"The Best Mother in the World"

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The only problem, in my opinion, with the accident theory is KC's behavior during the 31 days. If she'd been sitting around moping and acting sad, it would make a little sense. But, partying? To me, that screams premeditation.
The only problem, in my opinion, with the accident theory is KC's behavior during the 31 days. If she'd been sitting around moping and acting sad, it would make a little sense. But, partying? To me, that screams premeditation.
Yup, she acts very similarly to Scott Peterson (although he at least hung out at the Search Centers), but when the cameras were off- he was drinking, partying, golfing...
I would explain it by factoring in how external appearances matter more than anything to the Anthony family. i have no doubt that RG, and others, saw a great performance of maternal love from KC. Unfortunately the heinous charges against her are for deeds that took place when no one else was watching.

ITA---especially the "performance" part --- It is amazing what you can do for your child when others are watching vs. not watching....we always hear about criminals being such good people and the shock over what they just did ---- I think her MOTY award was just that a performance ---- gotta also keep in mind the one who assigned her that title is ca and she was planningon taking away Caylee--and thought her psychotic along with other things I'm sure....I do pity little Caylee --- couldn't have been fun!
I just listened to part of Richard Grund's interview. In it he states that "Caylee was Casey's world" (or something very similar to that). He said Casey's life revolved around Caylee.

THAT was said to a police officer WHILE he was also explaining that he KNEW the Anthony's were trying to frame his son, Jesse! So he has to be telling the truth (that in his opinion KC doted on Caylee and lived her life "around" her) ...(???)

This is another reason why I tend to think the "accident that snowballed" is a possibility. How DO we explain that so many people thought KC was a great mother??

I too just relistened to RG's interview..remember, this was when ICA was a "new" mother. Something happened after she and JG broke off the engagement. After she went back to live full time at the Anthony home, she found "new" friends. According to JG, ICA told him, he loved Caylee more than he loved her. She should have been thrilled that JG was still willing to marry her and be a dad to Caylee, even when the paternity test proved he was not the father..JMHO

I believe she was a doting mother, until the novelty wore off. Caylee was beginning to speak, Caylee was getting alllll the attention, Caylee became the center of CA/GA's world, taking all the attention away from ICA. In her devious mind, Caylee was taking too much of her attention away. CA wanted more from ICA. She wanted her to settle down, be a better parent. Then I think, CA will not give all the details on why she was threatening ICA with her getting custody of Caylee. Much is missing from that aspect. I dont' recall her explaining to anyone why she and George wanted custody of Caylee. A huge piece of the puzzle is missing...JMHO

Then I think about TonyL's statement to her about wanting sons not daughters, not wanting Caylee around his "flop" house environment (which I too believe). I think about how TonyL told LE, she just started shacking up with me...basically moved herself in, playing housewife..I do believe ICA longed for a good homelife, just didn't go about it correctly. She wanted to be loved, feel loved but again, priorities change when a child comes into your life. I don't feel ICA put Caylee's needs before hers...she lost her freedom, mom was refusing to babysit, I feel when CA changed course, ICA saw that as betrayal, for mom told me when I had my baby, everything would be okay!

ICA may have been a doting mother, in the beginning but the novelty of being a mother had worn off...especially after meeting these new friends who had no children, no one to tie them down, they were free to come and go as they pleased but ICA didn't fit into that scene with a baby in tow...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Having survived a mother with narcissistic personality disorder, I can tell you from first hand experience that they are adept at seeming to be the most doting, loving mothers in the world, whenever there is an audience. The mother the child deals with when they are alone can be cruel and sadistic. Sadly, even if Caylee were more verbal, often these mothers are SO good at putting on "the mom of the year" act that thier children often aren't even believed when they tell other adults about abuse.
Having survived a mother with narcissistic personality disorder, I can tell you from first hand experience that they are adept at seeming to be the most doting, loving mothers in the world, whenever there is an audience. The mother the child deals with when they are alone can be cruel and sadistic. Sadly, even if Caylee were more verbal, often these mothers are SO good at putting on "the mom of the year" act that thier children often aren't even believed when they tell other adults about abuse.

Quote Respect SuperChick :)

Yes. ITA and relate with your whole post, I just bolded that part because I agree extra. :blowkiss:
I just listened to part of Richard Grund's interview. In it he states that "Caylee was Casey's world" (or something very similar to that). He said Casey's life revolved around Caylee.

THAT was said to a police officer WHILE he was also explaining that he KNEW the Anthony's were trying to frame his son, Jesse! So he has to be telling the truth (that in his opinion KC doted on Caylee and lived her life "around" her) ...(???)

This is another reason why I tend to think the "accident that snowballed" is a possibility. How DO we explain that so many people thought KC was a great mother??

Psychopaths are very good at acting a role. They have a public persona...........an outward appearance and behavior they're mimicking as they've watched other people behave in the same circumstances.

Ted Bundy is one of the more well-known psychopaths. People who worked with him on a political hot line, never guessed that the man sitting beside them............well dressed, articulate, well-mannered, and good looking was, in fact, a serial killer. He was described by them as a charming young man, and they were shocked when they learned he had killed many young woman. Ted Bundy knew how to behave in a public situation.

How many times have we heard friends and neighbors describe a person as a nice person, friendly, etc., in the wake of that person being arrested for murder? They often say........"I'm shocked - I never would have guessed that he/she was capable of such a horrible crime."
Susan Smith loved her boys and was a good mother too. She was not deemed a sociopath either if I re-call. But she chose a man over those precious children
I just listened to part of Richard Grund's interview. In it he states that "Caylee was Casey's world" (or something very similar to that). He said Casey's life revolved around Caylee.

THAT was said to a police officer WHILE he was also explaining that he KNEW the Anthony's were trying to frame his son, Jesse! So he has to be telling the truth (that in his opinion KC doted on Caylee and lived her life "around" her) ...(???)

This is another reason why I tend to think the "accident that snowballed" is a possibility. How DO we explain that so many people thought KC was a great mother??

KC was/is a sociopath, and so she is a master at personality disguises, taking on the persona of those around her, and that is how she managed to fool so many people. It is only after knowing her a while, finding how she always lied, having her steal from them, did they find out who KC really is.
I just listened to part of Richard Grund's interview. In it he states that "Caylee was Casey's world" (or something very similar to that). He said Casey's life revolved around Caylee.

THAT was said to a police officer WHILE he was also explaining that he KNEW the Anthony's were trying to frame his son, Jesse! So he has to be telling the truth (that in his opinion KC doted on Caylee and lived her life "around" her) ...(???)

This is another reason why I tend to think the "accident that snowballed" is a possibility. How DO we explain that so many people thought KC was a great mother??


IMO he was telling the truth as he knew it. Based on what? His own eyes? What Casey said or how she acted with her daughter when around him?

If Casey is indeed a sociopath (as MANY MANY ws'ers believe) then she is a consumate actress with a cocktail personality. This means she is very skilled at reading what people want her to be and then providing that personality in order to ingratiate herself with others.

The time she was spending with the Grunds was, as usual, more of Casey's manipulations, remember, she was pretending for a while that Jesse was the father. I believe there for a while she was sort of using Jesse's family as a 2nd family to her and using that household as a place to land during a rough time with her own parents.

Ya'll will correct me if I am wrong on that I am sure lol

Anywho, my point is, I don't doubt Mr. Grund is telling the truth as he knows it. I just doubt Casey was ever anything other than the self indulgent spoiled little brat we all know and despise. If she showed a diferent demeanor to the Grunds at one time you can bet your bippy it was for some sort of gain on Casey's part.
well i dont know what the heck jesse's dad is thinking.

granted, i only know her actions AFTER she murdered her daughter. but she doesnt look like a very good actress to me. she was more transparent then susan smith by a mile.

and great 'doting' moms arent usually out partying for a month while there baby is missing. did he miss that news report? how can he still think this about her after all we know now?
well i dont know what the heck jesse's dad is thinking.

granted, i only know her actions AFTER she murdered her daughter. but she doesnt look like a very good actress to me. she was more transparent then susan smith by a mile.

and great 'doting' moms arent usually out partying for a month while there baby is missing. did he miss that news report? how can he still think this about her after all we know now?

I know, it seems so obvious to us. But I am willing to cut him some slack. His statements were made back before we had found Caylee, when there was a lot of finger pointing going back and forth between the Grunds and the A's. I am sure he has a very diferent opinion of Casey's "mothering" now, in hindsight.
well i dont know what the heck jesse's dad is thinking.

granted, i only know her actions AFTER she murdered her daughter. but she doesnt look like a very good actress to me. she was more transparent then susan smith by a mile.

and great 'doting' moms arent usually out partying for a month while there baby is missing. did he miss that news report? how can he still think this about her after all we know now?
no no--he doesn't "still" think she is a great mother--he was reporting (honestly) that KC doted on Caylee (in his presence). He also said in the same interview that he knew that she and the entire Anthony family were trying to frame his son. He is an honest reporter, telling law enforcement all he knew and thought, which included KC's "devotion" to Caylee.
This is the most interesting aspect of the case to me--all the zillions of photos, all the proclamations that Caylee was KC's "life", but how beautiful Caylee wound up in a garbage bag in a swamp!
(To clarify, Grund never "defended" KC whatsoever, he simply stated that KC's world revolved around Caylee--which I find to be so interesting.)
caylee was just a tool to get what she wanted. when she felt she had no need for her and caylee had become a liability, she got rid of her. that's what i feel about this.
Two points I want to make. I've been thinking about all of this " Casey was a good mom"... "Caylee was Casey's world" nonsense and here's what keeps coming to my mind:

Lauren (was it Coppel or Gibbs?) baby sat Caylee for the better part of the first year of Caylee's life (while Casey was at WORK- yeah right). Once that ended, IIRC Jessie and the Grund's took over while Casey was at 'work'.

Right there puts us at about 2 years. I can only imagine that during those two years that in the evenings (AND mornings) Cindy and George pretty much took over the 'mothering' duties of Caylee.

I don't think it had as much to do with Caylee's age but the fact that Casey had pretty much run out of options for other people 'mothering' Caylee for her. Giving her to Cindy was NEVER an option for Casey, IMO.

The second point I want to mention is I believe that with Casey wanting to be married, at the time, and I believe she wanted to be married to Tony (thinking of the "Casey Lazzaro" doodling extravaganza)... Tony (all though not totally serious, and with no knowledge of what his teasing could provoke) talking about not wanting girls... and only wanting boys (close to that) and the stage was set, IMO.

I believe it was the combination of those two things. I don't think the alleged fight the night of June 15th (or June 9th, if there was one then too) was what 'drove' Casey to kill Caylee- the plans were in the works when all the other 'mothering' of Caylee began to fall through. The wanting to end up with Tony set it all in stone for me.

JMO though!

ETA: two other things...no disrespect intended but what else was Casey's life going to revolve around- a child does need 24/7 supervision and care... her fake job? Her made up boyfriends?

Some may ask- why Tony? Here is why I think Tony. Tony was from New York and probably heading back there. Think about what her idea of his life style was- Club promoter... he was going somewhere and that somehere was a place Casey had never dreamed of before with Jessie (the Cop... just like her Dad) and Ricardo the business development guy from a car dealership (just like her Dad)! There were going to be bands, clubs, DJ's and photographers... bars, clubs, drinks, outfits and shot girls. For a young girl, this could be a ticket to the big time, and at the very least, a ticket to a good time- continually. What most people do to wind down on the weekends after a mundane week at work WOULD BE YOUR WORK... would be HER life.

Does anyone remember the night at Fusion that Casey ran up Tony's bar tab and got pretty drunk, according to him. Do ya'all remember what she was saying to him in her drunken stupor? She was going on and on about being a singer... loving to sing... that she had always wanted to be a singer. Tony was cute, edgy and for all intents and purposes they had good sex, got along and liked each others company. She thought she died and went to heaven finding Tony. remember them saying she was designing there Myspace pages (and IIRC doing a good job at it)- this was going to be her life!


Until Cindy came along and ended it all for Casey and Tony.

That is why all she wanted that night on the phone from Jail was Tony's number- that WAS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERED TO HER!
Two points I want to make. I've been thinking about all of this " Casey was a good mom"... "Caylee was Casey's world" nonsense and here's what keeps coming to my mind:

Lauren (was it Coppel or Gibbs?) baby sat Caylee for the better part of the first year of Caylee's life (while Casey was at WORK- yeah right). Once that ended, IIRC Jessie and the Grund's took over while Casey was at 'work'.

Right there puts us at about 2 years. I can only imagine that during those two years that in the evenings (AND mornings) Cindy and George pretty much took over the 'mothering' duties of Caylee.

I don't think it had as much to do with Caylee's age but the fact that Casey had pretty much run out of options for other people 'mothering' Caylee for her. Giving her to Cindy was NEVER an option for Casey, IMO.

The second point I want to mention is I believe that with Casey wanting to be married, at the time, and I believe she wanted to be married to Tony (thinking of the "Casey Lazzaro" doodling extravaganza)... Tony (all though not totally serious, and with no knowledge of what his teasing could provoke) talking about not wanting girls... and only wanting boys (close to that) and the stage was set, IMO.

I believe it was the combination of those two things. I don't think the alleged fight the night of June 15th (or June 9th, if there was one then too) was what 'drove' Casey to kill Caylee- the plans were in the works when all the other 'mothering' of Caylee began to fall through. The wanting to end up with Tony set it all in stone for me.

JMO though!

ETA: two other things...no disrespect intended but what else was Casey's life going to revolve around- a child does need 24/7 supervision and care... her fake job? Her made up boyfriends?

Some may ask- why Tony? Here is why I think Tony. Tony was from New York and probably heading back there. Think about what her idea of his life style was- Club promoter... he was going somewhere and that somehere was a place Casey had never dreamed of before with Jessie (the Cop... just like her Dad) and Ricardo the business development guy from a car dealership (just like her Dad)! There were going to be bands, clubs, DJ's and photographers... bars, clubs, drinks, outfits and shot girls. For a young girl, this could be a ticket to the big time, and at the very least, a ticket to a good time- continually. What most people do to wind down on the weekends after a mundane week at work WOULD BE YOUR WORK... would be HER life.

Does anyone remember the night at Fusion that Casey ran up Tony's bar tab and got pretty drunk, according to him. Do ya'all remember what she was saying to him in her drunken stupor? She was going on and on about being a singer... loving to sing... that she had always wanted to be a singer. Tony was cute, edgy and for all intents and purposes they had good sex, got along and liked each others company. She thought she died and went to heaven finding Tony. remember them saying she was designing there Myspace pages (and IIRC doing a good job at it)- this was going to be her life! WOW

Quote Respect Frigga :)

ITA. I just made a post in the "June 15th Details emerge" thread regarding the same idea. I think Casey told Cindy she was going to bond with Caylee but her plans were to move into Tony's. Casey never wanted Caylee. For a while when Caylee was so small and it gave Casey attention she might not have minded. And, as you said, she had a babysitter and Cindy and George. But, I think that ran thin for Casey and she plotted to get rid of Caylee.

If there was a fight on the 15th, I do not think Casey left in a rage, or huff. I think Cindy and George were told Casey was going to bond with Caylee and that is why Cindy couldn't speak to her for a while. I think Casey was planning on tagging along with Tony to New York, whether he wanted it or not. But Cindy found her first.

(Casey told the tattoo guy that she was going to visit her boyfriend's parents in New York.) I found that link this week but lost it, I will find it again. ETA: The news report says Casey said her boyfriend was in New York visiting his parents not that she(Casey)was going. Sorry I got that wrong. Read it too fast!

Chiquita~ I totally agree.

Great find... I did not know that about the tattoo guy and that Casey had said that to him.

Anything else of interest from her conversation there, at the tattoo parlor?
Some may ask- why Tony? Here is why I think Tony. Tony was from New York and probably heading back there. Think about what her idea of his life style was- Club promoter... he was going somewhere and that somehere was a place Casey had never dreamed of before with Jessie (the Cop... just like her Dad) and Ricardo the business development guy from a car dealership (just like her Dad)! There were going to be bands, clubs, DJ's and photographers... bars, clubs, drinks, outfits and shot girls. For a young girl, this could be a ticket to the big time, and at the very least, a ticket to a good time- continually. What most people do to wind down on the weekends after a mundane week at work WOULD BE YOUR WORK... would be HER life.

Does anyone remember the night at Fusion that Casey ran up Tony's bar tab and got pretty drunk, according to him. Do ya'all remember what she was saying to him in her drunken stupor? She was going on and on about being a singer... loving to sing... that she had always wanted to be a singer. Tony was cute, edgy and for all intents and purposes they had good sex, got along and liked each others company. She thought she died and went to heaven finding Tony. remember them saying she was designing there Myspace pages (and IIRC doing a good job at it)- this was going to be her life!


Until Cindy came along and ended it all for Casey and Tony.

That is why all she wanted that night on the phone from Jail was Tony's number- that WAS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERED TO HER!

Quote Respect Frigga (again) :)

ITA. It's the same post but I too have come to these conclusions. You said it so well. Thanks.

Hello WS :)

Frigga!! Here ya go. I couldn't find it earlier but found it right away, yay!

Also Tuesday, WESH 2 spoke to a man who gave Casey Anthony a tattoo at the same time she claimed to be desperately searching for her missing daughter.

Anthony had come to the tattoo shop a number of times with Caylee because a couple of her long-time school friends worked there, but the last few times, they said, Caylee was never with her.

On July 2, more than two weeks after Caylee was last seen, and two weeks before Cindy Anthony reported the little girl missing, Bobby Lee Williams gave Casey Anthony a tattoo.

Williams said he did not get a sense that Casey Anthony was looking for a child or worried.

For a half hour, Williams told investigators he drew a design on Casey Anthony's shoulder that read, "bella vida" or "beautiful life."

"She was saying something about a boyfriend up in New York, visiting his parents," Williams said.

The day before she was arrested, Casey Anthony showed up back in the shop and when another artist asked about Caylee, she said her child was with the nanny. She made another appointment for July 19, and said she would bring her daughter in.

Williams said he can't believe the woman who seemed so carefree during that tattooing session, now claims she was desperately searching for Caylee during that same time period.


Chiquita, I have always respected your opinions and ideas, so I am glad to know I am not alone and in good company (well, I mean everyone here at WS is good company)... but I hope you understand what I mean.

I really do believe it comes down to this!
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