The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18 # 2

DNA Solves
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Sancho, Bring The Car…for soon we're going to collectively have the net worth of an almost peso millionaire and we can drive all the way back to Puerto Vallarta and live there like, well maybe not quite like kings…umm…well I guess you'd say more like the level between normal people and kings. But much much closer to normal people. For, you know, about 18 months. Two years, tops.
Hence, Victory!
P.S. Can I have some $$ in twenties just in case for any small car repairs or lunches on our way down there?
Oh ***** I left the kid in the house.
Hahahaha😂 y'all are cracking me up!

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I don't know when the law shielding an infant under 10 was developed, but the statute referenced in Westwood pertained to Grand Jury law.

Previously the law allowed for a Grand Jury which did not return an indictment to issue a report. But in the old statute the rules/guidance for development of a report usually inhibited the creation and issuance of such reports. Several lawyers, four of them had been consultants to DA AH on this case, lobbied the legislature for a change or refinement of this GJ statute.

The statute reads - In any case in which a Grand Jury does not return an indictment, the grand jury may prepare or ask to be prepared a report of its findings if the Grand Jury determines that preparation and release of a report would be in the public interest.

What was of concern to FW and PW is that in the event there was no indictment, a report could be issued and then suppressed. For example, DA AH could claim to a judge that such a report was not in public interest to release. A release of a report must not “prejudice the fair consideration of a criminal matter.”

Further, the Ws had concerns that the tool of a suppressed GJ report would be utilized by the DA to give an 'exoneration' to the Rs. Ironic, though, that DA ML found a way around this to provide such an 'exoneration' through tDNA.
Thank you so much for your reply! Very insightful!

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Hey all, first post in a long time. I posted on a case back in 2014 (Brogan Dulle, local kid) but then could not find my login... so here I am again. I have been enoying exploring this forum with the anniversary and a renewed interest. It happened when I was a freshman in college and I didn't really know much past what was floating around the news.

Since I didn't get my activation for a week or two, I missed posting this when it was being discussed and now I cannot find it in this thread. So sorry for the delayed comment. Anyway, Social Workers do not necessarily need to go through clinical social work to be therapists, although that would be the most ideal to be a LICSW. To practice independently they can have a MSW and a LISW (Licensed Independent Social Worker).
Welcome back!!!

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Just a side note not relating to the murder. I read that the White's were so intimidated by the wealth surrounding the Ramsey's that they left and refused to stay where the Ramey's had placed them for the funeral. That made me curious at just how snobby are these folks, OMG I found the Ramsey's neighborhood in Atlana and found videos of the homes next door and on the same street. It's like nothing I have ever seen before. Houses so big you would get lost in them, take a look:

Who the heck let these people into my house to film?!?!😂
I wish! Omg. That house was stunning! Does anyone even live there!?

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Who the heck let these people into my house to film?!?!��
I wish! Omg. That house was stunning! Does anyone even live there!?

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I dont think I would like a house that big, too much hassle but the one thing I noticed missing from the Ramsey's kids life was pets, I didnt see one cat or a dog not even aparakeet, why ?
I dont think I would like a house that big, too much hassle but the one thing I noticed missing from the Ramsey's kids life was pets, I didnt see one cat or a dog not even aparakeet, why ?

Because parakeets cause accidents.


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Who the heck let these people into my house to film?!?!😂
I wish! Omg. That house was stunning! Does anyone even live there!?

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That insane. I bet half the rooms are not even used. Very interesting about the White's though
I dont think I would like a house that big, too much hassle but the one thing I noticed missing from the Ramsey's kids life was pets, I didnt see one cat or a dog not even aparakeet, why ?

JonBenet had a dog named Jacques. The story goes that one day the housekeeper noticed that the Ramsey dog wasn't Jacques, but a different dog. Patsy told her shh Jacques had a liver problem and this is the replacement, nobody knows.

So there was Jacques1, and Jacques2 replacement!

Here's the interview about the dog:

PETER BOYLES: Jacque the dog, again, JonBenet's dog, but the dog was given to the people across the street. A lot of people have talked about where was the dog that night. The dog had been given to the neighbors because the neighbors quote, liked the dog and so the dog lived there. What can you tell us about the dog?

LINDA WILCOX: Well, first of all, Patsy didn't want a dog. And, she didn't want JonBenet to have a dog. This particular dog didn't get the potty training thing down very well, he tended to leave puddles. He was pretty much relegated to the wood floor at the bottom of the spiral staircase and out the side door off the patio. However, they had, John told Patsy to get JonBenet a dog. It was John's decision to get a dog and Patsy chose a Bichon. She got it from a pet store, and I came there one day, his name was Jacques, a little guy, cute little furball. Well, one day the dog went to the vet and came back. But the dog that went to the vet was smaller than the dog that left. I had said something to Patsy, the next week I walked in and I asked Patsy what happened to Jacques. She's like, "What?" And I said, this isn't Jacques. And she's like, SHHHH, don't tell anyone, no one else knows. Turns out the first dog had something wrong like some kind of liver disease or something and it was dying. It was a bad dog, so she called the pet store and made a switch before anyone knew.
One more thing...I think the first summer, the summer of '94, they took the dog with them to Michigan. See Patsy took care of the dog, John took no responsibility for it whatsoever. He tolerated it at best. And, if it got anything of his, heaven forbid. I don't know this, but I think they got rid of the dog because when they were in Michigan, they were busy with pageants. They were doing other things and there was no one to look after the dog. I think they gave it to the neighbors when they left for the summer because they didn't want to hassle with the dog.
JonBenet had a dog named Jacques. The story goes that one day the housekeeper noticed that the Ramsey dog wasn't Jacques, but a different dog. Patsy told her shh Jacques had a liver problem and this is the replacement, nobody knows.

So there was Jacques1, and Jacques2 replacement!

OMG wonder who did the dog in ? Burke maybe? wow and this may explain why they gave up on pets
JonBenet had a dog named Jacques. The story goes that one day the housekeeper noticed that the Ramsey dog wasn't Jacques, but a different dog. Patsy told her shh Jacques had a liver problem and this is the replacement, nobody knows.

So there was Jacques1, and Jacques2 replacement!

So which one is which?


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OMG wonder who did the dog in ? Burke maybe? wow and this may explain why they gave up on pets

It certainly makes me wonder if it was Jacques2 that went to live at the neighbors - and it would explain why.

(I found the interview about the dog and edited my original comment above to include it, in case you missed that.)
Just a thought…if the kidnappers really were Mexicans wouldn't they say "Use that good Northern common sense of yours." ?
Omg Bill, I am catching up on this thread and your comments about this small foreign faction of peso near-millionaires (million-ain'ts?) are cracking me up. I laughed for three solid minutes at that SBTC post!
And now this post has me thinking: doesn't this dovetail nicely with the new "revelation" from the (recently thoroughly discredited) DNA "expert" that the mystery speck of unknown dna long touted as "Caucasian" by Ramsey supporters is in fact "Hispanic"? Maybe Loopy Lou was on to something after all...

Wait, no, it's still stupid and they're both still quacks.
omg bill, i am catching up on this thread and your comments about this small foreign faction of peso near-millionaires (million-ain'ts?) are cracking me up. I laughed for three solid minutes at that sbtc post!
And now this post has me thinking: Doesn't this dovetail nicely with the new "revelation" from the (recently thoroughly discredited) dna "expert" that the mystery speck of unknown dna long touted as "caucasian" by ramsey supporters is in fact "hispanic"? Maybe loopy lou was on to something after all...

Wait, no, it's still stupid and they're both still quacks.

Omg Bill, I am catching up on this thread and your comments about this small foreign faction of peso near-millionaires (million-ain'ts?) are cracking me up. I laughed for three solid minutes at that SBTC post!
And now this post has me thinking: doesn't this dovetail nicely with the new "revelation" from the (recently thoroughly discredited) DNA "expert" that the mystery speck of unknown dna long touted as "Caucasian" by Ramsey supporters is in fact "Hispanic"? Maybe Loopy Lou was on to something after all...

Wait, no, it's still stupid and they're both still quacks.

The DNA match is in and it's………………….Juan-Benito Ramsillo. I wonder who that is...
Has anyone else noticed Patsy appeared to have a moustache in some of her pics? Women with moustaches may have a testosterone problem, not always but sometimes and along with that is aggression, high sex drive, tendency towards violence... hummm just wondering... I spend alot of time wondering about this case

I have noticed this OFTEN! It's always boggled my mind bc as a beauty queen and someone whose very life centered on outward appearance I would think she'd be buying hair remover or facial bleach by the industrial sized drum.

Can steroids like prednisone cause an increase in facial hair? Just wondering ( and apparently I'm too lazy to google). Maybe some medications she was taking for the cancer?

Still doesn't explain how you look in a mirror and not notice that.

Sorry I sound snarky. It's just my loathing showing through.

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I noticed the mustache too and wondered why a woman so concerned with appearances wouldn't take care of that problem. It's easily waxed or shaved, even if she had to shave it daily or use a hair removal cream.

She was probably in early menopause brought on by her surgery for ovarian cancer. The lack of estrogen can cause extra facial hair or fuzz.

I need to read ahead before I post. Lol

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JonBenet had a dog named Jacques. The story goes that one day the housekeeper noticed that the Ramsey dog wasn't Jacques, but a different dog. Patsy told her shh Jacques had a liver problem and this is the replacement, nobody knows.

So there was Jacques1, and Jacques2 replacement!

Here's the interview about the dog:

PETER BOYLES: Jacque the dog, again, JonBenet's dog, but the dog was given to the people across the street. A lot of people have talked about where was the dog that night. The dog had been given to the neighbors because the neighbors quote, liked the dog and so the dog lived there. What can you tell us about the dog?

LINDA WILCOX: Well, first of all, Patsy didn't want a dog. And, she didn't want JonBenet to have a dog. This particular dog didn't get the potty training thing down very well, he tended to leave puddles. He was pretty much relegated to the wood floor at the bottom of the spiral staircase and out the side door off the patio. However, they had, John told Patsy to get JonBenet a dog. It was John's decision to get a dog and Patsy chose a Bichon. She got it from a pet store, and I came there one day, his name was Jacques, a little guy, cute little furball. Well, one day the dog went to the vet and came back. But the dog that went to the vet was smaller than the dog that left. I had said something to Patsy, the next week I walked in and I asked Patsy what happened to Jacques. She's like, "What?" And I said, this isn't Jacques. And she's like, SHHHH, don't tell anyone, no one else knows. Turns out the first dog had something wrong like some kind of liver disease or something and it was dying. It was a bad dog, so she called the pet store and made a switch before anyone knew.
One more thing...I think the first summer, the summer of '94, they took the dog with them to Michigan. See Patsy took care of the dog, John took no responsibility for it whatsoever. He tolerated it at best. And, if it got anything of his, heaven forbid. I don't know this, but I think they got rid of the dog because when they were in Michigan, they were busy with pageants. They were doing other things and there was no one to look after the dog. I think they gave it to the neighbors when they left for the summer because they didn't want to hassle with the dog.

Thanks for posting this.


'This particular dog didn't get the potty training thing down very well, he tended to leave puddles.'

'It was a bad dog'

Hmmm, who else didn't do too well with the potty training..?

im watching the " Her Father Speaks " baloney, this new DNA they claim is the killer since it was found on the leggins and panties. Well, why is it not on the ransom note? The pineapple bowl? the blanket, the rope and so on and so forth. If there really was a killer it would be everywhere, is this not the truth? So why obsess over 3 spots of unknown DNA?

Who paid for this show anyway?
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