The camera - is it possible for it to go off on its own?

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I can't speak for anyone else but to me, it just doesn't make logical sense that he would send her that text on 5-26 and 9 days later have a sex romp and nude picture taking party.

I don't look at it as good guy/bad guy (or girl) or any moral aspect at all, it just doesn't seem reasonable that someone who was that angry - not just at one situation but everything about her, I just don't see him jumping in the sack with her, then or any time soon. And I don't think he had any idea she was coming.

Just moo

That is one of the only "angry" texts we saw... there could be more.

I think Travis was just aguy, who liked having sex with Jodi. Jodi thought sex= relationship.

Also, Travis was clean shaven (down there); who else would he do that for? I don't think Mimi.

The phone sex recording was on May 10th... like Jodi said, I guess they were horny toads? :twocents:

Travis knew she was coming imo, but just for sex.
JA is the manipulator and liar, and she's the one who played games. Travis is dead because JA is a sick, twisted monster who decided long before she arrived at his home to slaughter him.

Oh knock it off already! If Travis had have it with her after that phone call, he would had never had let her in his house.

People play games with each other all of the time and that is why many get hurt or killed.

Women are known to play many games with abusive husbands or boyfriends, they get mad and threaten them with leaving etc,,,but they keep on with the relationship for many years..until she is very badly hurt or murdered.
I also believe Travis had no clue Jodi was taking the shower pics, but was very aware on the sexcapade. I see water outside the glass door and the lighting is chit.

Why else who they both be cleanly shaven? For each other. imo.

Well, as a woman I keep that area clean all the time, regardless if I am gonna be intimate with my husband or not. I started that many years ago, I used to be out in the woods a lot so I worried about ticks. So i just prefer it that way. All of that mess is ugly and unsanitary for me.

So I would say maybe they both just liked it clean, regardless if they were with each other or not.
I also believe Travis had no clue Jodi was taking the shower pics, but was very aware on the sexcapade. I see water outside the glass door and the lighting is chit.

Why else who they both be cleanly shaven? For each other. imo.

Does anyone remember during the trial when JM was asking JA about Travis being cleanly shaven, his face, in the shower picture?

I did not get it. Why was he saying look at the his face he is cleanly shaven.

I know Jodi said that he had whiskers when he was down there and it hurt her, during their sex romp, before the shower.

He had plenty of time to shave after the sex and before the shower pics, JM's question was weird, was he insinuating that JA was lying about the oral sex?

It was a weird statement, he did not understand the time span between the sex and shower pictures.

Oh knock it off already! If Travis had have it with her after that phone call, he would had never had let her in his house.

People play games with each other all of the time and that is why many get hurt or killed.

Women are known to play many games with abusive husbands or boyfriends, they get mad and threaten them with leaving etc,,,but they keep on with the relationship for many years..until she is very badly hurt or murdered.


I don't think we know he actually 'let her into the house' that day. There is enough evidence (roommates and at least one other) that he didn't lock his front door and he knew she had the garage code, so it's entirely possible she walked right in and TA being less confrontational (or aware of her explosive temper) may not have requested she leave. Or he may have been asleep.

I have a hard time seeing him letting her in and forgetting all about whatever it was she'd done to elicit such anger from him. And it was timeful, thoughtful anger, he showed it to a friend before sending to her, he gave that text a good deal of consideration. It just strikes the wrong note that he would accept any explanation from her to remove enough of his anger to jump into the sack, that's just not normal behavior, in my thinking.
Does anyone remember during the trial when JM was asking JA about Travis being cleanly shaven, his face, in the shower picture?

I did not get it. Why was he saying look at the his face he is cleanly shaven.

I know Jodi said that he had whiskers when he was down there and it hurt her, during their sex romp, before the shower.

He had plenty of time to shave after the sex and before the shower pics, JM's question was weird, was he insinuating that JA was lying about the oral sex?

It was a weird statement, he did not understand the time span between the sex and shower pictures.

I remember that too, and was confused as well. I had thought I saw the (or 'a') point that JM was making about it but I can't recall what it was now. I'll have to find that part of testimony and see if it refreshes my memory, do you know which day of trial it was?
Attached is a crop from the 5:32:16 'shoulder' pic, I circled in red (and pointed a red arrow to) what I think is the knife handle, the black arrows are pointed to what looks like a small belt buckle. Anyone else see this?


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I don't think we know he actually 'let her into the house' that day. There is enough evidence (roommates and at least one other) that he didn't lock his front door and he knew she had the garage code, so it's entirely possible she walked right in and TA being less confrontational (or aware of her explosive temper) may not have requested she leave. Or he may have been asleep.

I have a hard time seeing him letting her in and forgetting all about whatever it was she'd done to elicit such anger from him. And it was timeful, thoughtful anger, he showed it to a friend before sending to her, he gave that text a good deal of consideration. It just strikes the wrong note that he would accept any explanation from her to remove enough of his anger to jump into the sack, that's just not normal behavior, in my thinking.

Well, it really does not matter how she got in. The point is she was there and they had sex together and Travis was a willing partner.

So I would assume if he was willing to get intimate with her, he was willing to open the door for her.

If he was so mad and had it with her, he would had never been intimate with her regardless of how she entered the home. You mention it was not normal behavior for him to let her in and to have sex with her.

No, it is not mature behavior. He was playing too many games. In my opinion I think every time JA pissed off Travis and he went off on her, he would let her back in his life. So JA just assumed he get over it and which he did.

It happens every day all across America, games are being played and people will be hurt and will die.
Well, it really does not matter how she got in. The point is she was there and they had sex together and Travis was a willing partner.

So I would assume if he was willing to get intimate with her, he was willing to open the door for her.

If he was so mad and had it with her, he would had never been intimate with her regardless of how she entered the home. You mention it was not normal behavior for him to let her in and to have sex with her.

No, it is not mature behavior. He was playing too many games. In my opinion I think every time JA pissed off Travis and he went off on her, he would let her back in his life. So JA just assumed he get over it and which he did.

It happens every day all across America, games are being played and people will be hurt and will die.

Agree. In fact he continued contact and sex with her after she had slashed three sets of tires. I think he felt more in control of the situation when she was in his bed than when she was "long distance" where she tended to panic and begin her stalking behavior.
Read a lot of comments. Is there any one person here that would of continued a relationship if even any one of these things happened, slashed your tires, hid in your house, hacked into your email, bank or face book, hid outside a closed door while you were having a private conversation. NO ONE is that good in bed. I mean that person would be yesterdays news to me and I'm as serious as a heart attack. It wasn't a relationship, it was an addiction and the end is not justified, but very very sad and inhuman to say the least. Believe 100% TA was trying to let go, of his sex toy, but men have a weak point. IMO If this is improper, please remove, not sure.
In the very last picture (5:33:32) I enlarged and swapped the colors to try to see what was in the upper left corner background, that whitish thing has always bothered me. I compared it to other pics and think it matches up with the right hand bedroom lamp. I put a pic of it taken while the CSI were there for comparison, what do you think?

I also think she may have put the camera around her neck when this pic was taken, from the baseboard angle I don't think it could be on the floor, and the things in the upper left that look like the edges of two screws is also visible in one of the shower pics (5:24:56), it may have something to do with a strap or something above the lens of the camera, at any rate.


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I enlarged that crop further and am fairly certain it is that lamp, a good question is - if it's 5:33 in the afternoon in Mesa, why is the room dark enough to tell that lamp is on and shining against the wood divider in front of that window?
Think I got a pretty good clarification on the last (5:33:32) picture, I swapped the colors and then made a negative of it to lighten the dark areas better.

It looks like she's picking up and pulling his feet (with the soles of his feet facing upwards). You can make out the shape of a couple of her fingers/nails and his toes/toenails), the rest is still rather blurry because of her and the camera's movements.


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Agree. In fact he continued contact and sex with her after she had slashed three sets of tires. I think he felt more in control of the situation when she was in his bed than when she was "long distance" where she tended to panic and begin her stalking behavior.

re bold!

Three sets of tires?? Oh my gosh - I didn't realize it was three sets??!!! Really?? :waitasec:
Attached is a crop from the 5:32:16 'shoulder' pic, I circled in red (and pointed a red arrow to) what I think is the knife handle, the black arrows are pointed to what looks like a small belt buckle. Anyone else see this?

I think that is where is shoulder ends and his arm begins. I don't see a knife. JMO.
I think that is where is shoulder ends and his arm begins. I don't see a knife. JMO.

Yes, it is where his shoulder ends but because the camera has a two second focus period and there was so much movement going on, the subjects as well as the bumped camera, that there's more in each of the pics than you see at first glance.

As near as I can tell from my latest look-see, that pic (5:32:16) shows him on the floor with her stabbing his back on the left and him rolling onto his back on the right (what looks like the foot is blood pouring our of the recent back wounds).

I got a screenshot of the witness stand monitor with that pic showing (day 20) and you can see some of the less-blurry images better than earlier pics. I've been playing with swapping colors and making negatives of the images to better see them, but still it's tough determining exactly and with surety what is occurring. I'm still trying though.
Agree. In fact he continued contact and sex with her after she had slashed three sets of tires. I think he felt more in control of the situation when she was in his bed than when she was "long distance" where she tended to panic and begin her stalking behavior.

One set of slashed tires belonged to Lisa Andrews. I never heard that she reported it. So three sets of slashed tires...and neither party pursues it with LE. Strange, IMO I don't think that JA sent Lisa that "Daughter of God" email either. IMO...Rumor...I heard...that Lisa had broken up with a guy who had been in trouble with the law. There is a possibility that he did the slashing and sent the email. The way the letter was worded sounds like a self-rightous Mormon man to me. I don't think that JA would have picked up on the Mormon speak so quickly. Anyway...forensics could have shown where that email was sent from but it was not brought up in court.


Beth Karas tweet:
One set of slashed tires belonged to Lisa Andrews. I never heard that she reported it. So three sets of slashed tires...and neither party pursues it with LE. Strange, IMO I don't think that JA sent Lisa that "Daughter of God" email either. IMO...Rumor...I heard...that Lisa had broken up with a guy who had been in trouble with the law. There is a possibility that he did the slashing and sent the email. The way the letter was worded sounds like a self-rightous Mormon man to me. I don't think that JA would have picked up on the Mormon speak so quickly. Anyway...forensics could have shown where that email was sent from but it was not brought up in court.


Beth Karas tweet:

If I recall correctly, Travis did call the police and an officer returned his call and left a vm and Travis never called back. Perhaps because a certain "someone" had access to his vm and erased the message?

And Jodi did indeed have a lot of the "Mormon-speak" down and I completely believe she is the one who sent that letter to Lisa. It fits Jodi's stalking behavior to a T. Remember how she cornered and confronted that other woman in the bathroom to make sure she understood Travis was Jodi's? Yes, Jodi absolutely could have sent that letter to Lisa.
Anyone want to sleuth reflections in this pic (5:30:30)? On the shower floor you can see bright spots seeming to track from the right to the left, the overhead light is on and there's the flash from the camera but the brightest area (look on the floor below his bent knee) looks like reflections of metal, like a shiny screw or something that size. I expected anything metal to be the camera but I didn't think anything on the camera was that shiny, could be wrong though.

I started looking for JA's reflection but because there's also movement in this pic (the camera is moving or falling and they are moving) there may be superimposed images (look at his thigh, looks like a pattern on it and the color is off). You need a regular computer monitor or laptop to see the pics well, I'd think an iphone or similar wouldn't allow you to see enough detail so boot up (or boot someone off it) if you have one. lol


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