The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18 # 2

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Quoting myself and talking to myself here too- but after reading again if Lockheed Martin was looking to sell Access Graphics- this may be why JR's buddy MB advised him to lawyer up so quickly! Ahhh...after all these years, seeing some pieces of the puzzle seat together is rather satisfying.

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Maybe the business meeting he "couldn't miss" on the day JBR was killed was related to this?
Could not force myself to do it. Too creepy to witness watching that on TV. He is completely unrelated to the case IMHO. Why bother with a twisted story with no real value.

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John Mark Carr will not be getting any of my attention.. ever
As for Burke's "girlfriend", what do you expect? After PR died he needed someone to wipe his poo-poo tushie.
I didn't know the brother was smearing feces all over the house at the age of 9.

And no one whipped his behind?

He was definitely off his rocker. And now I think he killed her as well. Jmo.
In liberal, laid-back Boulder, that wouldn't have gone over well....people are pretty territorial and to do that for appearances' sake would have been way over the top. Patsy's appearance was way over the top in every way - Boulder is more like a mountain town and people are very casual and not into appearances or money for its own sake....She had her admirers but it seems many of them were also transplants. Not the Whites - I don't know what they really saw in the Ramseys other than their kids were close to the same ages.

Some say PR made it well-known in Boulder that she had arrived to honor them with her presence and the presence of her successful husband whose business occupied the largest building in town overlooking JonBenet's Presbyterian preschool. It's a block on the opposite side of the street to Pasta Jay's which continues to be a thriving business.

"In 1994, the Whites moved from Newport Beach to Boulder, knowing hardly a soul there. But two doors down from their house on University Hill was another recently transplanted family, with two kids close to the same ages as theirs.

"John and Patsy stapled themselves to us," Fleet recalls. [....]

Fleet and John became sailing buddies."
God, I wish I could find it to quote it, but someone had part of an interview transcript where JR is asked (about something else) and he's hung up about the autopsy…asking whether it said JB died from head blow or from strangulation. The poster said it was compelling because JR may have been distraught about accidentally killing JB during what he thought was post-mortem staging. I thought that was an interesting take, but I'm still a little torn because I simultaneously have doubts about BR making the garrote along with having a hard time believing JR or PR strangled JB, even if they believed they were doing a post-mortem staging. Perhaps BR did it all and JR was shaken up because he desperately wanted to believe that what actually killed JB was something accidental. Even though you would think JR would have to mentally acknowledge that BR is severely messed up for strangling his sister (regardless of whether it contributed to JB's death or whether he did it afterwards), maybe he put that thought on the back burner and he wanted to be told that the thing that actually killed JB was something accidental, a blow to the head.
Realy? But they even kiss!

That kiss looks so painful for him! It doesn't look real. Let's be honest with ourselves, money can buy a lot of things. Including a girlfriend and even a wife! Has anyone heard her speak out in his defense?? I mean if she loved him she damn sure would defend him. JMOO. She is beautiful though.

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Burke and kissing or whatever he does with women or men is something I really don't wanna imagine or think about. This thread looks like a NE page.:facepalm:
Regarding Grapefruit sized poops...(gross). I would think he (or someone) rolled it in a ball ...played with it? Who could defecate something that big? Especially a kid?
That's what I was thinking too. Disgusting. He had to have balled it up and couldn't have done it in the tub. I mean a grapefruit sized one? He had to be saving that one up. *gags*
That's what I was thinking too. Disgusting. He had to have balled it up and couldn't have done it in the tub. I mean a grapefruit sized one? He had to be saving that one up. *gags*

Sorry I don't recall, this was something mentioned by LHP? Cause if so, I have doubts about it. She is an attention seeker and exaggerates a lot! IMO of course
Lots of good points. And NOW we have to add into the timeline that Burke was up and walking around after everyone was in bed, as he told Dr. Phil. For how long? Half an hour, an hour? Why didn't he run into the intruder? Wouldn't that give you a chill, to know that as a child you were up walking around a dark house with your little sister's murderer prowling around? But Burke doesn't seem bothered a bit, of course. I mean, this alone is huge. I can't believe Lin Wood was all over the networks in 2010 saying Burke wasn't going to be reinterviewed by investigators because he has nothing new to add. Um, I think investigators should definitely be asking him questions about this since he never mentioned it before! Oh, and then there's the flashlight which he says JR used to put him to bed! How did that end up downstairs in the same room as the pineapple Burke "maybe" ate? It's clear investigators should have plenty to ask him, I hope they try again.
The killer was strolling around. He even fixed some of JonBenet's favorite snacks. When she went to eat a few bites with her fingers, he hit her over the head. He lured her with food. Then possibly dragged her downstairs to finish her off. He was up for a reason. It was not to play with a toy either, unless you are like a spider spinning its web.and making a trap. I think a lot of things went down during the days leading up to her death. Maybe she threatened him by telling him she was going to tell about his possible sexual abuse? Maybe he didn't get the toys he wanted but JonBenet did. Maybe he was just seething with anger and jealousy. What struck me as VERY odd is BR couldn't remember the toy he went down to play with. That would be etched in my memory because there wouldn't be a day that went by that I didn't wonder if the intruder was watching me that night. Him being so nonchalant in his interviews tells me he knew he had no reason to be scared. He knew exactly who killed her. I think the people who think her killer served her the pineapple was so correct, only it wasn't an intruder. Also the fact that it was NEVER asked (still damn well shocked Dr. Phil didn't ask him) how long he was downstairs and what and where did he go during this time. I think our answer lies there. I also doubt VERY seriously that his lawyer wasn't there. Hell they interviewed him!
Ok here's a good question for everyone right now.
For me it would be first Burke. Questions I would ask him: Did you get all the toys you wanted? Did you find your hidden knife or did mommy give it back to you? How many times have you caused a severe injury to JonBenet? Do you wish she had never been born? Have you ever been molested? Did you feel lonely around others? Did you notice the broken window in the months before JonBenet's death? Did you see her body before the cops came? Were you involved in her death?
Now I am fully aware this would never happen mind you.... I'm just curious! :)
Decided to post the quote (it was harder to find than I thought :) ): There's much more at the link

"The people running the investigation had long ago decided against filing charges in the case," the Whites wrote. "Their motivation for presenting the case to a grand jury has little or nothing to do with obtaining new evidence, grilling 'reluctant' witnesses or returning an indictment, and everything to do with sealing away facts, circumstances and evidence gathered in the investigation in a grand jury transcript.

Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter, who'd been involved in drafting the new law and was also on a team of district attorneys advising Hunter, denied that the legislation had been written with the Ramsey case in mind. But there was little question that a grand-jury investigation had been repeatedly delayed by backstage maneuvers, as well as a series of much-ballyhooed summits of experts and formal presentations of evidence -- what the Whites described as "well-publicized but clumsy attempts by the district attorney and police leadership to look busy."

What laws were they attempting to pass? When did the age requirement for prosecution change also?
The killer was strolling around. He even fixed some of JonBenet's favorite snacks. When she went to eat a few bites with her fingers, he hit her over the head. He lured her with food. The possibly drug her downstairs to finish her off. He was up for a reason. It was not to play with a toy either, unless you are like a spider spinning its web.and making a trap. I think a lot of things went down during the days leading up to her death. Maybe she threatened him by telling him she was going to tell about his possible sexual abuse? Maybe he didn't get the toys he wanted but JonBenet did. Maybe he was just seething with angry and jealousy. What struck me as VERY odd is BR couldn't remember the toy he went down to play with. That would be etched in my memory because there wouldn't be a day that went by that I didn't wonder if the intruder was watching me that night. Him being so nonchalant in his interviews tells me he knew he had no reason to be scared. He knew exactly who killed her. I think the people who think her killer served her the pineapple was so correct, only it wasn't an intruder. Also the fact that it was NEVER asked (still damn well shocked Dr. Phil didn't ask him) how long he was downstairs and what and where did he go during this time. I think our answer lies there. I also doubt VERY seriously that his lawyer wasn't there. Hell they interviewed him!
Ok here's a good question for everyone right now.
For me it would be first Burke. Questions I would ask him: Did you get all the toys you wanted? Did you find your hidden knife or did mommy give it back to you? How many times have you caused a severe injury to JonBenet? Do you wish she had never been born? Have you ever been molested? Did you feel lonely around others? Did you notice the broken window in the months before JonBenet's death? Did you see her body before the cops came? Were you involved in her death?
Now I am fully aware this would never happen mind you.... I'm just curious! :)

S. Garnett: When will you correct all the mistakes done by AH and ML??

JR: How many times did you go to the basement that morning and what did you do down there?

PR: Who did you want to protect by writing that stupid note, a sick child or an abusive father?

And one for all the "experts" out there who worked on the case: The main concern for the killer and /or the accomplice/accomplices was the blood on JB's thighs. She was wiped off, redressed and the bloody cloth is missing. Why are you always ignoring the main issue. Abuse and crime, there is no coincidence. Even the GJ thought so.
Agree- This gives AH the perpetual excuse of saying to Clemente he could not discuss the case due to the secrecy of the GJ. I call bull and hope by the 20 year in Dec. all of the pages of that document are sued for and released to the public! We are not the only ones interested in justice for this beautiful innocent angel taken well before her time. May you continue to Rest In Peace JBR while we raise he// for you here in Earth to let the truth of what happened to you come to light.

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Did anyone watch the 3 part Show on ID? The last episode they had a recent interview with John Mark Karr.... I don't even know what to say. If he was as crazy in 2006 as he clearly is now how could they take him seriously at all as a suspect? Lacy should have been tarred and feathered on that one. Please watch if you haven't. It physical made me uncomfortable watching.
I totally agree Ashley! He's a total creep.
That perv JMK is weirder than ever. That hair looks dyed. I thought it was really strange and funny how he kept swearing! He was acting tough...
:laughing:He damn sure was trying to come across as a badass. And also like her KNEW a lot of information. lol Who the heck is he supposedly protecting???
I didn't know the brother was smearing feces all over the house at the age of 9.

And no one whipped his behind?

He was definitely off his rocker. And now I think he killed her as well. Jmo.
P.S I love your name and signature! One of my favorite shows!!
Sorry I don't recall, this was something mentioned by LHP? Cause if so, I have doubts about it. She is an attention seeker and exaggerates a lot! IMO of course
it was supposed to read " He couldn't have done this in one go." Not the tub. And yes the housekeeper said this. IIRC the other housekeeper stated similar circumstances.
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