The Backyard

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How convenient that his good friends the Molinos have a car wrecking business -- to get rid of the evidence. Probably in exchange for business cards.
It does seem really suspicious that this guy goes thru so many cars, 3 or 4 in his yard 3or 4 towed away, who goes thru that many cars. I hope the ones towed can be found but Im guessing that they have been conveniently been disposed of. He might have bought some of the cars from there to. And i dont know if anyone else brought this up but i heard somewhere that the neighbors house that he was taking care of had locks that locked people in,not out. Was that before 1991 anyone know? Wonder what he used the neighbors house for?

As I recall it, this is the neighbor who moved in about three years ago, after the old man went to a nursing home. So before then he was using the house.
I am curious as to when aerial photographs started being taken of properties, like those on the Contra Costa County Assessor's website.

I wonder how far back the photographs go.

When there started being sheds on the Garrido property might tell you something . . . .

I posted these to another thread, but here they are for your reference:

GarridoHouse copy.jpg

This photo is from April 3003, and is at 2 ft resolution:

2003-04 ccc_IIS-GIS-EXT247601856704.png

As you can tell, the quality isn't that good.

Satellite photos only really became prominent commercially after the fall of the Soviet Union, when Russia needed ways to keep their economy going. Even then, most available photos were of facilities and areas of high military or government interest. Before that aerial photos were taken - in many ways these were a lot better, because they were taken from a lot closer a distance and didn't have as much atmospheric distortion.
It does seem really suspicious that this guy goes thru so many cars, 3 or 4 in his yard 3or 4 towed away, who goes thru that many cars. I hope the ones towed can be found but Im guessing that they have been conveniently been disposed of. He might have bought some of the cars from there to. And i dont know if anyone else brought this up but i heard somewhere that the neighbors house that he was taking care of had locks that locked people in,not out. Was that before 1991 anyone know? Wonder what he used the neighbors house for?

You're talking 6-8 cars in about 10 years? Actually that isn't bad. He is probably buying 10-15 year old (or older) cars for $500, running them till they fall apart then they are junk. If they last a year then he isn't doing bad.
Yet he goes to Ms. Molino's business several times per week hauling the little girls along and still has the original abduction car. Yeah right. What was the guy driving when found out and arrested> make and model
Yet he goes to Ms. Molino's business several times per week hauling the little girls along and still has the original abduction car. Yeah right. What was the guy driving when found out and arrested> make and model

That has puzzled me. He junked some cars. But he kept that one. Why? Was it out of fear that someone in some unknown authority position would recognize that a similar car was used in Jaycee's abduction? Was it used in some way? Or was it connected to the fact that he had a successful abduction and that he still had her? Also, didn't they pull two junkers out of there? Did he hold onto the second vehicle for the same reason?
That has puzzled me. He junked some cars. But he kept that one. Why? Was it out of fear that someone in some unknown authority position would recognize that a similar car was used in Jaycee's abduction? Was it used in some way? Or was it connected to the fact that he had a successful abduction and that he still had her? Also, didn't they pull two junkers out of there? Did he hold onto the second vehicle for the same reason?

So far, LE has 5 vehicles impounded.

1. Red VW
2. Yellow Van
3. Rusted Van
4. Gray/Blue Sedan
5. Army Green (?) Old Van (taken out today)
Didn't know where to put this, so I'll just stick it here.

To me, the mattresses in the backyard hellhole are of great interest, if not stomach-turning.

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the photograph of the mattress leaning against the wall with the saw hanging next to it. Like I've written before, that photo says it all.

I also *just* encountered another photo, perhaps you're familiar with it.


It's from the UK Daily Mail: Slightly sleazy article, good photos.

Anyhoo, I'd say that these mattresses are key pieces of evidence . . . in other crimes.

It SEEMS, at least from other published photographs of the sheds and tents, that Jaycee (and her daughters????) slept on sofas with sheets put on them, sort of makeshift beds.

And the mattresses were for???? Hmmmmm.

Hopefully, they're not carting these out, but are considering how to best collect and store possible evidence from the mattresses - - they may be linked to crimes other than those 2 missing girls being considered at the moment!!!
Notice the cat sweater? Jaycee had on a similar cat sweater in one of the photos before her kidnapping.


  • LC6E0130.JPG
    84.8 KB · Views: 39
Notice the cat sweater? Jaycee had on a similar cat sweater in one of the photos before her kidnapping.

Good find. In Jaycee's case, I think the pattern was bigger cats and no lettering (it looks like letters under the cats in the other sweater?). You wonder . . . what's going on.

(Hence my post about the Louis Vuitton pocketbook amongst the rubbish.)

I mean, in the tent, we see clothing, presumably Jaycee's, hung up. There is some semblance of normalcy there.

What the heck is with all the piles of discarded clothing?
Was it ever worn by Jaycee? Or is it from a multitude of victims . . .

In today's press conference (9/17) Lt. Chris Orrey said that they are taking photographic documentation of the clothing . . . which may be related to other cases.

That's a fairly distinctive sweater. You wonder.
Good find. In Jaycee's case, I think the pattern was bigger cats and no lettering (it looks like letters under the cats in the other sweater?). You wonder . . . what's going on.

(Hence my post about the Louis Vuitton pocketbook amongst the rubbish.)

I mean, in the tent, we see clothing, presumably Jaycee's, hung up. There is some semblance of normalcy there.

What the heck is with all the piles of discarded clothing?
Was it ever worn by Jaycee? Or is it from a multitude of victims . . .

In today's press conference (9/17) Lt. Chris Orrey said that they are taking photographic documentation of the clothing . . . which may be related to other cases.

That's a fairly distinctive sweater. You wonder.

It seems odd that PG would buy her a sweater so similar to one in a photograph released to the public right after her abduction. Maybe it was her favorite sweater or maybe, like you, I'm just trying to find something to help make sense out of all the "stuff" - like the purse and stuffed animals.
i think that all of these "things", the stuffed animals, the cat sweater etc. were "gifts" from Garrido to try to force them to act happy or in his own little mind thinking he was making them happy with it..."see guys, i'm not that bad, look at the sweater i got you. i know you like cats. see I KNOW YOU" imo.
I am curious as to when aerial photographs started being taken of properties, like those on the Contra Costa County Assessor's website.

I wonder how far back the photographs go.

When there started being sheds on the Garrido property might tell you something . . . .

Here in southern California, the county tax assessor has been taking aerial photos of property since the mid 1970's at least. They're looking for home improvements like swimming pools or room additions.
Posted: 5:14 pm PDT September 18, 2009
Updated: 7:40 pm PDT September 19, 2009
CONTRA COSTA CO. -- The main search effort was halted for the weekend, but work continued on the Garrido property Saturday as investigators searched for clues into two Bay Area missing persons cases.Using a small earthmover for big pieces, and rakes and barrels for the remaining debris that once filled the backyard of Phillip and Nancy Garrido, investigators continued their work at the Garrido home. The couple are in custody for allegedly kidnapping Jaycee Dugard from near her South Lake Tahoe home in 1991.As of Saturday morning, four days after their work began, one quarter of the one acre search area had yet to be cleared of piles of trash and scrap. more at link:
Don't these look like men's clothing? I wonder if PG was living in this tent???

Don't these look like men's clothing? I wonder if PG was living in this tent???


Good call!! I thought that the striped shirt would probably be HUGE on a woman, but I hadn't thought of the possibility those were men's clothes. I think that the detail at the bottom of the sleeves with the stripes going across doesn't quite look like a man's shirt, but maybe! Women's shirts also have buttons on the left, and that one does, too.

Is that a full-length mirror in between the dresser and the clothes? I hadn't caught that detail before - - and it SEEMS feminine.

But now that you mention it, I am seeing men's workboots below the hanging clothes. I guess I assumed from the heart hanging from the chest and other things that these clothes were hers, but just second-hand, maybe taken from other abductees, and so were different sizes . . . Q: did he have her dress in men's clothes to make her less sexually desirable to men who saw her???
Don't these look like men's clothing? I wonder if PG was living in this tent???


I don't think so. I see a blouse with a flower pattern and another one with blue dots-men wouldn't wear something like that. Even the striped shirt up-front doesn't look like man's shirt to me.

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