The Beginning of the End ???

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Not surprising they wanted him out, but I still think his going after the rich white boys got him a lot of votes. ;)
curious1 said:
Oooh, good point. Durham LE are probably dotting all their I's and crossing all of their T's now due to Nifong. (I sooo want to type my nickname for him, but I would be band, but it's something like Niduck. :angel: )
Hahahahaha! You could also say he's been too busy smoking his NiBONG to take his cases seriously!!!!!
NiBong I like that. :crazy: I can't type my nickname for him, I'd get banned. But it rhymes with NiDuck. :rolleyes:
My friends told me almost a year ago that I had to stop calling him NiFrog. They were afraid when I met him I would slip and call him that to his face. I didn't.
And the problem with that would have been........:cool:
I just wanted to thank you all for being here and sticking through the quiet times, when sometimes I feel like there are only a few of us here.

I know that Janet's case is not some big news story, but like a few other cases, something about Janet and her story and her murder while browsing the forums caught my attention and has held it.

We have a thread here dedicated to Nifong - and was wondering if you all saw page 8 of DISTRICT ATTORNEY ELECTION-Durham Co

It really does lay all the cards on the table, regarding the elections, words from his own campaign manager, lays the "pension" out there and is worth a read.

The beginning of the end thread.....

I hope we are really at the beginning of the end....but, even if an arrest is made in the near future, it will begin a whole new set of questions, ideas and a whole new beginning and trying time for the family & friends.

I just wanted to say again, I'm glad to be here with such caring people who so want Justice for Janet, her unborn baby and her family & friends too.
Let me assure you even if I go days or weeks without looking at this thread or posting it does not mean I don't think about Janet. I will be driving down the road and see a X Cross and think about this case. I pass at least one complex of soccer fields on the way home most days, some times 2 depending on which way I go, and I will think about Janet and this case at least 2 times a week when I pass by them.
curious1 said:
Let me assure you even if I go days or weeks without looking at this thread or posting it does not mean I don't think about Janet. I will be driving down the road and see a X Cross and think about this case. I pass at least one complex of soccer fields on the way home most days, some times 2 depending on which way I go, and I will think about Janet and this case at least 2 times a week when I pass by them.
Me too Curious...Even during my quiet times, when I don't get a chance to come by, or if I just lurk, not a day goes by that I don't think about Janet and her family.

I'm just glad that you all are here and the sleuthers here are so caring.
ITA. I think about her all the time. And unfortunatley him too but not in a good way :( My heart jumped when i saw the beginning of the end thread start! Cant wait till we have one posted "we caught the rat b@st@rd"
I absolutely refuse to let this forum go one week without a comment! C'mon, isn't there SOMETHING happening???

What's going on with the FBI?? I wonder if they've been back to visit Raven? Perhaps reinterviewing people they've interviewed in the past? Is Raven on pins and needles? Has he dyed his hair blonde and stocked up on viagra yet?

Anybody? News? Speculation? Anything?
Everyday I check the news, check this board, and there is no you think they don't have enough yet? If they don't I am afraid this isn't going to ever be solved..I hope we have an arrest before the 2 year mark. JMOO
caffeinatd said:
Everyday I check the news, check this board, and there is no you think they don't have enough yet? If they don't I am afraid this isn't going to ever be solved..I hope we have an arrest before the 2 year mark. JMOO

I honestly don't know if they have enough to convict him or not, who knows what is going on behind the scenes. But, the fact that they traveled to another state to interview him, says they're still working on it. I have faith they'll find a way to nail him. He's not going to get away with it.

Patience is a virtue. We waited 10 years for them to get Perry March, this case isn't going to go away either, IMHO.

Are you listening Raven?


PS.....see, I may not post here often, but I've been watching this case. Just waiting for the right developments to unfold. Raven thinks he's in the clear, but he's WRONG!! ;) .............imo, fran
I've started reading about other cases that have gone unsolved. One of the tactics the police use is to visit and re-interview the suspect after some time has passed--just to shake them up and see if their story has changed or try and dislodge some pertinent info. Could that be what happened here? They wanted to surprise him and try and catch him off guard...but it didn't work? I'd hate to think Raven could be so clever to get away with all of this. He is so dumb (like telling people Janet killed herself and being at the scene within minutes of Janet's TOD) that I can't believe he hasn't been arrested already.

It would be nice to know what is going on behind the scenes, but it is good to know that they are still actively working on the case. They wouldn't have made that trip to Utah otherwise.

It isn't going away, Raven.
Look at all the "fun" I missed while on vacation. The Durham LE AND FBI were out in Utah to interview raven? Very interesting. In the news report it indicated that raven was cooperating...does this mean he didn't have an attorney with him during the interview(s)? I agree with all of you....why now? what happened that was different? Maybe he no longer is represented and now LE could interview him? Just a thought.
IMO Raven Abaroa is a sociopath. My first thoughts when I read he had a meeting with FBI was - he wanted to "look" innocent, that's why he went without an attorney present.

The guy is very pretentious and is influenced by what he thinks he's suppose to be doing, and used this as a "ploy" or a "con" to say, hey look at me, I went on my own, therefore, I'm innocent.

I also know that since he showed up without an attorney, the chances of him "confessing" or saying anything that would implicate him would be slim to none.

Profiles of a sociopath. There's 1000's of books out there on the subject of Sociopaths and they all seem to fit so nicely into the profile. It's predictable.

Sociopaths have no problem talking to Law Enforcement. They will talk until the interviewer hits a nerve and then as cocky and confident as they were when they walked into an interview, they will abrupty end the interview.

Usually the ending of the interview starts out with pretentious righteous "anger" they start exhibiting. When the sociopath realizes they are losing control, and control is a huge factor with sociopaths, and their need and hunger for control outweighs normal thinking, they then revert to going stone cold. End of interview! It's a complete shutdown so they can regain control. They use the end of the interview to assert "control" once again.

Showing up without an attorney for a meeting, actually makes the sociopath feel as though they are in "control" of the situation. Once they start feeling indignant, that's when they back out. Doesn't mean they were close to cracking, it means they cannot carry on the charade any longer and anger surfaces, which is a loss of control, causing them to shut down.

My question is did he take a polygraph? Was he asked to take a polygraph? Did he refuse the polygraph.

I still do not see him taking a polygraph and will lawyer up for that.

I also find it interesting that he has yet to go to North Carolina to to visit law enforcement. I do not see that happening, of his own accord. I do not see him stepping his foot inside North Carolina of his own volition, since the initial interview.

It is my full belief and opinion that Raven Samuel Abora is a Sociopath, he is a control freak, he uses emotions but does not own them. In my opinion, and hopefully it will be proven in a court of law, that Raven Samuel Abaroa murdered his wife and unborn child and Janet, her baby and all her family and friends will receive Justice.
terminatrixator said:
Showing up without an attorney for a meeting, actually makes the sociopath feel as though they are in "control" of the situation. Once they start feeling indignant, that's when they back out. Doesn't mean they were close to cracking, it means they cannot carry on the charade any longer and anger surfaces, which is a loss of control, causing them to shut down.
In my experiences, sociopaths can carry on a charade indefinitely.
JerseyGirl said:
In my experiences, sociopaths can carry on a charade indefinitely.
Ah, sociopaths can carry on a charade of innocence, indefinitely. They do show indignant anger when they feel it is appropriate, that's part of the charade, the problem is "control."

They show emotions, but most are contrived, they can cry on cue, they can show indignation, but if they feel they are losing "control" of the situation, and don't have the upper hand, that's when the shut down would occur.

I think once an arrest is made, and a trial you will all see the fake charissma, tears and anger and the control.

IMO, he will keep the charade going, even if convicted, indefinitely. He's a sociopath.

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