The case for murder

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Lash... I've had the same thought of why that room. The only thing that comes to mind is that someone did it there to make a big scene in the courtyard. I don't know if that was to make sure Adam found the body or because they knew helicopters would be flying overhead, it would be very public.

I can't see any reason Rebecca was in that room either. It does not make sense to me that she showered in that room at all. Not sure I think she went to use the computer either.

I wish they had analyzed the dirt on her feet. I do not think it was the dust on the balcony. The other options are ground or potted plant as far as I can see.
It is not my personal belief the paintbrush was used as a garrote. However I do think many items could be used and not leave a trace on the brush. For example, fishing line. It also depends on how closely SDSO inspected the brush without the suicide bias.

We're talking specifically about a garrote used to strangle a woman to death. From my understanding of a garrote, if in fact a paintbrush was used, the paintbrush would have been twisted AROUND AND AROUND the rope in order to tighten the rope around Rebecca's thin, slender neck. This would mean the rope would physically have scraped against the paintbrush over and over and over again. Even friction alone between the rope and the paintbrush would cause scraping indentations on both the paintbrush and rope, and particularly so when the twisting motion is REPEATED OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. SO I don't get how you're saying the indentations would NOT show up on the paintbrush OR the rope? That's just plain physics -- ACTION-REACTION.

I also think if a fishing line was used against the paintbrush, the indentations would even be MORE evident because the fishing line is THIN and the thinner a rope is, the MORE it cuts into the wooden part of a paintbrush.
Lash... I've had the same thought of why that room. The only thing that comes to mind is that someone did it there to make a big scene in the courtyard. I don't know if that was to make sure Adam found the body or because they knew helicopters would be flying overhead, it would be very public.

I can't see any reason Rebecca was in that room either. It does not make sense to me that she showered in that room at all. Not sure I think she went to use the computer either.

I wish they had analyzed the dirt on her feet. I do not think it was the dust on the balcony. The other options are ground or potted plant as far as I can see.

Maybe Rebecca showered right when she got home some time between 8:00-8:30pm instead of later? She may have went to use the computer and instead ended up on the phone with her sisters. I do think that particular balcony was used for someone to find Rebecca. The MB balcony wouldn't have been seen so quickly. I also tend to believe at some point RZ was forced to the staircase where Maxie had his accident.
We're talking specifically about a garrote used to strangle a woman to death. From my understanding of a garrote, if in fact a paintbrush was used, the paintbrush would have been twisted AROUND AND AROUND the rope in order to tighten the rope around Rebecca's thin, slender neck. This would mean the rope would physically have scraped against the paintbrush over and over and over again. Even friction alone between the rope and the paintbrush would cause scraping indentations on both the paintbrush and rope, and particularly so when the twisting motion is REPEATED OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. SO I don't get how you're saying the indentations would NOT show up on the paintbrush OR the rope? That's just plain physics -- ACTION-REACTION.

I also think if a fishing line was used against the paintbrush, the indentations would even be MORE evident because the fishing line is THIN and the thinner a rope is, the MORE it cuts into the wooden part of a paintbrush.

You're probably right. I would expect either a plastic or wood brush would leave some type of indentation. I was not thinking about the friction from the applied pressure.
I had wondered if the dirt on her feet could be from the potted plant in the foyer. I still think it is possible she was hung in the foyer and moved or, as you say, maybe taken there first. Everything in the computer room could have been staged. And, assuming she was hung from that balcony, then it makes some sense the perps tied the rope inside (provided them cover while figuring it out the rope tying and such).

I can't remember all that was said about the shower, but I think I remember they didn't check any bathrooms for DNA (or other) evidence? I don't t hink she showered in the computer room.
Maybe Rebecca showered right when she got home some time between 8:00-8:30pm instead of later? She may have went to use the computer and instead ended up on the phone with her sisters. I do think that particular balcony was used for someone to find Rebecca. The MB balcony wouldn't have been seen so quickly. I also tend to believe at some point RZ was forced to the staircase where Maxie had his accident.

One reason I really have to wonder if Rebecca was in the computer room before the perps showed up is that Nina makes a point of saying she saw the light on and she walked back there ...
Maybe Rebecca was in the computer room with the light on. The person who had seen the light assumed RZ was awake and just ignoring her text message. Perturbed they decided to let themselves in and question Rebecca face to face.

I also had the same thought about the plant and dirt. I wonder too about a sprinkler system causing the ground to be wet. Water and sand together create caked mud.
It just struck me just now: if AS was directly involved in RZ's death, I wonder if and how much racism was involved, considering the nudity/binding/etc and AS is from Tennessee and AS's Caucasian nephew was fatally injured while RZ a Asian woman was babysitting him...

I think such murder was not only about vengeance, but also racism. IMO, they should investigate if AS had/have been a racist, or having such tendency. Among all the defendants, AS seems to be the most questionable one in this field.
^^^ I disagree. I think Dina Romano is the bigot.

It's bad enough DR was discarded for a much younger and more beautiful woman, the younger and more beautiful woman is also Asian. Couple all that with Maxie bonding with Becky, I imagine Dina Romano was/is consumed by hatred and jealousy. And then when Maxie's tragic accident...well that just pushed DR over the edge.

All my opinion of course.
It just struck me just now: if AS was directly involved in RZ's death, I wonder if and how much racism was involved, considering the nudity/binding/etc and AS is from Tennessee and AS's Caucasian nephew was fatally injured while RZ a Asian woman was babysitting him...

I think such murder was not only about vengeance, but also racism. IMO, they should investigate if AS had/have been a racist, or having such tendency. Among all the defendants, AS seems to be the most questionable one in this field.

BBM. Why only investigate AS for being racist? If racism is suspected as a component of the wrongful death, then investigate all three named respondents/ defendants, IMO.

There have been plenty of racist hate remarks made about Rebecca at several sites on the web. I personally don’t think a single one of them was made by AS. My impression of him, based on his public comments and behavior, is that he is a very odd person, but I have never sensed a single bit of racism from him in his comments or behavior.

What I do find most peculiar about the hate language that has been out there is the mocking and nasty comments about RZ’s eye make up, in the same posts and sentences that have overtly racist hate speech. I have never heard a male spout racist hate about the way an Asian woman chooses to wear makeup, or spout hate about how an Asian woman is too petite, or too attractive. Women, IMO, are more likely to make these kinds of comments about other women, which reflect their own personal insecurities and jealousy. For this reason, I believe all of the hate language that has been spewed about Rebecca to be comments made by females. Females can be very “catty”.

I think it's also interesting to note that hate speech is a federal crime, and those comments are preserved on the web. If those hateful comments are pursued by authorities as a result of discovery in the civil suit, charges could be filed. IMO.

Oh-- added thought. Dina Shacknai has a definite connection/ affiliation to one of the sites where the most racist hate language about Rebecca has been posted. She provided the site to her ME expert, Judy Melinek, who said so, and used information from that site in her "expert" report she prepared for Dina, at Dina's request and expense. So, if I had to offer which of the 3 respondents were most likely to have demonstrated racist hate toward Rebecca, before AND after her death, I'd have to go with Dina Shacknai. She has a provable connection to a site filled with racist hate comments about Rebecca, specifically. And that isn't protected by "free speech". Particularly when that person is named as a defendant in a civil wrongful death suit. I do hope the feds might be interested in pursuing the case as a hate crime. That would be interesting, IMO.
Very well written KZ. And, to connect tot hat one could see the Housemaid movie and/or the search for rape/anime/Asian/bondage as an exhibit of such hate. It counteracts the Asian Princess notions that we know someone must have hated because of the mention, I believe in Boy Interrupted, that Rebecca told Dina she was from Burmese royalty.

Dina found out that Zahau had moved into Jonah’s Paradise Valley home sometime in 2010. “Obviously I wanted to meet this woman who was helping care for my child. So I went to Max and asked if it was OK if I met her. And he was thrilled about the idea.” Rebecca and Dina met at a Scottsdale Starbucks in September 2010. It was an amicable but odd encounter, remembers Dina: “She told me her name was Rebecca Zahau. She said she was very close to her family, very family-oriented, and that they were descended from Burmese royalty, which was interesting. She showed me pictures ...“As I later discovered, she had not used the name Zahau in this country,” Dina says.of several family members.
I didn't mention anything about cars in my post to yours. So not sure why you're directing these Q's about who used what car to me.

How do you know Nina stayed at the hospital the whole night? Was she captured on the hospital/RMH videos?

I never disputed anyone used Jonah's car.

I have no idea what's on JS' car keys? Perhaps when one of the defendants get on the stand they can address that, if that Q is asked by Zahau lawyer.

Geez asked me previously how I thought RZ died and I gave you my answer. As far the borrowing of JS car...simply a question that's all.

I didn't say NINA stayed at hospital all night The car keys may have had house keys on them and that may have been the motivation to borrow JS car.I'm puzzled looking for answers like everyone else.....this certainly wasn't an attack on you.
Maybe Rebecca was in the computer room with the light on. The person who had seen the light assumed RZ was awake and just ignoring her text message. Perturbed they decided to let themselves in and question Rebecca face to face.

I also had the same thought about the plant and dirt. I wonder too about a sprinkler system causing the ground to be wet. Water and sand together create caked mud.

I ruled RZ being in that room at 10:00-10:05pm where NR said she saw the light on because all the news articles from SDSO never mentioned her computer on at that time plus AS never mentioned the light being on and with his lights off in the guest house and where his bed was located....didn't someone a few weeks ago mention the light would come right into his room?
I ruled RZ being in that room at 10:00-10:05pm where NR said she saw the light on because all the news articles from SDSO never mentioned her computer on at that time plus AS never mentioned the light being on and with his lights off in the guest house and where his bed was located....didn't someone a few weeks ago mention the light would come right into his room?

Theoretically, Rebecca didn't use the computer while she was in the guest room. I suggested she may have intended to use the computer and was interrupted by text/calls from her sisters. Just throwing out ideas. I can see Rebecca sitting on the bed talking on her phone or looking at messages. As far as AS seeing a light on, it is feasible he was asleep and knocked out from his Ambien, at least at this point in the timeline. I don't see when my neighbors lights turn off or on while I'm sleeping. In my opinion, Rebecca was wearing the blue shirt as a night shirt. I think it was a convenient gag. I have a hard time seeing a perp pick out a shirt to use as a gag. I believe RZ was either assaulted in the MB after she threw on the tshirt or assaulted in the guest room and the shirt was the first thing used to first keep her quiet when she yelled for help. Just my opinion.
^^^ I disagree. I think Dina Romano is the bigot.

It's bad enough DR was discarded for a much younger and more beautiful woman, the younger and more beautiful woman is also Asian. Couple all that with Maxie bonding with Becky, I imagine Dina Romano was/is consumed by hatred and jealousy. And then when Maxie's tragic accident...well that just pushed DR over the edge.

All my opinion of course.

Just had to add...Dina is the ONLY defendant named in the suit that has publicly ridiculed Rebecca. Dina went way out there and publicly accused a deceased woman and a minor teen of murder. Dina has thrown around Rebecca's shoplifting incident. Then we have all of the incredibly ridiculous accusations about RZ that have come from a site Dina is in some form affiliated since her expert, Dr. Melinek, was directed to this site for her report. Jiu Jitsu, food Nazi, money hungry and even went so slow to comment on a minors weight. There is a difference in keeping to yourself what you believe happened and announcing it through media. Just ask the Zahau's. I am certain the Zahau's have their opinions of who they feel is responsible, yet they NEVER named anyone though Media until recently when filing the civil suit. Even with the attention the suit has received they still have remained respectful. Dina could take a lesson from the Zahua's. Irresponsible and cruel is how Dina has been acting and in my opinion she is very aware of what she has been doing.
Just had to add...Dina is the ONLY defendant named in the suit that has publicly ridiculed Rebecca. Dina went way out there and publicly accused a deceased woman and a minor child of murder. Dina has thrown around Rebecca's shoplifting incident. There is a difference in keeping to yourself what you believe happened and announcing it through media. Just ask the Zahau's. I am certain the Zahau's have their opinions of who they feel is responsible, yet they NEVER named anyone though Media until recently when filing the civil suit. Even with the attention the suit has received they still have remained respectful. Dina could take a lesson from the Zahua's. Irresponsible and cruel is how Dina has been acting and in my opinion she is very aware of what she has been doing.

There is no end to the variety and number of invectives Dina has heaped upon Rebecca and also her minor sister. Bad form. It smacks of desperation and defensiveness.
I Hv always felt this was a hate crime. And yes totally racial.
Bourne to recap. Post #1834 - you asked me. What do you think is Rebecca's cause of death.......

Post #1840.....I said of them was there all night - you responded by saying - how did I know Dina was there all night....

I hope this ends this misunderstanding and we continue to search for answers and learn from each other.

Hi Serpico, I asked you in 2-3 prior posts what your thought was re: the murder of Rebecca because you said you disagreed (to other posters) that Rebecca was hung and disbelieved Adam's story. Then you brought up the garrote, so I responded to the garrote part. But you didn't reply about the garrote. Instead you launched into an interrogation towards what *I* thought of the cars driven that night by Dina and Nina, and what were on the carkeys of Jonah.

Anyhow, no worries. I realize it was all a misunderstanding. I have a tendency to write in CAPS for emphasis, not because I'm excited. My hubby read my posts last night and he said it might have come off as my being excited by posters who don't know me IRL.

And feel free to ask Q's since we're -- well, most of us except the hateful Dina's clique-- are searching for the truth (and justice) for both Rebecca and Max. In the future though, can you respond to the content of what I write before you launch into other questions so I can know where you stand with regards to prior subjects before new ones?
Dear BOURNE, Thanks for encouraging all of us to keep asking Questions. .."And feel free to ask Q's since we're -- well, most of us except the hateful Dina's clique-- are searching for the truth (and justice) for both Rebecca and Max."
I know firsthand how very strange the "structure" (for lack of a better word) of SDSO has been, and continues to operate. Once a "senior member" has made a decision on a suspect, it IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO GET ANYONE TO LISTEN TO REASON...or open the investigation to other possibilities/suspects! It is as if they think you are insulting them if you ask them to think about other possible scenarios.:banghead::banghead: You can plead, give them evidence, ask them to listen to reason, tell them what the actions of a prudent person would do etc, etc, etc....and it is just like trying to talk to zombies!! Families have no choice but to hire their own detectives and investigative team, at their own costs! It is like a waking nightmare being played out over, and over again. I refuse to stop asking questions until the families receive a proper, full and complete investigation that examines ALL POSSIBILITIES....not a predetermined scenario of suicide. Once "suicide" was decided, it solved most of the problems for SDSO. Everything, absolutely everything that would point to another scenario was dismissed, diminished or discarded!! Even worse, they attempt to thwart, ridicule, ignore, patronize and embarrass the families for seeking justice. (This is more than deja is how SDSO continues their dysfunction.) Thankfully, there were/are some kind and caring individuals "outside the cult of SDSO" who know how to circumvent their control. Hmm....such as the Federal courts? As hard as I have been on DS/NR... I still cautioned, "letters" to Big G and his team wasn't going to get her anywhere. It saddens me, because I don't think she has received the full truth, either.
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