Francisco prosecutor Michael Cardoza told CBS News, "what happened was they pushed her down on the floorboards, threatened her, and then took her straight away to Antioch, Calif.," where the Garridos lived.

Cardoza says police sources tell him it was years before Jaycee was allowed off the Garridos' property. "They put her in the backyard in a tent or one of the outbuildings back there," Cardoza adds. "They left her in the backyard for three-and-a-half years before they let her get out in public."

i think you're right about it's own thread Joe. this corresponds with many theories here that she was held in complete isolation for a long time and also that he only let her out once she had her child that he could hold over her head. this doesn't surprise me, but it's infuriating nonetheless.
My thought is that he wasn't afraid to have them go online, work with outside people and take them to UC Berkeley, then I wouldn't be surprised that they do have SS#s and birth certificates. There are lots of ways around that and unfortunately in California, it happens a lot. Not much monitoring of the system, as we all are now well aware of.

Not in Contra Costa County, they don't. Not under the last name Garrido. Not under the last name Dugard (which would be SHOCKING, if that was attempted by Garrido)
I think this almost deserves a separate thread. What does the community think?

Jaycee's Terror as her Ordeal Began

Immediately before her life changed forever in 1991, Dugard was an 11 year old at a bus stop near her house in South Lake Tahoe, Calif., when she was dragged into a car, allegedly by Philip Garrido and his wife, Nancy.

"Once she was in the car," former San Francisco prosecutor Michael Cardoza told CBS News, "what happened was they pushed her down on the floorboards, threatened her, and then took her straight away to Antioch, Calif.," where the Garridos lived.

Cardoza says police sources tell him it was years before Jaycee was allowed off the Garridos' property. "They put her in the backyard in a tent or one of the outbuildings back there," Cardoza adds. "They left her in the backyard for three-and-a-half years before they let her get out in public."


A jail cell is too good for these people. A jail cell is too posh, too homey. I'm thinking more along the lines of a cage, just like the one in the backyard. That'd be just about right for the moment.
I apologize for jumping in with little information, but I've been reading these posts for days and I have a couple of small things to add.

I live a couple of miles from the Garrido house and not all of the area is like this. Antioch is a nice community but suffers from increasing crime and what appears to be a lack of strong leadership both in LE and politically.

I was disturbed that the mayor went before the media to say that the area Garrida lived in was outside of the Antioch city limits and not the responsibility of the Antioch Police Department. Who cares! Garrido did business in Antioch and it came across insensitive. Lake Tahoe had a parade, Brentwood (neighboring town) honored the Berkeley University Policewoman that helped break the case and all Antioch could do was say it wasn't their fault!

We're a community of mixed heritages and if anyone dares mention someone's race or profiles another they are accused of racism (you may have noticed this from Cheyvonne's main post #208). Perhaps the neighbors were trying to be tolerant and not show discrimination towards someone that was obviously mentally ill. I'm not making any excuses for them not following through - I think we've gone too far trying not to offend anyone.

Some may think this is ridiculous to bring up, but Jaycee obviously loves cats. There were cat books and several cat figurines on her bookshelves. On the news I saw deputies (I believe) taking small pet carriers from the property the day Jaycee was rescued and tried to find out if they contained her cats. It would be sad to think they were taken to animal control and euthanized after all she has been through. I'm sure fellow animal lovers can understand my concern.
Welcome to WS, my2sisters! Thank you for your post.
There were at least 16 visits from parole officers and seven by the fire department.

As recently as June, two months before Dugard was discovered with the Garridos, Contra Costa County firefighters responded to a fire on the property. They doused a car engine that had exploded into flames at the rear of the property, said department spokeswoman Emily Hopkins. They spent two hours there and then left.

They also visited Garrido's property in fall 2007, after a neighbor reported fire coming from the backyard. In addition, they responded twice in 2008 and three times in 2009 to medical emergencies involving Garrido's elderly mother, Patricia Franzen.

Fire department officials weren't sure whether more visits were made to the home, because computerized records date only to 2006.
Un-friggin believable - I just don't understand...:furious:
Where did you hear about the girls collating and folding?

I didn't - but I did know a family in the printing business growing up, and they put their children to work as soon as they were able, after school. Even I helped out on occasion. Comes with the trade.

Since they didn't go to school officially, how much time the children spent in the business was pretty much up to PG.
it wouldn't surprise me if one or both of the Garrido's were on some sort of SSI. i don't think the printing business was their only income.

What Im about to say is horrible and my opinion, but,with all that has happened with Jaycee,I believe that DEMON used her as a prostitute and of course he would have collected the money.
1) Kidnapping?
2) drugs?
3)jail time?
4)raping a child(ren)?
5)false religion?
6)backyard parties(orgies)?
the list probably goes on and on! Why wouldnt a DEMON like that prostitute his victim??And to add to it,in my opinion the list of DEMONS will grow,its beyong tragic.
I hope and pray all the victims recover,but after all this I cant see it,I hope im wrong!
Has any more info come out on whether the Nancy person worked in the last years at all? I can't imagine a small printing business with only a few customers, a goofy religious venture, and an old lady's social security check feeding all those people, paying taxes, and utility bills. Maybe that's why the one girl was reported to have known that nasturtiums are edible.
My thought is that he wasn't afraid to have them go online, work with outside people and take them to UC Berkeley, then I wouldn't be surprised that they do have SS#s and birth certificates. There are lots of ways around that and unfortunately in California, it happens a lot. Not much monitoring of the system, as we all are now well aware of.

Yeah, false ID isn't that hard to come by anywhere. But most people won't use them in like public assistance offices because the employees there are trained in spotting fakes.

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